You can also find my publication list on Google Scholar, Research Gate and ORCID
Kuiken, T., R. E. T. Vanstreels, A. Banyard, L. Begeman, A. Breed, M. Dewar, R. Fijn, P. P. Serafini, M. Uhart, M. Wille 2025. Emergence, spread, and impact of high pathogenicity avian influenza H5 in wild birds and mammals of South America and Antarctica, October 2022 to March 2024. EcoEvoRxiv. doi:
Waller, S. J., J. R. Wierenga, L. Heremia, J. A. Darnley, I. de Vries, J. Dubrulle, Z. Robinson, A. Miller, C. N Niebuhr, D. Melville, R. Schuckard, P. F. Battley, M. Wille, R. Cole, K. McInnes, D. Winter, J. L. Geoghegan. 2024. Avian influenza virus surveillance across New Zealand and its subantarctic islands detects H1N9 in migratory shorebirds, but not HPAI H5N1. bioRxix. doi:
Wallace, M. A., M. Wille, J. L. Geoghegan, R. M. Imrie, E. C. Holmes, X. A Harrison, B. Longdon. 2024. Making sense of the virome in light of evolution and ecology. ecoevoRxiv. doi:
Gibb, R., S. J. Ryan, D. Pigott, M. del Pilar Fernandez, R. L. Muylaert, G. F. Albery, D. J . Becker, J. K. Blackburn, H. Caceres-Escobar, M. Celone, E. A. Eskew, H. K. Frank, B. A. Han, E. N. Hulland, K. E. Jones, R. Katz, A. Kucharski, D. Limmathurotsakul, C. A. Lippi, J. Longbottom, J. Fernando Martinez, J. P. Messina, E. I. Nsoesie, D. W. Redding, D. Romero-Alvarez, B. V. Schmidt, S. N. Seifert, A. Sinchi, C. H. Trisos, M. Wille, C. J. Carlson. 2024. The anthropogenic fingerprint on emerging infectious diseases. medRxiv. doi:
Wille, M., R. E. T. Vanstreels, M. Uhart, S. Reid, M. Dewar, A. C. Banyard. 2024. Reply to León et al (2024): Interpretation and Use of In-Field Diagnostics for High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza (HPAI) in Antarctica – A Cautionary Tale. Preprints 2024041498. doi:
Ross, T. A., J. Zhang, M. Wille, A. G. Asimakopoulos, V. L. Jaspers, M. Klaassen. 2023. Interplay between pollution and avian influenza virus infection risk in shorebirds and waterfowl. EcoHealth. Accepted.
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRxiv. bioRxiv. doi:
Chang, W.-S., E. Harvey, J. Mahar, J. L. Geoghegan, C. Firth, M. Shi, E. Simon-Loriere, M. Wille. 2024. Improving the reporting of metagenomic virome-scale data. Communications Biology. 7:1687. doi: [link]
Brand, A.-F., C. A. Waugh, J. M. O. Fernandes, M. Klaassen, M. Wille, V. L. B. Jaspers, R. Andreassen. 2024. Circulating miRNAome of avian influenza infected Ruddy Turnstones (Arenaria interpres). Journal of Avian Biology. Accepted.
Dewar, M., A. Alcami, M. Wille. 2024. Updated Biological Risk Assessment and Recommendations for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Antarctica. SCAR Bulletin. [link]
Wille, M., M. L. Dewar, F. Claes, P. Thielen, E. A. Karlsson. 2024. A call to innovate Antarctic avian influenza surveillance. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. doi: [link]
Deng, Y.-M., M. Wille, C. Dapat, R. Xie, O. Lay, H. Peck, A. J. Daley, V. Dhanasakeran, I. G. Barr. 2024. Influenza A(H5N1) clade in a returned traveller from India, detected in Australia in 2024. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 31:135-138. [link]
Wille, M., V. Grillo, S. Ban de Gouvea Pedroso, N. D. Brohier, I. Broz, C. Burgoyne, A. Crawley, K. Davies, M. Ford, J. Grimsey, N. Y. H. Kung, J. M. Luczo, C. Matereke, P. T. Mee, P. Mileto, M. J. Neave, M. Poon, V. Stevens, G. Weerasinghe, S. Zufan, I. G. Barr, M. Klaassen, A. C. Breed, F. Y. K. Wong. 2024. Novel incursion of low pathogenicity avian influenza H5 into Australia, 2023. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 30:2620-2624. [OA, link]
Wille, M., M. Klaassen. 2024. Bird flu has been all over the news, what does this mean for us? VWSG Bulletin; Journal of the Victorian Wader Study Group. 47: 76-78. [link]
Parry, R., S. Lytras, M. Petrone, M. Wille, A. Crits-Christoph, R. Gifford, A. Saito, T. Smura, T. Peacock. 2024. No evidence that mutations in SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern derive from homologous fragments in gut microbiota. Journal of Virology. doi: [OA, link]
Wille, M. & I. G. Barr. 2024. The current situation with H5N1 avian influenza and the risk to humans. Internal Medicine Journal. doi: [OA, link]
