Avian Influenza Resources

Current avian influenza reports in Australia

Oceania is the only continent free from clade HPAI H5N1 (April 2024). Wild migratory birds will be returning to Australia between August – November, and therefore this constitutes the highest risk period for a viral incursion.

If you see any sick or dead wild birds, or poultry including backyard chooks, it is imperative that you call the Emergency Animal Disease Watch Hotline – regardless of which state you are located in. 1800 675 888. A summary of all cases is available on Outbreak Portal

We have performed a comprehensive risk assessment of HPAI incursion and evaluation of the current surveillance system, commissioned by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. An abridged version has been provided by Wildlife Health Australia.

The National Avian Influenza in Wild Birds Program continues to do surveillance across Australia for avian influenza. Enhanced surveillance by Michelle Wille and Marcel Klaassen in 2022 and 2023 demonstrated no evidence for HPAI H5N1 incursion into Australia. We have received funding from Wildlife Health Australia to again undertake surveillance in spring 2024.

Popular science article outlining the global situation and our response in Australia: Bird flu, human cases, and the risk to Australia and Chickens, ducks, seals and cows: a dangerous bird flu strain is knocking on Australia’s door

See more about our work on low pathogenic avian influenza, revealing the ecology of low pathogenic avian influenza (Strong host phylogenetic and ecological effects on host competency for avian influenza in Australian wild birds), and evolutionary genetics (Australia as a global sink for the genetic diversity of avian influenza A virus), and demonstrating how viruses enter and spread (Contrasting dynamics of two incursions of low pathogenicity avian influenza virus into Australia) in Australia

HPAI H7 outbreaks in 2024

Updated: 6 December 2024
New Zealand has reported its first (EVER!) HPAI H7N6 outbreak in a free range egg farm near Otago Peninsula on 2 Dec 2024. Thus far, 2 sheds on the same property are affected. No spread to further properties. This virus is unrelated to the HPAI H7 outbreaks in Australia earlier in 2024, so likely constitutes a novel evolution event. The genome sequence is available on GISAID (4 December). More information from MPI NZ

All Australian HPAI H7 outbreaks have been resolved.

HPAI H7N3 reported in 7 poultry farms near Meredith. The IPs are located in the Restricted and Control Areas in the Golden Plains Shire where movement restrictions were already in place. A property near Terang is also positive for HPAI H7N9, and is linked to the first IP in Meredith. Both a housing order and movement restrictions are in place. Updates from Agriculture Victoria.

HPAI H7N8 reported in two poultry farms in the Greater Sydney Basin. Updates from NSW DPI. H7N8 also detected in a farm in the ACT, directly linked to an outbreak in NSW, followed by a backyard flock located in the quarantine area. Updates from ACT EPSDD.

These outbreaks are the result of a low pathogenic domestic strain from Australian wild birds entering poultry production, where high pathogenicity evolved. All previous HPAI outbreaks in Australia have been due to domestic HPAI H7 viruses, including the HPAI H7N7 outbreak in Victoria in 2020. In response, the USA and Japan have imposed trade restrictions; in general trade restrictions are imposed in countries/regions with HPAI in poultry, or which use HPAI vaccines. To support the outbreak response, our teams are out catching ducks in Victoria, and will contribute samples and testing results previously collected to understand the viral burden and diversity of LPAI H7 in Victorian wild birds.

LPAI H9N2 reported in Western Australia. This outbreak is the result of a domestic strain from Australian wild birds entering poultry production. To manage the infection, the farmer culled the cohort thought to be infected and risk-based surveillance was conducted on the rest of the property for 4 weeks post the discovery of the infection, with no further virus was detected. To date, only H5 and H7 viruses have evolved to HPAI. LPAI H9N2 is found in Australia wild birds, and is endemic in Asian poultry.

A returned traveller tested positive for HPAI H5N1 clade Information is available in the Department of Health press release and a Promed post. Two previous human infections have been caused by this clade (previously in Nepal and India). Importantly, this is not the same clade of virus as is causing the global panzootic (clade Australia remains free from HPAI H5N1 clade

What to do if you see sick or dead birds in Australia?

Video from the Northern Australia Biosecurity Strategy (NABS) [link]

What does a sick bird look like?

– Neurological signs such as loss of coordination and balance, trembling head and body, or twisting of the neck

– Lethargy and depression, unresponsiveness, lying down, drooping wings, dragging legs

– Closed and excessively watery eyes, possibly with opaque cornea or darkened iris (new sign associated with Gannets in current outbreak)

– Respiratory distress such as gaping (mouth breathing), nasal snicking (coughing sound), sneezing, gurgling, or rattling

Video of a dying Sandwich Tern, from Rijks et al. 2022. EID

Video of seabirds birds with HPAI at rehabilitation centres, from SANCOB

Official guidelines (Australia):

High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza clade incursion risk assessment for Australia

Wildlife Health Australia: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) and Wild Animals in Australia: A RISK MITIGATION TOOLBOX FOR WILDLIFE MANAGERS (2024 update)

Wildlife Health Australia: Technical Issue Update – Global High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Events (updated Sept 2023)

Wildlife Health Australia: Risk management advice for bird banders, wildlife rangers and researchers (updated May 2024)

Wildlife Health Australia: Advice for veterinarians and animal health professionals (updated May 2024)

Wildlife Health Australia: Advice for people who encounter sick or dead wild birds (updated May 2024)

Wildlife Health Australia: Communicates guide for managers of wildlife populations (version Dec 2023)

World Organisation for Animal Health: Risk management for people working with wild birds

World Organisation for Animal Health: Practical guide for authorised field responders to HPAI outbreaks in marine mammals, with a focus on biosecurity, sample collection for virus detection and carcass disposal.

World Health Organisation: Public health resource pack for countries experiencing outbreaks of influenza in animals: revised guidance

World Health Organisation: Public health resource pack for countries experiencing outbreaks of influenza in animals

The Risk of Avian Influenza in the Southern Ocean: a practical guide

Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels – Guidelines for working with albatrosses and petrels during the high pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 panzootic

Pacific Seabird Group: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) is a devastating wildlife disease that impacts seabird populations worldwide and warrants our attention and response

AUSVETPLAN response strategy avian influenza

AUSVETPLAN Guidance document: Risk based assessment of disease control options for rare and valuable animals

AUSVETPLAN Operational Procedures Manual Wild Animal Response Strategy

Australian Government, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry: Information on Avian Influenza (bird flu)

Australian Government, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry: Information for bird owners

Wildlife Health Australia: National Wildlife Biosecurity Guidelines

Farm Biosecurity: National Farm Biosecurity Manual for Poultry Production

Zoo and Aquarium Association Australia: Zoo and Aquarium Biosecurity

Australian Veterinary Association: Guidelines for veterinary personal biosecurity

Australian Department of Health and Aged Care information on Avian influenza in humans

Australian Department of Health and Aged Care: CDNA national guidelines for avian influenza – protecting people who work with birds and wildlife

Australian Centre for Disease Control: Bird flu toolkit for people who work with birds

Overview of Excersize Volare

If avian influenza emerges in Australia, outbreak details will be hosted on the Australian Government outbreaks portal (no information here currently)

More about what we are doing in Antarctica:

Comprehensive risk mapping was prepared, attempting to identify regions with the highest incursion risk and species that may be involved in viral introduction. The first detection of HPAI in the region occurred on South Georgia (British Antarctic) in October 2023 and the first detection on the Antarctic Peninsula occurred on March 2024. All data from the region are collated on our SCAR AWHN mortality database.

We have brought together all testing and observation data generated in the austral summer of 2022/23, prior to the first cases, now available as a preprint on bioRxiv

We will had members of the SCAR Antarctic Wildlife Health Network visiting various locations across the Antarctic during the austral summer 2023/24, facilitated by Intrepid. A second expedition, Australis, comprised of an international team and was supported by IAATO, was led by Meagan Dewar, to collect samples and learn more about the impact of HPAI on Antarctic wild birds. Our teams will be out again in summer 2024/25 to undertake mortality surveys and collect samples.

A number of genomes are now available for HPAI detected in the South Atlantic, sub-Antarctic, and Antarctica. Looks like multiple seperate introductions from South America, with the virus introduction to the South Shetlands and Torgersen Island, both on the Antarctic Peninsula, being different.
Data downloded from GISAID 21/01/2025, and relevant genome sequences are from
Detection and spread of high pathogenicity avian influenza virus H5N1 in the Antarctic Region , and
High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Virus (HPAIV) H5N1 clade recovered from a kelp gull (Larus dominicanus) in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica

Global situation:

FAO situation report (global)

WOAH Situation reports (global)

EFSA Avian influenza overview September – December 2024 (European)

European Union Reference Laboratories dashboard (European)

RSPB: Avian influenza: a major thread to our struggling seabirds (UK)

APHIS 2022-2023 Detections of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (USA)

Wildlife Health Information Sharing Partnership (USA)

Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative dashboard (Canada)

Chilean Scernapesca dashboard (Chile)

Chilean SAG dashboard (Chile)

Brazilian Dashboard (Brazil)

Peruvian dashboard (Peru)

H5Nx Nexstrain portal with all relevant sequence data

Response plans and recommendations:

DEFRA: Mitigation strategy for avian influenza in wild birds in England and Wales.

Recommendations from the Invasive Species Council: High pathogenicity avian influenza in wildlife: Is Australia prepared?

Scientific Task Force on Avian Influenza and Wild Birds statement on: H5N1 High pathogenicity avian influenza in wild birds – Unprecedented conservation impacts and urgent needs

Mitigation strategy for avian influenza in wild birds in England and Wales

Scottish wild bird highly pathogenic avian influenza response plan

WOAH: Avian influenza: why strong public policies are vital

OFFLU: Southward expansion of high pathogenicity avian influenza H5 in wildlife in South America: estimated impact on wildlife populations, and risk of incursion into Antarctica

OFFLU: Continued expansion of high pathogenicity avian influenza H5 in wildlife in South America
and incursion into the Antarctic region

Summary of the FAO Global Consultations on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

RSPB. Avian Influenza: a major threat to our struggling seabirds

EFSA: Guidance for reporting 2023 laboratory data on avian influenza

WOAH: Considerations for emergency vaccination of wild birds against high pathogenicity avian influenza in specific situations

EFSA: Vaccination of poultry against highly pathogenic avian influenza – part 1. Available vaccines and vaccination strategies

EFSA: Vaccination of poultry against highly pathogenic avian influenza – Part 2. Surveillance and mitigation measures

CDC: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus : Identification of Human Infection and Recommendations for Investigations and Response

HAIRS risk statement: Avian influenza A(H5N1) in livestock

Human health risk:

A quadripartite risk assessment (12 December 2024) (previous assessment 14 Aug 2024) determined that the risk of infection with HPAI for the general population was low, and for occupationally exposed people (e.g. poultry or dairy workers) the risk was low to medium (but with high uncertainty). Prior to 2023, all human infections with HPAI have been in people interacting with birds, particularly poultry (chickens, turkeys and ducks), however in 2024, one human case was associated with dairy production. Human infections have occurred in Asia, Europe, Africa, North and South America. Reassuringly, no onward transmission between humans has been detected. Details on human cases are listed below (last updated ~ July 2023). Please verify information below with the latest information from WHO.

WHO: Influenza at the human-animal interface Summary and Risk assessment from 2 November to 12 December 2024

CDC: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus: Interim Recommendations for Prevention, Monitoring, and Public Health Investigations

CDC: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus : Identification of Human Infection and Recommendations for Investigations and Response

CDC: Updated Interim Recommendations for Worker Protection and Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to Reduce Exposure to Novel Influenza A Viruses Associated with Disease in Humans

CDC: Global reported A(H5N1) human cases, January 2022 through April 25, 2024

CDC: Past Reported Global Human Cases with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) (HPAI H5N1) by Country, 1997-2024

Cases of gs/gd H5Nx in humans since 2020 (updated 20 January 2025)

– >94 human cases of H5N6 in China 2014-pres. Most cases have confirmed link to poultry [aggregation]
– 7 poultry workers containing an outbreak of H5N8 in poultry in Russia, 2020 [WHO notification, scientific article]
– 1 human case of H5N6 in Laos in 2021 [scientific article]
– 3 poultry workers infected with H5Nx in Nigeria in 2021. Likely to comprise environmental carriage rather than bona fide infection [news story]
– 1 human case of H5N1 in India in 2022 [scientific article]
– 1 human case of H5N1 in Viet Nam in 2022 [Vietnamese ministry of health, english language news story]
– 1 human case of H5N1 in UK in 2022. Kept flock of ducks in the home. Likely to comprise environmental carriage rather than bona fide infection [scientific article]
– 2 poultry workers infected  of H5N1 in Spain in 2022. Likely to comprise environmental carriage rather than bona fide infection [scientific article]
– 1 poultry worker infected with H5N1 in USA in 2022. Likely to comprise environmental carriage rather than bona fide infection [WHO notification]
– 2 human cases of H5N1 in China in 2022-23 [news story]
– 2 human cases of H5N1 in Cambodia in 2023 [WHO notification]
– 2 poultry workers infected  of H5N1 in UK in 2023. One case likely comprises environmental carriage rather than bona fide infection [news story]
– 1 human case of H5N1 in Ecuador in 2023 [WHO notification]
– 1 human case of H5N1 in Chile in 2023 [WHO notification]
– 2 human cases of H5N1 in the UK in 2023 [WHO information]
– 8 human cases of H5N1 in Cambodia in 2024 [CDC information]
– 1 human case of (unconfirmed) H5N1 in Vietnam in 2024 [CIDRAP information]
– >60 human cases of H5N1 in the USA in dairy and poultry workers in 2024 [CDC website]
#Note: With the change of government, the CDC may no longer be doing updates to this website. TBD.
– 1 human case of H5N1 in Australia in a return traveller from India in 2024 [Dept Health notification]
– 1 human case of LPAI H5N2 in Mexico in 2024 [WHO notification][preprint]
– 1 human case of H5N1 in Canada in 2024 [CBC] [scientific article]
– 1 human cases of H5N1 in Cambodia in 2025 [CIDRAP information]
-1 human case of H5N1 in the UK in 2025 [UK government]

Intersting paper outlining the challenges of interpreting qPCR detections in humans – infection or environmental contamination? https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1201971223007063

In addition to human cases with H5Nx, there have been human cases with H3, H7, H9, H10.

HPAI in Dairy Cattle:

Information updated here 31 January 2024

950 farms, 16 states.
> This dashboard contains not only information on detections, but is loaded with lots of resources and recommendations. 
Human cases due to HPAI in cattle can be found here: CDC human infection dashboard
# Note: With the new government in the USA, there is a pause on updating outward facing dashboards. But, it seems this one has been updated as recently as 28 Jan.

Genomic Data are available in the North America H5Nx public NextStrain build: https://nextstrain.org/groups/moncla-lab/h5nx/north-america/ha?c=species_group
Sequence data from HPAI H5N1 outbreak in cattle more easily available on GenBank.


FAO: Recommendations for the surveillance of influenza A(H5N1) in cattle

CDC launched a new H5 Influenza Wastewater dashboard, combining WastewaterSCAN + state/local health dept data. Features interactive map & 6-week H5 detection table. Data is updated every Friday.

CDC Wastewater dashboard
For interpretation, it is important to note that this dashboard shows results from influenza A testing. Influenza A virus is found in humans, horses, pigs, birds, cattle. This dashboard does not show results of only avian influenza, so interpretation should be done with care. i.e. just because there are high levels in some state, doesn’t mean there are high levels of HPAI in cattle in that state.


Status Update: Traces of H5N1 Detected in Austin-Travis County detected in wastewater surveillance. Risk to public remains low

Joint FAO/WHO/WOAH preliminary assessment of recent influenza A(H5N1) viruses
Joint WHO/FAO/WOAH risk assessment. Risk to humans still considered low,

US H5N1 Outbreak Tracker by Students for Health Security – new dashboard

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus in Animals: Interim Recommendations for Prevention, Monitoring, and Public Health Investigations

Technical Report: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Viruses

Antiviral Susceptibility Testing of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Viruses Isolated From Dairy Cattle in the United States, 2024

Rapid Qualitative Risk Assessment: The Risk to Dairy Cattle in Canada from Avian Influenza A(H5N1) in Dairy Cattle in the US 2024 08 14

Rapid Qualitative Risk Assessment: The Risk to Dairy Cattle in Canada from Avian Influenza A(H5N1) in Dairy Cattle in the US 2024 08 14

USDA’s control strategy:

WOAH GF-TAD Americas teleconference
GF-TADs Meeting: Detection of HPAI in Ruminants and Humans in the USA – Americas (woah.org)

DEFRA (UK) have done an outbreak assessment for HPAI of avian origin in domestic livestock
A good review of the stuation in the US, and implications for Great Britiain.
“The most likely routes of entry of this American H5N1 virus into Great Britain are via trade in bovine products from affected farms in the USA, or by migratory wild birds. There is no trade in live cattle.”
“Therefore, there could be a route of entry to Great Britain of virus through unpasteurised dairy products imported from affected farms in the USA, although the vast majority of dairy products from the USA are pasteurised, such as cheese and whey, along with smaller amounts of yogurt, condensed milk and dairy spreads”

USDA Actions to Protect Livestock Health From Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza

FDA Updates on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)

APHIS has put in further guidelines around cattle movement to increase traceability

Avian Influenza A(H5N1) U.S. Situation Update and CDC Activities
Current Situation Highlights Importance of Preventive Measures for People with Exposures
– Recommendations for Worker Protection and Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to Reduce Exposure to Novel Influenza A Viruses Associated with Severe Disease in Humans
– Results of antiviral susceptibility tests showing that H5N1 is susceptible to neuraminidase inhibitors.

USDA Confirms Cow-to-Cow Transmission a Factor in Avian Flu Spread

Avian influenza A(H5N1) in dairy farms: An update on public health and food safety concerns

Updates on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)

APHIS Recommendations for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 Virus in Livestock For State Animal Health Officials, Accredited Veterinarians and Producers: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/sites/default/files/recommendations-hpai-livestock.pdf
Producers should practice enhanced biosecurity, minimize animal movements, test animals before movement, and isolate animals moved on or off premises

Detection of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1) in Dairy Herds: Frequently Asked Questions

WOAH Statement

USDA’s Testing recommendations for cattle

WHO webinar on public health risk of avian influenza in dairy cattle with lots of good stuff in there (06/05/2024)

Scientific studies addressing H5N1 in dairy cattle

Download a copy of my Endnote Library (updated 6/01/2025)  HPAI_Jan2025.enlp

Receptor binding, structure, and tissue tropism of cattle-infecting H5N1 avian influenza virus hemagglutinin
Bovine HPAI still favors avian receptors, but slight human receptor affinity, strongly bind to both bovine + human conjunctival, tracheal, mammary tissues = indicating a risk for human transmission

The Haemagglutinin Gene of Bovine-Origin H5N1 Influenza Viruses Currently Retains Receptor-binding and pH-fusion Characteristics of Avian Host Phenotype
HA genes from the bovine HPAI do not pose enhanced threat compared to avian HPAI = all tested viruses and mutations binding to to avian receptors, pH fusion of 5.9 = outside pH range for efficient human airborne transmission.
Popular Science: https://www.pirbright.ac.uk/news/bird-flu-cattle-not-increased-threat-humans

Susceptibility of bovine respiratory and mammary epithelial cells to avian and mammalian derived clade H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses
Bovine mammary epithelial cells and swine respiratory epithelial cells permissive to both avian and mammalian HPAI strains. Sialic acid expression a factor in cell type, with increased sialic acid expression in tissues with more virus binding. Also differences in sialic acid expression bw dairy + beef cattle respiratory tissues.

A single mutation in dairy cow-associated H5N1 viruses increases receptor binding breadth
A/Texas/37/2024, human virus from bovine outbreak: ???? binding breadth to core glycans w α2,3 (avian) sialic acids, none to α2,6 (mammal). Also more flexible in RBD, and T199I, is responsible for increased binding breadth

Polymerase mutations underlie adaptation of H5N1 influenza virus to dairy cattle and other mammals.
cattle B3.13 genotype H5N1 viruses rapidly accumulated adaptations in polymerase genes = better replication in bovine cells, + other mammalian species including humans and pigs: PB2 M631L, PA K497R and PB2 D740N

Highly pathogenic avian H5N1 influenza A virus replication in ex vivo cultures of bovine mammary gland and teat tissues
Cow H5N1, chicken H5N1, H1N1 2009 in mammary gland/teat cells: viruses use 2/3 avail lectins, cow H5N1 had much higher titres, replicated in alveoli, gland, and teat cisterns

The Uncleaved Viral Hemagglutinin HA0 Increases Influenza A Virus Resistance to Thermal Pasteurization 
Avian and human influenzas heat treated: avian viruses  more stable at 75°C than human viruses, inactive virus preparations w HA0 protein retained infectious long during heat treatment +regained infectivity after heat inactivation by adding trypsin

Pasteurized retail dairy enables genomic surveillance of H5N1 avian influenza virus in United States cattle
With limited testing of dairy herds, there is an unmet need for genomic surveillance. Here, tiled-amplicon approach = 90% genome coverage < 20x depth from 5/13 positive dairy products. Useful to sequence if you cant reach the cows…. But better if you could test the cows!

Longitudinal screening of retail milk from Canadian provinces reveals no detections of influenza A virus RNA (April–July 2024): leveraging a newly established pan-Canadian network for responding to emerging viruses
No evidence for HPAI in Canadian cattle from testing of retail milk across the provinces (April – July 2024). 

Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 infection in dairy cows confers protective immunity against reinfection
Cattle inoculated with HPAI in hindquarter of udders. 31 days laters, inoculated in front quarter of udders. Prior infection = complete protection from both mastitis and virus replication and shedding in the forequarters of the udder. 

Replication Kinetics, Pathogenicity and Virus-induced Cellular Responses of Cattle-origin Influenza A(H5N1) isolates from Texas, United States
Previously reviewed as preprint. 
A/Texas/37/2024 replicated more efficiently than A/bovine/Texas/24-029328-02/2024 in mammalian and avian cells. The high path, (and modfieid low path) human virus exhibited higher pathogenicity and efficient replication in infected C57BL/6J mice compared to the bovine strain

Detection and Phylogenetic Characterization of Influenza D in Swedish Cattle
1763 samples from 2021-2024 in Sweden: 51 Influenza D virus positives in cows with resp signs. Two different clades, including reassortants. First detections for Sweden. Influenza D probably widespread, and very much understudied.

Modeling the Transmission Dynamics of Avian Influenza in Cattle
Paper describing a mathematical model. Unclear what the input data was, or if its just a conceptual model. Perhaps interesting to modellers, too maths for me.

Establishing methods to monitor H5N1 influenza virus in dairy cattle milk
Optimized detection+ sequencing for H5N1 surveillance in milk. Digital PCR strongly correlated with qPCR Cts, wdPCR exhibiting greater sensitivity. metagenomic sequencing after hybrid selection for higher conc vs amplicon sequencing for low conc

A One Health Investigation into H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus Epizootics on Two Dairy Farms
In Texas dairy farm: 64% (9/14) of milk, 2.6% (1/39) of cattle nasal swabs, 0/17 cattle worker nasopharyngeal swab specimens pos for HPAI. 14% of sera from workers antibody positive. Detected SARS-CoV-2 in a nasal swab from a sick cow

Testing of retail cheese, butter, ice cream and other dairy products for highly pathogenic avian influenza in the US
HPAI in milk, cheese, butter, and ice cream, but confirmatory testing found no live virus in any sample (=pasteurization effective). Sequenced virus == bovine outbreak.

Rapid and Safe Neutralization Assay for Circulating H5N1 Influenza Virus in Dairy Cows
Neutralization assay using luminescent virus-like particles. Detection of neutralizing antibodies induced by clade candidate vaccine viruses with the cow-derived H5N1 virus = potential efficacy of vaccines using current CVVs

Susceptibility of calf lung slice cultures to H5N1 influenza virus
ex vivo lung slice cultures from calves provide a useful method to rapidly screen host susceptibility to a range of influenza A viruses

A single mutation in bovine influenza H5N1 hemagglutinin switches specificity to human receptors
HPAI in cattle still preferentially binds to avian (vs mammalian) receptors. The switch to mammalian receptors can occur in 1 mutation: Gln226Leu. 

Contribution of viral “internal” genomic segments of H5N1 B3.13 to bovine cells adaptation. Generated recombinants with dif genotypes: recombinant B3.13 viruses displayed faster replication kinetics in bovine cells compared to other IAV

The Thermal Stability of Influenza Viruses in Milk
Pasteurisation inactivates HPAI in milk. Also works for influenza D viruses. 

Intramammary infection of bovine H5N1 influenza virus in ferrets leads to transmission and mortality in suckling neonates
Its not just cows – lactating ferrets transmit HPAI H5N1 to suckling kits. Viral RNA titers high in milk over time and remained high in mammary gland tissue. Viral titres in dam nasal swabs delayed, and minimally present in oral swabs.

Enhanced encephalitic tropism of bovine H5N1 compared to the Vietnam H5N1 isolate in mice
Comparing human case H5N1 from cows and from birds (Vietnam/2004) uniformly lethal in mice. Cow: resp tract + brain, CNS infection, Bird: only resp tract >> diff tissue tropism.

Avian influenza A (H5N1) virus in dairy cattle: origin, evolution, and cross-species transmission
Review of origin, evolution and cross species transmission of HPAI H5N1 in dairy cattle.

Environmental stability of HPAIV H5N1 in raw milk, wastewater and on surfaces
Half-life of H5N1 in raw milk (2.1 days), on polypropylene (1.4 days) and stainless-steel surfaces (1.2 days), wastewater (0.48 days).  Detectable quantities of infectious virus could theoretically persist in refrigerated raw milk for 45 days.

Transmission of a human isolate of clade A(H5N1) virus in ferrets
A/Texas/37/2024 (TX/37) A(H5N1) virus isolated from dairy farm worker in Texas

  • maintaining an avian-like receptor binding specificity
  • robust systemic infection in ferrets, w high levels of virus shedding
  • severe and fatal infection, characterised by viremia and extrapulmonary spread
  • efficient transmission in a direct contact setting
  • capable of indirect transmission via fomites

A human isolate of bovine H5N1 is transmissible and lethal in animal models
A/Texas/37/2024 (TX/37) A(H5N1) virus isolated from dairy farm worker in Texas

  • Effective replication in primary human alveolar epithelial cells, less efficiently in corneal epithelial cells. 
  • Lethal in mice & ferrets, spread systemically with high titres in respiratory & non-respiratory organs. 
  • Effectively transmitted in ferrets via respiratory droplets in 17%–33% of transmission pairs. 5/6 infected ferrets died. 
  • PB2-631L (encoded by bovine isolates), promoted influenza polymerase activity in human cells, suggesting a role in mammalian adaptation like PB2-627K (encoded by huTX37-H5N1). 
  • Bovine HPAI H5N1 viruses susceptible to polymerase inhibitors both in vitro & in mice. 

Replication Kinetics, Pathogenicity and Virus-induced Cellular Responses of Cattle-origin Influenza A(H5N1) Isolates from Texas, United States
A/Texas/37/2024 replicated more efficiently than A/bovine/Texas/24-029328-02/2024 in mammalian and avian cells. The high path, (and modfieid low path) human virus exhibited higher pathogenicity and efficient replication in infected C57BL/6J mice compared to the bovine strain.

Orogastric Exposure of Cynomolgus Macaques to Bovine HPAI H5N1 Virus Results in Subclinical Infection
Intranasal/intratracheal inoculation of H5N1 in macaques = systemic infection w mild and severe respiratory disease. Infection via orogastric route = subclinical, limited infection and seroconversion

Survivability of H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus in Homemade Yogurt, Cheese and Whey
Preprint now available in press.. No viable H5N1 in spiked dairy used to make whey, cheese & yoghurt 

Efficacy of oseltamivir and baloxavir against A(H5N1)-contaminated bovine milk in mice
Baloxavir treatment in mice has better disease outcomes compared to oseltamivir after being infected with milk containing H5N1. Better mouse survival, lower organ titres.

Dairy cows inoculated with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1
Experimental infection of cattle with HPAI by the American team:
– Heifers inocculated by aerosol respiraotry route, mild clinical disease, but lesions+seroconvertion
– Cattle innoculated via intramammary route. Clinical disease, decreased rumen motility, changes to milk appearance, production losses, high levels of viral RNA detected in milk, virus isolation, lesions in mammary tissue, and seroconversion

Infectivity and persistence of influenza viruses in raw milk
An interesting take – they tested PR8 (lab strain of human influenza) in milk. infectious in raw milk for up to 5 days, viral RNA remained detectable and stable for at least 57 days, with no significant degradation. Pasteurization significantly reduced detectable viral RNA 

Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Resilience in Milk after Thermal Inactivation
PR8 and a diversity of H5N1 viruses spiked into in retail and unpasteurized milk revealed virus resilience under certain conditions, but are inactivated under pasteurisation conditions.