Do, T. H. T., M. Wille, A. K. Wheatley, M. Koutsakos. 2024. Triton-X 100-treated virus-based ELLA demonstrates discordant antigenic evolution of influenza B virus haemagglutinin and neuraminidase. Journal of Virology. 98. doi: [OA, link]
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRxiv. doi:
Wille, M., I. Broz, T. Cherrington, A. Crawley, B. Farrugia, M. Ford, M. Frost, J. Grimsey, P. D. Kirkland, S. Latimore, S. E. Lynch, C. Matereke, P. T. Mee, M. J. Neave, M. O’Dea, A. J. Read, K O’Riley, V. Steven, S. Tharaparan, S. Zufan, S. Ban de Gouvea Pedroso, V. Grillo, A. Breed, I. G. Barr, E. C. Holmes, M. Klaassen, F. Y. Wong. 2024. Contrasting dynamics of two incursions of low pathogenicity avian influenza virus into Australia. Virus Evolution. veae076, [OA, link]
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRxiv. doi:
Lisovski, S., A. Günther, M. Dewar , D. Ainley, F. Aldunate, R. Arce, G. Ballard, S. Bauer, J. Belliure, A. C. Banyard, T. Boulinier, A. Bennison, C. Braun, C. Cary, P. Catry, A. Clessin, M. Connan, E. Correia , A. Cox, J. Cristina, M. Elrod, J. Emerit, I. Ferreiro, Z. Fowler, A. Gamble, J. P. Granadeiro, J. Hurtado, D. Jongsomjit, C. Lesage, M. Lejeune, A. Kuepfer, A. Lescroë, A. Li, I. R. McDonald, J. Menéndez-Blázquez, V. Morandini, G. Moratorio, T. Militão, P. Moreno, P. Perbolianachis, J. Pennycook, M. Raslan, S. M. Reid, R. Richards-Babbage, A. E. Schmidt, M. M. Sander, L. Smyth, A. Soutullo, A. Stanworth, L. Streith, J. Tornos, A. Varsani, U. Herzschuh, M. Beer, M. Wille. 2024. Unexpected delayed incursion of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 (clade into the Antarctic region. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses. 18: e70010. doi: [OA, link]
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRxiv doi:
Islam, A., M. Wille, M. Z. Rahman, A. F. Porter, M. E. Hossain, M. M. Hassan, T. Shirin, J. H. Epstein, M. Klaassen. 2024. Phylodynamics of high pathogenicity avian influenza virus in Bangladesh identifying domestic ducks as the amplifying host reservoir. Emerging Microbes and Infections. 13: 2399268. doi: [OA, link]
Mahar, J. E., M. Wille, E. Harvey, C. C. Mortiz, E. C. Holmes. 2024. The diverse liver viromes of Australian geckos and skinks are dominated by hepaciviruses and picornaviruses and reflect host taxonomy and habitat. Virus Evolution, 10, veae044, doi: [OA, link]
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRxiv doi:
Edler, P., L.S.U. Schwab, M. Aban, M. Wille, N. Spirason, Y.-M. Deng, M. A. Carlock, T. Ross, J. A. Juno, S. Rockman, A. K. Wheatley, S. J. Kent, I. Barr, D. J. Price, M. Koutsakos. 2024. Immune imprinting in early life shapes cross-reactivity to influenza B virus haemagglutinin. Nature Microbiology. 9, 2073–2083 [OA, link]
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRxiv. doi:
Wille, M., R. Atkinson, I. G. Barr, C. Burgoyne, A. L. Bond, D. Boyle, M. Christie, M. Dewar, T. Douglas, T. Fitzwater, C. Hassell, R. Jessop, H. Klaassen, J. L. Lavers, K. K.-S. Leung, J. Ringma, D. R. Sutherland, M. Klaassen. 2024. Long distance avian migrants fail to bring HPAI H5N1 into Australia for a second year in a row. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses. 18: e13281. [OA, link]
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRxiv. doi:
Charon, J., I. Olendraite, M. Forgia, L. C. Chong, L. S. Hillary, S. Roux, A. Kupczok, H. J. Debat, S. Sakaguchi, R. Tahzima, S. Nakagawa, A. Babaian, A. Abroi, N. Bejerman, K. B. Mansour, K. Brown, A. Butkovic, A. Cervera, F. Charriat, G. Chen, Y. Chiba, L. De Coninck, T. Demina, G. Dominguez Huerta, J. Dubrulle, S. Gutiérrez, E. Harvey, F. R. J. Mallika, D. Karapliafis, S. J. Lim, S. K. Manjari, J. C.O. Mifsud, Y. Nishimura, A. S. Ortiz-Baez, M. Raco, R. Rivero, S. Sadiq, S. Saghaei, S. E. James, H. M. Shaikh, E. T. Sieradzki, M. B. Sullivan, Y. Sun, M. Wille, Y. Wolf, N. Zrelovs, U. Neri. 2024. Consensus statement from the first RdRp Summit: advancing RNA virus discovery at scale across communities. Frontiers in Virology. doi: [OA, link]
Wille, M. 2024. Ecology and Evolution of Avian Influenza. In “Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases, 3rd edition. Eds M. Tibayrenc. 863-989 pages. doi: [link]
Siegers, J. Y., M. Wille, S. Yann, S. Tok, S. Sin, S. Chea, A. Porco, S. Sours, V. Chim, S. Chea, K. Chhel, S. Tum, S. San, P. Thielen, V. Dhanasekaran, E. A. Karlsson. 2023. Detection and Phylogenetic Analysis of Contemporary H14N2 Avian Influenza A Virus in Domestic Ducks in Southeast Asia (Cambodia). Emerging Microbes and Infections. doi: [OA, link]
Banyard, A. L. Begeman, J. Black, A. Breed, M. Dewar, R. Fijn, T. Kuiken, P. P. Serafini, M. Uhart, R. E. T. VanStreels, M. Wille. 2023. Continued expansion of high pathogenicity avian influenza H5 in wildlife in South America
and incursion into the Antarctic region. OFFLU statement on HPAI H5 in wildlife in South America. [OA, link]
Dewar, M. L., M. Wille, A. Gamble, R. Vanstreels, T. Bouliner, A. Smith, A. Varsani, N. Ratcliffe, J. Black, A. Lynnes, A. Barbosa, T. Hart. 2022. The risk of highly pathogenic avian influenza in the Southern Ocean: a practical guide for operators and scientists interacting with wildlife. Antarctic Science. doi: [OA, link]
– This article was initially a preprint on EcoEvoRxiv Preprints.
Serafini, P.P., R.E.T Vanstreels, M. Uhart, M. Dewar, M. Wille, L. Roberts, J. Black, G. Jiménez-Uzcátegui, H. Baker, S. Michael, B. Gartrell, A. Gamble, J. Younger, V. Lopez, T. Work. 2023. Guidelines for working with albatrosses and petrels during the high pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 panzootic. [link]
Breed, A., M. Dewar, L. Dodyk, T. Kuiken, R. Matus, P. P. Serafini, M. Uhart, R. E. T. VanStreels, M. Wille. 2023. Southward expansion of high pathogenicity avian influenza H5 in wildlife in South America: estimated impact on wildlife populations, and risk of incursion into Antarctica. OFFLU statement on HPAI H5 in wildlife in South America. [OA, link]
Ross, T. A., J. Zhang, M. Wille, T. M. Ciesielski, A. G. Asimakopoulos, P. Lemesle, T. G. Skaalvik, R. Atkinson, R. Jessop, Victorian Wader Study Group, V. L. Jaspers, M. Klaassen. 2023. Assessment of contaminants, health and survival of migratory shorebirds in natural versus artificial wetlands – the potential of wastewater treatment plants as alternative habitats. Science of the Total Environment. doi: [link]
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRxiv. doi:
Xie, R., K. M. Edwards, M. Wille, X. Wei, S.-S. Wong, M. Zanin, R. El-Shesheny, M. Ducatez, L. L. M. Poon, G. Kayali, R. J. Webby, V. Dhanasekaran. 2023. The episodic resurgence of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5 virus. Nature. doi: [OA, link]
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRxiv. doi: [link]
Dewar, M., R. VanStreels, T. Boulinier, C. Cary, A. Gamble, A. Clessin, R. Gray, T. Hart, V. Morandini, S. Leonardi, M. Uhart, J. Younger, M. Wille. 2023. Risk Assessment of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in the Southern Ocean. Technical Report for Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs. 64 pages. [link]
Wille, M. and J. Waldenström. 2023. Weathering the storm of high pathogenicity avian influenza in waterbirds. Waterbirds. 46(1):100-109. doi: [link]
French, R. K., S. H. Anderson, K. E. Cain, T. C. Greene, M. Minor, C. M. Miskelly, J. M . Montoya, M. Wille, C. G. Muller, M. W. Taylor, Kākāpō Recovery Team, E. C. Holmes. 2023. Host phylogeny shapes viral transmission networks in an island ecosystem. Nature Ecology and Evolution. doi: [OA, link]
Klaassen, M. and M. Wille. 2023. Wild birds’ plight and role in the current bird flu panzootic. Nature Ecology and Evolution. doi: [$, link]
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRxiv. doi: [link]
Chang, W.-S. and M. Wille. 2023. Winter is coming– the role of seasonality through the lens of the rodent virome. Molecular Ecology. doi: [OA, link]
Naguib, M. M., P. Eriksson, E. Jax, M. Wille, C. Lindskog, C. Bröjer, J. Krambrich, J. Waldenström, R. H. S. Kraus, G. Larson, Å. Lundkvist, B. Olsen, J. D. Järhult, P. Ellström. 2023. A comparison of host responses to infection with wild-type avian influenza viruses in chickens and Tufted Ducks. MSpectrum. e02586-22. doi: [OA, link]
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRxiv. doi: [link]
Wille,M., M. Klaassen. 2023. Evaluation of the degree to which information and analyses can be rapidly provided to decision makes to inform management. and response in the event of a novel high pathogenicity avian influenza virus incursion into Australia. Technical report prepared for the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. 48 pages.