The mammary glands of cows abundantly display receptors for circulating avian H5 viruses
Mammary glands of cows display receptors for H5 viruses, but respiratory tract does not = may explain tropism for mammary glands

Hot topic: Epidemiological and clinical aspects of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 in dairy cattle
Review of epidemiological & clinical aspects of HPAI H5N1 in cattle. Includes discussion on surveillance & control measures to implement within herds. Identifies areas where further research is needed.

Hot topic: Influenza A H5N1 virus exhibits a broad host range, including dairy cows
Review of host range of avian influenza, and infection dynamics in cattle.

Hot topic: Avian influenza subtype H5N1 in US dairy—A preliminary dairy foods perspective
Review of HPAI in milk and dairy, and impact of pasteurisation.

Rapid evolution leads to extensive genetic diversification of cattle flu Influenza D virus
Up to 80% cattle seropositive for influenza D virus. Five genetic lineages. Reassortment of IDV in US,  transboundary circulation in Europe. Higher rate of evolution and uncontrolled circulation, could facilitate its adaptation to humans.

H5N1 clade dynamics in experimentally infected calves and cows
Results from the FLI cow experimental infections and it is a tour-de-force. 

  •  Calves: moderate nasal replication + shedding with no severe clinical signs. No transmission to sentinel calves
  • Dairy cows: no nasal shedding, high fever, severe acute mammary gland infection with necrotizing mastitis. No systematic infection
  • Milk production was rapidly and drastically reduced and the physical condition of the cows was severely compromised. Virus titers in milk rapidly peaked at 108 TCID50/mL
  • both H5N1 euDG + B3.13 successfully replicated in cattle udders without respiratory spread

Thermal inactivation spectrum of influenza A H5N1 virus in raw milk
Decay and thermal stability spectrum of HPAI H5N1 virus in raw milk:  long term stability in raw 91 milk at 4oC but is rapidly inactivated by pasteurization

Wastewater Surveillance for Influenza A Virus and H5 Subtype Concurrent with the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Outbreak in Cattle and Poultry and Associated Human Cases — United States, 

Outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Viruses in U.S. Dairy Cattle and Detection of Two Human Cases — United States, 2024
Abridged version of an MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep shared earlier.

Bovine Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Stability and Inactivation in the Milk Byproduct Lactose
H5N1 virus stable for 14 days in a concentrated lactose solution under refrigerated conditions. Heat or citric acid treatments successfully inactivated the virus in lactose.

Personal Protective Equipment Guidance for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Should Be Adapted to Meet the Needs of Dairy Farm Workers
Michigan targeting dairy workers with simplified PPE guidance for improved likelihood of adherence. Recommend specifically addressing high-risk practices observed on dairy farms.

Detection and Monitoring of Highly Pathogenic Influenza A Virus Outbreak in Dairy Cattle in the United States
Evaluation of HPAI antibodies in serum and milk and viral RNA in milk on dairy farms in Texas, Kansas, and Michigan. Positive correlation between paired serum and milk sample results. high diagnostic performance during the convalescent phase.

Avian and Human Influenza A Virus Receptors in Bovine Mammary Gland
Publication of a preprint previously included. Detected IAV sialic acid -α2,3/α2,6-galactose host receptors in bovine mammary glands by lectin histochemistry. Results provide a rationale for high levels of H5N1 virus in milk from infected cows.

The highly pathogenic H5N1 virus found in U.S. dairy cattle has some characteristics that could enhance infection and transmission among mammals
News and Views paper about the Ensfield nature paper. 

Recent Bovine HPAI H5N1 Isolate is Highly Virulent for Mice, Rapidly Causing Acute Pulmonary and Neurologic Disease
Inoculation of C57BL/6J and BALB/c mice with HPAI resulted in virus replication in the lung inducing severe respiratory disease, C57BL/6J mice infected with the bovine isolate also developed high virus titers in the brain. Bovine isolate possesses enhanced respiratory and neuroinvasive/neurovirulent properties

Inactivation of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus with high temperature short time continuous flow pasteurization and virus detection in bulk milk tanks
Publication of a report previously included.
Very high virus titre in bulk tank milk from affected regions. Heating from 40°C to 72.5°C in 9.9 seconds reduced virus to undetectable levels. = Pasteurisation effective..

Notes from the Field: Health Monitoring, Testing, and Case Identification Among Persons Exposed to Influenza A(H5N1) — Michigan, 2024
As of May 23, 2024, Michigan had largest number of affected dairy & poultry facilities linked to HPAI A(H5N1) outbreak. Active symptom monitoring and testing of exposed workers led to detection of 2nd and 3rd known dairy-associated HPAI A(H5N1) cases in 2024.

Enhanced replication of contemporary human highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus isolate in human lung organoids compared to bovine isolate
Compared virus replication & host responses in human alveolar epithelium infected with HPAI H5N1 viruses. A/Vietnam/1203/2004 replicated most efficiently, followed by A/Texas/37/2024, then A/bovine/Ohio/B24OSU-342/2024 → cattle viruses just not that efficient at infecting humans compared to human viruses. 

Bovine H5N1 influenza virus binds poorly to human-type sialic acid receptors
Despite large number of birds and cattle affected, few human cases of 2344b. Here, evidence that avian and bovine H5N1 influenza virus binds poorly to human-type sialic acid receptors.

Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Infection in Two Dairy Farm Workers in Michigan
“Case report on the human infections. 

Highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus outbreak in cattle: the knowns and unknowns
By Neumann and Kawaoka, so definitely the paper to read. Short and to the point summary of the current situation.

Strain-dependent variations in replication of European clade influenza A(H5N1) viruses in bovine cells and thermal inactivation in semi-skimmed or whole milk
Strain-dependent differences of H5N1 in thermal inactivation, particularly in whole milk. All H5N1 viruses and H10 (with trypsin) replicated efficiently in bovine cells, but pigeon and red knot viruses exhibited lower titres,.

Fucosylated and non-fucosylated alpha2,3 sialosides were detected on the bovine mammary gland tissues
Analyzed of the detailed receptor distributions of bovine mammary gland using recombinant HA’s rather than plant-derived lectins which have been used in other studies and may not be that appropriate.. Detection of fucosylated and nonfucosylated α 2,3 sialosides.

A One Health Investigation into H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus Epizootics on Two Dairy Farms
Sampled cattle, milk and workers. Found HPAI in cattle swabs, milk, but none in workers. Found antibodies against HPAI in some workers (small sample size). But.. they found SARS-CoV-2 in a nasal swab of a cow. What a mess. 
Pop Sci: https://www.npr.org/sections/shots-health-news/2024/07/31/nx-s1-5059071/bird-flu-human-cases-farm-workers-testing 
>>> ~15% farm workers tested (n=14) seropositive for HPAI in Texas. None in Michagan. 
Repsonse from Florian Krammer: “This was measured by MN assay, not HAI. Titers of positives were low. Could as well be crossreactive anti-stalk or anti-N1 antibodies from seasonal H1N1 infections.: https://x.com/florian_krammer/status/1818732155733692690 

Colorado orders weekly bulk tank avian flu testing for dairy farms
The state has now reported 49 outbreaks in dairy cows, nearly half of its licensed dairy farms

Notes from the Field: Health Monitoring, Testing, and Case Identification Among Persons Exposed to Influenza A(H5N1) — Michigan, 2024

Evaluation of the Humoral Immune Response and Milk Antibody Transfer in Cattle vaccinated with inactivated H5 Avian Influenza vaccine
Calves inoculated with different vaccine doses, while lactating cows received the vaccine four weeks later. Dose-dependent immune response. Higher doses = stronger & more sustained antibody levels against HPAI Milk antibody transfer observed. Strong positive responses in milk samples by second week post-vaccination.

Spillover of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus to dairy cattle
Press release: https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1052083 
Paper includes a few preprints into 1 now and is probably the one to cite moving forward. Includes spillover, clincial signs, milk detection, tropism of mammary glands, multidirectional interspecies transmissions.  This paper has gotten loads of media coverage, with “mammal-to-mammal transmission” in the title of almost every story.

Effectiveness of Pasteurization for the Inactivation of H5N1 Influenza Virus in Raw Whole Milk
By the Canaadian team – similar to other studies: complete inactivation of H5N1 spiked raw milk at 63C for 30 minutes. Complete viral inactivation observed in 7/8 replicates of raw milk samples treated at 72C for 15 seconds. Pasteurization effective.

CDC Birdflu Response 
>> Total of 10 human cases of in USA – some from dairy cows, some from poultry

Experimental reproduction of viral replication and disease in dairy calves and lactating cows inoculated with highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 clade
Experimentally Holstein yearling heifers & lactating cows with cow HPAI. Heifers via aerosol respiratory route & cows by intramammary route. Mild clinical disease in heifers. Clinical disease in lactating cows = decreased rumen motility, changes to milk appearance, production losses consistent with field reports of viral mastitis. 

Detection and characterization of H5N1 HPAIV in environmental samples from a dairy farm
HPAIV H5N1 from environmental swab samples collected from a dairy farm in the state of Kansas, USA. PB2 E249G, NS1 R21Q pres, 1.7%  reads w PB2 (E627K).

Genomic Characterization of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A H5N1 Virus Newly Emerged in Dairy Cattle
HPAI viruses from dairy cattle w abrupt milk drop, two cats, six wild birds, and one skunk = early identical genome sequences B3.13.

CDC A(H5N1) Bird Flu Response Update, July 5, 2024

Stop H5N1 influenza in US cattle now
Great piece by Nicola Lewis & Martin Beer: “Even difficult viral adaptations can occur if there are enough opportunities for contact and replication in new host species. Adaptation of the virus to cattle must be prevented.”

Outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Viruses in U.S. Dairy Cattle and Detection of Two Human Cases — United States, 2024
350 exposed farm workers being monitored; one of the two cases was identified via daily, active monitoring. Surveillance identified no unusual IAV activity trends in U.S.. A(H5) candidate vaccine viruses available. Lab analyses indicate A(H5N1) viruses circulating in cows & other animals susceptible to FDA-approved antivirals.

Surveillance of H5 HPAI in Michigan using retail milk
qPCR detection of IAV in milk from local markets across Michigan. 2/13 samples +ve for IAV nucleic acid. Milk-based surveillance potentially useful if applied systematically at dairy processors or point of sale.

Inactivation of Avian Influenza Virus Inoculated into Ground Beef Patties Cooked on a Commercial Open-Flame Gas Grill
USDA FSIS recommended minimum internal temperature of 71.1°C for ground beef reduced AIV levels to below detection.

Pathogenicity and transmissibility of bovine H5N1 influenza virus
This article has garnered lots of attention – the results of mice and ferret experiments of H5N1. Viruses found in mammary glands of both mice and ferrets + resp tract of ferrets. Inefficient transmission in ferrets
Sci comm: Animal experiments shed more light on behaviour of H5N1 from dairy cows
Sci comm: https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/features-h5n1-influenza-viruses-dairy-cows-may-facilitate-infection-transmission-mammals 

Health officials pitch anonymous bird flu testing
Farmers refusing to test herds fearing economic consequences. Anonymous testing could mean results from individual farms anonymized & sent to U.S. Department of Agriculture. Challenge of zeroing in & addressing transmission at source would still remain.

H5N1 avian influenza in USA: A call for vigilance in one health surveillance
Although immediate public health risk posed by H5N1 currently low, human infection in Texas reinforces importance of One Health approach.

Pasteurization Inactivates Highly Infectious Avian Flu in Milk

Characterization of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in retail dairy products in the US
Publication of pre-print already reviewed

Inactivation of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus with high temperature short time 1 continuous flow pasteurization and virus detection in bulk milk tanks 
Evaluated HPAIV inactivation in artificially contaminated raw milk using most common legal conditions in US: 72°C for 15s. No viable virus detected. 

Bird flu in wastewater
Data from May 5–18 from 281 sampling locations show ^ levels of IAV virus at 3 sites in 2 states, & further 2 states where levels were ^ average compared with historic baseline samples.

H5N1 clade avian influenza viruses replicate in differentiated bovine airway epithelial cells cultured at air-liquid interface
Bovine cells + European HPAI H5N1: ????viral genome loads + infectious virus in 1st 24 h post-inoculation w/out cytopathogenic effects. infected cells still detectable by immunofluorescent staining @ 3dpi. =multiple lineages can infect resp tract of cattle

A single mutation in dairy cow-associated H5N1 viruses increases receptor binding breadth
HPAI human case ^ binding to α2,3 sialic acids (avian receptor) compared to historical & recent H5N1 viruses. No binding to α2,6 sialic acids yet (mammalian recept). Single mutation outside receptor binding site T199I responsible for increased binding breadth

CDC: H5N1 Bird Flu Confirmed in Person Exposed to Cattle

Detection of A(H5N1) influenza virus nucleic acid in retail pasteurized milk
Testing of pasteurized milk from retail in USA: HPAI in 36.3%. No evidence of viable virus was found following inoculation of MDCK cells, embryonated chicken eggs, or mice.

H5N1 clade avian influenza viruses replicate in differentiated bovine airway epithelial cells cultured at air-liquid interface
Experimental infection of cow epithelial cells. 1st 24 hrs: ???? viral genome loads + infectious virus + no cytopathogenic effects. 3dpi: infected cells by immunoflourescnece. == can infect cattle resp tract.

Technical Report: June 2024 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Viruses
> Summary by Flu Trackers: https://flutrackers.com/forum/forum/national-international-government-ngo-preparation-response/cdc/h5n1-information/992090-cdc-a-h5n1-bird-flu-response-update-june-14-2024 
> CDC analysed sera (blood) collected from people of all ages in all 10 HHS regions. Blood samples were collected during the 2022-2023 and 2021-2022 flu seasons. These samples were challenged with H5N1 virus to see whether there was an antibody reaction. Data from this study suggest that there is extremely low to no population immunity to clade A(H5N1) viruses in the United States. Antibody levels remained low regardless of whether or not the participants had gotten a seasonal flu vaccination, meaning that seasonal flu vaccination did not produce antibodies to A(H5N1) viruses. This means that there is little to no pre-existing immunity to this virus and most of the population would be susceptible to infection from this virus if it were to start infecting people easily and spreading from person-to-person. This finding is not unexpected because A(H5N1) viruses have not spread widely in people and are very different from current and recently circulating human seasonal influenza A viruses.

Inactivation rate of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus (clade in raw milk at 63 and 72 degrees Celsius
Press release summary: https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/infectious-h5n1-influenza-virus-raw-milk-rapidly-declines-heat-treatment 
>heat treatment at 63°C would yield a decrease in infectious viral titer by a factor of 10^10 within 2.5 minutes = standard bulk pasteurization of 30 minutes at 63°C has a large safety buffer
> small but detectable quantity of HPAI A(H5N1) virus to remain infectious in milk after 15 seconds at 72°C if the initial titer is sufficiently high

Sialic Acid Receptor Specificity in Mammary Gland of Dairy Cattle Infected with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus
The respiratory and mammary glands ofdairy cattle are rich in sialic acids, particularly avian α2,3-gal. Mammary gland tissues co-stained with sialic acids and influenza A virus nucleoprotein showed predominant co-localization with the virus and SA α2,3-gal.

Bird Flu Outbreak in Dairy Cows Is Widespread, Raising Public Health Concerns
Summary of events in cattle, touching on all the key points. 

Editorial: Concerns as Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Virus of the H5N1 Subtype is Identified in Dairy Cows and Other Mammals
Summary of epidemiology, transmission, and surveillance of HPAI H5N1 subtype in birds, mammals, and dairy cows, and why there are concerns regarding transmission to humans.

Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus among Dairy Cattle, Texas, USA
Case report of early outbreak in cattle. Lots of interesting insights into how they worked it all out.

CDC Reports A(H5N1) Ferret Study Results

  • The A(H5N1) virus from the human case in Texas spread efficiently between ferrets in direct contact but did not spread efficiently between ferrets via respiratory droplets
  • reinforce the need for people who have exposure to infected animals to take precautions 
  • No changes to risk assessment

Outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Viruses in U.S. Dairy Cattle and Detection of Two Human Cases – United States, 2024

2024 Highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) – Michigan Dairy Herd and Poultry Flock Summary
“Based on the epidemiological findings, the majority of links between affected dairy premises, and between dairy and poultry premises, are indirect from shared people, vehicles, and equipment.”

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Genotype B3.13 in Dairy Cattle: National Epidemiologic Brief https://www.aphis.usda.gov/sites/default/files/hpai-dairy-national-epi-brief.pdf

Canadians have updated (4 June) their milking pre-print. I expect there will be rolling updates. 
Longitudinal Influenza A Virus Screening of Retail Milk from Canadian Provinces (Rolling Updates)

Does pasteurization inactivate bird flu virus in milk?
Evaluation of thermal stability of HPAI H5N1, human H3N2 virus, H1, H3, H7, H9, H10. avian H3 virus = highest , HPAI = moderate thermal stability. standard pasteurization methods = effective.

Pasteurisation temperatures effectively inactivate influenza A viruses in milk
Pasteurisation effective for inactivation of human + avian influenza, influenza D, and recombinant IAVs carrying contemporary avian or bovine H5N1 glycoproteins. infectivity rapidly lost + undetectable before recommended pasteurisation time.

Cross-Species Transmission of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 Virus in the U.S. Dairy Cattle: A Comprehensive Review
Yet another review of current epidemiological landscape of HPAI H5N1 in U.S. dairy cows and the recent interspecies transmission events of HPAI H5N1 in other mammals reported in other countries.

Outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Viruses in U.S. Dairy Cattle and Detection of Two Human Cases — United States, 2024

Cow’s Milk Containing Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus — Heat Inactivation and Infectivity in Mice
Milk samples from HPAI H5 affected herd in New Mexico, viruses isolated. Heat treatment at 63°C reduced virus titers below the detection limit. HPAI remain infectious for several weeks in raw milk kept at 4°C. Infected mice had disease at 1dpi.

The mammary glands of cows abundantly display receptors for circulating avian H5 viruses
2344b HPAI H5 from cattle bind significantly in the mammary gland, whereas classical H5 proteins failed to do so.  9-O-acetyl modification prominent in all tissues , 5-N-glycolyl modification is not. receptors are available in the lungs, and lower respiratory tract infections are often not efficiently transmitted and cause severe disease.

Detection and characterization of H5N1 HPAIV in environmental samples from a dairy farm
Isolation of HPAI H5N1 from environmental swab samples from a dairy farm in Kansas. Two distinctive mutations in the PB2 (E249G) and NS1 (R21Q) genes, 1.7% of reads w PB2 E627K. PB2 and NS most closely related to human case.

Longitudinal Influenza A Virus Screening of Retail Milk from Canadian Provinces (Rolling Updates)
Pan-Canadian Milk (PCM) Network: 8 retail milk samples from Canada (NL, NB, QC, MB, and AB) and all have tested negative for influenza A virus RNA. Routine surveillance of retail milk = cost-effective, standardized, scalable and easily accessible manner.

From birds to mammals: spillover of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus to dairy cattle led to efficient intra- and interspecies transmission
Brilliant paper addressing key questions in cattle HPAI. 3-20% cattle affected, disease 5-14 days. More shedding in clinical cattle. Staining of tissues = tropism  for the epithelial cells lining the alveoli of the mammary gland. Genomic analysis reveals multidirectional interspecies transmissions. And they have mapped how virus spread between farms. This paper is worth the time. 

Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1) Was Not Detected Among Dairy Cattle and Farm Workers in Pakistan
HPAI not detected in dairy cattle and farm workers in Pakistan. Samples originally collected for influenza D work. Some previous testing also in Canada and Germany, negative. Seems that infection in dairy cows localised to US (for now)

Detection of Hemagglutinin H5 Influenza A Virus Sequence in Municipal Wastewater Solids at Wastewater Treatment Plants with Increases in Influenza A in Spring, 2024
Monitoring of 190 wastewater treatment plants across US  ???? IAV RNA concentrations at 59 in spring 2024. Specific H5 testing showed increase due to H5 in 4 tested, all which catch discarded animal waste.

Characterization of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in retail dairy products in the US
297 samples of Grade A pasteurised retail milk products (23 types) collected from 17 US states over 132 processors in 38 states. 20.2% positive by qPCR, all neg by egg innocs.

Influenza H5N1 and H1N1 viruses remain infectious in unpasteurized milk on milking machinery surfaces
HPAI H5N1 and H1N1 spiked into milk and put onto surfaces. HPAI remained infectious on surfaces for more than an hour = unpasteurized milk containing the H5N1 virus will remain infectious on milking equipment.

Virome Sequencing Identifies H5N1 Avian Influenza in Wastewater from Nine Cities.
19 of 23 monitored sites had at least one detection event, and the H5N1 serotype became dominant over seasonal influenza over time. 

Preliminary report on genomic epidemiology of the 2024 H5N1 influenza A virus outbreak in U.S. cattle 
(Part 1 of 2)
(Part 2 of 2)
This comprises the summary of genetic analysis of the sequences generated by USDA undertaken by evolutionary biologists. Highlights features such as reassortment prior to entering cattle, a single point of introduction into cattle, estimated date of virus introduction into the cattle population, mostly likely to have originated in Texas, and the presence of potentially adaptive mutations in cattle. 

The avian and human influenza A virus receptors sialic acid (SA)-α2,3 and SA-α2,6 are widely expressed in the bovine mammary gland
Turns out that cattle have avian type receptors in their mammary glands, which may explain why this is the “preferred” site of replication in cattle, and why there havent been to many occurences of the PB2 mutation in the cattle sequences. 

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Infection in a Dairy Farm Worker
Description of human case

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Clade Virus Infection in Domestic Dairy Cattle and Cats, United States, 2024
Infected cattle experienced nonspecific illness, reduced feed intake and rumination, and an abrupt drop in milk production, but fatal systemic influenza infection developed in domestic cats fed raw (unpasteurized) colostrum and milk from affected cows.

Emergence and interstate spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) in dairy cattle
Great to see the analysis by the USDA and folks involved in the cattle outbreaks. Genomic analysis and epidemiological investigation showed a reassortment event in wild bird populations preceded a single wild bird-to-cattle transmission episode.. 

Potential Pathways of Spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A/H5N1 Clade Across Dairy Farms in the United States
Led by folks at the Kirby using spatial models to understand how spread may have occurred. Assumes that spread is occurring in real time.. Rather than identification of cases as more testing has been done.

Experimental Infection of Cattle with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1)
4 calves experimentally infected with HPAI H5 (2006 strain). All remained healthy with no clinical signs. Limited shedding in nasal swabs, but shed low amounts of virus at 1dpi, 2dpi. All seroconverted.

Further Experiments Relating to the Propagation of Virus in the Bovine Mammary Gland
From 1953: Human influenza type persisted
in the mammary gland for ~ 2 weeks, titres rose in milk and persisted for several days, neutralizing antibodies
detected soon after the virus had disappeared.

Studies relating to the formation of neutralizing antibody following the propagation of influenza and Newcastle disease virus in the bovine mammary gland
A follow up, in 1955, w PR8 (these days a laboratory strain) (in goats as a sub for cattle). Infection in the mammary glad. Removal of mammary glad = decrease in antibody content in blood = neutralising antibodies being produced in mammary glad.

Significant rising antibody titres to influenza A are associated with an acute reduction in milk yield in cattle
Sporadic cases of “milk drop” investigated in a Holstein Friesian dairy herd in Devon, with increased antibody titres against human H3N2 and H1N1 associated with an acute fall in milk production

Influenza A in Bovine Species: A Narrative Literature Review
There is a long history of influenza A in cattle. First case is 1949 with 160,000 cattle affected in Japan. Generally mammalian H1 and H3 subtypes implicated.

Influenza D virus
Cattle are, of course, the central reservoir for influenza D viruses (a different virus species). Lots of scope for interesting work still to be done on influenza viruses in cattle.

Research articles, since ~ Nov 2022 (ongoing):

Follow me on Twitter/X for real-time publication sharing @DuckSwabber

Download a copy of my Endnote Library (updated 31/01/2025) HPAI_30Jan2025.enlp

Avian influenza annual report 2023
Summary of HPAI in Europe, 2023.
29/18,723 (0.15%) poultry operations in 8 countries seropositive for H5/H7 – 27 positive for H5, 1 positive for H7 & 1 positive for both strains. 180/2626 (6.85%) in 12 countries positive for H5/H7 virus – 178 positive for H5, 161 for H5N1, 2 for H7.
6717/51,411 wild brids (13.07%) positive for HPAIVs in 25 countries. H5N1 in 97%, similar to 2022. 20 countries reported 1940 wild birds testing positive for LPAI or AIV of unknown pathogenicity. 

Association of poultry vaccination with interspecies transmission and molecular evolution of H5 subtype avian influenza virus
Vaccinations: important in disease control, but can contribute to pathogen evolution. Here, vaccination poultry a sink (less so was unvaccinated poultry), but that HPAI had ???? nonsynonymous divergence + adaptive fixation in vaccinated Chinese poultry.

Exotic and Zoological Birds Resident and Imported into Nigeria harbour Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus: Threat to Poultry Production, Food security and Public Health
Report of HPAI detection in various traded and wild birds in Nigeria. 

Spatial and temporal variation in mortality from avian influenza in Greenland Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis in their wintering grounds
HPAI = ????20% of Greenland Barnacle Goose population. Islay, Tiree and Sligo had 30–56% reductions in survival rates. Mark-resighting data indicated mortality considerably higher than suggested from direct field counts

SciComm: https://www.ecologyconsult.co.uk/projects/barnaclegeese#Bird-Flu

Emergence of a novel reassortant highly pathogenic avian influenza clade A(H5N2) Virus, 2024 
In Egypt, 2024, detection of reassortant of an H5N1 clade virus and H9N2 G1-like virus = HPAI H5N2. Mutations increasing virulence in mice, and affecting polymerase activity detected. Continuous generation of 2344b diversity remains concerning

Emergence, spread, and impact of high pathogenicity avian influenza H5 in wild birds and mammals of South America and Antarctica, October 2022 to March 2024
This has been under review at Biological Conservation for almost a year, so we finally preprinted it. A comprehensive summary of HPAI in South America, and covers data from the previous antarctic season.

From Birds to Bovine: A Review and Critical Analysis of the Outbreaks of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Clade in the United States
Comprehensive summary of HPAI in the USA with a focus on birds, and spillover into poultry, mammals, humans. Interested in the high detection in hunter harvested birds..

The Generation of a H9N2 Avian Influenza Virus with HA and C3d-P29 Protein Fusions and Vaccine Development Applications
Modification of the H9 HA protein (minimum-binding domain from the C3d inserted): stronger type I interferences in vitro, higher and faster humoral immune responses tin SPF chickens, significantly higher HI titers

Research Note: Novel Reassortant Avian Influenza A(H9N2) Viruses in Wild Birds in Shanghai, China, 2020–2023
H9N2 in wild birds in Shanghai, 2020 to 2023: complicated reassortment with waterfowl viruses along the East Asian-Australasian flyways with 7 genotypes. Could contribute internal genes to 2344b.

H9N2 avian influenza virus diagnostics utilizing specific high-sensitivity enzymatic molecular system termed RPA-based CRISPR-Cas13a
CRISPR-Cas13a detects H9N2 RNA without pre-amplification. Good for in field as a mobile phone-based device allows for portable and sensitive readout

Pre-exposure antibody prophylaxis protects macaques from severe influenza
Macaques infused w broadly neutralising Abs recognizing conserved stem of HA. Macaques infected 3 days later, serious respiratory disease averted. Protective effect could last 8 weeks

Characterization of novel highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N6) clade virus in wild birds, East China, 2024
In June 2024, outbreak killing 43 gulls in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. 2344b H5N6, genetically similar to viruses in S. Korea and Japan (who submit lots of sequence data to databses). N6 similar to human case in 2014.

Hemagglutinin with a polybasic cleavage site confers high virulence on H7N9 avian influenza viruses
The sequence of multi-basic clevage sites matter. In H7N9, PEVPKRKRTAR↓GLF ???? replication kinetics, plaque size, thermal and acid stability, ????pathogenic to  chickens + mice, ???? virus titers, more severe lung changes

Novel H16N3 avian influenza viruses isolated from migratory gulls in China in 2023
Novel H16 viruses from China. Still lots to learn about these neglected gull associated subtypes, and they should be given the important contribution of gull viruses to HPAI reassortants in Europe.

Phosphorylation of PA at serine 225 enhances viral fitness of the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus in mice
phosphorylation of PA protein at site S225 of H5N1 enhances viral fitness; PA S225A mutation significantly decreased viral polymerase activity, disabled viral ribonucleoprotein complex (vRNP) assembly and attenuated PA nuclear accumulation

The sweet side of H5N1 influenza virus infection
Short review on sialic acids, receptors, and binding of H5N1 through the lens of human infection risk.