Gibson, E., M. Wille, M. Klaassen, M. 2023. Review of the performance of Australia’s wild bird general surveillance program for avian influenza virus. Technical report prepared for the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. 40 pages.
Klaassen, M., M. Wille. 2023. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Incursion risk assessment for Australia. Technical report prepared for the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. 37 pages.
Skog, E., M. Nykvist, M. M. Naguib, M. Wille, C. Bröjer; V. Agarwal, P. Ellström, G. Westman, Å. Lundkvist, J. D. Järhult. 2023. An oseltamivir-resistant avian H1N1 Influenza A virus can transmit from mallards to chickens similarly to a wild-type strain; implications for the risk of resistance transmission to humans. Journal of General Virology. 104(4). doi: 10.1099/jgv.0.001835. [OA, link]
M. Wille and M. Klaassen. 2023. No evidence for HPAI H5N1 incursion into Australia in 2022. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses 17: e13118 [OA, link]
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRxiv [link]
Wille, M., S. Lisovski, D. Roshier, M. Ferenczi, B. J. Hoye, T. Leen, S. Warner, R. A. M. Fouchier, A. C. Hurt, E. C. Holmes, M. Klaassen. 2023. Strong phylogenetic and ecological effects on host competency for avian influenza in Australian wild birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.290: 20222237. doi: [OA, link]
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRxiv [link]
Kasimov, V., M. Wille, S. Sarker, Y. Dong, R. Shao, C. Hall, D. Potvin, G. Conroy, L. Valenza, A. Gillett, P. Timms, M. Jelocnik. 2023. Unexpected pathogen diversity detected in Australian avifauna highlights potential biosecurity challenges. Viruses. 15(1), 143; [OA, link]
Wille, M., S. Avery-Gomm, V. Caliendo, K. Campyhusen, E. Humphries, A. S. Lang, E. Philip, A. Ramey, J. Rijks, G. Robertson, L. Roberts. 2022. High pathogenicity avian influenza represents an unprecedented conservation challenge for globally declining seabird populations. Science eLetter. doi:
George, A. M.*, M. Wille*, J. Wang, K. Anderson, S. Cohen, J. Moselen, L. Y. Y. Lee, W. W. Suen, J. Bingham, A. E. Dalziel, A. C. Hurt, D. T. Williams, Y-M. Deng, I. G. Barr. 2022. A novel and highly divergent Canine Distemper Virus lineage causing distemper in ferrets in Australia. Virology. 576:117-126 [OA, link]
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRix [link]
Wille, M., C. Tolf, N. Lattore-Margalef, R. A. M. Fouchier, R. A. Halpin, D. E. Wentworth, J. Ragwani, O. G. Pybus, B. Olsen, J. Waldenström. 2021. Evolutionary features of a prolific subtype of avian influenza A virus in European waterfowl. Virus Evolution. 8:veac074, doi: [OA, link]
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRix [link]
Chen, Y.-M., S. Sadiq, J.-H. Tian, X. Chen, X.-D. Lin, J.-J. Shen, H. Chen, Z.-Y. Hao, M. Wille, Z.-C. Zhou, J. Wu, F. Li, H.-W. Wang, W.-D. Yang, Q.-Y. Xu, W. Wang, W.-H. Gao, E. C. Holmes, Y.-Z. Zhang. 2022. RNA viromes from terrestrial sites across China expand environmental RNA viral diversity. Nature Microbiology. doi: [$, link]
Wille, M. and M. Klaassen. 2022. Should I stay, should I go, or something in between? The potential for parasite-mediated and age-related differential migration strategies. Evolutionary Ecology. doi: [OA, link]
Wille, M., I. G. Barr. 2022. Resurgence of avian influenza virus. Science. doi: 10.1126/science.abo1232 [$, link]
– Media stories: 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Wille, M., V. Grillo, S. Ban de Gouvea Pedroso, G. W. Burgess, A. Crawley, C. Dickason, P. M. Hansbro, Md. A. Hoque, P. F. Horwood, P. D. Kirkland, N. Y-H. Kung, S. E. Lynch, S. Martin, M. McArthur, K. O’Riley, A. J. Read, S. Warner, B. J. Hoye, S. Lisovski, T. Leen, A. C. Hurt, J. Butler, I. Broz, K. R. Davies, P. Mileto, M. Neave, V. Stevens, A. Breed, T. T. Y. Lam, E. C. Holmes, M. Klaassen, F. Y. K. Wong. 2022. Australia as a global sink for the genetic diversity of avian influenza A virus. PLoS Pathogens. 18(5): e1010150. doi: ppat.1010150 [OA, link]
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRix [link]
– Popular Science on CSIRO ECOS: Understanding bird flu dynamics in Australia
– Popular Science in “Pursuit”: Tracking avian influenza to safeguard Australia
Balinandi, S., J. Hayer, H. Cholleti, J. Lutwama, M. Wille, M. Malmberg, L. Mugisha. 2022. Identification and molecular characterization of novel viruses in Ugandan cattle. Virus Research. 8;313:198739. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2022.198739 [OA, link]
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRix [link]
González-Acuña, D. A., L. Moreno, M Wille, B. Herrmann, M. J. Kinsella, R. L. Palma. 2021. Parasites of chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica) from three localities in the Antarctic Peninsula and a review of their parasitic fauna. Polar Biology. 44: 2099–2105 [OA, link]
Wille, M. 2021. King Island Ruddy Turnstones front and centre in two peer-reviewed publications about viruses. VWSG Bulletin; Journal of the Victorian Wader Study Group. 39-42. [not peer-reviewed]. [OA, link]
Wille, M., M. Shi, M. Klaassen, A. C. Hurt, E. C. Holmes. 2020. RNA virome abundance and diversity is associated with host age in a bird species. Virology. 561: 98-106. doi: [OA, link]
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRxiv [link]
Hayer, J., M. Wille, A. Font, M, González-Aravena, H. Norder, M. Malmberg. 2020. Four novel picornaviruses detected in Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) in Chile. Virology. 560: 116-123 doi: [link, OA]
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRxiv [link]
Wille, M., J. L. Geoghegan, E. C. Holmes. 2021. How accurately can we assess zoonotic risk? PLoS Biology. 19(4): e3001135. [OA, link]
– Interview with Cosmos Magazine: Cosmos Q&A: Predicting the next pandemic
– Media stories: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
Geoghegan, J. L., F. Di Giallonardo, M. Wille, A. S. Ortiz-Baez, V. A. Costa, T. Ghaly, J. C. O. Mifsud, O. M. H. Turnbull, D. R. Bellwood, J. E. Williamson, E. C. Holmes. 2020. Host evolutionary history and ecology shape virome composition in fishes. Virus Evolution. veab005, [OA, link]
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRxiv [link]
Barbosa, A., A. Varsani, V. Morandini, W. Grimaldi, R.E.T. Vanstreels, J. I. Diaz , T. Boulinier, M. Dewar, D. González-Acuña, R. Gray, C. R. McMahon, G. Miller , M. Power, A. Gamble, M. Wille. 2020. Risk assessment of SARS-CoV-2 in Antarctic wildlife. Science of the Total Environment. 775: e143352. doi: [OA, link]
– This article was initially a preprint on [link]
Parry, R.*, M. Wille*, O. H. Turnbull, J. L. Geoghegan, E. C. Holmes. 2020. Divergent influenza-like viruses of amphibians and fish support an ancient evolutionary association. Viruses. 12: 1042; doi: [OA, link]
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRxiv [link]
Wille, M. and E. C. Holmes. 2020. Wild birds as reservoirs for diverse and abundant gamma- and deltacoronaviruses. FEMS Microbiology Reviews. fuaa026, [OA, link]
Winner of the 2020 best article award from FEMS Microbiology Reviews
– Popular Science on the Doherty Website: “Wild birds are neglected hosts for coronaviruses”
– Interview with FEMS: Michelle Wille and Edward Holmes.
Wille, M.*, E. Harvey*, M. Shi, D. Gonzalez-Acuna, E. C. Holmes and A. C. Hurt. 2020. Sustained RNA virome diversity in Antarctic penguins and their ticks. The ISME Journal. [OA, link]
Shortlisted for The ISME Journal 2020 Best Paper Award
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRxiv [link]
– Popular Science in “Pursuit”: Penguin viruses on the frozen continent
Marcelino, V. R., P. T. L. C. Clausen, J. P. Buchmann, M. Wille, J. R. Iredell, W. Meyer, O. Lund, T. C. Sorrell, E. C. Holmes. 2019. CCMetagen: comprehensive and accurate identification of eukaryotes and prokaryotes in metagenomic data. Genome Biology. 21:103 [OA, link]
– A web version of the tool can be accessed here:
– This article was initially a preprint on bioRxiv [link]
Wille, M., J. J. Wensman, S. Larsson, R. van Damme, A.-K. Theelke, J. Hayer, M. Malmberg. 2020. Evolutionary genetics of canine respiratory coronavirus and recent introduction into Swedish dogs. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. doi: [OA, link]
Wille, M. 2020. Unravelling virus community ecology in bats through the integration of metagenomics and community ecology. Molecular Ecology. 29:23–25 doi: [OA, link]
Wille, M. & E. C. Holmes. 2019. The Ecology and Evolution of Influenza Viruses. In Neumann, G and Kawaoka, Y. (eds)Influenza: The Cutting Edge; Perspectives in Medicine. Coldspring Harbour Laboratory Press. p1-19. [OA, link]
Tepper, V., M. Nykvist, A. Gillman, E. Skog, M. Wille, H. Söderström Lindström, C. Tang, R. H. Lindberg, Å. Lundkvist, J. D. Järhult. 2019. Influenza A/H4N2 Mallard infection experiments further indicate zanamivir as less prone to induce environmental resistance development than oseltamivir. Journal of General Virology. [OA, link]
Wille, M., S. Lisovski, A. Risely, D. Rochier, M. Ferenczi, F. Y. K. Wong, A. C. Breed, M. Klaassen, A. C. Hurt. 2019. Serological evidence of exposure to H5 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in migratory shorebirds sampled in Australia. Emerging Infectious Disease. 25: 1903-1910. doi: 10.3201/eid2510.190699 [OA, link].