Detection of low pre-existing humoral immunity against influenza virus H5N1 clade in unexposed individuals

In naive humans, a ;ow but distinct cross-neutralizing titers against A/Texas/37/2024 with reduction compared to selected H1N1 or H3N2 strains detected. In 5/6 humans, potent A/Texas/37/2024-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies found.

Based on the MaxEnt model the analysis of influencing factors and simulation of potential risk areas of human infection with avian influenza A (H7N9) in China


~1500 human cases of H7N9 in humans in China (2013-2017). Here addressing correlation b/w human infection and influencing factors : eastern and southeastern coasts highest risk area, vegetation coverage, precipitation, altitude, poultry slaughter, production value, and temperature important factors.

Immunization with a novel RNA replicon vaccine confers long-lasting protection against H5N1 avian influenza virus in 24 bird species
Vaccination of 317 captive birds across 24 different species with vesicular stomatitis virus vaccine with 2344b HA. No side effects. high H5-specific neutralizing antibody titers following second dose for 1 year. Vaccinated chickens protected in challenge experiment

New incursions of H5N1 clade highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in wild birds, South Korea, October 2024
S. Korea, 2024. HPAI H5N6+H5N1 present until March, absent over summer, return again in Oct. In Oct, 2 different genotypes, HA similar to viruses from Japan.

The threat of avian influenza H5N1 looms over global biodiversity
Nice review article. Touches on impacts, biodiversity, implications for conservation and ecosystems, and science and policy recommendations. 

Selected microwave irradiation effectively inactivates airborne avian influenza A(H5N1) virus
For microwave inactivation of HPAI: 11–13 GHz band  highest inactivation, with ~ 89% mean reduction in titer, w peak efficacy in the the 11–12 GHz range. microwave emitters in poultry operations?

Reaction–advection–diffusion model of highly pathogenic avian influenza with behavior of migratory wild birds
Mathematical focused paper. Reaction–advection–diffusion equations to characterize interactions among wild birds, poultry, humans. basic reproduction number is more significantly affected by the parameters related to wild birds. Spatial diffusion RE poultry consistent with real data. virus spillover from wild birds substantial impact on poultry

The role of wild birds in transmitting highly pathogenic avian influenza in Denmark: An exploration using a spatiotemporal model
mechanistic model for understanding spatiotemporal transmission of HPAI in Denmark = decision-making tool. removing 50% of carcasses reduced the annual HPAIV mortality by 38% – more evidence for carcass removal.  

Evolutionary Adaptations in H5N1 Influenza: Implications for Human Health and Surveillance Strategies

Rapid and specific on-site H5Nx avian influenza diagnosis via RPA and PAM-independent CRISPR-Cas12a assay combined with anti-NP antibody-based viral RNA purification
Rapid detection method for HPAI using magnetic bead purification +  CRISPR-Cas12a system, uses anti-NP monoclonal antibodies. High sensitivity with fluorescent detection + lateral flow strips, high specificity to HP H5.

AIV (other subtypes) 

Proteomic Analysis of Differentially Expressed Proteins in A549 Cells Infected with H9N2 Avian Influenza Virus
expression patterns of cellular proteins that changed following H9N2 virus infection in cells. TP53, DDX58, STAT3 top hub proteins = signaling cascades essential for the propagation of IAVs, SNAPIN downregulated = regulatory factor in viral life cycle.

Isoleucine at position 137 of Hemagglutinin acts as a Mammalian adaptation marker of H9N2 Avian influenza virus
In Liaoning province, 2015-2016, H9N2 found with different chick embryo lethality. = T137I in the HA was responsible for the chick embryo lethality of the H9N2 virus = affects α2,6-linked sialic acid binding preference and HA activation and stability

Diversity of the H9N2 Avian Influenza Virus in Shandong Province, China
72/492 samples from chicken farms in Shandong positive for H9N2, sequencing showed Y280-like and F/98-like branches. pre/post 2013 strains may have undergone reassortment

Human Infection with Avian Influenza A(H9N2) Virus, Vietnam, April 2024 
April 2024, Vietnam confirmed first human case and death due to H9N2. 37-year-old man, pneumonia w dyspnea, fatigue, extensive alveolar + interstitial damage. No known exposure to sick birds. Sequence similar to viruses from H9N2 human cases in Cambodia..

Accelerated Subtyping of Influenza A in Hospitalized Patients
Hospitals are now urged to rapidly subtype influenza A cases in the context of avian influenza

An intranasal, NLC-delivered self-amplifying RNA vaccine establishes protective immunity against pre-pandemic H5N1 and H7N9 influenza
self-amplifying RNA vaccines against Vietnam/2004/ H5N1 and A/Anhui/2013 H7N9. In mice: IM vaccination = humoral + cellular, not mucosal response. IN vaccination = systemic + mucosal immunity. complete protection in ferret challenge

The Q226L mutation can convert a highly pathogenic H5 virus to bind human-type receptors
A 2016 2344e H5N6 (current concern is 2334b) HA can convert to human receptor binding via a single Q226L mutation. Glycan arrays, x-ray structural analyses, tissue- and direct glycan binding -> L133aΔ and 227Q are vital for this phenotype.  modified HA was not easily converted to human-type receptor specificity.

Pathogenesis of bovine H5N1 clade infection in Macaques
Routes of infection with bovine HPAI in cynomolgus macaques, a surrogate model for human infection. intranasal/intratracheal = systemic infection + resp disease. orogastric route = limited infection/ seroconversion, subclinical.

Clade but not historical clade 1 HA replicating RNA vaccine protects against bovine H5N1 challenge in mice
A replicating RNA vaccine w HA of bovine H5N1 confers complete protection against homologous lethal challenge in mice, but HA using Vietnam/2004 confers only partial protection..

Single Dose of Attenuated Vaccinia Viruses Expressing H5 Hemagglutinin Affords Rapid and Long-Term Protection Against Lethal Infection with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A H5N1 Virus in Mice and Monkeys
recombinant HPAI vaccine in highly attenuated vaccinia virus vectors: rapid (1 week dpv) + long-term protection (20 months pv) in mice, long-term protection in macaques when challenged with a heterologous clade of the HPAI H5N1 virus.

Optimizing contact tracing for avian influenza in poultry flocks
Usually, HPAI is first detected by increased mortality in sheds. Here, day of first infection calculated, with a useful app. Data useful for contact tracing poultry and farms.
App: https://first-inf.sk8.inrae.fr/ 

Purification Immunoglobulin Yolk Anti Avian Influenza H5N1 in Poultry Using Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography
Rather than harvesting IgY anti-avian influenza H5N1 from vaccinated chickens, it can be harvested from eggs laid  by vaccinated chickens. IgY anti-avian influenza H5N1 is used for diagnostic purposes. 

Risk factors for the incursion of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus into poultry and other captive bird holdings in Denmark from 2020 to 2023: a case-control study
In Denmark, observing/close proximity to wild waterfowl and gulls was a risk factor for an HPAI outbreak in poultry. Other variables not significant. Biosecurity critical!

Past and future effects of climate on the metapopulation dynamics of a Northeast Atlantic seabird across two centuries
Study of Northern Gannets in the N. Atlantic from 1900–2100, mostly with a focus on changing marine ecosystems.  HPAI has had a notable impact on the population, causing a dramatic species level decline, which must be accounted for in these types of models 

Declines in UK breeding populations of seabird species of conservation concern following the outbreak of high pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) in 2021–2022
HPAI has had significant impacts on UK birds w decreases in Great Skua, Northern Gannet, Sandwich Tern, Common Tern. For Great Skua, 73% decrease in occupied territories in 2023!

Unique duck rearing practice in irrigated rice paddy fields driving recurrent H5N1 Avian Influenza outbreaks in two districts of Kerala, India
In India, repeated outbreaks of HPAI in domestic ducks. Data suggests incursion from wild birds, and then further transmission through moving ducks between paddy fields. HPAI likely now persistent in domestic ducks. 

Detection and characterisation of high pathogenicity avian influenza virus (H5N1/H5N8) clade, Hong Kong SAR, China, 2021 to 2024
In Hong Kong, 3 different genotypes of HPAI H5N1/H5N8 from 2021-24. Viruses from spoonbills in 2022 similar to a human case in China. Variable virulence in mice, susceptible to approved antivirals. No antibodies in humans.

Evidence of avian and human influenza A virus infection in farmed Siamese crocodiles (Crocodylus siamensis) in Thailand
Siamese crocodiles, 13 crocodile farms, 9 provinces, Thailand, 2019 +archived plasma. Antibodies againsts: H2 (46.5%), H9 (39.5%), human H1 (14%), H1 (7%). Swabs negative. 
Turns out, this isnt surprising. This paper from 2015 showed experimentally infected alligator eggs supported infection with LPAI. Primary alligator cells showed antigen staining. Better replication at 30C for alligator cells

Long-term immune responses induced by low-dose infection with high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses can protect mallards from reinfection with a heterologous strain
Can mallards, repeatedly infected with HPAI, act as carriers multiple times within a season? Immunity @ 84 dpi fully protected mallards (no shedding), BUT antibody levels did not increase significantly in most of these birds. 

Development of avian influenza A(H5) virus datasets for Nextclade enables rapid and accurate clade assignment
Clade names getting you down? Now, simply drag and drop and you will have the clade information.  Based on 3 Nextclade datasets, can assign clades to H5 HA sequences, call mutations relative to reference strains.

A Model H5N2 Vaccine Strain for Dual Protection Against H5N1 and H9N2 Avian Influenza Viruses 
PR8-derived recombinant H5N2 vaccine strain with HA + NA from clade H5N1 and Y439-like H9N2 viruses. Efficacy tested in mice, with protective effect. Poultry vaccine, not tested in poultry

Asymptomatic infection and antibody prevalence to co-occurring avian influenza viruses vary substantially between sympatric seabird species following H5N1 outbreaks
Isle of May, Scotland, 2023 seroprev: 1.1% in European shags (to H5), 78.7% in black-legged kittiwakes (to H16 /H13), 31-41% for auks (H5, H16 or both). 1.6–4.5% prev for LPAI. What is unclear is whether the H5 serology results are LPAI or HPAI. Overall, complex system with both LPAI and HPAI. 

Geographical distribution and evolutionary dynamics of H4Nx avian influenza viruses
Diversity of H4 viruses in China, with at least 8 genotypes. Some internal segs similar to HPAI = reassortment. Two H4N8 viruses similar to porcine H4N8 viruses. They have also included a global analysis of H4 viruses, which his somewhat surprising given a recent global analysis done in 2024 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/22221751.2024.2418909 

Genetic and Molecular Characterization of Avian Influenza A(H9N2) Viruses from Live Bird Markets (LBM) in Senegal
2 LBMs, Dakar, Senegal: Dec 2023 – Oct 2024, 499 samples, 58.3% AIV +ve. H9N2 in both markets (35-42.6%). Sequences similar to human case in Senegal in 2019 = endemic in Senegalese chickens?

HA198 mutations in H9N2 avian influenza: molecular dynamics insights into receptor binding
HA198 mutations significantly alter receptor binding properties in H9N2: 198V = 4-16 -fold ???? in overall receptor-binding avidity. HA198V/T enhanced binding to human α2,6 SA receptors, HA198A to avian α2,3 SA receptors.

The H5N6 Virus Containing Internal Genes From H9N2 Exhibits Enhanced Pathogenicity and Transmissibility
Recently reported HPAI H5N6 viruses with internal genes from H9N2 have increase pathogenicity in mice, and can transmit by aerosols = pose a greater threat to human health

Social Media Memes and Early Public Opinion Formation Regarding Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) as a Public Health Threat in the United States 
HPAI is a massive OneHealth challenge. What are people talking about on Facebook? Raw milk, eggs, homeopathy make the top 3  topics. At least wildlife is on the list….

Bird flu: US reports first human death in person infected with H5N1

Human Health Surveillance During Animal Disease Emergencies: Minnesota Department of Health Response to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Outbreaks, 2015 and 2022–2023
Evaluation of poultry workers from HPAI-infected flocks: self-reported PPE usage declined significantly from 2015 to 2022–2023. In 2022–23, 45 people reported illness,  H5N1 HPAI not detected (humun pathogens found).

Comparison of Contemporary and Historic Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Replication in Human Lung Organoids
In human alveolar epithelium, A/Vietnam/1203/2004 (old H5N1) replicated most efficiently, followed by A/Texas/37/2024 (human case, bovine genotype), then A/bovine/Ohio/B24OSU-342/2024. Induction of interferon-stimulated genes lower 2344b viruses.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza: considerations for healthcare settings
Systematic approach that healthcare facilities can adopt to prepare to identify, confirm, and safely manage highly pathogenic avian influenza in the healthcare setting

Anti-neuraminidase and anti-hemagglutinin stalk responses to different influenza a(H7N9) vaccine regimens
H7N9 pre-pandemic vaccines trialed using viruses from 1st and 5th wave. NAI antibody responses increase in a dose-dependent manner, with interval extension of 2 dose series or 5 year boost. Anti-HA stalk antibody responses were minimal and not durable

Influenza A Virus H7 nanobody recognizes a conserved immunodominant epitope on hemagglutinin head and confers heterosubtypic protection

Estimating the time of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza virus introduction into United States poultry flocks during the 2022/24 epizootic
Using modelling, the mean time to first positive sample in poultry flocks following HPAI H5N1 incursion is 6 days in the USA. Useful for surveillance protocols, risk analyses of HPAI spread, and emergency preparedness for HPAI outbreaks.

Stochastic Models of Zoonotic Avian Influenza with Multiple Hosts, Environmental Transmission, and Migration in the Natural Reservoir
Develop a model for spread of a LPAI virus that combines factors including multi-host populations, spillover into humans, environmental transmission, seasonality, & migration.

Surveillance Strategy in Duck Flocks Vaccinated against Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus
mathematical model to simulate transmission of HPAI vaccinated ducks used to understand best sampling strategy post vaccination. 
– Sampling dead ducks every week most sensitive + timely strategy. 
– Active surveillance of monthly testing of a cross-sectional sample of live ducks least sensitive + timely strategy

Intensive transmission in wild, migratory birds drove rapid geographic dissemination and repeated spillovers of H5N1 into agriculture in North America
-North American HPAI panzootic was driven by ∼8 independent introductions into North America via the Atlantic and Pacific Flyways. 
-Transmission via  Anseriformes, shorebirds, Galliformes. Songbirds, raptors, and owls dead-end hosts
-46-113 independent introductions from wild birds to poultry
-Backyard birds were infected ∼10 days earlier on average than birds in commercial poultry production settings

Geographic, ecological, and temporal patterns of seabird mortality during the 2022 HPAI H5N1 outbreak on the island of Newfoundland
From surveys and citizen reports, ~13 517 seabird mortalities in Newfoundland & Labrador attributed to HPAI April – Sept 2022, mostly in gannets, murres, puffins, kittiwakes.

Potential Arrival Pathway for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 to Oceania

Detection of antibodies against H5 subtype highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in multiple raccoons in Tokachi District, Hokkaido, Japan, from 2022 to 2023
114 raccoons sampled in Japan from 2019-2023. Using ELISA, 5 of 114 (4.4 %) raccoons IAV positive, with HI confirming H5 and NI confirming N1 and N8, with all positives in 2022-23.

High pathogenicity avian influenza H5N5: the next threat?
All talk on HPAI H5N1.. but more and more detections of HPAI H5N5 so important for us not to lose sight of HPAI H5 beyond H5N1. 

Longitudinal Active Avian Influenza Surveillance in Bangladesh From 2017–2022 Reveals Differential IAV and H5 Infection and Viral Burden Associated With Bird Species, Sex, and Age
Insights from AIV surveillance domestic birds in Bangladesh 2017-22: male domestic ducks have higher risk of AIV (incl H5). In chickens, male birds + juvenile birds generally have higher viral load. 

Revealing novel CD8+ T-cell epitopes from the H5N1 avian influenza virus in HBW/B1 haplotype ducks
Ratio of CD8+ T cells + expression IFN-γ + cytotoxicity-associated genes at 7 days post-infection  in B1 haplotype ducks ???? when defending against HPAI infection in vivo. useful for universal T-cell epitope vaccines in ducks. I find it rare to see papers digging into T cells in duck immunology, so very interesting and demonstrates feasibility to do this type of work. 

Recurring incursions and dissemination of novel Eurasian-origin H5Nx avian influenza viruses in Atlantic Canada
Fifth incursion of HPAI into E. Canada – an H5N5. mammalian-adaptive mutations in some (PB2-E627K + PB2-D701N), HA and NA mutations associated with enhanced viral fitness + avian transmission capabilities

Combination Adjuvants Enhance Recombinant H5 Hemagglutinin Vaccine Protection Against High-Dose Viral Challenge in Chickens
Evaluation of 7 adjuvants in for recombinant avian influenza subunit vaccines in chickens. The ISA78VG&Quil-A combo: rapid antibody responses, 100% seroconversion, high HI titers.

Impacts of highly pathogenic avian influenza on seabird populations in the North Sea are detectable in sea-watchers’ migration counts
From sea-watchers’ migration counts: changes in migration counts of four species with known HPAI mortality (gulls, skuas, tern), declines in 10 species with no known HPAI detections in UK. Conservation impacts. 

Immature Northern Gannets (Morus bassanus) increase colony attendance following highly pathogenic avian influenza
In E. Canada, 43% decline in Gannet occupied sites since 2018. All sites in 2023 had at least one immature bird compared to > 2% before HPAI, and 16% were breeding. HPAI impact on gannet ecology. 

Molecular Characterization and Genetic Analysis of Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Clade in Seagulls from Dukan Lake, Iraq
HPAI outbreak in gulls in 2024 in Dukan Lake, Iraq. High mortality rate w visible torticollis. Sequence similar to Kazahkstan viruses. No data on affected numbers. My guess from photos- Slender billed gulls?
Video from news site: https://en.964media.com/19283/ 
What is WAHIS is 50 birds, which seems not to align with the video from the news site: https://wahis.woah.org/#/in-review/5695 

Avian Influenza Virus Infections in Felines: A Systematic Review of Two Decades of Literature
Avian influenza in cats, systematic review 2024-2024: 607 AIV infections in felines, 302 associated deaths, comprising 18 countries and 12 felid species. Dramatic increase in 2005, 2023/24. Probably both reporting, testing bias, and genuine increase.

Rapid detection of Pan-Avian Influenza Virus and H5, H7, H9 subtypes of Avian Influenza Virus using CRISPR/Cas13a and lateral flow assay
New rapid diagnostics via CRISPR-Cas13a : both M gene (general influenza) detection +differentiate H5, H7, H9 via the HA. specificity and sensitivity comparable to or exceeding that of qRT-PCR

Surveillance of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus in Wild Canids from Pennsylvania, USA
In Pennsylvania, 2022–2024: 41 wild canid carcasses including 23 red foxes and 18 gray foxes. 5 red fox kits positive for HPAI. Serum from 2021-2023:  2 coyotes AIV positive, but not H5 positive, in 2024. Infection sporradic. 

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Contributes to the Population Decline of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) in The Netherlands
Significant mortalities of Peregrine Falcons in 2016–2017 and 2020–2023, years of major HPAI H5 virus outbreaks. In 2023: 80% (28/32) of tested birds were positive for HPAI H5 == HPAI major threat to this species.

Phylogenetic and Pathogenic Analysis of H5N1 and H5N6 High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Virus Isolated from Poultry Farms (Layer and Broiler Chickens) in Japan in the 2023/2024 Season
2023–2024 winter, 11 HPAI H5N1 (G2d-0 genotype) + H5N6 (novel G2c-12 genotype) outbreaks in Japanese domestic poultry in 10 prefectures. Experimental infection in chickens showed no differences. 

High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Virus (HPAIV) H5N1 clade recovered from a kelp gull (Larus dominicanus) in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
Another piece of the Antarctic puzzle. HPAI genome from Kelp Gull in South Shetland Islands NOT sister to Falkland or S. Georgia virus… rather, an independant introduction from S. America.

Detection of Hemagglutinin H5 influenza A virus RNA and model of potential inputs in an urban California sewershed
Using wastewater data from California, model developed to identify source of detections (a major limitation of waste water surveillance). Here, most likely contaminated milk or infected poultry likely sources of H5 to wastewater. 
Shiny tool: https://abharv52.shinyapps.io/h5_input_estimates/

Mortality among scarce breeding gulls and terns during a highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus outbreak in Poland during 2023
In 2023: 12% of the Polish breeding population of Mediterranean Gulls 16% of the Polish breeding population of Common Terns died due to HPAI. Numerous other gulls and terns too. 

Distribution of lesions and detection of influenza A(H5N1) virus, clade, in ante- and postmortem samples from naturally infected domestic cats on U.S. dairy farms
Pathology of HPAI in cats: nonsuppurative and necrotizing encephalitis and subtle interstitial pneumonia. Positive by IHC in brain, lung, OP swab, urine, nasal swab, blood + serum. Fecal swabs negative.

The novel H10N3 avian influenza virus acquired airborne transmission among chickens: an increasing threat to public health
H10 from ducks, chickens, humans used to infect ducks and chickens. There are clear differences in infection kinetics, and transmission dynamics across the different isolates in chickens. But in ducks, all the same, GI infection. Also study of poultry workers, with 1.5% seropositive. 

Gene flow and its sporadic spillover: H10 and N5 avian influenza viruses from wild birds and the H10N5 human cases in China

Structural basis of different neutralization capabilities of monoclonal antibodies against H7N9 virus
Detailed interrogation of neutralization mechanisms, structural basis, and therapeutic effects of three nAbs (1H9, 2D7, and C4H4) against H7N9 viruses. USeful for rational design of vaccines and therapeutics against H7N9 viruses for humans

The Attribution of Human Seasonal Influenza H3N2 Virus Detection to the Collector, Not Avian Sources, During the 2022 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Outbreak in Pennsylvania, USA—Implications for Biosafety and Biosecurity
Samples from a poultry farm were positive by M gene, but negative for H5N1. Full genome sequencing revealed a HUMAN H3N2. Turns out, the person collecting samples was sick (IAV positive via rapid test) and thus likely contaminated the samples.  

The PA-X host shutoff site 100 V exerts a contrary effect on viral fitness of the highly pathogenic H7N9 influenza A virus in mice and chickens
PA-X 100 V: ???? viral fitness in mice, ???? viral virulence in chickens, ???? viral polymerase activity and viral replication in mammalian cells == host shutoff site in regulating the viral fitness for H7N9

Prior infection with IBDV prolonged the shedding of a mallard H3N8 influenza A virus (IAV) challenge from the oropharyngeal cavity of some chickens and increased the number of amino acid substitutions in the IAV samples
Prior infection with infectious bursal disease virus prolonged shedding, increases titres, increased the number of amino acid substitutions of H3N8 infection in chickens. H3N8 resp infection, with shedding only in the OP sample. 

Random forest algorithm reveals novel sites in HA protein that shift receptor binding preference of the H9N2 avian influenza virus
12 substitutions in the HA gene pf H9N2 predicted to prefer binding to α2, 6 receptors using random forest machine learning. Receptor binding assays confirm 11/12. 

Past Reported Global Human Cases with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) (HPAI H5N1) by Country, 1997-2024

Genetic Sequences of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Viruses Identified in a Person in Louisiana
D1.1 genotype, which is NOT the cow genotype.

Critical Illness in an Adolescent with Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Infection
Case report of Canadian teenager’s HPAI infection. D1.1 genotype.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus: Interim Recommendations for Prevention, Monitoring, and Public Health Investigations

Estimates of epidemiological parameters for H5N1 influenza in humans: a rapid review
From an assessment of 32 studies: H5N1 in human has lower transmissibility (R0 < 0.2), higher severity, longer incubation (∼4 days vs ∼2 days), serial intervals (∼6 days vs ∼3 days) than human subtypes

An influenza mRNA vaccine protects ferrets from lethal infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus
mRNA vaccine candidates for A(H5) clade viruses in ferrets: two doses = robust neutrilizing antibodies, protection to lethal challenge, reduced viral titers in the upper and lower respiratory tracts.

Low-inflammatory lipid nanoparticle-based mRNA vaccine elicits protective immunity against H5N1 high-pathogenicity avian influenza virus with reduced adverse reactions
lipid nanoparticles mRNA vaccine against H5N1: antigen-specific antibodies and better IFN-γ-producing T helper type 1 responses in mice, strong protection against homologous challenge, cross protection against heterologous challenge.

Targets of influenza human T-cell response are mostly conserved in H5N1
Patterns of immunodominance of human seasonal influenza and H5N1 similar. Large % of T-cell epitopes conserved at level associated w cross-reactivity. Similarity of N1 of human H1N1 and cross-reactive group 1 HA stalk-reactive antibodies.

Evidence of an emerging triple-reassortant H3N3 avian influenza virus in China
Genome constellation: internals from H9N2, LPAI H3 from wild birds, and then the N3 is similar to H10N3 viruses (beware database bias). H9N2 internals never a good thing. 

DNA Vaccine Encoding a ModifiedHemagglutinin of Influenza A/H5N8 Virus Protects Mice from Infection with aLethal Dose of Influenza A/H5N1 Virus
Challenge study with prev dev DNA vaxx w H5N8 in mice. Formation of cross netrilizing antibodies against H5N1, prevented morbidity and mortality of animals against both H5N8 and H5N1.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus in Finland in 2021-2023 – Genetic diversity of the viruses and infection kinetics in human dendritic cells
H5N1 from wild pheasant, fox, mink used to infect human monocyte-derived dendritic cells. No differences between mammalian isolates, pheasant virus ????replication and viral protein expression. Similar  infectivity in human cells for all viruses.== bird, mammalian and human isolates are all similar == no selective advantage for viruses from mammals to infect human cells.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Infections in Humans
Human H5N1 from March-October 2024 in the USA. Of 46, 20 from poultry, 25 from dairy cows. median age = 34 years, and all had mild illness; 93% had conjunctivitis, none hospitalized, none died. Most patients (87%) received oseltamivir

A low pathogenic avian influenza A/Mallard/South Korea/KNU2019-34/2019 (H1N1) virus has the potential to increase the mammalian pathogenicity
Avian H1N1 from S. Korea causes severe mortality in mice, high viral loads in nasal washes and lungs of ferrets, prefers to bind to human-like α2,6-linked sialic acids. 7 mutations of interest

One health, one flu: the re-emergence of avian influenza

High cumulative viral titers of influenza virus in animals with significant disease fatality rates indicate a potential trade-off between fatality and transmissibility

Risk assessment of 2024 cattle H5N1 using age-stratified serosurveillance data
Most humans lack neutralizing antibody response against 2024 cattle H5N1: Overall, 2.2% (4/180) had nAbs with with all collected from older adults aged ≥60 years old. In a follow up, 5.0% (15/300) of adults ≥70 years old had detectable nAbs against bovine H5N1

PB2 627V and HA 217 sites synergistically affect the lethality of H9N2 in mice
H9N2 in China, 2018-2019. Y280 branch, with some segemnts in G1 and F/98. Antigenic differences, early vaccine strains displaying low serological reactivity. CK/SH/49/19 with PB2 627V and HA 217M exhibited lethality in mice

First report of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 in common cranes (Grus Grus) in Serbia Natural Infection of Common Cranes (Grus grus) with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 in Serbia
Mass mortality of Common Cranes in Serbia in 2023. Birds had neurologic signs, including ataxia and incoordination. viral RNA detected in all 14 selected tissues. Similar to sequences from Cranes in Croatia and Italy. 

Confirmation of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 in Skuas, Antarctica 2024
5 dead Skuas sampled on James Ross Island, Antarctica, March 2024. All positive for  -confirming the first recorded HPAI-related mortality event in Antarctica (south of 60°S)

Genetic diversity of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N6 and H5N8 viruses in poultry markets in Guangdong, China, 2020-2022
Guangdong 2020-22: H5N6 viruses were +, H5N8 viruses were exclusively Since 2021, expanded genetic diversity of H5Nx viruses in China

Evidence of Influenza A(H5N1) Spillover Infections in Horses, Mongolia
Unexpected: Serologic evidence of H5N1 infection in horses in Mongolia. 10 horses from 24 herds, 3 times per year were tested, with 9 positive using H5 ELISA. No signs of disease.

Marked Neurotropism and Potential Adaptation of H5N1 Clade Virus in Naturally Infected Domestic Cats
Cats have been impacted by 2344b in numerous contexts. In North Dakota, 10 outdoor cats died, anorexia, lethargy, and potential neurologic deficits. Very low Ct (18, 20), severe neuropathology with extensive viral nucleoprotein in brains.

The evolution of hemagglutinin-158 and neuraminidase-88 glycosylation sites modulates antigenicity and pathogenicity of clade H5N1 avian influenza viruses
2321a + 2321c in Asia. Deglycosylated residue HA158- and glycosylated residue NA88+  predominant in 2321 viruses. HA158+ = immune evasion of antisera. HA158- /NA88- ???? NA activity, replication in mammalian cells, pathogenicity in chickens + mice. 

Analysis of the Monophyletic Lineage of Avian Influenza H5N1 Which Circulated in Venezuelan Birds During the 2022–2023 Outbreak
One 2344b lineage really dominated in S. America, but it was not the only one to arrive. Viruses in Venezuela:  monophyletic clade with North American viruses, no evidence of reassortment. Detected in pelicans and a vulture. 

Novel human-type receptor-binding H5N1 virus in live poultry markets, China
January, 2024, Poyang Lake: high prevalence of novel H5N1 viruses w enhanced binding affinity for human-type sialic acid receptors, include D158N and N193K substitutions in the RBD. Phylo similar to viruses from Japan/S.Korea in 2022/23

Development of a Large-Volume Concentration Method to Recover Infectious Avian Influenza Virus from the Aquatic Environment
Large-volume concentration method for detecting infectious avian influenza virus in waterbodies: ultrafiltration, salt solution elution + centrifugation concentration. == infectious virus was recovered at 1 × 10−1 EID50.

Avian influenza: A new threat to wild bird conservation? 
Small review

H5 subtype avian influenza virus induces Golgi apparatus stress response via TFE3 pathway to promote virus replication
Avian influenza virus induces Golgi apparatus stress in A549 cells, and TFE3 activated. Block TFE3 pathway = inhibition of AIV replication in A549 cells + attenuated virulence in mice.

Structure of a zoonotic H5N1 hemagglutinin reveals a receptor-binding site occupied by an auto-glycan
Cryo-EM structure of HA from A/Texas/37/2024: receptor-binding site already occupied by an α2-3-linked sialic acid from asparagine N169 – “auto”-2-3-linked sialic acid?

Spatio-temporal dynamics and risk cluster analysis of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) in poultry: Advancing outbreak management through customized regional strategies in Egypt
Digging into the data demonstrates differing H5N1 epidemiology in different regions in Egypt, requiring customised regional interventions for management and response. 

Self-assembling nanoparticle vaccine elicits a robust protective immune response against avian influenza H5N6 virus in chickens
Nanoparticle vaccine w HA of H5N6 using ferritin antigen display platform. Single dose = HI responses and neutrilising antibody responses in chickens. In challenge, 100% protection

An epizootic of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H7N3 in a Mexican ecological reserve
HPAI H7N6 impacting wildbirds, zoo birds and poultry in an “ecological reserve” in Chiapas, Mexico. Mostly detected in plain chachalacas (yes, this is a type of bird). Respiratory + gastrointestinal clinical signs, death in 24 hours. Also found in zoo birds (e.g. parrots), and there was poultry depopulation. I suspect a lot of contact between wildlife/poultry in this region.

Riding the Permafrost Rooster: Avian Ecology and Bird Flu 
Literature review

Molecular characterisation of novel reassortants of the G57 genotype of low-pathogenic avian influenza H9N2 virus isolated from poultry farms in Malaysia
Outbreaks of H9N2 in commercial poultry in Malaysia in 2017. Viruses were reassortants, with Y280-like (HA gene), F/98-like (NS, NP and PA), G1-like (M and PB2), and Korean-like (PB1) lineages. Viruses different from G57 lineage of Chinese origin.

The PB1 protein of H9N2 influenza A virus inhibits antiviral innate immunity by targeting MAVS for TRIM25-mediated autophagic degradation
Avian influenza virus can modulate the host immune system. Here,  H9N2 PB1 protein suppressed activities of the IFN-β, ISRE, and NF-κB promoters == negative regulator of the RIG-I signaling == regulation of the host’s innate immune antiviral response

Origin, spread, and interspecies transmission of a dominant genotype of BJ/94 lineage H9N2 avian influenza viruses with increased threat
Over 3 decades, BJ/94 lineage of H09N2: emergence of genotype G57, expansion in geographical distribution, interspecies transmission,  reassortment = increasing associated public health risks with ???? detection in wild birds, mammals, humans.

Examining the Influenza A Virus Sialic Acid Binding Preference Predictions of a Sequence-Based Convolutional Neural Network 
Neural network model predicts the α2,6-linked sialic acid preference of influenza A viruses given the HA sequence – 94% correct. Important features tested via targeted mutagenesis for confirmation. 

Systematic Review of Avian Influenza Virus Infection and Outcomes during Pregnancy
Based on n=30, high mortality rates for mothers (90.0%, 27/30) and their babies (86.7%, 26/30) when women were infected with HPAI during pregnancy

Replication Restriction of Influenza A(H5N1) Clade Viruses by Human Immune Factor, 2023–2024
Human MxA suppresses replication of HPAI isolated from mammals in vitro and in MxA-transgenic mice. But, H5N1 can evade via replacement of individual viral polymerase complex components.

Incidence of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 in pinnipeds in Uruguay
In Uruguay, Sept-Dec 2023: 2713 stranded pinnipeds (S. American SeaLion, S. American Fur Seals); 92.4% were dead, including 80 aborted fetuses. Live animals w clinical signs: tremors, convulsions, extreme weakness. 

Expansion of the early warning system for avian influenza in the EU to evaluate the risk of spillover from wild birds to poultry
– Review to identify the risk factors for virus introduction from wild birds into poultry farms and the availability of associated data in Europe. 
– A theoretical modelling framework developed to assess, on a grid of 50 x 50 km cells, the relative weekly probability of HPAI introduction in at least one domestic poultry flock because of infectious wild birds. 

Updated Biological Risk Assessment and Recommendations for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Antarctica
Updated risk assessment and lessons learned from HPAI in Antarctica in 2023/24. 

A 2022 avian H5N1 influenza A virus from clade attaches to and replicates better in human respiratory epithelium than a 2005 H5N1 virus from clade
https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.11.27.625596v1 viruses attach + replicated more efficiently in human respiratory epithelium than (2005) virus. = increased risk of human infections with = facilitate opportunities for human adaptation.

Influenza A(H5N1) shedding in air corresponds to transmissibility in mammals
Based on air sampling in ferret trials: “kinetics data similar to ferret-to-ferret transmission studies. Absence of transmission observed for earlier A(H5N1) viruses due to a lack of infectious virus shedding in the air, not lack of mutations.
> 2005 zoonotic and 2024 bovine A(H5N1) viruses were not detected in the air. 
>  2022 European polecat A(H5N1) virus and a 2024 A(H5N1) virus isolated from a dairy farm worker : shedding of infectious virus was observed for 1 out of 4 ferrets

Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Clade in Traveler Returning to Australia from India, 2024

HPAI H5N1 in traveller returning to Australia from India in 2024. Virus a reassortant including 2321a/2344b/LPAI. Demonstrates lack of sequence data from India, so hard to contextualise genomic data.

Pandemic preparedness of effective vaccines for the outbreak of newly H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
Huamn focus, and outlines current vaccines licensed for use in humans (n=14), adjuvants, and those in trials. Does mention need for better poultry vaccines and highlights China’s bivalent vaccine, but not much more.

Controlling minor outbreaks is necessary to prepare for major pandemics
Opinion – using H5N1 as a flagship example for the importance of controlling outbreaks. 

TRPM2 deficiency ameliorated H9N2 influenza virus-induced acute lung injury in mice
Mice with TRPM2 knocked out, infected w H9N2: lower levels of pulmonary oedema, lung permeability, Ca2+ concentration, redox imbalance, apoptosis, and levels of inflammatory factors.  = therapeutic strategy for lung injury?

Chicken ANP32A-independent replication of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses potentially leads to mammalian adaptation-related amino acid substitutions in viral PB2 and PA proteins
HPAI viruses able to replicate in independently of ANP32A develop amino acid mutations that we associate with mammalian adaptation. Potential for ANP32A gene-edited chickens for HPAI control?

Age-Dependent Pathogenesis of Influenza A Virus H7N9 Mediated Through PB1-F2-Induced Mitochondrial DNA Release and Activation of cGAS-STING-NF-κB Signaling
In humans, why did H7N9 impact elderly? In mice, H7N9 PB1-F2 is a pathogenic factor in 15–18-month-old but not in 6–8-week-old. Triggers interferon β, chemokine gene expression, activation of cGAS-STING-NF-κB signaling

Origin, pathogenicity, and transmissibility of a human isolated influenza A(H10N3) virus from China
H10N3 human case: virus generated in early 2019 in domestic poultry, binds to salic acid α2, 3 receptors, pathogenicity in BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice, respiratory droplet transmissibility in ferrets.

Reassortment of newly emergent clade A(H5N1) highly pathogenic avian influenza A viruses in Bangladesh.
In 2022-2023, H9N2 and 2321a H5N1 predominatnt in Bangladesh LBMs. Starting in 2023, emergence of 2344b HPAI – reassortants w 2344b and wild bird viruses. Will 2344b displace 2321a?

Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Influenza A Virus (IAV) in Blue-Winged Teal in the Mississippi Flyway Is Following the Historic Seasonal Pattern of Low-Pathogenicity IAV in Ducks
As ducks tend not to have mortality events like other species, monitoring for HPAI is best via serology. In teals, population level seroconversion in 2022 and against end of 2023 – two sweeps of HPAI. This paper also demonstrates that virus neutralisation is much better than HI, so I will aim to get this set up. 

Emergence of HPAI H5N6 Clade in Wild Birds: A Case Study From South Korea, 2023
In Dec 2023, a reassortant 2344b H5N6 detected in Korea, with N6 likely from H5N6 prevalent in poultry in China (and associated human cases). 

Genotypic Clustering of H5N1 Avian Influenza Viruses in North America Evaluated by Ordination Analysis
Since incursion of HPAI in Dec 2021, over 100 genotypes described in N. America. Need a way to analyse genotypes, not just HA phylogenies. Here ordination/cluster analysis reveals groupings and relationships

H5N1 Avian Influenza Outbreak Caused Massive Mortality of Chicks of Sandwich Tern Thalasseus sandvicensis in the Lagoon of Venice
In 2022, HPAI decimated Sandwich Terns, particularly NW Europe. In 2023, outbreak of HPAI in Lagoon of Venice, killing all chicks. Adult mortality negligible.

Improved Influenza A Whole-Genome Sequencing Protocol
Great summary of influenza whole sequencing sequencing, and suggestions for improved workflows. 

Update and narrative review of avian influenza (H5N1) infection in adult patients
Thorough review of avian influenza in human patients: transmission, clinical presentation & complications, diagnosis, treatment, investigational therapies, infection control vaccination. 

Single-dose avian influenza A(H5N1) Clade hemagglutinin–Matrix-M nanoparticle vaccine induces neutralizing responses in nonhuman primates
A recombinant 2344b vaccine: in mice induced robust antibody- and cell-mediated immune responses, in non-human primates induced pseudovirus neutralising titres. 

Influenza A Virus Antibodies in Ducks and Introduction of Highly Pathogenic Influenza A(H5N1) Virus, Tennessee, USA
One hypothesis about why ducks survive HPAI H5N1 without disease is the presence of LPAI H5 antibodies. Serology study shows high AIV antibodies, but low LPAI H5 antibodies (25%) in ducks in Tennessee prior to arrival of HPAI. 

We are underestimating, again, the true burden of H5N1 in humans
Paper from last year: Are we underestimating the burden the H5N1 in humans? In Egypt, 4.5% of market workers are seropositive, but no reported infections to WHO. Prev of 2344b in workers, much higher than previous estimates of 2.2 viruses. 

A call to innovate Antarctic avian influenza surveillance
Surveillance is hard, laborious, expensive. Even more so in the Antarctic. We highlight how to enhance our understanding of HPAI using innovative surveillance approaches.

Susceptibility of Mammals to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza: A Qualitative Risk Assessment From the Belgian Perspective
Comprehensive review of HPAI in mammals, with mutations, phenotypes, clinical consequences, spill over assessments. Super useful

A 2022 avian H5N1 influenza A virus from clade attaches to and replicates better in human respiratory epithelium than a 2005 H5N1 virus from clade


Being prepared for an avian influenza epidemic with a One Health approach: a cartographic study to identify animal carcasses burial sites in central Italy
Development of a GIS-based approach for site identification for large-scale carcass disposal in Italy integrating data from geospatial sources, environmental restrictions + regulations, groundwater contamination, soil stability.

Avian raptors are indicator species and victims of high pathogenicity avian influenza virus HPAIV H5N1 (clade in Germany
Raptors are important indicators of HPAIV + genetic diversity, but HPAI has substantial impacts on them with potential for serious negative impact on reproduction rates: Case study of white-tailed Eagles in Germany. 

Genetic and pathological analysis of hooded cranes (Grus monacha) naturally infected with clade highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus in South Korea in the winter of 2022
In S. Korea 2022: 221 dead hooded cranes, 194 +ve for H5N1 HPAI, 15 genomes. Similar to genomes from Japanese Cranes. Almost all Kor22-23C genotype. Histop+ immunohistochemical findings similar to other waterbirds.

Validation of a reduction in time for avian influenza virus isolation using specific pathogen-free embryonated chicken eggs
If using virus isolation for diagnostics, could reduce incubation time of second passage. 

Digitally immune optimised haemagglutinin with nanocage plug-and-display elicits broadly neutralising pan-H5 influenza subtype vaccine responses
Need: broadly protective, future-proof vaccine against multiple clades of H5 influenza. Here, combined 2 novel vaxx tech. Vaccinated mice @ low doses:  potent, cross-clade neutralising antibody and T cell responses against diverse H5 strains.

In Silico Genomic Analysis of Avian Influenza Viruses Isolated From Marine Seal Colonies
Review of avian influenzas found in seals, subtype diversity, avian-to-mammal-to-mammal transmission, reassortment before and in seals.

Unveiling the role of long non-coding RNAs in chicken immune response to highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 infection
Expression profiles of long coding RNAs and targets in chickens infected with HPAI. ???? diff expressed long coding RNAs + mRNAs @ 1 +3 dpi, w resistant chickens ay stronger immune response than susceptibles @ 3 dpi

Epidemiological and Genetic Characterization of Human Infection with Avian Influenza AI H5N6 Virus in Guangxi, China, 2021
Human cases of H5N6 ticking along in China. In 2021, 11 cases, of which 10 All viruses closely related to poultry-origin AIVs – entrechment of 2344b in Chinese poultry markets. 

Dominant HPAIV H5N1 genotypes of Germany 2021/2022 are linked to high virulence in Pekin ducklings
Epic study. In 2021/22, >15 genotypes in Germany. Experimental infections shows common genotypes had high virulence, rare genotypes = intermediate virulence. PB1 important in shaping virulence. More efficient replication for high virulence strain. Observations consistent with ‘virulence-transmission tradeoff’ model.

Epidemiological data of an influenza A/H5N1 outbreak in elephant seals in Argentina indicates mammal-to-mammal transmission
Massive outbreak in S. Elephant Seals in Argentina, peak mortality 25 Sept – 10 Oct 2023. B3.2 genotype of in a multinational marine mammal w D701N mutation. Slower evolutionary rate in mammals. Happy to finally see this one in print, reviewed previously as a preprint.. 

Deep mutational scanning of H5 hemagglutinin to inform influenza virus surveillance
Pseudovirus deep mutational scanning to reveal how mutations to H5 HA affect phenotype, e.g. those which are important for binding to α2-6-linked sialic acids, HA stabilisation, neutralization by sera from mice and ferrets. Incredble!

Long-Term Dynamics of Different Avian Influenza Viruses in Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) Population in Moscow City and Moscow Oblast: Dependence on the Migration Activity
Mallard faces, 2008–2023 from Moscow + Moscow oblast waterbodies. 2008–13 = European strains, 2014–19 = Asian strains. Frequency + diversity of viruses decreased sharply after 2014. >>  changes in ratio of ducks hunted during spring & autumn, increased mallard numbers at winter grounds within the breeding range & reduced numbers of black-headed gulls 

Reassortants of the Highly Pathogenic Influenza Virus A/H5N1 Causing Mass Swan Mortality in Kazakhstan from 2023 to 2024
1 Dec 2023 – 25 Jan 2024, 1132 (Whooper + Mute) swan corpses found in Lake Karakol, Khasakstan. More than one genotype present. Substitutions in PB2, PB1, NP, NS1 for enhanced virulence or adaptation in mammals

Prevalence and risk factors for avian influenza in backyard pigeons, ducks, and chickens in District Toba Tek Singh Pakistan
2018-2019, Pakistan: 13.0% in backyard chickens, 7.7% in pigeons, 11.3% in domestic ducks. H7, H9, and HA/Untyped detected.

Are we serologically prepared against an avian influenza pandemic and could seasonal flu vaccines help us?
Subtype-specific protection against H5N1 + H7N9 in human Spanish population limited or nonexistent. Seasonal vaccination able to ????antibody titers to protective levels in  moderate percentage of people, probably due to cross-reactive responses.

Detection and characterization of highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) clade virus circulating in Argentina in 2023
14 Feb 2023: 1st HPAI in Argentina wild birds.  B/w Feb – Aug: 113 (23.6%) notifications. 21 human cases suspected, but all negative. Argentinian viruses clustered together with those isolated in other countries of the region, multiple introductions. 

Searching for high pathogenicity avian influenza virus in Antarctica
Great to see the first results from the Australis expedition to survey Antarctica for HPAI. Ten sites visited, HPAI detected in Skuas at 4, including at a skua breeding colony. One sheathbill also positive. 

Transmission dynamics of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus at the wildlife-poultry-environmental interface: A case study
Sampling for HPAI from sentinel Mallards, sediment samples, and samples within a 100 km radius IPs. HPAI found in wild birds before and after outbreaks in IPs. Serology showed H5 exposure in the sentinels with no disease signs.

The highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 sublineage virus: A critical analysis of genetic steadiness based on full HA gene sequencing in Egypt 
425 samples from wild + domestic birds in 13 provinces in Egypt, 2019-21. Prev 9.88% (n=32) in wild, 36.37% (n=64) in domestic, via egg iso. 8 HPAI H5N8 (coinfected w NDV).

Global risk mapping of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 and H5Nx in the light of epidemic episodes occurring from 2020 onward
Ecological niche modelling to elucidate environmental factors associated with ???? HPAI H5 since 2020: intensive chicken population density + cultivated vegetation, Spatial distribution influenced by urban areas + open water regions.

Molecular and In Vivo Characterization of the High Pathogenicity H7N6 Avian Influenza Virus That Emerged in South African Poultry in 2023
HPAI H7N6 virus emerged in S. African poultry in 2023, spread to Mozambique. 1st first documented emergence of H7 HPAI in Africa. 6.82 million birds culled, 20% of egg + 30% broiler flocks in RSA.

Dual receptor-binding, infectivity, and transmissibility of an emerging H2N2 low pathogenicity avian influenza virus
H2N2 not seen in humans for decades, but is present in wild birds. H2 in domestic poultry in China different compared to A(H2N2)pdm1957. H2N2 rapidly adapts to mice + acquires mammalian-adapted mutations that facilitated transmission.

Novel reassortant H2N2 low pathogenic avian influenza virus in live bird markets in the Northeastern United States, 2019-2023
H2N2 in the Northeast USA LBMs since 2014, with 3 subgroups, featuring intro from wild birds and reassortment. No molecular evidence of mammalian adaptation.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus infections in pinnipeds and seabirds in Uruguay: Implications for bird–mammal transmission in South America
HPAI genomes from marine mammals and seabirds in Uruguay, Sept 2023: pinnipeds most likely as the ancestral host, closely related to Peru (sea lions) and Chile (sea lions + human case), mammalian adaptative residues 591K and 701N

Immune history shapes human antibody responses to H5N1 influenza viruses
In humans, antibody titers to H5N1 highest in older individuals + correlate w year of birth = immune imprinting. Vaxx to A/Vietnam/1203/2004 = H5 reactive antibodies to 2344b + seroconversion in kids = younger individuals might benefit more from vaccination than older individuals in the event of a H5N1 pandemic. 

Genotypic Clustering of H5N1 Avian Influenza Viruses Detected in North America
In North America: over 100 genotypes characterized via reassortment between HPAI and LPAI. ordination and cluster-based approaches can complement traditional phylogenetic analyses 

Emergence of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses H5N1 and H5N5 in white-tailed eagles, 2021–2023
HPAI H5N1 + H5N5 viruses detected in 31 white-tailed eagles in Norway, 2021-23. myocardial and splenic necroses, lesions in brain, multisystemic infection. 2 distinct incursions of HPAI  Eurasian (EA) genotype C in eagles. Infected via predation.

Protective effects of an mRNA vaccine candidate encoding H5HA clade against the newly emerged dairy cattle H5N1 virus
BALB/c mice vaccinated with H5HA LNP-mRNA vaccine candidate containing HA from A/chicken/Ghana/AVL-76321VIR7050-39/2021. Vaxxed animals protected from cattle H5N1 virus without symptoms. Barely detectable serum neutralizing antibody titres suggest that T-cell responses induced by DS8390 are important.

A case study of the 2023 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreak in tern (Sternidae) colonies on the east coast of the Republic of Ireland
Outbreak of HPAI in Ireland, 2023: Common Terns had highest mortality. Smaller numbers of Roseate Terns & Arctic Terns, few Sandwich Terns. Carcass removal was carried out at all affected colonies and most carcasses were incinerated

Low detection of H5N1 virus in commercial chickens with a low-level of vaccination coverage against H5N1 virus infection in Bangladesh
Bangladesh:  > 560 H5N1 outbreaks in poultry, 8 human cases since 2007.  Across 5092 poultry farms, 25% vaccinated. 5% of tested farms had positive 2321c HPAI in chicken fecal samples. Protective effect of vaccination reported

Vaccine Quality Challenges in Secretly Traded H5 and H9 Avian Influenza Vaccines in Nigeria
In Nigeria, lots of informal vaccination. Secretly imported vaccines lack of detectable HA antigen titer = imported H5 and H9 vaccines lack  essential antigens that could stimulate antibodies = false sense of security for their flocks. 

Characterization of H5N1 avian influenza virus isolated from bird in Russia with the E627K mutation in the PB2 protein
In 2023 in Russia, isolated 2 HPAI viruses from emus,  1 contained PB2 E627K mutation. = increased virulence in mice, limited airborne transmission of the virus between ferrets, dominant binding to avian-type sialoside receptors

Seabird and sea duck mortalities were lower during the second breeding season in eastern Canada following the introduction of highly pathogenic avian influenza A H5Nx viruses
Previously reviewed as a preprint, but now in print.
In eastern Canada: mortalities in 2023 93% lower than in 2022, but wider diversity of species incl waterfowl and seabirds. 3 notable mortality events 1646 Greater Snow Geese, 232 Canada Geese, 212 Northern Gannets

Emergence of a Novel Reassortant Clade Avian Influenza A/H5N1 Virus Associated with Human Cases in Cambodia
Feb 2023-Aug 2024, Cambodia: 16 human cases of H5N1. 14 reassortant H5N1 w gene segments from both clade & clade viruses. Persistent & ongoing threat of avian influenza in Southeast Asia.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza in wild mammals: critical appraisal of spill-over events and of strategies for prevention, surveillance and preparedness
Overview of HPAI in mammals: HPAI transmission from birds > mammals and between mammals complex. Evaluation of wild mammals in different settings, including sylvatic environments, farms, and zoos/rescue centres and key factors influencing spillover.

Improved resolution of avian influenza virus using Oxford Nanopore R10 sequencing chemistry
Sequenced human and avian influenza genomes with R9 and new R10 chemistry: R10: increased data output, higher quality, improved performance in low sequence complexity regions, 90% resolution of HA cleavage site.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Infection in Cats, South Korea, 2023
In July 2023, HPAI  reported at 2 shelters for stray cats in South Korea. Infection suspected from improperly sterilized raw food made from domestic duck meat. Viruses similar to South korean birds. E627K/D701N present. Systemic pathologic lesions

Intraductal infection with H5N1 clade influenza virus
Intraductal (ie, via udder) inoculation of H5N1 but not H1N1 influenza virus results in infection in mice

Incursion of Novel Eurasian Low Pathogenicity Avian Influenza H5 Virus, Australia, 2023
Incursion of a LPAI H5 into Australia in ~2022. Early data suggest competitive exclusion, whereby no detections of previously circulating lineage in 2023. Useful to understand how HPAI may arrive.

Influenza A Virus H7 nanobody recognizes a conserved immunodominant epitope on hemagglutinin head and confers heterosubtypic protection
Isolation and purification of a HA specific nanobody that recognizes H7 > broad-spectrum binding, cross-group neutralization and in vivo protection across various influenza A subtypes, targets an epitope on HA head

Comparative analysis of innate immune responses in Sonali and broiler chickens infected with tribasic H9N2 low pathogenic avian influenza virus
A chicken is not a chicken is not a chicken
Sonali chickens exhibited higher proinflammatory and antiviral cytokine expressions in the trachea at 3–7 dpi against H9. broiler chickens showed lower immune responses, stronger early IFN-β responses and a delayed IFN-γ responses

Active Surveillance of Avian Influenza in the Southwestern Poyang Lake Area, China: Analyzing Changes in Wholesale and Frozen Fresh Retail Markets Post-Policy Implementation
From Oct 2020 – June 2024, 59.2% sammples in live poultry market in Poyang Lake Area, China positive for AIV. H9 most common, but H5 increasing trend. Implementing a frozen fresh poultry products policy effectively reduced AIV in first 2 years. 

Dissecting the role of the HA1-226 leucine residue in the fitness and airborne transmission of an A(H9N2) avian influenza virus
Limited capacity for airborne transmission observed in a human A(H9N2) virus isolate AL/39 which has a leucine at position HA1-226. Change L to Q, and loss of airbourne transmission, and ferrets had low susceptibility.

Molecular evolution of human infection with H9N2 subtype avian influenza virus in Anhui province from 2013 to 2022

Genetic characterization of low-pathogenic avian influenza subtypes H10N6 and H10N7 from free-grazing ducks in Thailand
640 swabs from 29 free ranging duck flocks in 6 provinces of Thailand: 6.41% positive for IAV: H10N6 and H10N7 detected.

A comprehensive epidemiological approach documenting an outbreak of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus clade among gulls, terns, and harbor seals in the Northeastern Pacific
July 2023: ~1101 dead Caspian tern adults & 520 dead chicks in Pacific NW = 10-14% of Pacific Flyway population lost. 5 Habour Seals and 3% Glacous-winged Gulls affected. 

Genetic and pathological analysis of hooded cranes (Grus monacha) naturally infected with clade highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus in South Korea during 2022-2023
In Nov/Dec 2022, 221 hooded cranes died in S. Korea. All viruses Kor22-23C genotype, similar to viruses from hooded cranes in Japan. Need for a cross-border cooperation effort.

Mass Mortality in Terns and Gulls Associated with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses in Caspian Sea, Kazakhstan
In 2022: 3200 dead Caspian terns, 850 Caspian gulls + 1200 Pallas’s gulls in Kazakhstan. Detected mutations that enhance virulence of H5N1 viruses in mammals

Phylogenetic Characterization of Novel Reassortant H5N8 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses Isolated from Domestic Ducks in Egypt During the Winter Season 2021–2022
7 HPAI H5N8 viruses isolated from outbreaks of ducks in backyard & farm settings in Egypt. distinctive mutations in 5 genotypes within 1 genome constellation – potential enhancements in virulence, antiviral drug resistance, transmission in mammals.. 

A Rapid Virus‐Free Method for Producing Influenza HA Immunogen Needed for Preparation of Influenza Vaccine Potency Antisera Reagents
Production of recombinant influenza hemagglutinin  from simple mammalian cell transfection to generate HA antibody (from two suitable for use in influenza vaccine SRID potency assay. 

The Novel H5N6 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses Isolated From Wild Birds in 2023 Posing a Potential Risk to Human Health
H5N6 human infections in china, but rarely found in wild birds. In Dec 2023, reassortant + H9N2 resurgent in wild birds and domestic ducks in Eastern Asia.

Out of the blue: Detection of a unique highly pathogenic avian influenza virus of subtype H7N5 in Germany.
In June 2024, outbreak of HPAI H7N5 in 90,000 chicken layers in Germany. Cleavage site: PEIPKRKKRGLF. Sequences of all genome segments revealed similarities to avian influenza viruses from Asia and Europe

Optimized workflow for high-throughput whole genome surveillance of Influenza A virus
Improved AIV full genome sequencing: adjusting RT and PCR cycling conditions, = 1000-fold increase in sensitivity. Dual-barcoding for Nanopore = multiplexing w/o compromising sensitivity = scalable, high-throughput workflow for IAV surveillance.