– Popular Science in “Pursuit”: How our avian athletes could spread influenza
Naguib, M. M., J. H. Verhagen, A. Mostafa, M. Wille, R. Li, A. Graaf, J. D. Järhult, P. Ellström, S. Zohari, Å. Lundkvist, B. Olsen. 2019. Global patterns of avian influenza A(H7): virus evolution and zoonotic threats. FEMS Microbiological Reviews. fuz019, [OA, link]
Wille, M., M. Shi, M. Klaassen, A. C. Hurt, E. C. Holmes. 2019. Virome heterogeneity and connectivity in waterfowl and shorebird communities. ISME Journal. doi:
– This article was initially a preprint: bioRxiv [link]
– Popular Science in “Nature Community Behind the Paper”: A duck is not a duck is not a duck
Chang, W.-S., J. H.-O. Petterson, C. Le Lay, M. Shi, N. Lo, M. Wille, J.-S. Eden, E. C. Holmes. 2019. Novel hepatitis D-like agents in vertebrate and invertebrates. Virus Evolution. vez021, [OA, link]
– This article was initially a preprint: bioRxiv [link]
Wille, M., M. Aban, J. Wang, N. Moore, S. Shan, J. Marshall, D. Gonzalez-Acuna, D. Vijaykrishna, J. Buttler, J. Wang, R. J. Hall, D. T. Williams, A. C. Hurt. 2019. Antarctic penguins as reservoirs of diversity for avian avulaviruses. Journal of Virology. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00271-19 [OA, link]
, , , , , T. Schlub, , , , ,
Wille, M., H. J. Netter, M. Littlejohn, L. Yuen, M. Shi, J.-S. Eden, M. Klaassen, E. C. Holmes, A. C. Hurt. 2018. A divergent hepatitis-D like agent in birds. Viruses. 10:720. doi: [OA, link]
-This article was initially a preprint: bioRxiv [link]
-Popular Science on “TWiV”: TWiV 546: Delta blues and chitlins (starts at ~21 mins)
Wille, M., J.-S. Eden, M. Shi, M. Klaassen, A. C. Hurt, E. C. Holmes. 2018. Virus-virus interactions and host ecology are associated with RNA virome structure in wild birds. Molecular Ecology. doi :10.1111/mec.14918 [$, link]
Wille, M., C. Bröjer, Å. Lundkvist, J. D. Järhult. 2018. Alternate routes of influenza A virus infection in Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos). Veterinary Research. 49:110. doi: 10.1186/s13567-018-0604-0 [OA, link] Popular Science: How to infect your duck, with science
Wille, M., N. Latorre-Margalef, C. Tolf, R. Halpin, D. Wentworth, R. A. M. Fouchier, J. Raghwani, O. G. Pybus, B. Olsen, J. Waldenström. 2018. Where do all the subtypes go? Temporal dynamics of H8-H12 influenza A viruses in waterfowl. Virus Evolution. 4(2): doi: [OA, link]
Chamings, A., T. Nelson, J. Vibin, M. Wille, M Klaassen, S. Alexandersen. 2018. Detection and characterisation of coronaviruses in migratory and non-migratory Australian wild birds. Scientific Reports. 8: doi:10.1038/s41598-018-24407-x [OA, link]
Helin, A.S, M. Wille, C. Atterby, J. D. Järhult, J. Waldenström, J. R. Chapman. 2018. A rapid and transient innate immune response to avian influenza infection in mallards. Molecular Immunology. 95: 64-72 [$, link]
Helin, A.S, M. Wille, C. Atterby, J. D. Järhult, J. Waldenström, J. R. Chapman. 2018. Expression of immune genes RIG-I and Mx in mallard ducks infected with low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI): A dataset. Data in Brief. doi: [OA, link]
van Dijk, J.G.B, J.H. Verhagen, M. Wille, J. Waldenström. 2018. Host and virus ecology as determinants of influenza A virus transmission in wild birds. Current Opinion in Virology 28:26-36 [OA, link]
-Popular Science: Flu transmission – a review
Wille, M., H. Yin, Å. Lundkvist, J. Xu, S. Muradrasoli, J. D. Järhult. 2018. RNAlater® is a viable storage option for avian influenza sampling in logistically challenging conditions. Journal of Virological Methods 252:32-36. [$, link]
Nykvist, M., A. Gillman, H. Soderström Linström, C. Tang, G. Fedorova, Å. Lundkvist, N. Latorre-Margalef, M. Wille, J. D. Järhult. 2018. In vivo Mallard experiments indicate that zanamivir has less potential for environmental resistance development than oseltamivir. Journal of General Virology. doi: 10.1099/jgv.0.000977. [$, link]
J. Waldenström, T. Kuiken, M. Wille. 2017. Narrative overview on wild bird migration in the context of highly pathogenic avian influenza incursion into the European Union. EFSA supporting publication 2017:EN–1283.22pp.doi:10.2903/sp.efsa.2017.EN1283 [OA, link]
Wille, M., N. Latorre-Margalef, J. Waldenström. 2017. Of Ducks and Men: Ecology and Evolution of a Zoonotic Pathogen in a Wild Reservoir Host. In Hurst C. (eds) Modeling the Transmission and Prevention of Infectious Disease. Advances in Environmental Microbiology, vol 4. Springer, Cham. pp 247-286. [$, link]