Transmission of a human isolate of clade A(H5N1) virus in ferrets
A/Texas/37/2024 (TX/37) A(H5N1) virus isolated from dairy farm worker in Texas

  • maintaining an avian-like receptor binding specificity
  • robust systemic infection in ferrets, w high levels of virus shedding
  • severe and fatal infection, characterised by viremia and extrapulmonary spread
  • efficient transmission in a direct contact setting
  • capable of indirect transmission via fomites

A human isolate of bovine H5N1 is transmissible and lethal in animal models
A/Texas/37/2024 (TX/37) A(H5N1) virus isolated from dairy farm worker in Texas

  • Effective replication in primary human alveolar epithelial cells, less efficiently in corneal epithelial cells. 
  • Lethal in mice & ferrets, spread systemically with high titres in respiratory & non-respiratory organs. 
  • Effectively transmitted in ferrets via respiratory droplets in 17%–33% of transmission pairs. 5/6 infected ferrets died. 
  • PB2-631L (encoded by bovine isolates), promoted influenza polymerase activity in human cells, suggesting a role in mammalian adaptation like PB2-627K (encoded by huTX37-H5N1). 
  • Bovine HPAI H5N1 viruses susceptible to polymerase inhibitors both in vitro & in mice. 

Replication Kinetics, Pathogenicity and Virus-induced Cellular Responses of Cattle-origin Influenza A(H5N1) Isolates from Texas, United States
A/Texas/37/2024 replicated more efficiently than A/bovine/Texas/24-029328-02/2024 in mammalian and avian cells. The high path, (and modfieid low path) human virus exhibited higher pathogenicity and efficient replication in infected C57BL/6J mice compared to the bovine strain. Whomever picked the strain name abbreviations should get a talking too as its impossible!

Seroprevalence of Avian Influenza in Guinea Fowls in Some Districts in the Upper East Region of Ghana
Guinea fowl, important for agriculture in Ghana. 24.7% seropositive for AIV, higher seroprev in adults. Seroprev highest in birds from slaughter points. 

Innate immune control of influenza virus interspecies adaptation via IFITM3
IFITM3-deficient mice and human cells can be infected with low doses of avian influenza viruses that fail to infect wild type animals = IFITM3, a host antiviral factor may be controlling the minimum infectious virus dose threshold

From emergence to endemicity of highly pathogenic H5 avian influenza viruses in Taiwan
Clade arrived in Taiwan 2015/16 w localised outbreaks had multiple origins > persistance + re-emerging outbreaks in Yunlin county > endemicity.

First detection of a pathogenic avian influenza A/H5N1 clade virus from laying hens in Northwestern Gabon
In 2022, death of 17,498 laying hens in Gabon.,  100% mortality rate. w 99% nucleotide similarity with the nigerian, benin and lesotho strains

Preparedness is key in the face of avian influenza uncertainty
Editorial: Recent case of human H5N2 infection in Mexico, reported on May 23, 2024, emphasizes the urgent need for robust surveillance and response strategies

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5 virus exposure in domestic cats and rural stray cats, the Netherlands, October 2020 to June 2023
Across 701 stray cats, 11.8% seropositive for HPAI, but only 0.46% domestic cats seropositive. Stray cats living in nature reserves + older cats more likely to be HPAI H5 seropositive

Genetic and pathogenic potential of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 viruses from live bird markets in Egypt in avian and mammalian models
2344bH5N8 HPAI isolated in 2021–22 in Egypt: mutations associated w increased virulence and polymerase activity in mammals, capable of replicating efficiently in mammalian cells lines, & in hamsters +mice without preadaptation causing systemic infection

A systematic review of laboratory investigations into the pathogenesis of avian influenza viruses in wild avifauna of North America
Already reviewed as a repreprint. Brilliant resource: systematic review of laboratory investigations into the pathogenesis of avian influenza viruses in wild birds. Resource available here: https://t.co/6xJHCrDhss 

Are we prepared for the next pandemic: Monitor on increasing human and animal H5N1 avian influenza infection

Efficacy of the H7N9 vaccine as a candidate for the Korean avian influenza antigen bank
Developed recombinant H7N9 vaccine (rgAPQAH7N9). Demonstrated robust immunogenicity in SPF chickens & complete protection, preventing clinical signs & viral shedding. Boosting the rgAPQAH7N9 vaccine yielded long-lasting immunity.

Phylogenetic Insights into H7Nx Influenza Viruses: Uncovering Reassortment Patterns and Geographic Variability
Analysed all available complete genomes of H7Nx viruses. Previously undescribed reassortment events identified in all subtypes. Reassortment between subtypes evident. In alignment with what we know about LPAI, so a bit meh.

Surveillance for Avian Influenza in Wild Birds in the Lombardy Region (Italy) in the Period 2022–2024
Lombary, Italy 2022-24: 21 different subtypes, HPAI most common in 2022–23 winter (31.8%). H5 LPAI strains most prevalent (28.6%) in 2023–2024. 51% gulls positive for H5N1 to genotype BB in 2023.

Avian influenza overview June–September 2024
Latest EFSA summary article dropped. Certainly fewer notification in wild birds in 2024 compared to 2023/22, but colony breeders disproportionately affected. Detailed table on mammalian infections.

Comparative Inactivation of Three Different Subtypes of Avian Influenza Virus by Ozonized Water
Inactivation of avian influenza (H4N8, H4N6, and H9N9) by ozonated water (O3W) on seven different fomite = highly effective in 3 minutes on most fomites

Unexpected Delayed Incursion of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 (Clade Into the Antarctic Region
Summary of HPAI surveillance in Antarctica in 2022/23 and 2023/24. Huge effort in coordination by @S_Lisovski to get this one across the line.

Risk Distribution of Human Infections with Avian Influenza A (H5N1, H5N6, H9N2 and H7N9) viruses in China
Since 2021, 1,123 human infections w H5Nx, H9N2, H7N9 in China. Most cases have history of poultry exposure. Strong spatial distribution. Numerous risk factors identified – H5N6 associated with # live poultry markets

Genetic features of avian influenza (A/H5N8) clade isolated from quail in Egypt
HPAI H5N8 from commercial quail farm in Egypt.  Simiar to & recent H5N8 in Egypt. Presence of S123P, S133A, T156A & A263T = affinity for human-like receptors & increased virulence in mammals. 

Effect of IgY Treatment on The Histopathological Finding in Tissue Sections of Ducks Naturally Infected with AI-H5N1
Outbreak of HPAI in Muscovy Ducks in Egypt, treated with purified egg yolk IgY. = stopped mortality and disease signs,  improvement in general health conditions in birds. Birds injected with IgY showed milder lesions.. 

Survivability of low pathogenic avian influenza virus in aqueous poultry manure fertilizer
Given manure from poultry often used as fertiliser.. what about AIV survival after outbreaks? Processing poultry manure by aqueous extraction at temperatures ≥ 55°C for one hour completely destroyed LPAI.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza management policy in domestic poultry: from reacting to preventing
Challenges and opportunities in HPAI management policy in domestic poultry – Integrating regional biosecurity & poultry vaccination as prevention, need for structural reforms. Features France’s nationwide campaign targeting domestic ducks.

Multivalent interactions between fully glycosylated influenza virus hemagglutinins mediated by glycans at distinct N-glycosylation sites
Cryo-EM structures of fully glycosylated HAs from H5N1 and H5N8 with detailed explanation of interactions, binding, and structure

How Do Flemish Laying Hen Farmers and Private Bird Keepers Comply with and Think about Measures to Control Avian Influenza?
Perceived effectiveness of HPAI control in Belgium: self-reported compliance was high for professionals, but not private keerpers == need for information campaigns targetting private bird keepers. 

Endangered Galápagos sea lions and fur seals under the siege of lethal avian flu: a cautionary note on emerging infectious viruses in endemic pinnipeds of the Galápagos Islands
HPAI could have devastating impacts on places like the Galapagos. To date, HPAI not yet arrived, but potential epidemiological risks & health implications to endemic pinniped populations. Need for OneHealth measures in limiting exposure & spread.

Pre-existing H1N1 immunity reduces severe disease with bovine H5N1 influenza virus
Pre-existing immunity from 2009 H1N1 pandemic could protect ferrets from mortality and severe clinical disease when infected with bovine H5N1 via differential tissue tropism. Antibodies from H1N1 infected ferrets are cross reactive with H5N1

Immune History Modifies Disease Severity to HPAI H5N1 Clade Viral Challenge
Mice and ferrets infected with 2009 H1N1/vaccinated with a live-attenuated influenza vaccine were moderately-to-highly protected against a H5N1 virus challenge. Need to explore both HA-inhibition or neutralizing antibodies and memory T cell responses.

Epidemiological characterization of human infection with H5N6 avian influenza
While human cases of H5N1 are widely reported, there are cases of H5N6 in China each year. Of 24 cases addressed, 22 had history of contact with poultry. 12 fatalities = CFR 52.2%. Detailed case counts of H5N6 can be found here: https://bnonews.com/index.php/2021/10/tracking-human-cases-of-h5n6-bird-flu/

The H5N1-NS1 protein affects the host cell cycle and apoptosis through interaction with the host lncRNA PIK3CD-AS2
NS1 is immune antagonist, but mechanism poorly understood. Identified host lncRNAs that interact with NS1 in vitro, PIK3CD-AS2 can directly interact and can inhibit transcription of NS1.

Genetic evolution, phylodynamic and phylogeographic of H5Ny AIVs in mammals
From 1997 = 2021, number of H5Ny mammalian infections low, small peak in 2006, sharp rise after 2022. Infection in mammals hampered by host body temperature, receptor distribution, pH value, and other factors, (eg ANP32)

The current situation with H5N1 avian influenza and the risk to humans
Review, with focus on human cases of avian influenza

 Epidemiology and Biological Characteristics of Influenza A (H4N6) Viruses from Wild Birds
H4N6 from wild birds in China – phylogeography showed Mongolia as transmission center for Eurasian lineage H4 viruses. All 9 viruses highly reassorted. Intersting combination of mutations e.g. mammalian virulence, dual receptor binding 

Field production efficiency investigation of broilers immunized with a turkey herpesvirus vector vaccine expressing hemagglutinin from H9N2 subtype avian influenza virus
When challenged with H9N2, immunisation with new Herpes Virus Vectored vaccine with expressing H9 blocked H9N2 AIV infection and reduced the mortality rate.. 

The host tropism of current zoonotic H7N9 viruses depends mainly on an acid-labile hemagglutinin with a single amino acid mutation in the stalk region
HA2-116D of H7N9 confers zoonotic properties & important in viral infectivity & replication in human airway epithelial cells – increases pH sensitivity, cell membrane fusion in host cells & subsequent infection. HA2-116D not usually present in HA protein of H7 viruses with low zoonotic potential. 

Genetic Characterization and Receptor Binding analysis of a Novel H5N1 HPAI Virus with a H6Nx-Derived PA Gene in Guangdong, China
Detection of HPAI reassortant in asymptomatic geese in Foshan city, China, during LBM surveillance in 2023. Similar to H5N1 HPAIVs previously detected in wild birds in South Korea and Japan since 2022, PA similar to H6

Wastewater monitoring of human and avian influenza A viruses in Northern Ireland: a genomic surveillance study
Influenza A in wastewater in Ireland: detection of human and avian influenzas, including H13s and a 2344b-like NS segment. Analysis and interpretation of the avian viruses is not ideal. Key question is how is the detection of these avian viruses actionable? 

One critically endangered Waved Albatross found in Peru, positive for HPAI (May 2023). In response, surveillance of critically endangered Waved Albatross (n=51) on the Galapagos in 2023 for HPAI – all negative. 

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus infection in dairy cattle:threat of bird flu has expanded to open-air farmed livestock
Substantial numbers of cattle in China, with farms spread across the country and in known migratory bird pathways. Good to consider whether cattle may be infected elsewhere and their future role.

Earliest Detection of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5) in Mississippi Flyway Wild Waterfowl, 2022
Throwback to 2022, and potentially the first HPAI detections in Mississippi as early as January 2022, shortly after arrival of the virus to North America. 29% prevalence in ducks, and genotype A1 (genotype of first N. American detection)

New human H5N1 case: Should we worry? A genetic perspective

Detection of high pathogenicity avian influenza virus in Antarctica during the International HPAI Australis Expedition 2024 [Dataset]
Dataset from international expedition undertaken from 13th March – 3rd April 2024 looking for signs of H5N1 clade in seabirds & sea mammals throughout several locations in the South Shetland Islands, Trinity Peninsula & Northern Weddell Sea. If the dataset is available I expect the publication should be out soon.

A Machine Vision System for Monitoring Wild Birds on Poultry Farms to Prevent Avian Influenza
Development of an AI model for automatic & real-time detection of wild birds on poultry farms. Potentially useful for identifying increased risk of HPAI???

Serological analysis in humans in Malaysian Borneo suggests prior exposure to H5 avian influenza near migratory shorebird habitats
Despite no human cases of HPAI in Malaysian Borneo, virus is in domestic + wild birds. Serology demonstrated H5 neutralisation in humans. 50% of the 178 samples were poultry owners (n = 89) and 33% (n = 58) lived within 10 km of migratory shorebird.

High pathogenicity avian influenza virus emergence: Blame it on chickens or on humans raising chickens?

A human monoclonal antibody targeting the monomeric N6 neuraminidase confers protection against avian H5N6 influenza virus infection
Isolation of monoclonal against N6 (H5N6 is causing human infections in China). Confers protection in female mice. Elucidated a distinctive epitope on the NA, = illuminate dark side of NA in influenza immunity

An mRNA vaccine candidate encoding H5HA clade protects mice from clade virus infection
Given inability to predict which H5 clade has pandemic potential, cross-clade protective HPAI H5 vaccines critical. Here, lipid nanoparticle mRNA vaccine can induce cross-protective immunity against HPAI

Fluorescent and bioluminescent bovine H5N1 influenza viruses for evaluation of antiviral interventions
To facilitate rapid testing, production of fluorescent and bioluminescent variant strains using RG system. These strains useful in high-throughput evaluation of antiviral interventions

Human vaccination for highly pathogenic avian influenza

SEDphone: Spatial encoding of centrifugal microfluidic disc integrated smartphone-controlled platform via RT/LAMP-CRISPR/Cas12a system for influenza virus subtypes detection
An centrifugal microfluidic chip for RT/LAMP-CRISPR/Cas12a was designed for multiplex detection. Through smartphones & developed apps, the assay enabled portable, POC detection of 5 distinct influenza virus subtypes simultaneously (H1N1, H3N2, H5N1, H7N9 & influenza B virus). 

Enhancement of protective efficacy of recombinant attenuated Salmonella typhimurium delivering H9N2 avian influenza virus hemagglutinins(HA) antigen vaccine candidate strains by C-C motif chemokine ligand 5 in chickens(chCCL5)
Chicken C-C motif chemokine ligand 5 (chCCL5) significantly enhanced the protective effect of Salmonella delivering H9N2 AIV HA protein vaccine against H9N2 AIV infection.

Pathology and molecular detection of influenza A subtype H9N2 virus in commercial poultry in Nigeria, 2024
First reported H9N2 outbreak in commercial poultry in Southern Nigeria. Despite LPAI, virus has high virulence in chickens w hemorrhages, sinusitis, pneumonia, denudation of tracheal epithelia,  parabronchial epithelial necrosis, airsac edema, emphysema

Could H5N1 bird flu virus be the cause of the next human pandemic?
Review focusing on H5N1 in cows. Authors consider H5N1 is unlikely to become a pandemic in the near future because the virus is yet to demonstrate efficient airborne transmission and still needs to acquire genetic traits known to facilitate widespread transmission to human populations.

First detection of a pathogenic avian influenza A/H5N1 clade virus from laying hens in Northwestern Gabon
Outbreak of HPAI in Gabon in 2022. 100% mortality rate observed in 17,498 laying hens. Sequences similar to other sequences from Africa, including those from Nigeria, Benin & Lesotho strains.

Intelligent prediction and biological validation of the high reassortment potential of avian H5N1 and human H3N2 influenza viruses
Deep learning framework to predict high-risk reassortment between avian and human IAVs, based adaptive codon contexts. Results of reassortment risk bw bovine HPAI H5N1 + human H3N2 validated with polymerase reporter assay

Updates to the wild bird abundance and movement models for the early warning system for avian influenza in the EU
Updates to “BirdFluRadar”, which is based on wild bird migration

Pandemic risk characterisation of zoonotic influenza A viruses using the Tool for Influenza Pandemic Risk Assessment (TIPRA)
A(H7N9), A(H9N2), and A(H5) clade viruses re-evaluated using TIPRA. A(H7N9) viruses had the highest relative risk. But, 2344b was evaluated in 2021, number of human cases and mammalian infections since…

Understanding the emergence of highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus H5N1 in pinnipeds: An evolutionary approach
Analysis of sequence data from marine mammals, globally. There are some issues with the trees. In alignment with expectation, pinniped sequences from different continents are in different clades. PB2 D701N in South America. PB2 E627K only found once, in a seal in Scotland.

Continuing evolution of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses of clade G2 genotype in domestic poultry of Bangladesh during 2018–2021
In 2018-21 in Bangladesh, 15.79% flocks positive for IAV, of which ~9% have HPAI H5N1. 15.8% of flocks positive for more than 1 virus. genotype G2 viruses.

Molecular characteristics of the first human case infected with the avian influenza virus H5N1 clade in eastern China

Effects of Oral Exposure to HPAI H5N1 Pasteurized in Milk on Immune Response and Mortality in Mice
In a mouse study, ingestion of inactivated HPAI H5N1 has limited potential health risk and does not prevent protective immune history-mediated responses to lethal infection.

Avian Influenza: Lessons from Past Outbreaks and an Inventory of Data Sources, Mathematical and AI Models, and Early Warning Systems for Forecasting and Hotspot Detection to Tackle Ongoing Outbreaks
Integrating technological advances, such as mathematical modeling and artificial intelligence to improve forecasting, hotspot detection, and early warning systems into a OneHealth approach for avian influenza.

Serological and Molecular Detection of Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza Subtype H9N2 in Commercial Poultry Flock in Kaduna and Kano State Nigeria
Diversity of “pathogens” co-circulating in poultry in Nigeria. H9N2, E. coli & Klebsiella all detected. H9N2 anitbodies present. Clinical indications & lesions of Newcastle disease & E. coli septicemia. Results highlight co-infection with other pathogens could exacerbate infection.

Jamaican fruit bats mount a stable and highly neutralizing antibody response after bat influenza virus infection
Infection of Jamaican fruit bats with H18N11 elicits rapid & stable humoral immune response with a strong neutralizing capacity. No detectable viral shedding after repeat challenge infection. Neutralizing antibody response of bats might play an important role in bat immunity.

A case study of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 at Bird Island, South Georgia: the first documented outbreak in the subantarctic region
High resolution outbreak tracking and management of HPAI on S. Georgia. Confirmed: 77 Brown Skuas, 38 Gentoo penguins, 58 Snowy Albatrosses, 5 dead Antarctic Fur Seals. Dramatic impacts on numerous populations of wild birds and mammals

Outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) epidemics in Baltic Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo colonies in 2021 and 2022
Another HPAI “lowlight” – >1500 Great Cormorants died in Baltic/North Sea in 2021/22. Transmission of HPAI virus between neighbouring ground-nesting colonies. Affected scavenging White-tailed Eagles. No big pop level impact. 

Microwave irradiation as a novel strategy for mitigating airborne transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus: an optimization study
Irradiation via microwave: efficacy is frequency and time dependent.

Broadly cross-reactive immune responses in chickens immunized with chimeric virus-like particles of nodavirus displaying the M2e originated from avian and human influenza A viruses
Vacc of chickens with chimeric virus-like particles = robust induction of broadly reactive immune responses against both the M2e of avian & human IAVs. Chickens: IgY against the M2e of avian & human IAV, activated innate & adaptive immune responses.

Out of the blue: Detection of a unique highly pathogenic avian influenza virus of subtype H7N5 in Germany: Data sets on phylogenetic analyses
Not just Australia – HPAI H7 outbreak in a single laying hen farm in Germany. Closest relatives of the eight viral genome segments were among recent LPAI viruses from Asia & Europe. Dataset fully available.

Avian influenza A H5N1 hemagglutinin protein models have distinct structural patterns re-occurring across the 1959–2023 strains
How has the HA structure of H5 changed since 1997? 7 distinct structural patterns occurring, with differences in RBD. All 7 different patterns detected since emergence of gs/gd. 

The Haemagglutinin Gene of Bovine Origin H5N1 Influenza Viruses Currently Retains an Avian Influenza Virus phenotype.
HA of 2344b in UK birds and USA cattle: binding to avian-like receptors, pH fusion of 5.9 (outside range associated w efficient human airborne transmissibility). Little phenotypic difference of HA subs in cattle viruses = do not pose an enhanced threat

Molecular Characterization of a Clade H5N1 High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Virus from a 2022 Outbreak in Layer Chickens in the Philippines
First full genome of 2344b from outbreaks in Phillipines. High mortality in layer chickens (96-100%). Most similar to other 2344b sequences in Asia.

Asymptomatic infection and antibody prevalence to co-occurring avian influenza viruses vary substantially between sympatric seabird species following H5N1 outbreaks
Serology gives us a window into past exposure of birds against influenza. General anti-influenza A antibody levels high, particularly in kittiwakes (H13 and H16 at play here). But, antibodies against H5 are low in comparison (and almost absent against 2344b). Lots more opportunity for serology studies I think, to understand whether remaining seabirds have antibodies or not. 

Novel Epidemiologic Features of High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Virus A H5N1 Panzootic: A Review
Changing epidemiology of gs/gd HPAI H5N1 – review

The practical longevity of stockpiled A(H5N1) influenza vaccine
Summary/response to https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-024-03189-y
WHO producing 3 candidate vaccine viruses (for human vaccines) against 2344b. Even if viruses do not turn pandemic; such vaccines may be useful for the next waves in the coming decades. “Stockpiling A(H5) vaccines just makes sense.”

Detection of airborne wild waterbird-derived DNA demonstrates potential for transmission of avian influenza virus via air inlets into poultry houses, the Netherlands, 2021 to 2022
Airsampling of air-intakes in poultry barns shows this may be a source of introduction of HPAI through detection of avian DNA in poultry barns. Major issue here is that they didnt test for virus.. Just looked for bird eDNA, so unclear how to interpret this one.

First detection of influenza A virus subtypes H1N1 and H3N8 in the Antarctic region: King George Island, 2023
“New” avian influenza subtypes in the antarctic – both H1 and H3 reported to be most similar to sequences from Eurasia, including Russia. 

Avian influenza virus surveillance across New Zealand and its subantarctic islands detects H1N9 in migratory shorebirds, but not HPAI H5N1
Sampled wild birds of NZ outer islands & its subantarctic territories. Metatranscriptomic analysis of 700 individuals spanning 33 species revealed no detection of HPAI during annual 2023-2024 migration. A single detection of H1N9 in red knots (Calidris canutus).

Hemagglutinin and neuraminidase of a non-pathogenic H7N7 avian influenza virus coevolved during the acquisition of intranasal pathogenicity in chickens
Study addressing how viruses go from LPAI to HPAI, and exactly what is needed. Just adding a MBCS into a LPAI virus doesn’t automatically make it HPAI. HA and NA undergo functional coevolution while acquiring high intranasal pathogenicity in chickens

Financial impact of low pathogenic avian influenza virus subtype H9N2 on commercial broiler chicken and egg layer production systems in Pakistan
Avian influenza has a considerable impact on poultry production, but what is that impact? Here, financial impact of LPAI H9N2 on commercial broiler chicken and egg layer production systems in Pakistan interrogated. Despite being LPAI, still considerable.

Exposure Practices to Animal-Origin Influenza A Virus at the Animal-Human Interface in Poultry and Swine Backyard Farms
Interviews of people with backyard poultry in Chile: ????risk of influenza exposure if older, less educated, consumption of backyard poultry, higher backyard production. High influenza prevalence and seroprevalence in backyard animals.

Evidence of an emerging triple-reassortant H3N3 avian influenza virus in China
Sequenced an H3N3 from poultry in China, related to the H3N8 poultry sequences that have caused human infections in China.

Utilising citizen science data to rapidly assess changing associations between wild birds and avian influenza outbreaks in poultry
Intersting relationship between locations and timing of eBird sightings of some bird groups and HPAI outbreaks in poultry in the UK. == citizen science of bird observations may be useful in places with limited surveillance

The global H5N1 influenza panzootic in mammals
Review of HPAI, w focus on molecular and ecological factors driving HPAIs sudden expansion in host range + assess likelihood of different zoonotic pathways leading to an potential pandemic. Also, really like this figure highlighting all the reassortment!

Challenges and Opportunities for Wastewater Monitoring of Influenza Viruses During the Multistate Outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus in Dairy Cattle and Poultry
Editorial from CDC folks. IAV testing on samples from >700 wastewater sites across 48 states, with testing occurring 1-3 x per week. No evidence of H5N1 in people in the states with high IAV levels in wastewater. 8/9 states with HPAI detections in wastewater in states with infected dairy herds.

Candidate Genes Associated with Survival Following Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Infection in Chickens
Difference in disease outcomes from the  US H5N2 outbreak in 2015 (99% mortality). Number of host candidate genes that may be important in reduced disease severity identified, including ANP32A which has been featured in a number of recent Nature papers. 

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Virus Outbreak in Ecuador in 2022–2024
Reviewed of current situation of H5N1 epidemic in Ecuador HPAI detected in Ecuador as early as 24 Nov 2022. 10 poultry outbreaks, 17 backyard poultry outbreaks, 10 wild bird outbreaks across 6 species. 1 human case in Dec 2022. 8 sequences, total!.

Harnessing PROTACs to combat H5N1 influenza: A new frontier in viral destruction
Review of antiviral therapeutics for influenza and proposal to consider use of PROTACs as a way forward.

On the avian influenza A (H7N5) outbreak: let’s not underestimate the less famous subtypes

Evolutionary characterization of the establishment of H6 influenza viruses in domestic geese in China: implications for the position of the host in the ecosystem
109 H6 viruses isolated from domestic geese during 2001-2018 in southern China:  related to viruses in ducks, 3 HA lineages, long-term persistence in geese, not often transmitted back to ducks or poultry

Epidemiology and evolution of human-origin H10N5 influenza virus
Another paper on the human H10 case. Wild bird-origin H10N5 influenza viruses from China did not cluster together with recent human H10N5 case. Human H10N5 : novel reassortant with wild bird viruses, spillover into humans.

Identification of key antigenic sites in hemagglutinin of H10N3 avian influenza virus
3 monoclonal antibodies against the HA of H10N3 strain generated. Four novel antigenic sites identified = novel insights into the molecular markers for monitoring the antigenic variation

Molecular and phylogenic study of H9N2 avian Influenza virus in 2020 in six provinces of Iran

Broadening the aims of avian influenza surveillance according to the One Health approach
“Canada’s AIV surveillance program in wild birds is an example for other countries. It is in line with FAO’s Global Consultation on Avian Influenza (14), where it was recommended to recognize HPAI not only as a concern for poultry production and public health but also as a concern for wildlife conservation; and to change goals, methods, and implementation of AIV surveillance, research, and response in wild birds accordingly at national, regional, and global levels”

Estimating adequate contact rates and time of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza virus introduction into individual United States commercial poultry flocks during the 2022/24 epizootic
Modelling of HPAI in poultry: median most likely time to first positive sample =  6 days. median most likely adequate contact rate = 6.8 newly infected birds per infectious bird per day. R0 = 13.

Experimental Infection of Clades (H5N1) and (H5N8) of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Infection in Commercial broilers
Pathogenesis of H5N1 & H5N8 HPAI in commercial broilers with maternal immunity: 100% mortality, neurological affinity with immune suppression. H5N8‐infected birds higher shedding.

Evolution and mutational landscape of highly pathogenic avian influenza strain A(H5N1) in the current outbreak in the USA and global landscape

An Update on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus, Clade
Update touches on emergence of HPAI A (H5N1) Clade, spread to mammals, epidemiology, diagnostic testing, antivirals, non-pharmaceutical interventions, vaccines and new developments.

Avian influenza H5N1 threatens imperiled krill-dependent predators in Antarctica
Considers risk of H5N1 to Antarctic pinnipeds extremely high. Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources considering time-area closures to limit interactions between krill fishery, Antarctic seabirds & marine mammals during biologically critical periods. Recommends adoption of conservation measures to reduce non-H5N1 mortality.

Influenza in feral cat populations: insights from a study in North-East Italy
HPAI uncommon in feral cats in Italy – no qPCR positive cats, and only 1/279 serum samples positive for H5 antibodies. Cats sporadically infected elsewhere through consumption of “contaminated” food.. 

Genomic characterization of highly pathogenic H5 avian influenza viruses from Alaska during 2022 provides evidence for genotype-specific trends of spatiotemporal and interspecies dissemination
Multiple introductions of HPAI into Alaska between November 2021 and August or September 2022. Genotypes differed in their spatiotemporal spread, likely influenced by timing of introductions relative to population immunity.

Recent Occurrence, Diversity, and Candidate Vaccine Virus Selection for Pandemic H5N1: Alert Is in the Air

Cattle Egrets are not significant reservoir hosts for H5N1: experimentally infected birds highly susceptible  -either died or had to be euthanized. Virus not transmitted to contacts.

Kleptoparasitism in seabirds—A potential pathway for global avian influenza virus spread
In addition to other established transmission routes, authors propose consideration of kleptoparasitism (stealing of food from other species) as a potential transmission route.

Vaccine optimization for highly pathogenic avian influenza: Assessment of antibody responses and protection for virus-like particle vaccines in chickens
Recombinant H5N2 vaccine based on virus-like particles  against clade (common in Taiwan) in chickens – all chickens survived lethal challenge. Reduced, but did not prevent viral shedding. . 

M2e nanovaccines supplemented with recombinant hemagglutinin protect chickens against heterologous HPAI H5N1 challenge
Combining nanoparticles with HA1 subunit vaccine in chickens: fully protected from clinical disease and mortality, and showed no histopathological lesions or virus shedding = complete cross-protection against HPAI H5N1 virus.

Acute and persistent responses after H5N1 vaccination in humans
Comparative analysis of human responses to H5N1 vaccination with or without AS03 adjuvant. Independent of the adjuvant, vaccine-induced transcriptional patterns persist to at least 100 days after initial vaccination. Results suggest antigen-agnostic baseline immune states can be modulated by vaccine antigens alone to enhance future responses.  

Human cases of avian influenza A(H5) in the USA
Letter discussing human cases of H5N1 in the US

Susceptibilities and viral shedding of peridomestic wildlife infected with clade highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (H5N1)
Certain peridomestic species could pose a biosecurity threat to poultry operations. Following challenge HPAI found in starlings, sparrows, pigeons, skunks, opossums, cottontails.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Clade Infections in Seals, Russia, 2023
In 2023, northern fur seals (3,500) and Steller sea lions died in the Far East region of Russia (Tyuleniy Island). 2344b similar to Asian viruses in Japan/Russia at that time. Not just American lineages resposible.

Pathogenicity of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Viruses Isolated from Cats in Mice and Ferrets, South Korea, 2023
In 2023, unusual deaths of cats at 2 animal shelters in Seoul, South Korea = due to 2344b. E627K or D701N PB2 mutation found. Cats infected by eating raw duck feed. Viruses lethal to mice and ferrets.

Wild bird mass mortalities in eastern Canada associated with the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) virus, 2022
Already reviewed as a preprint.

Sequencing-Based Detection of Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus in Wastewater in Ten Cities
Between 4 March -15 July 2024, H5N1 detected in 10/10 cities and 100/399 samples in Texas waste water surveillance. Core challenge of OneHealth waste water surveillance: origin of the signal is currently unknown! Doesn’t correlate to human infections. Does water in cities reflect animal sources? Discarded infected milk? Infected birds in ponds? Wastewater is not a stand alone tool, and these results are not actionable (Although interesting).

Evaluation of Commercial RNA Extraction Protocols for Avian Influenza Virus Using Nanopore Metagenomic Sequencing
Comparison of RNA extraction approaches, paired with nanopore sequencing as a surveillance approach.  Highlights how different RNA extraction protocols influence ONT sequencing performance.

Assessing the spatial risk of wild birds in avian influenza transmission using poly-species risk score
Investigation of risk of poultry farm outbreaks due to HPAIV from wild birds using Taiwan citizen scientist dataset. significant associations in 11 wild bird species, with shorebirds, raptors, ducks implicated.

Comparison of Extraction Methods for the Detection of Avian Influenza Virus RNA in Cattle Milk
Extracting RNA from cow’s milk is hard. Sample dilution 1:3 in molecular transport medium prior to RNA extraction provided the best results for dilution of inhibitory substances and a good recovery rate of influenza RNA.

Susceptibilities and viral shedding of peridomestic wildlife infected with clade highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (H5N1)

Susceptibility of Synanthropic Rodents (Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus and Rattus rattus) to H5N1 Subtype High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Viruses
Rodents challenged with older clade H5N1 seem to get infected. No clinical signs, viruses isolated from oral swabs with virus found in respiratory tract tissues such as the nasal turbinates, trachea, and lungs. Wonder about impact of 2344b?

Proteomics Analysis of Duck Lung Tissues in Response to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus
Previously reviewed preprint. Domestic ducks challenged with older clade H5N1. Activation of the RIG-I-like receptor and Jak-STAT signaling pathways -> protective anti-viral immune response in duck lung tissue

Understanding Ecological Systems Using Knowledge Graphs: An Application to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

Targets of influenza Human T cell response are mostly conserved in H5N1
T cell epitopes conserved enough for cross-reactivity between avian H5N1 and human flu = N1 subtype encoded in both HPAI and seasonal H1N1 influenza virus as well as cross-reactive group 1 HA stalk-reactive antibodies

Characterization of Avian Influenza Viruses Detected in Kenyan Live Bird Markets and Wild Bird Habitats Reveal Genetically Diverse Subtypes and High Proportion of A(H9N2), 2018–2020
AIV Surveillance at Lake Victoria: poultry + poultry workers in LBMs. 3.9% pos, with 93% H9, similar to E. Africa viruses, Also H11 & LPAI H5N2. No poultry workers positive for AIV.

Characterization of Conserved Evolution in H7N9 Avian Influenza Virus Prior Mass Vaccination
H7N9 vaccine in poultry decreased human and avian infections. Analysis of Yangtze River Delta clade E: emergence and peak in wave 5, effective control via vacination, conservation of genetic and antigenic variation

Establishment of a Real-Time Fluorescence Isothermal Recombinase-Aided Amplification Method for the Detection of H9 Avian Influenza Virus
Rapid & visual RT–RAA method for detection of H9. No cross-reaction with other influenza viruses. Detection accuracy consistent with RT–qPCR. Results visible to naked eye through a portable blue light instrument. 

A Rapid Detection Method for H3 Avian Influenza Viruses Based on RT–RAA
Same approaches and authors as study above.

A case report of human infection with avian influenza H10N3 with a complex respiratory disease history
Another description of the H10N3 human case in China. See: https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-4181286/v1

Recombinant Marek’s disease virus type 1 provides full protection against H9N2 influenza A virus in chickens
Maerks Disease Virus used for recombinant vaccine using H9 influenza. One group showed complete protection against the H9N2 AIV challenge, and also offered complete protection against challenge with MDV = promising bivalent vaccine. 

Preparation and Antigenic Site Identification of Monoclonal Antibodies against PB1 Protein of H9N2 Subtype AIV
Antigenic determinants in PB1 protein from H9N2. 2 conserved antigenic sites on PB1 protein identified via construction of truncated overlapping fragments. Theoretical reference for H9N2 vaccines?

Contrasting dynamics of two incursions of low pathogenicity avian influenza virus into Australia
We described the incursion of novel H4 and H10 lineages into Australia, albeit with different patterns. Eurasian lineage H4 found in shorebirds in two subsequent years, but never detected in ducks, which only had Asian lineage H4. H10, in contrast, popped up all over, in waterbirds, but also chickens and implicated in diseases zoo birds. 

Evolution and biological characteristics of H11 avian influenza viruses isolated from migratory birds and pigeons
Global review of H11 viruses. H11 rare across 35,749 faecal samples collected in China. H11s from ducks replicated better in ducks, those from pigeons replicated better in chickens. some H11 isolates replicated efficiently in mice

First laboratory-confirmed human case of infection with influenza A(H5N2) virus reported in Mexico

Potential biosecurity breaches in poultry farms: presence of free-ranging mammals near laying-hen houses assessed through a camera-trap study
Camera traps deployed around commercial poultry farms. 7 species of wild mammals (mice, rats, beech marten, red fox, european hare, european hedgehog, coypu) + pets . Coypu + cats = most frequent. 

Infection of South American coatis (Nasua nasua) with highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus displaying mammalian adaptive mutations
HPAI detected in population of 23 coatis in an ecological park, Uruguay, 2023. 5 survived, 4 developed antibodies. Genomes closely associated w backyard poultry. 2 genomes show mammalian adaptation. 

Detection and spread of high pathogenicity avian influenza virus H5N1 in the Antarctic Region
Detailed analysis of first HPAI sequences from Falklands and S. Georgia. Two seperate introductions from S. America, followed by local transmission. South American Marine  mammal clade D701N only found in 1 Kelp Gull and index Fulmars from S. America – not widespread. 

Opportunities and challenges for the U.S. laboratory response to highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1)
Summary of HPAI testing in human labs in the USA – no commercially available test does H5 subtyping. Antigen tests only about 60% sensitive. Potentially some interesting tit bits in here. 

Complex Evolutionary Dynamics of H5N8 Influenza A Viruses Revealed by Comprehensive Reassortment Analysis
Reassortment prolific in HPAI H5N8.

Experimental infection of Chickens, Pekin ducks, Eurasian wigeons and Barnacle geese with two recent highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 clade viruses
Comparison of two 2344 genotypes in 3 different species. Differences in pathogenicity, neurotropism, mortality, but similar shedding. Subclinical infections in Pekin ducks + Eurasian wigeons. All key traits for efficient spread in wild bird population.

Introducing a framework for within-host dynamics and mutations modelling of H5N1 influenza infection in humans
Model for within human spread of HPAI. Fitted based on human pharangeal swab. Probability of 3 mutations required for human droplet spread to occur within humans: 10−3. Includes consideration of both lower and upper resp tract.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5 virus exposure in goats and sheep
Serosurvey of goats and sheep in Pakistan:  H5 (23.9–34.0%), H7 (13.9– 37.1%), and H9 (17.0–34.7%) > Spill over of avian influenza from poultry into other livestock. 

Farmed fur animals harbour viruses with zoonotic spillover potential
Three subtypes of influenza A virus—H1N2, H5N6 and H6N2—were detected in the lungs of guinea pig, mink and muskrat, respectively

Phylodynamics of high pathogenicity avian influenza virus in Bangladesh identifying domestic ducks as the amplifying host reservoir
Domestic ducks are the key reservoir for HPAI in Bangladesh, with occasional spill over into other hosts, including House Crows, which have annual epidemics. 

Avian Influenza H5N1 threatens imperiled krill-dependent predators in Antarctica
No article yet. Provisionally accepted. 

Location, Age, and Antibodies Predict Avian Influenza Virus Shedding in Ring-Billed and Franklin’s Gulls in Minnesota
Franklins and Ring-billed Gulls clearly important hosts for influenza viruses, with high prevalence and seroprevalence in these species. Aligns with Black-headed Gulls in Europe. Should not be overlooked in surveillance programs. 

Decoding non-human mammalian adaptive signatures of H5N1 to assess its human adaptive potential

Exposure and Survival of Wild Raptors During the 2022-2023 Highly Pathogenic Influenza A Virus Outbreak
Do raptors survive HPAI infection? Do raptors survive HPAI infection? – Yes! Serology from rehab centres: Bald eagles: IAV seroprev = 69.1% (67/97), and 77.6% (52/67) positive for antibodies to both H5 and N1! Antibodies found in 6 species. Obvious bias here to survived birds, but encouraging news. 

Clade but not historical clade 1 HA replicating RNA vaccine protects against bovine H5N1 challenge
Pandemic vaccine stockpiles generally use old antigen (Vietnam/2004), which confer only partial protection against 2344. Replicating RNA vaccine expressing HA of an H5N1 isolated from a US dairy cow confers complete protection against homologous lethal challenge in mice. = Nucleic acid vaccines useful for rapid updates.

Promising effects of duck vaccination against highly pathogenic avian influenza, France 2023-24
France vaccinating domestic ducks against HPAI. Predicted number of outbreaks (without vaccination) was significantly higher than the observed cases following vaccination, = 95.9% reduction in outbreaks attributable to vaccination. (Ducks much harder to vaccinate than poultry – need more doses, so incredible that this worked so well)

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A Virus in Wild Migratory Birds, Qinghai Lake, China, 2022
First outbreak of HPAI H5N1 in wild birds occured in Lake Qinghai in 2005. Here, outbreak with 2344b in 2022 – segs most similar to H5N1 in birds in Asia. 2344b was not detected in 2023 – no local maintenance in L. Qinghai.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus H5N1 clade in Wild Rats in Egypt during 2023
Not just mice in dairy barns: HPAI H5N1 in wild rats collected from a rural area in Giza, Egypt, near poultry farms, markets, and backyard flocks.

Intranasal administration of octavalent next-generation influenza vaccine elicits protective immune responses against seasonal and pre-pandemic viruses
Development of an octavalent (with seasonal + pre-pandemic subtypes) computationally optimised human influenza vaccine: antibodies elicited in ferrets, ferrets survived lethal H5N1 Viet/04 challenge infection.

Déjà Vu All Over Again — Refusing to Learn the Lessons of Covid-19
Feature of this article in the Guardian:
US repeating Covid mistakes with bird flu as spread raises alarm, experts say

Surveillance of avian influenza viruses in Hebei Province of China from 2021 to 2023: identification of a novel reassortant H3N3
Screened 6,000+ environmental samples (mostly faeces) in Northern China. 10 isolates, mostly H5N, H7, H9. But an interesting H3N3 isolate.  AIVs closely related to previously identified viruses in Yellow River Basin.

Bats from the Colombian Caribbean Reveal a new subtype of Influenza A (H18N12)
Bat influenza viruses are wild, and here the authors propose a new NA subtype. However, looking at the phylogeny, I’m not sure the node is deep enough to call it a new subtype. 81% similar to N11 at the nt level. No doubt there is undiscovered diversity out there. 

PB1-F2 of low pathogenicity H7N7 restricts apoptosis in avian cells
What is the role of PB1-F2 in AIV? Avian is full length, truncated in mammals. Here, full-length PB1-F2 of LPAIV prolonged survival of infected cells by limiting apoptotic cell death = prolonged infections without severely harming the avian host

Avian influenza viruses in wild birds in Canada following incursions of highly pathogenic H5N1 virus from Eurasia in 2021-2022
Great overview of Canada’s interagency surveillance program. 6,246 sick/dead wild birds tested, 27.4% HPAIV +ve, across 12 avian orders/80 species! 11,295 “healthy” wild birds, 5.2% HPAIV positive, 3 avian orders/19 species. 
“highlights a need for sustained investment in wild bird surveillance and collaboration across interagency partners”

Highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus subtype H5N1 (clade isolated from a natural protected area in Peru
HPAI H5N1 in Sanderling in Peru. Sanderlings are often not positive for LPAI, and we still have little understanding of impact of HPAI on shorebirds, globally. 

High pathogenicity avian influenza in Australia and beyond: could avian influenza cause the next human pandemic?
Overview of avian influenza situation, with a focus on Australia

A broad-spectrum vaccine candidate against H5 viruses bearing different sub-clade HA genes
Characterization of antigenicity of 2344 HPAI = identification of promising vaccine candidate positioned centrally in the antigenic map. Vaccine = 100% protection of chickens against antigenically drifted H5 viruses from various antigenic groups. = broad spectrum + future proof vaccines

Enhanced Diversifying Selection on Polymerase Genes in H5N1 Clade A Key Driver of Altered Species Tropism and Host Range Expansion
Interrogation of select on HPAI H5N1. PB2, PB1, PA = ???? selection pressures in than earlier H5N1 clades. Selection facilitated expanded host tropism + potential for adaptation to mammalian hosts. Paper also has list of interesting mutations found in mammals to date (Fig 3)

Large-Scale Computational Modeling of H5 Influenza Variants Against HA1-Neutralizing Antibodies

Association between highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks and weather conditions in Japan
In Japan, HPAI outbreaks particularly common in autumn + winter, w 2022/23 winter worst.  = specific weather conditions associated w ???? outbreaks on poultry farms. Higher average air temperatures 2-3 weeks prior, lower average wind speeds 4 weeks prior, & longer sunlight hours 2 & 4 weeks prior to outbreaks were significantly associated.

Development of a dual-component biosensor for rapid and sensitive detection of influenza H7 and H5 subtypes
Development a novel dual-component biosensor assembly, each component of which incorporates an antibody fused with a nano-luciferase subunit. applied the biosensor in paper-based assay and lateral flow assay formats = field application.

Enhancing wastewater testing for H5N1 surveillance
Response to editorial: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(24)00439-0/fulltext 
Overall – utilising wastewater systems can be useful in a scenario where farmers dont come forward for voluntary testing of animals. 

Pre-existing H1N1 immunity reduces severe disease with cattle H5N1 influenza virus
Pre-existing immunity from the 2009 H1N1 pandemic provided protection from mortality and severe clinical disease to ferrets intranasally infected with bovine H5N1. Different tissue tropism in H1N1 immune ferrets. 

Surveillance for respiratory viruses in freshwater bodies visited by migratory birds, the Philippines
Environmental water from bird sanctuaries, riverbanks, creeks, marshlands, irrigation canals and rice fields in Philippines + screened for select human viruses. Detection of 1 H9.

Sequence analysis and molecular characterization of low pathogenic avian influenza H9N2 virus isolated from chickens in Sabah
H9N2 endemic in Malaysia, but outbreak w high mortality observed. Analysis shows clade h9.4.2.5 in the Y280 lineage, but different clade compared to what is usually found in Malaysia = recent introduction.

Next-generation sequencing technology reveals the viruses carried by poultry in the live poultry market of Guangdong, China
Metatranscriptomic study of samples collected from live poultry markets in China. Picornaviridae, Retroviridae, Coronaviridae, and Othomyxoviridae -> H9N2 detected..

Unsustainable production patterns and disease emergence: The paradigmatic case of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1
Review of how intensive food production systems are contributing to emergence of pathogens like HPAI H5N1. Transformative actions are required to reduce the emergence and impact of dangerous pathogens

Viral shedding and environmental dispersion of two clade H5 high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses in experimentally infected mule ducks: implications for environmental sampling
Detailed outcomes of experimental infections of 2016/17 and 2020/21 HPAI viruses in Mule ducks. Shedding started 1dpi, before clinical signs. viral RNA in aerosols, dust, and water samples mirrored viral shedding dynamics. Important for duck farms

The panzootic spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 sublineage a critical appraisal of One Health preparedness and prevention
Overview of HPAI in a OneHealth context, with commentary on weaknesses in pandemic preparedness and prevention as well as steps forward. Authored by the One Health High-Level Expert Panel 

Descriptive epidemiology and phylogenetic analysis of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 clade in British Columbia (B.C.) and the Yukon, Canada, September 2022 to June 2023
Comparing HPAI between 1st and 2nd wave in W Canada. Wave 2: more outbreaks, but tightly clustered, different species affected, 7 genotypes + 2 incursions. Many spillovers from wildbirds to poultry + mammals. 

Genome sequences of haemagglutinin cleavage site predict the pathogenicity phenotype of avian influenza virus: statistically validated data for facilitating rapid declarations and reducing reliance on in vivo testing
Old paper I seem to have missed..Data provides statistical support to continued use of molecular determination of pathotype for AI viruses based on HA cleavage site sequence in absence of an in vivo study determination. Expedites declaration process of HPAIV & reduces need for experimental in vivo testing of H5 & H7 viruses.

Comparative examination of a rapid immunocytochemical test for the detection of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in domestic birds in field outbreaks
AIV antigen detection examined in field outbreaks. Bird brain smears tested using immunocytochemistry (IC). IC results strongly correlated with real-time RT-PCR results. IC method rapid, specific, sensitive, & cost-effective in AIV field outbreaks.

Characterization of Avian Influenza Viruses Detected in Kenyan Live Bird Markets and Wild Bird Habitats Reveal Genetically Diverse Subtypes and High Proportion of A(H9N2), 2018-2020
Surveillance for AIV in Kenya amongst poultry, wild birds. H9 found in poultry and similar to viruses in E. Africa. In wild birds, LPAI H5 Eurasian lineage and H11. Poultry workers with ARI all negative. 

Serological survey of high and low pathogenic avian influenza viruses in migratory waterbirds of Neor Lake, Ardabil, northwest of Iran
Tested blood samples tested H5, H7 and H9 subtypes using HI. Sera negative for H5N1, H5N2, H7N1 & H7N7 viruses. 11.89% birds seropositive for H9N2 virus. Mallards = highest seroprevalence (25 %) & whooper swan = lowest (10.5 %).

A Review of the Stability of Avian Influenza Virus in Materials from Poultry Farms
Review on the stability of AIV in materials from poultry farms that cannot be disinfected with chemicals or fumigants: water, litter/bedding, soil, feed, feathers, carcasses/meat, manure/feces, and eggs. Could not access pdf.

Viral Shedding Evaluation is Critical for Determining Efficacy of Avian Influenza (H9) Vaccines in Broiler Chickens
Evaluated comparative efficacy of commercial & self-prepared AIV H9 vaccines for potential to stop or reduce viral shedding post challenge infection & to develop humoral immunity. All vaccines found effective reducing virus shedding & induction of humoral immunity. None stopped shedding. .

Global antigenic landscape and vaccine recommendation strategy for low pathogenic avian influenza A (H9N2) viruses
Developed “PREDAC-H9” method to map global antigenic landscape of H9N2 AIVs and predict antigenic relationship between any two viruses with high accuracy (>80%). 10 major antigenic clusters identified in H9N2 AIVs from 1966-2022. 4 novel clusters generated in China in past decade.

Passive immunisation of mice with IgY anti-H5N1 protects against experimental influenza virus infection and allows development of protective immunity
Giving chicken IgY anti-H5N1 to mice protects them from disease and mice developed influenza virus-specific memory T cells similar to control-treated mice. = Passive immunization used as prophylactic in combo w immunization to prevent disease in mice.

Exploring surface water as a transmission medium of avian influenza viruses – systematic infection studies in mallards
Water is important for transmission of AIV. Here, shown experimentally by the FLI crew through three different experiments: surface water in small shallow water bodies may play an important role as a mediator of LPAI and HPAI.

Natural and Experimental Persistence of Highly Pathogenic H5 Influenza Viruses in Slurry of Domestic Ducks, with or without Lime Treatment
Evaluation of HPAI survival in effluent from duck farms in France. Without lime treatment, virus survived for 4 weeks in slurry from Muscovy or Pekin duck breeders & for 2 weeks in slurry from ducks for foie gras production during assisted-feeding period. = Experimental support for 60-day storage period w/out treatment or 7-day interval after lime treatment defined in French regulations for slurry sanitization.

High pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) in Great Britain and Europe 
Situation assessment of HPAI in Great Britain and Europe. Since last outbreak assessment on 1 April 2024, no reports of HPAI H5 clade in domestic poultry in Great Britain but 2 HPAI H5 clade events involving “found-dead” wild birds, although one was retrospectively tested from a sample collected last year. 

Emergence of a human co-infected with seasonal influenza A (H3N2) virus and avian influenza A (H10N5) virus, China, December 2023
Journal publication of a WHO and China CDC report from before. 
Death of 63-year-old woman in Anhui Province, China, due to co-infection with seasonal IAV (H3N2) subtype virus & AIV A (H10N5) subtype virus on January 27, 2024. First reported human infection with H10N5. Clinical presentation = flu like symptoms. Exposure to duck meat on 26 November 2023 = 7 samples found to be + for H10N5 & 2 samples + for N5.

Recombinant Hemagglutinin Protein from H9N2 Avian Influenza Virus Exerts Good Immune Effects in Mice
Mice given recombinant HA protein. In response, mice produced IgG antibodies, promoted secretion of cytokines & reduced accumulation of some inflammatory factors, which may involve different methods of protecting host. No challenge studies. 

An overview of avian influenza surveillance strategies and modes
Collates & examines features & experiences of global, regional, & national AIV surveillance efforts in context of One Health.

Machine learning approaches for influenza A virus risk assessment identifies predictive correlates using ferret model in vivo data
Never need to do ferret trials again? Data from 125 contemporary IAV (H1, H2, H3, H5, H7, & H9 subtypes) in ferrets fed into machine learning to show models can summarise lethality, morbidity, transmissibility.  

Waterfowl abundance during the 2022-2023 high pathogenicity avian influenza epidemic in Iowa
Conference abstract only. Seems like there is an association between Canada Goose abundance and HPAI outbreaks in Iowa – Mallards perhaps not to blame?. 

Impacts and lessons learned from the first highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) outbreak in South American pinnipeds along the southern Brazilian coast
Detailed outline of Brasilian response to HPAI in marine mammals. Surveys found 271 sea lions + 217 fur seals b/w sept – dec 2024 w 82.6% dead, 10.9% alive w HPAI disease, 6.6% w no apparent symptoms while alive. Lessons can be learned. .

Effects of H9N2 avian influenza virus infection on metabolite content and gene expression in chick DF1 cells
Impact of AIV on metabolites & gene expression in poultry cells previously unclear. Infected chicken embryo fibroblasts DF1 cells with H9N2 AIV. Infection activated glutathione metabolic pathway to enhance cell’s self-defence mechanism.. 

Prevalence of Avian Influenza Virus in Atypical Wild Birds Host Groups during an Outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Strain EA/AM H5N1
Results from passive surveillance system in USA. Columbiformes & Passeriformes appear to hold less risk of AIV infection compared to wild predatory & scavenging orders, in which the most prevalent AIV detections were found. Consumption of infected tissues = key pathway for transmission of AIV in predatory & scavenging birds.

Characterization and Pathogenicity of Novel Reassortment H6N6 Avian Influenza Viruses in Southern China
2 different genotypes of H6N6 in ducks in China. Receptor-binding preference & pathogenicity evlauted in poultry & mice. One viruscan bind to α-2,6 & α-2,3 receptors, the other only avian-origin α-2,3 receptors.  

Investigating whether H5N1 is a risk to human populations in Brazil
Raises concerns about H5N1 risk to human population in Brazil & proposes strategies to mitigate associated public health risks.

Deep mutational scanning of H5 hemagglutinin to inform influenza virus surveillance
Has already been reviewed, but I’ve included it again because it has been updated since its first release. 
Use pseudovirus deep mutational scanning to measure how all mutations to a clade H5 HA affect each phenotype. Identify mutations that allow HA to better bind α2-6-linked sialic acids & show that some viruses already carry mutations that stabilise HA. Identify recent viral strains with reduced neutralisation to sera elicited by candidate vaccine virus. 

Tracking the spread of avian influenza A(H5N1) with alternative surveillance methods: the example of wastewater data
Integration of wastewater into the Branda dataset..

Ecology and evolution of avian influenza viruses
Overview of ecology and evolution of AIV by Geroge Gao et al

Immunogenicity and biodistribution of lipid nanoparticle formulated self-amplifying mRNA vaccines against H5 avian influenza
Report on immunogenicity & biodistribution of four H5 HA-based self-amplifying (sa) mRNA vaccines in mice. All vaccines elicited adaptive immune response. Full-length HA sa-RNA vaccines demonstrated superior performance compared to head & stalk domain vaccines. Antibody titers positively correlated with vaccine dose. 

Mass vaccination with reassortment-impaired live H9N2 avian influenza vaccine
Live virus vaccines not often used for AIV >> risk of reassortment. Here, reassortment-impaired, non-transmissible live virus H9N2 vaccine: rearrangement of internal segments +modifications to HA and NA. Not 100% protective. 

Amplification of avian influenza virus circulation along poultry marketing chains in Bangladesh: a controlled field experiment
Previously reviewed as a preprint. Live bird markets are a hotspot for HPAI. New study investigates AIV infections during marketing chains, and with testing during transport/trade, intervention group had lower shedding once arrived at LBM.

Avian Influenza Virus A(H5Nx) and Prepandemic Candidate Vaccines: State of the Art
Review with good summary of current status of enzootics, & challenges for H5 vaccine manufacturing & delivery.

H5N1 influenza: Urgent questions and directions

Cocirculation of Genetically Distinct Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N5 and H5N1 Viruses in Crows, Hokkaido, Japan
HPAI H5N5 +H5N1 from crows in Hokkaido, Japan, during winter 2023–24 = shared genetic similarity with HPAI H5N5 from northern Europe but differed from those in Asia. = introduced into Japan through a step-by-step bird migration through northern Eurasia

Effects of adding antibiotics to an inactivated oil-adjuvant avian influenza vaccine on vaccine characteristics and chick health
During poultry vaccination, antibiotics are typically added to inactivated oil-adjuvant avian influenza vaccines. Adding ceftiofur = ????chick growth and gut microbiota modulation, disrupt vaccine structure, ???? vaccine safety + efficacy

A vaccine antigen central in influenza A(H5) virus antigenic space confers subtype-wide immunity
How to make good H5 vaccines w broad coverage? Here, antigen map developed, used to make immunogenic + antigenically central vaccine HA antigens, eliciting antibody responses that broadly cover the H5 antigenic space. Vaccines = good coverage in ferrets.