Wille, M., K. Lindqvist, S. Muradrasoli, B. Olsen, J.D. Järhult. 2017. Urbanization and the dynamics of RNA viruses in Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 51: 89-97 [$, link]
Borg, O., M. Wille, P. Kjellander, U. A. Bergvall, P.-E. Lindgren, J. Chirico, Å. Lundkvist. 2017. Expansion of spatial and host range of Puumala virus in Sweden: an increasing threat for humans? Epidemiology and Infection. 2: doi: 10.1017/S0950268817000346 [$, link]
Wille, M., N. Latorre-Margalef, C. Tolf, D. Stallknecht, J. Waldenström. 2017. No evidence for homosubtypic immunity of influenza H3 in Mallards following vaccination in a natural-experimental system. Molecular Ecology 26: 1420–1431. doilink]
-Popular Science: The conundrum of influenza A virus diversity and host immune responses – lessons from a vaccination experiment in Mallards
Wille, M., S. McBurney, G. J. Robertson, S. I. Wilhelm, D. S. Blehert, C. Soos, R. Dunphy, H. Whitney. 2016. A pelagic outbreak of avian cholera in North American gulls: Scavenging as a primary source of transmission? Journal of Wildlife Disease. 52(4): 793–802 [OA, link]
Lang, A. S., C. Lebarbenchon, A. M. Ramey, G. J. Robertson, J. Waldenström, M. Wille. 2016. Assessing the role of seabirds in the ecology of influenza A viruses. Avian Diseases. 60(1 Suppl):378-86. doi: 10.1637/11135-050815-RegR [$, link]
-Popular Science: Seabirds and flu, a review
Humphries, G. R. W., S A Flemming, A. J. Gladics, S. Hammer, K. A. Hart, K. Hirata, M. Antolos, P. J. Kappes, E. Mangusdottir, H. I. Major, F. McDuie, K. Mcomber, R. A. Orben, M. S. Schmid, M. Wille. 2016. Bridging the gap from student to senior scientist: recommendations for engaging early career scientists in professional biological societies. Marine Ornithology. 44(2): 157–166. [link]
Wille, M., S. Muradrasoli, A. Nilsson, J.D. Järhult. 2016. High prevalence and putative lineage maintenance of avian coronaviruses in Scandinavian waterfowl. PLoS ONE. 11(3): e0150198. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150198 [OA, link]
Chapman, J.R., A. S. Helin, M. Wille, C. Atterby, J.D. Järhult, J. S. Fridlund, J. Waldenström. 2016. A panel of stably expressed reference genes for real-time qPCR gene expression studies of Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). PLoS ONE 11(2): e0149454. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0149454 [OA, link]
-Popular Science: With reference to reference genes
Wille, M., A. Avril, C. Tolf, A. Schager, S. Larsson, O. Borg, B. Olsen, and J. Waldenström. 2015. Temporal dynamics, diversity, and interplay in three components of the virodiversity of a Mallard population: Influenza A virus, avian paramyxovirus and avian coronavirus. Infection, Genetics, and Evolution. 29: 129-137 [$, link]
-Popular Science: Three viruses one duck
Gillman, A., S. Muradrasoli, A. Mårdnäs, H. Söderström, G. Fedorova, M. Löwenthal, M. Wille, A. Daggfeldt, J. D. Järhult. 2015. Oseltamivir resistance in influenza A(H6N2) caused by an R292K substitution in neuraminidase is not maintained in Mallards without drug pressure. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0139415. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0139415 [OA, link]
Isaksson, J., L. Christerson, M. Blomqvist, M. Wille, L. A. Alladio, K. Sachse, B. Olsen, D. González-Acuña, B. Herrmann. 2015. Chlamydiaceae-like bacterium, but no Chlamydia psittaci, in sea birds from Antarctica. Polar Biology. doi: 10.1007/s00300-015-1748-2 [$, link]
Gillman, A., M. Nykvist, S. Muradrasoli, H. Söderström, M. Wille, A. Daggfeldt, C. Bröjer, J. Waldenström, B. Olsen, J. D Järhult. 2015. Influenza A (H7N9) virus acquires resistance-related neuraminidase I222T Substitution when infected Mallards are exposed to low levels of Oseltamivir in water. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 59: 5196-5202 [OA, link]
Wille, M., P. Van Run, J. Waldenström, and T. Kuiken. 2014. Are positive oropharyngeal RRT-PCR samples indicative of low pathogenic influenza A infection in the respiratory tract of Mallard Anas platyrhynchos? Veterinary Research. 45:53 doi. 10.1186/1297-9716-45-53 [OA, link]
-Popular Science: Front or back – which end of the duck should you swab?