Recent global outbreaks of highly pathogenic and low-pathogenicity avian influenza A virus infections
Review on recent cases of human HPAI A(H5N1), HPAI A(H7N9), LPAI A(H9N2), LPAI A(H10N3) & A(H5N2) virus infections and One Health approach to monitor and control HPAI and LPAI. 

High and low pathogenicity avian influenza virus discrimination and prediction based on volatile organic compounds signature by SIFT-MS: a proof-of-concept study
They used volatile organic compounds signatures to discriminate HPAIV & LPAIV infected cells from control cells. Fed all this into a complex model to predict whether cells infected with what virus. Unclear why this would be useful at this stage – perhaps the start of a novel detection method?

Unusual A(H1N7) influenza A virus isolated from free-range domestic ducks in Bangladesh, 2023
Diversity of H1N7 viruses from domestic ducks in Bangladesh with genomes comprising segments closely related to both European and Asian viruses..

Mortality of H5N1 human infections might be due to H5N1 virus pneumonia and could decrease by switching receptor
Suggest pneumonia cause of high CFR for H5N. Hypothesis: if H5N1 switches to upper airway receptor (SA α2,6), mortality would be lower because infections would be restricted to upper respiratory tract infections.

Modelling molecular differences in the innate immune system responses of chickens and ducks to highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
Against HPAI: chickens produce a pro-inflammatory response; mallards produce an anti-viral response. an avian innate immune response agent-based model developed, confirming key role of RIG-I. 

Effectively Evaluating a Novel Consensus Subunit Vaccine Candidate to Prevent the H9N2 Avian Influenza Virus
Bioinformatically derived broad-spectrum H9 protein, cross-reactivity against sera of several subbranch H9, and vaccine candidate provided complete clinical protection but did not prevent shedding in chickens

It’s time to apply outbreak response best practices to avian influenza: A national call to action
Focussed on Canada, recommend veterinarians align with national stakeholders to apply Outbreak Response Best Practices to AHPAI using a formal Quality Management System.

Antibodies to Influenza A Virus in Lesser (Aytha affinis) and Greater Scaup (Aytha marila) in the USA
Ducks is not a duck is not a duck. In literature, no virology data, scaup are are seropositive with decent seroprevalence. So what’s up with diving ducks? In USA, H1N1 isolated, and antibodies against H1–H12, H14, and H15 via serology.. 

Histopathologic Features and Viral Antigen Distribution of H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Clade from the 2022–2023 Outbreak in Iowa Wild Birds
Histology of dead raptors + waterfowl infected w HPAI. NP detected commonly in the lungs (77.8%), kidney (75%), heart (66.7%) & liver (55.6%). Pancreas, spleen, intestines, gonads, & adrenals occasionally exhibited + viral protein signals.

The amino acid variation at hemagglutinin sites 145, 153, 164 and 200 modulate antigenicity and replication of H9N2 avian influenza virus
In H9 viruses, mutation at site 164 significantly modified antigenic characteristics. Amino acid variations at sites 145, 153, 164 and 200 affected virus’s hemagglutination and the growth kinetics in mammalian cells.

A Rationally Designed H5 Hemagglutinin Subunit Vaccine Provides Broad-Spectrum Protection against Various H5Nx highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses in Chickens
When chickens vaccinated with novel baculovirus-based vaccine at 1 day old, 100% protection against challenge at 3 weeks of age. 100% protection from mortality and clinical signs, and no shedding.

Immunisation of chickens with inactivated and/or infectious H9N2 avian influenza virus leads to differential immune B cell repertoire development
Changes in H9N2-specific IgM and IgY in chickens vaccinated or challenged: . ^ proportion of IgM & IgY clones shared across multiple individuals, but dependent on immunisation status & specific tissue examined. Specific clonal expansions restricted to particular H9N2 immunisation regimes. == nature & number of immunisations  important drivers of antibody responses & repertoire profiles in chickens following H9N2 antigenic stimulation. 

Efficacy of commercial recombinant HVT vaccines against a North American clade H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in chickens
Tested 2 recombinant herpes virus vaccines (COBRA-HVT and 2.2-HVT vaccine) against HPAI in chickens. High survival in vaccinated birds, and lower cloacal viral shedding from COBRA-HVT. But shedding non-the-less. 

Ecology and environment predict spatially stratified risk of highly pathogenic avian influenza in wild birds across Europe
Model identifying factors driving geospatial distribution of HPAI + project the distribution of risk across Europe, explicitly considering impact of wild bird ecology. == shift in risk towards cold, low-lying regions of coastal northwest Europe. Predict persistence of ^ risk in coastal northwest Europe throughout the year. Majority of variation in risk explained by climate & aspects of physical geography. Addition of ecological covariates represents valuable refinement to species distribution models of HPAI.

Cytomegalovirus vaccine vector-induced effector memory CD4 + T cells protect cynomolgus macaques from lethal aerosolized heterologous avian influenza challenge
Immunised Mauritian cynomolgus macaques with cynomolgus CMV vaccines w H1N1 1918 influenza M1, NP, & PB1 antigens and challenged with heterologous, aerosolized avian H5N1 influenza. All six unvaccinated macaques died with acute respiratory distress. 54.5% vaccinated macaques survived. CD4 + T cells targeting conserved internal influenza proteins can protect against HPAI.

Mitigating Risk: Predicting H5N1 Avian Influenza Spread with an Empirical Model of Bird Movement
Model w sat tagged waterfowl + HPAI in poultry: projects exposure & spread of HPAIv among waterfowl, but predictions of HPAIv detections in poultry lagged 

Risk of invasive waterfowl interaction with poultry production: Understanding potential for avian pathogen transmission via species distribution models
In Arkansas, Assessed risk of invasive waterfowl-poultry interaction w focus on Egyptian Goose & Mute Swan. % urban land cover most important habitat characteristic. Densities of poultry in waterfowl areas3-5 x times higher than those others. Tip: don’t build poultry production in places that waterfowl like to hangout.

Coastal connectivity of marine predators over the Patagonian Shelf during the highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak
Previous reviewed as a preprint, now out. 
How did HPAI go from S. Am to Falklands? Extensive connectivity  of Black-browed albatrosses, South American fur seals & Magellanic penguins over Patagonian Shelf:  Falklands <->S.Am coast w transit times 0.2–70 days, with 84% of animals transiting within 4 days which is  the conservative estimate for HPAI infectious period. 

Proposal for a Global Classification and Nomenclature System for A/H9 Influenza Viruses
Practical lineage classification & nomenclature system based on analysis of 10,638 HA sequences. Incorporates phylogenetic relationships & epidemiologic characteristics designed to trace emerging & circulating lineages & clades. Online tool: https://nmdc.cn/influvar/tools/H9aiv

Detection and genomic characterization of an avian influenza virus A/mute swan/Mangystau/1-S24R-2/2024 (H5N1; clade strain isolated from the lung of a dead swan in Kazakhstan
H5N1 clade strain A/mute swan/Mangystau/1-S24R-2/2024 from lung of dead swan found around Lake Karakol (Kazakhstan) during HPAI outbreak in 2024. 

Update on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus for Clinicians and Healthcare Centers
Update on current outbreak in U.S & current CDC surveillance & monitoring efforts. Information for clinicians on testing, using antivirals, & infection prevention/ control recommendations.

Australia’s first human case of H5N1 and the current H7 poultry outbreaks: implications for public health and biosecurity measures
Strange paper by indian authors with no involvement. 

First detection of HPAI in a mammal on the Antarctic peninsula

Multiple transatlantic incursions of highly pathogenic avian influenza clade A(H5N5) virus into North America and spillover to mammals
Important not to forget the other subtypes. In 2023, transatlantic of HPAI H5N5 to N. Am w seabirds. Canadian birds +mammals w PB2-E627K. Ferret: some evidence of spread by direct contact.

Viral metagenomic survey of caspian seals
Metagenomics of Caspian sealsOrthomyxoviridae least common viral family recovered. Recovered Influenza A (H3) & partial contigs for Influenza B, representing only the second such molecular identification in marine mammals. 

Licensed H5N1 vaccines generate cross-neutralizing antibodies against highly pathogenic H5N1 clade influenza virus
Stockpiled H5N1 vaccines developed using older strains do generate cross-neutralizing antibodies against circulating HPAI H5N1 clade in humans & may be useful as bridging vaccines until updated H5N1 vaccines available.

Evaluating the Impact of Low-Pathogenicity Avian Influenza H6N1 Outbreaks in United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland Poultry Farms during 2020
While HPAI H5N1 is having the largest impact, when other subypes enter poultry they may cause morbidity and mortlaity. Here, H6N1 in UK in 2020, against backdrop of H5N1. 2million birds, 15 IP Northern Ireland, 13 in Ireland, 5 in Scotland, & 1 in England. 

MHC class II proteins mediate sialic acid independent entry of human and avian H2N2 influenza A viruses
Human H2N2 and avian H2N2 possess dual receptor specificity in cell lines and primary human airway cultures = entry via MHC class II is independent of sialic acid. MHC class II from humans, pigs, ducks, swans, chickens but not bats mediate H2 IAV entry.

The Haemagglutinin Genes of the UK Clade H5N1 Avian Influenza Viruses from 2020 to 2022 Retain Strong Avian Phenotype
Evaluated comprehensive panel of H5 viruses representing prevalent genotypes from UK outbreaks spanning 2020-2022 for HA functionality. Viruses only bound to avian receptors & exhibited fusion at pH 5.8, above pH range (pH 5.0-5.5) associated with efficient human-to-human transmission. Concludes H5 viruses have low immediate zoonotic threat. Contemporary H5 viruses more thermostable & showed antigenic drift. N236D in HA significant antigenic epitope. 

In vitro one-pot construction of influenza viral genomes for virus particle synthesis based on reverse genetics system
Established rapid (8 hour) in vitro one-pot plasmid construction (IVOC) based virus synthesis. Infectious viruses could be synthesized with similar yield to conventional E. coli cloning-based method with high accuracy. 

Multiplex Dual-Target Reverse Transcription PCR for Subtyping Avian Influenza A(H5) Virus
Yet another dual-target reverse transcription PCR for H5 subtyping in human clinical samples. Continuous sequence surveillance & updating of primer–probe sets still required to ensure assay accounts for ongoing viral evolution.

Modified transport medium for improving influenza virus detection
Developed modified transport medium (MTM) for clinical sample transportation to increase viral detection sensitivity.Some limitations e.g. temperatures <37°C affect cultivation & long incubation time.

Role of miRNA in Highly Pathogenic H5 Avian Influenza Virus Infection: An Emphasis on Cellular and Chicken Models
miRNAs play a significant role in AIV infections, influencing various aspects of the disease process. Review synthesises recent findings on impact of different miRNAs on immune function, viral cytopathogenicity & respiratory viral replication

Exploring Potential Intermediates in the Cross-Species Transmission of Influenza A Virus to Humans
Review investigates potential intermediate hosts in cross-species transmission of IAV to humans, focusing on factors that facilitate zoonotic events. Evaluates roles of various animal hosts (pigs, galliformes, companion animals, minks, marine mammals & others) in spread of IAV to humans. 

Air sampling and simultaneous detection of airborne influenza virus via gold nanorod-based plasmonic PCR
Crazy new tech – air sampling and simultaneous detection of airborne influenza virus via plasmonic PCR -> plasmonic thermocycling using laser pulse and duration to rapidly heat and cool a solution. Lets see the reality.

Construction of a monoclonal molecular imprinted sensor with high affinity for specific recognition of influenza a virus subtype
Another out of the box approach. monoclonal molecular imprinted polymers (MIPs) sensor for recognition of H5N1 to permit the accurate distinguishing of H5N1 from other influenza A virus subtype. Can apparently distinguish H5N1 from H1N1, H7N9 and H9N2

Optical transmission for precise discrimination of influenza A virus subtypes: a comprehensive study on light interaction and collimated transmittance
Another out of the box approach. Optical experiment designed specifically to differentiate various influenza virus subtypes. Successfully identified H1N1, H5N1 & H9N2. Each subtype exhibited unique collimated transmission pattern at same incident laser wavelength. Sensitivity could reach 100% at low viral concentrations, at certain wavelengths. Beware – done by non-experts – “breeds of avian influenza”

Modeling transmission of avian influenza viruses at the human-animal-environment interface in Cuba
Integrated One Health model to estimate likelihood of AIV introduction & transmission in Cuba. South-western & eastern regions of Cuba = ^ risk of transmission & should be targeted to strengthen biosecurity & early warning surveillance.

Biological lags and market dynamics in vertically coordinated food supply chains: HPAI impacts on U.S. egg prices
Hedonic model of retail egg prices that controls for quality, regional, and temporal factors to reveal role of HPAI. HPAI caused weekly retail egg prices ????5.3 %. importance of understanding context-specific outcomes for agri-food supply chain.

Avian influenza overview March–June 2024

Identification of sialic acid receptors for influenza A virus in snakes
Snakes on a plane! Turns out that both SA α2,3-Gal & SA α2,6-Gal receptors can be found in respiratory and digestive tracts of snakes (via lectin immunohistochemistry, not AI prediction). = susceptibility to IAV?. 

Epidemiology, biosafety, and biosecurity of Avian Influenza: Insights from the East Mediterranean region
Literature review of AIV focusing on impact in Middle East including virus structure & subtypes, mechanism of infection, disease symptoms & global outbreak history & status.

Financial impacts of a housing order on commercial free range egg layers in response to highly pathogenic avian influenza
Housing orders are an important tool in avian influenza control in poultry. In commercial free-range egg layers: feed use + feed costs per bird increased. But, ???? revenue maybe due to a higher proportion of large eggs produced.. 

miR-214-PTEN pathway is a potential mechanism for stress-induced immunosuppression affecting chicken immune response to avian influenza virus vaccine
Stress-induced immunosuppression = common problems in intensive poultry industry affecting effect of vaccine = ???? incidence of disease. MiR-214 identified as molecular marker, MiR-214-PTEN = key regulatory mechanism.

High Prevalence of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A Virus in Vietnam’s Live Bird Markets
From Jan 2019 –  April 2021 OneHealth influenza surveillance @ live bird markets + swine farms in N. Vietnam. In LBMs, lots of influenza everywhere, including human case w H9N2 PB1 gene. Prev low on swine farms. LBMs high risk environments. 

Spatiotemporal and Species-Crossing Transmission Dynamics of Subclade H5Nx HPAIVs
Another iteration of the Xie et al Science paper. Nothing substantially new. Phylodynamics of 2344b. HA gene diverged into 2 dominant clusters around 2015 and 2016. Wild Anseriformes primary species contributing to the spatial expansion and rapid diffusion globally

Novel Genotypes of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Clade Viruses, Germany, November 2023
In Germany, in 2023, genotype BB [reassortant w gull-H13], dominated HPAI outbreaks in colony breeding birds. Uptick in cases in late 2023 – 4 new genotypes with new segments donated from LPAI. Surveillance for LPAI and HPAI needed. Changing HPAI dynamics underfoot…

Spatiotemporal patterns of low and highly pathogenic avian influenza virus prevalence in murres in Canada from 2007 to 2022—a case study for wildlife viral monitoring
Murres/Guillemots hosts for LPAI in our early work. Here, review shows HPAIV in 46% live/harvested + dead murres in NW Atlantic in 2022, w prevalence at 63% among live birds in the summer! In eastern Canadian Arctic = 21%. Huge impacts. 

CRISPR/Cas13a-based genome editing for establishing the detection method of H9N2 subtype avian influenza virus
H9N2 endemic in poultry. New method for detection of H9N2 based on fluorescence intensity using CRISPR/Cas13a

Genotypic and phenotypic susceptibility of emerging avian influenza A viruses to neuraminidase and cap-dependent endonuclease inhibitors
Resistance to antiviral drugs low in >20,000 avian influenza tested; all tested subtypes were susceptible to NAIs and baloxavir at sub-nanomolar concentrations. 

Quantitative Risk Assessment of Wind-Supported Transmission of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus to Dutch Poultry Farms via Fecal Particles from Infected Wild Birds in the Environment
Model to determine probability that aerosolization of fecal droppings from wild birds in the vicinity of poultry farms = infection of indoor-housed poultry w HPAI. Happens once ever 455 years = unlikely event (or model is no good?)

Changing epidemiological patterns in human avian influenza virus infections
The story of human infections with HPAI continues to change. Lots for us to learn about human infections, better diagnostics (e.g. physician education to recognise potential cases), vaccinating high risk people can be considered. Lots of interesting points raised.

Bacterially expressed full length Hemagglutinin of Avian Influenza Virus H5N1 forms oligomers and exhibits hemagglutination
Full length HA protein from H5N1 strain successfully cloned, expressed, & purified in E. coli. Potential target for future vaccine development.

Identification of broad-spectrum B-cell and T-cell epitopes of H9 subtype avian influenza virus HA protein using polypeptide scanning
Based on the phylogenetic and serological analyses, 2 antigenic groups of H9N2. Identified 5 novel cell epitopes that could be targeted for vaccine design or detection approaches against H9N2 AIVs.

An emerging PB2-627 polymorphism increases the pandemic potential of avian influenza virus by breaking through ANP32 host restriction in mammalian and avian hosts
Common mammalian mutation PB2-E627K previously not maintained in AIV in poultry. New PB2-627V mutation facilitates AIVs to efficiently infect & replicate in chickens & mice utilizing avian & human origin ANP32A proteins. Promotes efficient transmission between ferrets through respiratory droplets & remains stable across distinct hosts. ^ potential for long-term prevalence in avian species. Important to monitor AIV carrying PB2-627V to prevent pandemic.

Clustering broiler farmers based on their behavioural differences towards biosecurity to prevent highly pathogenic avian influenza
Compared relationships among farmers’ biosecurity behaviours, risk of HPAI infection & features of commercial broiler farmers across 303 farms. Found distinct features based on social backgrounds and production types.

Mortality in sea lions is associated with the introduction of the H5N1 clade virus in Brazil October 2023: whole genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis
SeaLion story continues, now in Brazil. Lots more dead sea lions. Genotype B3.2 of clade HPAI H5N1 first detected in South American sea lions in Brazil October 2023. Acquired new amino acid substitutions related to mammalian host affinity. 

Simultaneous differential detection of H5, H7 and H9 subtypes of avian influenza viruses by a triplex fluorescence loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay
Novel triplex LAMP assay developed to simultaneously detect H5, H7, H9 AIV subtypes. Detection limit = 205 copies per reaction for H5, 360 copies for H7, & 545 copies for H9. Good specificity, no cross-reactivity with related avian viruses & 100% consistency with previously published qPCR assay. 

CD8+T Cell Epitope Conservation in Emerging H5N1 Viruses Suggests Global Protection
>64% of  CD8+ T cell epitopes highly conserved in H5N1 viruses, with 60% of most prevalent HLA-I w at least one immunogenic CD8+ T cell epitope conserved in H5N1 viruses. T cell cross-recognition against H5N1 should provide some protection in humans

Multiplex Dual-Target Reverse Transcription PCR for Subtyping Avian Influenza A(H5) Virus
Updated H5 qPCR primers/probes. Could be used to detect influenza A(H5) in clinical samples. Continuous sequence surveillance & updating of primer–probe sets still required to address ongoing viral evolution. 

Evaluating the epizootic and zoonotic threat of an H7N9 low-pathogenicity avian influenza virus (LPAIV) variant associated with enhanced pathogenicity in turkeys
Another banger from Joe James. From 2013-2017 >1000 human cases of H7N9, halted due to vaccination. New Q217 mutation in turkey H7N9 viruses. H7N9 infection in turkeys = novel variants w ????risk via pathogenicity & HA antigenic escape. Turkey virus replicated in ferrets.

Preventive, safety and control measures against Avian Influenza A(H5N1) in occupationally exposed groups: A scoping review
How to better protect occupationally exposed workers to HPAI?  Biosecurity (PPE, handwashing) = crucial prevention measure for exposed workers. Workers ^ receptive to information from media (TV, radio) & expert opinion.

First sighting of human H5N1 in Australia: A detailed account and public health implication
1st human H5N1 case in Australia highlights need for vigilant surveillance, rapid response systems, & international cooperation to mitigate public health risks. Dont think any of the coauthors were involved as they seem to have affiliations in India. 

Amino acid mutations PB1-V719M and PA-N444D combined with PB2-627K contribute to the pathogenicity of H7N9 in mice
PB2-E627K mutation alone not sufficient to ????  virulence of H7N9 in mice. Combinations with PB1-V719M and/or PA-N444D mutations significantly enhanced H7N9 virulence + ???? polymerase activity. virulence in H7N9 is a polygenic trait. 

Strong and consistent effects of waterbird composition on HPAI H5 occurrences across Europe
Interesting to see a study from some years ago (old HPAI strains) reappear (with current panzootic data) with similar conclusions. The community composition of wild birds has an impact on HPAI in Europe. 
2019 study: https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1365-2656.12997

H5N1 avian influenza: tracking outbreaks with real-time epidemiological data

Activation of Antiviral Host Responses against Avian Influenza Virus and Remodeling of Gut Microbiota by rLAB Vector Expressing rIL-17A in Chickens
Alternative approach to control avian influenza:  cytokine-based approaches to augment antiviral host defense. Chicken cytokine IL-17A mediated selective expansion of beneficial gut microbiota > healthy microbiome >  ???? AIV immune protection in chicken

Global changes in the epidemiology of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses
Short piece.  Outlines concerns regarding reassortment & mutation of clade H5N1 HPAIV’s. Suggests several mitigation & management measures to reduce human pandemic potential.

H9N2 Influenza A Viruses Found to be Enzootic in Punjab Pakistan’s Bird Markets with Evidence of Human H9N2 Nasal Colonization
H9N2 continues to circulate endemically in Asian poultry. 6.3% of poultry samples +ve, of which 73.9% H9N2 in Punjab Pakistan. Concerningly, 2 human cases identified. Scope for surveillance, prevention, control. 

Transmission dynamics of avian influenza viruses in Egyptian poultry markets
3,971 samples from poultry, wild birds, & environment across 4 Egyptian live bird markets. 17.4% +ve for AIV H5N1, H9N2, H5N8. Poultry w ????prevalence (42.2%) than wild birds (34.4%). Environmental samples +ve efor AIV. Fluctuating IAV +ve rates over time.. 

Mapping the risk of introduction of highly pathogenic avian influenza to Swedish poultry
Assessed spatiotemporal risk of introduction of HPAIV to Swedish poultry from wild birds using data from 2016-2021. High variation between national & local risk for HPAIV introduction to poultry.

R229I substitution from oseltamivir induction in HA1 region significantly increased the fitness of a H7N9 virus bearing NA 292K
Oseltamivir-resistant H7N9 contain NA 292K, and HA R229I. HA mutation has substantial impact on ????replication ability, neuraminidase enzyme activity, binding ability to α2,3 + α2,6, pathogenicity to mice, transcriptome response =fine-tuning HA–NA balance

Molecular Markers and Mechanisms of Influenza A Virus Cross-Species Transmission and New Host Adaptation
Summary of genetic changes & mechanisms influencing interspecific adaptation, cross-species transmission, & pandemic potential of IAV. Includes discussion of phenotypic traits associated with airborne transmission of IAV. 

A(H2N2) and A(H3N2) influenza pandemics elicited durable cross-reactive and protective antibodies against avian N2 neuraminidases
1.37-11.2% seropositivity against H9N2 in occupationally exposed adults in China – can human influenza (H2N2, H3N2) infection protect against avian H9N2? Highest rate of AIV N2 antibodies in individuals aged ≥65 years. 1968 pandemic N2 but not recent N2 protected against avian H9N2.. 

Avian flu: cases on the decline in Europe, surveillance recommended in view of upcoming season

Dual Gene Detection of H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus Based on Dual RT-RPA
Dual Reverse Transcription Recombinase Polymerase Amplification for simultaneous detection for HA and M2 genes of H5N1. 

Pinnipeds and avian influenza: a global timeline and review of research on the impact of highly pathogenic avian influenza on pinniped populations with particular reference to the endangered Caspian seal (Pusa caspica)
HPAI is posing a major conservation concern for pinnipeds in S. America. Here a review on impacts of HPAI on pinnipeds, focus on Caspian seal, currently under threat from HPAI H5N1 transmitted from infected seabirds/waterbrids which share haul-outs.

Safety, Tolerability, and Immunogenicity of aH5N1 Vaccine in Adults with and without Underlying Medical Conditions
Phase-III trial for ajuvanted H5N1 human vaccine. Adjuvanted H5N1 vaccine (aH5N1) approved for prophylaxis against the H5N1. Evaluated safety & immunogenicity of aH5N1 in 4 groups of adults of different age groups. All groups had ^ antibody response to aH5N1 regardless of age or health status. Clinically acceptable safety & tolerability profile.

Influenza A virus antibodies in dogs, hunting dogs, and backyard pigs in Campeche, Mexico.
Dogs, pigs, tested for swine, human, avian influenza viruses via serology. No avian influenza detected.

Using an adaptive modeling framework to identify avian influenza spillover risk at the wild-domestic interface
High resolution spatial & temporal transmission risk models for US inderpined by: weekly species-level waterfowl abundance, LPAI prevalence, number of poultry farms, relative biosecurity risks. 

Molecular epidemiology and genetic evolution of avian influenza H5N1 subtype in Nigeria, 2006 to 2021
HPAI in Nigeria 2006 – 2021: Clade 2.2 in 2006, 2.3.2, afterwards, in 2021.Related to other viruses in W. Africa, and Egypt. Widespread distribution. Interplay bw LBMs, free range poultry, wetlands

Phylodynamics of avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses from outbreaks in Brazil
Interrogation of 2344b sequences from Brasil poultry, wild birds, and mammals. Similar to viruses from Chile, Uruguay, and Argentina. PB2 D701N and Q591K detected, no resistance to NAIs.

An avian-origin internal backbone effectively increases the H5 subtype avian influenza vaccine candidate yield in both chicken embryonated eggs and MDCK cells
Developed inactivated vaccine candidate by recombining clade and clade strain.= complete protection against wild-type strain challenge. High-yield, easy-to-cultivate candidate donor as an internal gene backbone for vaccine development.

Genetic diversity of H5N1 and H5N2 high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses isolated from poultry in Japan during the winter of 2022-2023
Multiple incursion events, genotypes, and HA sublineages of 2344b in Japan. HA subclade G2c caused the largest number of outbreaks – from Asia & Russia. Many genotypes from reassortment w wild bird viruses from N. America + Eurasia

What You Should Know About Avian Influenza A (H5N1)

From emergence to endemicity: highly pathogenic H5 avian influenza viruses in Taiwan
Clade in Taiwan, initial wave 2015/16. Yunlin county key source for outbreaks: shift to chicken-dominant circulation from initial bidirectional spread between chicken and domestic waterfowl central to endemicity

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus A(H5N1) Clade Infection in Free-Ranging Polar Bear, Alaska, USA
H5N1 in bears:  species, including American +Asia black bears, grizzly bears, Kodiak brown bears, and recent Polar Bear in Alaska. Dead H5N1 short-tailed shearwaters (which breed in Australia) found in location of polar bear, murres previously. Ingestion of infected seabirds?

Co-infection of H9N2 subtype avian influenza virus and QX genotype live attenuated infectious bronchitis virus increase the pathogenicity in SPF chickens
Synergistic effect of H9N2 and infectious bronchitis virus in poultry. (I found similar effects between LPAI and gammacoronaviruses in wild birds via qPCR studies and metagenomics). Live attenuated IBV vaccines may ???? IBV-associated clinical lesions due to co-infections + immunosuppressive factors?

Genetic and molecular characterization of H9N2 avian influenza viruses in Yunnan Province, Southwestern China
Very high prevalence of H9N2 in poultry markets in Yunnan Province – 42% of tissues, 4% of swabs. No H9N2 in poultry farms. Lots of genetic diversity. A558V common, 1 with E627V in PB2.

Whole genome sequencing of low pathogenicity avian influenza virus (H6N2) detected from a Brazilian teal (Amazonnetta brasiliensis) in Brazil, 2023
Great to see more data from S. America. H6N2 from a Brazilian Teal, with distinct S. American genome, indicating extensive circulation among South American wild birds

Continued Evolution of H10N3 Influenza Virus with Adaptive Mutations Poses an Increased Threat to Mammals
In China, recent human cases of H10N3 and H10N8. In 2022, H10N3 in diseased chickens in China, with genomes associated with human cases, and internal genes from H9N2. HA Q222R and G228S double mutations in receptor-binding domain.

Insights into avian influenza A(H5N1) events: epidemiological patterns and genetic analysis
Another paper by the italian group who are capitalising on the hard work of others… Not sure there is much new here, just an overview and perspective. 

Climate change is helping the H5N1 bird flu virus spread and evolve
I’m not sure I agree that the panzootic is driven by climate change as much as poultry practices, vaccination, silent spread, and ample spillover opportunities.