Huang, Y. H., M. Wille, H. Munro, A. L. Bond, D. Fifield, G. J. Robertson, D. Ojkic, H. Whitney, and A. S. Lang. 2014. Perpetuation and reassortment of gull influenza A viruses in Atlantic Canada. Virology. 456-457, 353–363. [$, link] Latorre-Margalef, N., C. Tolf, V. Grobois, D. Bengtsson, M. Wille, A.D.M.E. Osterhaus, R.A.M Fouchier, B. Olsen and J. Waldenström. 2014. Long term variation in influenza A virus prevalence and subtype diversity in a migratory Mallard population. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281: doi: 10.1098/rspb.2014.0098 [$, link]
-Popular Science: What can 1081 influenza viruses tell you?
Huang, Y. Y., M. Wille, A. Dobbin, N. M. Walzthoni, G. J. Robertson, D. Ojkic, H. Whitney, and A. S. Lang. 2014. Genetic structure of avian influenza viruses from ducks of the Atlantic flyway of North America. PLoS ONE. 9: doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086999 [OA, link]
Wille, M.*, Huang, Y.Y.*, G. J. Robertson, P. Ryan, S. I. Wilhelm, D. Fifield, A. L. Bond, A. Granter, H. Munro, R. Buxton, I. L. Jones, M. G. Fitzsummons, C. Burke, L. McFarlane Tranquilla, M. Rector, L. Takahashi, A.-L. Kouwenberg, A. Storey, C. Walsh, A. Hedd, W. A. Montevecchi, J. A. Runstadler, D. Ojkic, H. Whitney, and A. S. Lang. 2014. Evaluation of Seabirds in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, as Hosts of Influenza A Viruses. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 50:98-103. [$, link]
Huang, Y. Y., M. Wille, A. Dobbin, G. J. Robertson, P. Ryan, D. Ojkic, H. Whitney, and A. S. Lang. 2013. A 4-year study of avian influenza virus prevalence and subtype diversity in ducks of Newfoundland, Canada. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 59: 701–708 [$, link]
Tolf, C., M. Wille, A.-K. Haidar, A. Avril, S. Zohari, and J. Waldenström. 2013. Prevalence of avian paramyxovirus type 1 in Mallards during autumn migration in the western Baltic Sea region. Virology Journal 10: 285. doi:10.1186/1743-422X-10-285 [OA, link]
Wille, M., C. Tolf, A. Avril, N. Latorre-Margalef, S. Wallenström, B. Olsen, and J.Waldenström. 2013. Frequency and direction of reassortment in natural influenza A virus infection in a reservoir host. Virology 443: 150-160. doi: [$, link]
-Popular Science: How do you do, the things that you do, Mr. Flu?
Tolf, C., N. Latorre-Margalef, M. Wille, D. Bengtsson, S.. G. Gunnarsson, V. Grosbois , D. Hasselquist , B. Olsen, J.Elmberg and J. Waldenström. 2013. Individual variation in influenza A virus infection histories and long-term immune responses in Mallards. PLoS ONE. 8(4): e61201. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0061201 [OA, link]
Tolf, C, D. Bengtsson, D. Rodrigues, N. Latorre-Margalef, M. Wille, M. –E. Figueiredo, M. Jankowska-Hjortaas, A. Germundsson, P.-Y. Duby, C. Lebarbenchon, M. Gauthier-Clerc, B. Olsen and J. Waldenström. 2012. Birds and viruses at a crossroad – surveillance of influenza A virus in Portuguese waterfowl. PLoS ONE 7(11): e49002. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049002. [OA, link]
Wille, M, G. J. Robertson, H. Whitney, J. Runstadler, M. A. Bishop and A. S. Lang. 2011. Extensive geographic mosaicism in avian influenza viruses from gulls in the northern hemisphere. PLoS ONE. 6:e20664. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020664 [OA, link]
Wille, M., G. J. Robertson, H. Whitney, D. Ojkic, and A. S. Lang. 2010. A possible role of Great Black-backed Gulls (Larus marinus) in intercontinental avian influenza virus exchange across the North Atlantic Ocean. Archives of Virology. 156:107-115. [$, link]
Granter, A, M. Wille, H. Whitney, G. J. Robertson, D. Ojkic, and A. S. Lang. 2010. The complete genome sequence of an H11N2 avian influenza virus from a Thick-billed Murre (Uria lomvia) shows close relationships to viruses from other marine avian hosts. Virus Genes 41:224-230. [$, link]
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