H19 influenza A virus exhibits species-specific MHC class II receptor usage
The 19th HA subtype… found in scaups in 2010 and 2013 in the USA. Rather than sialic acid, H19 binds to the MHC class II. Absolutely wild. 

Baloxivir is a newer generation antiviral for human influenza, targeting RdRp. Reduces mortality and virus secretion from HPAIV-infected chickens w/o long term toxicity. Treatment option for use in HPAIV-infected endangered birds?

Epidemiological dominance of the most virulent HPAIV H5N1 clade strains: insights from experimental infections of Pekin ducks (Anas platyrynchos)
Contrary to the “avirulence hypothesis”, the most virulent genotypes in ducklings showed epidemiological dominance in the field. Rather, “virulence-transmission trade-off’ model for HPAI panzootic in Germany = pop size of susceptible hosts not limiting factor for spread. ???? host reservoirs due to fatal losses or gradually increasing population immunity in wild birds required.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus infections on fur farms connected to mass mortalities of black-headed gulls, Finland, July to October 2023
In 2023, 162 animals on 27 fox farms positive for HPAI. Many had ecrosuppurative bronchointerstitial pneumonia. Foxes and gulls in same area all had EA-2022-BB genotype and clustered together. Some mammalian adaptive mutations detected. 

One health, many interpretations: vaccinating risk groups against H5 avian influenza in Finland
In response to the large outbreaks of HPAI in foxes in Finland, the Finnish National PH institute is recommending HPAI vaccination for certain risk groups. 

  • Persons in contact with farmed fur animals;
  • Persons in contact with poultry;
  • Persons handling sick or dead animals or cleaning the related facilities;
  • Persons in charge of ringing birds;
  • Person taking care of birds in animal care facilities;
  • Persons working with birds in bird or livestock farms;
  • Veterinarians working in the public sector;
  • Laboratory personnel working with testing of avian influenza;
  • Close contacts of confirmed or suspected human avian influenza cases.

Global Antigenic Landscape and Vaccine Recommendation Strategy for Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H9N2) Viruses
New approach for predicting H9 antigenic clusters. Antigenic relationship for H9N2, 1966-2022 =10 major antigenic clusters, 4 novel clusters were generated in China in the past decade

Bird flu: First person with confirmed H5N2 infection dies
Documents first confirmed human case of H5N2 IAV in a person who has since died in Mexico City.
Linked to: https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2024-DON520 

Zoonotic infections by avian influenza virus: changing global epidemiology, investigation, and control
Changing epidemiology of human AIV infections. 2050 human cases since 2013 across diversity of subtypes, including H5Nx, H7N9, etc. With insights into human infections in China

Natural Infection with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A/H5N1 Virus in Pet Ferrets
5 ferrets in one household in Poland positive for HPAI. First natural infection in pet ferrets, concurrent w outbreaks of HPAI in Polish cats in 2023. Liver, lungs, kidneys were congested, change in brain tissue consistency. 

To respond to the threat of avian influenza, look back at lessons learned from COVID-19
Five communication + public health lessons from COVID-19 pandemic that could apply to tackling an AIV strain with pandemic potential. Lessons could compensate for a near-term shortage of vaccines and targeted therapeutics.

Zoonotic Animal Influenza Virus and Potential Mixing Vessel Hosts
Comprehensive summary of potential mixing vessel or intermediate hosts for zoonotic influenza viruses. Found avian and swine influenza viruses are of high zoonotic potential, while influenza viruses of bovine, equine, canine, and bat origin are of low zoonotic risk. 

H5N1: international failures and uncomfortable truths
Evaluates international response to US H5N1 outbreak and associated challenges. Suggests that One Health, though often acknowledged, is rarely prioritised and operationalised. Consider this a missed opportunity to respond to and prevent pandemic threats. 

Building global preparedness for avian influenza
Preparedness measures for AIV = adequate antiviral stockpiles, strengthening supply chains for PPE,  enhancing detection of epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory signals via vets, health-care workers, and laboratory testing.

Phylogenetic and mutational analysis of H10N3 avian influenza A virus in China: Potential Threats to Human Health
*Full article yet to be published.. 

Large-Scale Serological Survey of Influenza A Virus in South Korean Wild Boar (Sus scrofa)
7,209 wild boars in South Korea (2015-19) for IAV. 3.5% sero positive. 23 pdmH1N1, 6 human seasonal H3N2, 3 classical swine H1N1, 30 triple reassortants, 7 swine-origin H3N2 variant. Not just domestic pigs. 

Hemagglutinin Glycosylation Pattern-Specific Effects: Implications for The Fitness of H9.4.2.5-branched H9N2 Avian Influenza Viruses
Compared adaptive phenotypes H9N2 AIV mutants with different HA glycosylation patterns. Results indicate variations in glycosylation level impact antigenic drift which suggests that changes in number of glycans on HA can modulate receptor affinity and antigenicity of H9N2 AIVs, but also affect their stability and multiplication. Important findings for glycosylation-dependent vaccine design.

N-glycosylation on hemagglutinin head reveals inter-branch antigenic variability of avian influenza virus H5-subtypes
Assessment of primary glycosylation sites, incl 140 N, 156 N, 170 N in antigenic epitopes of H5N1. Inactivated recombinant strains = closer antigenicity compared to those w identical N-glycosylation patterns = inter-branch antigenic diversity of H5.

Genome sequences of H7N9 avian influenza virus in poultry-related environment in Henan Province in 2023
In Chinese. Isolated three high avian pathogenicity H7N9 AIV strains from a live poultry market in Xuchang city, China in February 2023. No significant increase in mutations related to the binding ability to human receptors, mammalian pathogenicity, viral transmissibility, or drug resistance as compared with previous representative strains causing human or avian infection.

Isolation and identification of three strains of H5N6 avian influenza virus in Yunnan province in 2022 and analysis of the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes characteristics
In Chinese. Novel high pathogenic H5N6 AIV subtype identified in three environment samples from a live poultry market in Yunnan province, China in 2022. Lacked receptor binding characteristics feasible to infect humans. 

An investigation on avian influenza virus distribution in poultry-related environment in Nanping city
In Chinese. Profiled distribution of AIV in poultry-related environments in Nanping city, China between December 2021 and December 2023. Positive rate of FluA in Nanping city was higher in autumn-winter season and in drinking water and faeces samples. Places where multiple types of poultry clustered, such as live poultry markets and slaughterhouses had a higher diversity of AIV’s.

Outbreak Reports: A Retrospective Investigation of a Case of Dual Infection by Avian-Origin Influenza A (H10N5) and Seasonal Influenza A (H3N2) Viruses — Anhui Province, China, December 2023–January 2024
Documents first human case of co-infection with H10N5 and seasonal H3N2 influenza viruses. Epidemiological investigations identified H10N5 in environmental samples linked to patient, but no transmission to close contacts occurred. Should correspond to: https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2024-DON504 

Fatal Infection in Ferrets after Ocular Inoculation with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1)
Ocular inoculation of a clade highly pathogenic H5N1 AIV caused severe and fatal infection in ferrets. Virus was transmitted to ferrets in direct contact. Highlights potential capacity of these viruses to cause human disease after either respiratory or ocular exposure.

The evolution of H5N1 influenza viruses in Indonesia to mammalian hosts: a review of molecular markers
Found H5N1 viruses from various species in Indonesia have developed several important mammalian adaptation markers that enhance viral attachment to the α2,6 receptor, polymerase activity and pathogenicity in mammals, including humans.

A Chymotrypsin-Dependent Live-Attenuated Influenza Vaccine Provides Protective Immunity against Homologous and Heterologous Viruses
Live-attenuated vaccine via mutating cleavage site of IAV. Effective protected mice against lethal doses of H1N1 and  H5N1 post mucosal administration = highly effective broad-spectrum protective activity

Cross-protective efficacy and safety of an adenovirus-based universal influenza vaccine expressing nucleoprotein, hemagglutinin, and the ectodomain of matrix protein 2
Adenovirus-based universal influenza vaccine has efficacy and safety. Provide cross-protection in mice against various IAV subtypes, including H5N1, even at doses lower than those previously known to be effective

Avian influenza and gut microbiome in poultry and humans: A “One Health” perspective
Interaction between the poultry + human gut microbiome and AIV infection = surveillance program for the poultry or human gut microbiome might serve as a sentinel for monitoring the overall risk of AIV infection.

Effects of the Glycosylation of the HA Protein of H9N2 Subtype Avian Influenza Virus on the Pathogenicity in Mice and Antigenicity
Combinations of mutations and glycosylation modification site significantly affect the antigenicity, pathogenicity in mice, of H9N2. Sites which ???? pathogenicity ????expression proinflammatory factors in mice.

Mapping African Swine Fever and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Outbreaks along the Demilitarized Zone in the Korean Peninsula
HPAI risks in Korean DMZ  shaped by precipitation and mean temperature from winter to spring and land use. cross-border collaboration + environmental and epidemiological insights to control animal disease in DMZ.

Detection method for reverse transcription recombinase-aided amplification of avian influenza virus subtypes H5, H7, and H9
Rapid tests, with quick response, simple operation, strong specificity, high sensitivity, good repeatability, and stability. Found suitable for early and rapid diagnosis of AIV.

Chicken UFL1 Restricts Avian Influenza Virus Replication by Disrupting the Viral Polymerase Complex and Facilitating Type I IFN Production
Chicken UFM1-specific ligase 1  restricts AIV replication by disrupting the viral polymerase complex and facilitating type I IFN production, which provides new insights into the regulation of AIV replication in chickens.

Avian influenza viruses in New Zealand wild birds, with an emphasis on subtypes H5 and H7: Their distinctive epidemiology and genomic properties
Great to see this study from NZ colleagues on LPAI H5/H7. Of interest is that for neither H5 nor H7 do sequences from AUS/NZ fall into the same lineage. Likely 2 separate introductions, and little connectivity between. 

Massive outbreak of Influenza A H5N1 in elephant seals at Península Valdés, Argentina: increased evidence for mammal-to-mammal transmission 
Illuminating results from marine mammal HPAI in S. Am. (1) Marine mammal clade = mammal<->mammal transmission (2) different evolutionary rate in mammal clade compared to birds (3) specific mutations for virulence, mammal adaptation? Concerning situation
In discussions with the authors, all samples were collected into inactivating media, so no chance of an isolate for ferret experiments. But the human case in Chile, which was part of the same clade, has been put in ferrets, and does transmit between ferrets via direct contact, but not respiratory/droplet transmission.
Highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus of clade isolated from a human case in Chile causes fatal disease and transmits between co-housed ferrets

Assessment of Survival Kinetics for Emergent Highly Pathogenic Clade H5Nx Avian Influenza Viruses
How long can HPAI last? Incubated virus at temps rep N.  European winter (4C), summer (20C), S. European summer (30C). Lower temperature prolonged virus survival

IAVCP (Influenza A Virus Consensus and Phylogeny): Automatic Identification of the Genomic Sequence of the Influenza A Virus from High-Throughput Sequencing Data
Bioinformatic pipeline implementing flexible analysis of the segmented IAV genome, obtaining a representative consensus from raw reads, and a straightforward method for detecting possible reassortment through phylogenetic tree construction. Most have their own pipelines and/or use IRMA, so not sure how this will compete with established approaches. 

Specificity of the interaction between Neuraminidase N1 of the avian influenza A virus H1N1 1918 and a2-3 or a2-6 glycan receptors of avian and human cell targets
## No access

Outbreaks of H5N1 High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza in South Africa in 2023 Were Caused by Two Distinct Sub-Genotypes of Clade Viruses
In S. Africa: H5Nx, H7Nx, H9Nx, H11Nx, H6N2, and H12N2 in wild birds and ostriches in 2023, but H5Nx predominant. SA13 in coastal seabirds,SA15 caused chicken outbreaks. Great overview of the situation from the S. Africans

The H5 subtype of avian influenza virus jumped across species to humans – a view from China
Thoughts on the American dairy cow situation from chinese authors. Not that useful. 

Highly pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N8 and H5N1 outbreaks in Algerian avian livestock production.
2 HPAI H5 outbreaks in Algerian poultry: 2020-2021 and 2022-2023 – 70% mortality due to H5N8, 40% due to H5N1. Systemic congestive-hemorrhagic syndrome in poultry.

The H4 subtype of avian influenza virus: a review of its historical evolution, global distribution, adaptive mutations and receptor binding properties
Review of the historical evolution, global distribution, adaptive mutations, receptor-binding preferences, and host range of H4 AIV.

Avian Influenza outbreaks: Human infection risks for beach users – One health concern and environmental surveillance implications

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) in Animals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

RNF216 Inhibits the Replication of H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus and Regulates the RIG-I Signaling Pathway in Ducks 
#cant seem to access 

Biological Characteristics of H6N1 Subtype Avian Influenza Virus from 2019 to 2022 in China
English abstract. Think the text is in Chinese – cant get pdf to load. They found some H6 viruses. 

COBRA HA and NA vaccination elicits long-live protective immune responses against pre-pandemic H2, H5, and H7 influenza virus subtypes
Mice vaccinated with COBRA H2, H5, H7, N1, N2, fully protected against lethal challenge with H5N6 influenza virus. Cross-reactive IgG antibodies against wild-type H2, H5, H7, N1 N2 proteins. Protective antibodies up to 4 months. 

A geospatial perspective towards the role of migratory birds and poultry in the spread of Avian Influenza
Review integrating bird migration, poultry trade, and HPAI movement 2020-2023. Typically uninformed – no recent literature included. I mena, there have been a number of phylogenetic studies working this out very carefully – none cited. Just trying to jump on the bandwagon. 

Pandemic preparedness through vaccine development for avian influenza viruses
Review on pandemic preparedness for avian influenza viruses – vaccines in animal models and clinical trials on H5N1, H7N9, and H9N2 vaccines in humans

Proximal Origin of Epidemic Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Clade and Spread by Migratory Waterfowl
Absolutely total deranged bs.
“The proximal origins of HPAI H5N1 Clade may be the USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (SEPRL) in Athens, Georgia and the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.”

Reducing the risk of highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus H5N1 transmission during the Hajj
The Hajj provides a unique opportunity to fully implement a ‘One Health’ approach to mass-gathering preparedness that can improve H5N1 surveillance and assist with other zoonosis. Risks and recommendations provided. 

Diversity of Genotypes and Pathogenicity of H9N2 Avian Influenza Virus Derived from Wild Bird and Domestic Poultry
# no access yet.
11 H9N2 viruses from overwintering wild birds and their proximate domestic poultry in Yunnan Provence, China

First Detection of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus in a Crested Caracara
# no access.

Re-evaluating efficacy of vaccines against highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in poultry: A systematic review and meta-analysis 
Meta-analysis of experimental trials to assess efficacy of HPAI vaccines. Vaccines prevent mortality (78% to 97%) – vaccine platforms and match (or mismatch) at play. What about transmission?

Evaluation of the immune effect of a triple vaccine composed of fowl adenovirus serotype 4 fiber-2 recombinant subunit, inactivated avian influenza (H9N2) vaccine, and Newcastle disease vaccine against respective pathogenic virus challenge in chickens
Triple vaccine (Adeno, NDV, H9N2) could provide up to 100% immune protection against 3 viruses in chickens without interference. No viral shedding detected in larynx and cloaca on the fifth day after challenge. 

A two-strain avian–human influenza model with environmental transmission: Stability analysis and optimal control strategies
Developed mathematical model to determine optimal control strategies if AIV mutates to sustain human-human transmission and found quarantining infected humans is the most cost-effective strategy.

Parallel evolution in the emergence of highly pathogenic avian influenza A viruses
Old paper, from before the updates. Parallel emergence of HP AIV may be facilitated by permissive or compensatory mutations occurring across the viral genome. mutational panel = reveal new links bw virulence evolution and other traits = prediction of future HP events?

Risk assessment of influenza transmission between workers and pigs on US indoor hog growing units
Not avian influenza, but perhaps useful regardless. Influenza transmission between workers and pigs on US indoor hog farms: Very low and Extremely low for H1N1, H1N2, H3N2. Control methods needed to ????risks of inter-species influenza transmission. Important given 2009 pandemic was pigs to humans. 

Severe Avian Influenza A H5N1 Clade Virus Infection in a Human with Continuation of SARS-CoV-2 Viral RNAs
Co-infections certainly happen – here HPAI H5N1 and COVID in a farmer in China with exposure to sick poultry. Patient recovered, and discharged after 44 days, after sportive and symptomatic treatment and use of antiviral drugs.

Deep mutational scanning of H5 hemagglutinin to inform influenza virus surveillance
Really exciting stuff. In the past, ferret experiments to try to reveal mutations important for human transmission. Lead to mortatorim on gain of function research. Here, they make all possible mutations in HA and then assess the phenotypes of all the mutations. So now we know what SNPs potentially mean. Data useful for tracking mutations in 2344b!

Development of a Fully Protective Pandemic Avian Influenza Subunit Vaccine in Insect Pupae
Here, alternative technology for manufacturing subunit influenza HA-based vaccines by using insect pupae w baculovirus vectors. Vaccinated birds had no clinical disease, but shedding still present.

Pathological and phylogenetic characteristics of fowl AOAV-1 and H5 isolated from naturally infected Meleagris Gallopavo
Detection of avian paramyxovirus 1 and HPAI H5N1 2344b in turkeys in Egypt with respiratory signs and mortality. congestion and hemorrhage in the lungs, liver, and intestines with leukocytic infiltration. Endemic viruses in egyptian poultry is a real issue. 

Characterizing the domestic-wild bird interface through camera traps in an area at risk for avian influenza introduction in Northern Italy
Published version of a preprint already reviewed. Important to understand the wild bird: poultry interface. Here, identification of wild bird species in poultry house surroundings and characterize the spatiotemporal patterns of visits: 27 different species – magpies, pheasants, doves most common.

Red knots in Europe – a dead end host species or a new niche for highly pathogenic avian influenza?
Red Knot is a species we target in our spring enhanced surveillance, and from our work on LPAI has “higher” prevalence within the waders. Here, great overview of discrete genotype of HPAI in Knots in German Wadden Sea in 2020 – HPAI H5N3 reassortant in the knots, which was not detected elsewhere.

Pathogenicity and Transmission of Novel Highly Pathogenic H7N2 Variants Originating from H7N9 Avian Influenza Viruses in Chickens
Four HPAI H7N2 isolated in China during 2019 = reassortants with H7N9-derived HA genes and H9N2-derived NA genes. HA genes may be a critical virulence contributor to novel H7 avian influenza viruses.

Human neutralizing antibodies target a conserved lateral patch on H7N9 hemagglutinin head
H7N9 caused thousands of human cases, with 30% CFR. Here, isolation of 4 HA-reactive mAbs: 3 directed to globular head + 1 to stalk. Description of mAbs and experiments to reveal effects. Overall, antibodies to a conserved lateral HA1 supersite combined with a HA2-directed non-neutralizing mAb augment protection.

Global Dynamics Analysis of Non-Local Delayed Reaction-Diffusion Avian Influenza Model with Vaccination and Multiple Transmission Routes in the Spatial Heterogeneous Environment
Modelling study shows prolonging the incubation period, controlling the movement of infected poultry, and regular disinfecting the environment are all effective ways to prevent avian influenza outbreaks. Its maths heavy and it wasn’t immediately obvious what the input data was. 

Highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) virus outbreak in Peru in 2022–2023
More HPAI H5N1 genomes from Peru. In sequence from sea lion: I352K and 1368C>T mutations in the HA gene and in the PB2 D701N and Q591K

Panzootic HPAIV H5 and risks to novel mammalian hosts
In order to mitigate the zoonotic risk of HPAI H5, essential to understand + monitor at avian-mammal interface.

Detection of a reassortant swine- and human-origin H3N2 influenza A virus in farmed mink in British Columbia, Canada
Not avian influenza, but I have included it as I think its an important study to be aware of. Reassortant H3N2 from reassortment of swine H3N2 (clade 1990.4h), human seasonal H1N1 (pdm09), and swine H1N2 (clade 1A.1.1.3) found in a mink farm in Canada. been subsequently observed in swine and poultry in N. Am. closer surveillance in mink needed!

Deciphering bat influenza H18N11 infection dynamics in male Jamaican fruit bats on a single-cell level
Not avian influenza, but a really exciting study of bat H18N11 in Jamaican Fruit Bats. We know that bats seem to tolerate infections with viruses really well. H18N11  infection = moderate induction of interferon-stimulated genes and transcriptional activation of immune cells. human leukocytes, particularly macrophages, were also susceptible to H18N11.

Effect of Enteromorpha polysaccharides on gut-lung axis in mice infected with H5N1 influenza virus
Demonstrated enteromorpha polysaccharides (sugar) potential in protecting host from HPAI H5N1. Found body weight of mice recovered and pathological damage to the lung and intestine was reduced after EPP inclusion. 

Infection dynamics of subtype H9N2 low pathogenic avian influenza A virus in turkeys
Turkeys infected w H9N2 in a target-cell limited model. Turkeys had a different set of infection characteristics, compared with humans and ponies. Clearance rate similar bw turkeys and ponies, cell death and tramission similar bw turkeys and humans. Paper is weird. Where does ponies even come from?

Assessing avian influenza surveillance intensity in wild birds using a One Health lens
AIV surveillance in Ontario, Canada. 2562 samples. Identify spatial variations in surveillance intensity relative to human population density, poultry facility density, and wild mallard abundance. Data to improve Onehealth response.

Prevalence and risk factor for H9N2 avian influenza virus in poultry retail shops of Madhya Pradesh
H9N2 endemic in poultry in Asia. 500 poultry tissue and 700 environmental samples in India. 9% prevalence (by egg isolation), 50% districts positive. Risk factors for H9N2 identified – e.g. procuring birds from wholesaler.

Proactive surveillance for avian influenza H5N1 and other priority pathogens at mass gathering events
Public health preparedness and careful planning and surveillance before and during mass gathering events remain important for preventing major outbreaks. Call for proactive surveillance for H5N1 in humans.

To vaccinate or not against highly pathogenic avian influenza?
To vaccinate or not vaccinate against HPAI H5N1. Lots of factors, and of course contexts to consider. Can be a useful tool to control HPAI if done properly, but important to avoid further evolution and silent spread.

Avian ‘Bird’ Flu – undue media panic or genuine concern for pandemic potential requiring global preparedness action?
“Striking the right balance between the existing pandemic in birds with the pandemic potential for humans is the essence.” OneHeath framework critical. 

A highly sensitive and accurate dual-channel fluorescent immunochromatographic assay for simultaneous quantitative detection of influenza A virus and adenovirus antigens
Rapid diagnostics is the future for animal disease emergencies. Here, a dual dual-channel immunochromatographic assay for both influenza and adenovirus in poultry from pharyngeal swab samples.

Revealing novel and conservative T-cell epitopes with MHC B2 restriction on H9N2 Avian Influenza Virus (AIV)
H9N2 is the main epidemic subtype in Chinese poultry despite vaccination programs. Here, identify CD8+ T cell epitopes targeting H9N2 to lay the foundation for the potential development of T-cell epitope vaccines.

Guanylate-binding protein 1 inhibits inflammatory factors produced by H5N1 virus through Its GTPase activity
Guinea pig guanosine monophosphate binding protein 1 (gGBP1) downregulates cytokine production induced by influenza. Here shown to be important for H5N1 in guinea pig cell lines.

Sequence-based epitope mapping of high pathogenicity avian influenza H5 clade in Latin America
Lots of suggestion that HPAI in S.America is different (due to widespread marine mammal outbreaks). 3 major subtypes and eight sub-genotypes identified, with 3 potential antigenic variants, indicating the HA-C group as the dominant variant.

The complete coding sequence of Influenza A/Unknown/Chelyabinsk/206/H7N4
Characterisation of an H7N4 virus found in Russia. Potentially first H7 genome from Russia.

Nucleic acid detection and genomic sequence analysis of one H5N1 avian influenza virus from wide birds around Qinghai Lake.
Link seems problematic?

US Public Health Preparedness and Response to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Viruses
Survey of  US state epidemiologists in 55 jurisdictions for H5N1 virus ID, monitoring, antiviral and vccines.  In 50, human exposure to animals from backyard flocks (88%), wild birds (54%), and sick/dead mammals (18%)

Spatial and Temporal Characteristic Analysis and Risk Assessment of Global Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N8 Subtype
Found midlatitude areas (30-60 degrees) at higher risk of HPAI H5N8 occurrence. Key variables influencing occurrence are chicken density, duck density, population density, annual mean temperature and land cover. Note wild bird migration data not used in modelling. 

Simultaneous construction strategy using two types of fluorescent markers for HVT vector vaccine against infectious bursal disease and H9N2 avian influenza virus by NHEJ-CRISPR/Cas9
Demonstrated recombinant virus rHVT-VP2-HA provided 100% simultaneous protection against G2d lineage of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus and Y280 lineage of HPAI H9N2 (stops replication) in chickens.

Detection of clade highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus in New York City
Publication of a previously reviewed preprint. Multiple HPAI H5N1 genotypes detected in four different avian species in New York City highlighting risk of zoonotic infections extends into urban centres.

Development of a nucleoside-modified mRNA vaccine against clade H5 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
mRNA lipid nanoparticle vaccine encoding HA of H5N1 = strong T cell + antibody responses in mice, w neutralizing antibodies + broadly-reactive anti-HA stalk antibodies. Prevents morbidity and mortality of ferrets in challenge.

Avian influenza virus neuraminidase stalk length and haemagglutinin glycosylation patterns reveal molecularly directed reassortment promoting the emergence of highly pathogenic clade A (H5N1) viruses
What makes the a panzootic virus? Here,  revealed that the seven glycosylation sites in HA was critical in driving its pairing with long stalk N1 = increased fitness and pathogenicity. HA-NA pairing not stoichastic.

Risk assessment of a highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus from mink
Important study investigating mammalian infection + transmission of HPAI isolated from the 2022 mink outbreak in spain. Direction transmission 75% contacts, airborne transmission 37.5% contacts. PB2 T271A important for mortality + airborne transmission. But sequence analysis found no known mutations associated with mammalian transmission
Pop Sci Summary: https://afludiary.blogspot.com/2024/05/nature-dispatch-risk-assessment-on-hpai.html

On-Site and Visual Detection of the H5 Subtype Avian Influenza Virus Based on RT-RPA and CRISPR/Cas12a
New RT-RPA/CRISPR-based detection method allows for rapid detection of HPAI, and easy to use test strips. 80.70% positive detection rate across 81 clinical samples tested. 

Efficacy of live and inactivated recombinant Newcastle disease virus vaccines expressing clade H5 hemagglutinin against H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza in SPF chickens, Broilers, and domestic ducks
NDV-vectored vaccine w H5 HA developed and assessed. Vaxx achieved complete survival against HPAI and NDV challenges and significantly reduced viral shedding in chickens, decreased shedding in ducks. Doesn’t stop infection/transmission. Aligns with the strategy of Differentiating Infected from Vaccinated Animals (DIVA)

Building global preparedness for avian influenza
Commentary on how to prepare for human infection with HPAI, suggestions for improved surveillance and detection. 

H6N2 reassortant avian influenza virus isolate in wild birds in Jiangxi Province, China
Uncommon for Asian LPAI viruses to have gene segments from Americas in my experience. Here the N2 of an H6N2 virus in China closely related to California bufflehead virus. More wild bird sampling +sequencing in Asia could resolve this. 

Dual N-linked glycosylation at residues 133 and 158 in the hemagglutinin are essential for the efficacy of H7N9 avian influenza virus like particle vaccine in chickens and mice
N-linked glycosylation-engineered H7N9 virus like particle vaccines conferred complete protection against H7N9 viruses and and significantly suppressed virus replication and lung pathology in chickens and mice

Duration of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus and Newcastle Disease Virus Infectivity in Dried Ornithologic Study Skins
Can HPAI survive on ornithological study skins? At 4 weeks viable virus could not be detected on the prepared study skins (of poultry, which were infected)

Inactivated H9N2 vaccines developed with early strains do not protect against recent H9N2 viruses: Call for a change in H9N2 control policy
H9N2 is endemic in poultry in Asia, and causes human cases each year. Inactivated H9N2 vaccines developed with early strains do not protect against recent H9N2 viruses – time for an update? Vaccine pressure on virus evolution?

Outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus in Seals, St. Lawrence Estuary, Quebec, Canada
Previously summarised preprint, now published. In 2022, 209 dead/sick seals reported in Quebec (Harbor, Gray, Harp, Hooded seals). Many sick birds, so expected bird-> seal transmission. meningoencephalitis (100%), fibrinosuppurative alveolitis, multiorgan acute necrotizing inflammation.

A systematic review of laboratory investigations into the pathogenesis of avian influenza viruses in wild avifauna of North America
First comprehensive database following compliation of available literature reporting pathobiology of AIV’s in all wild birds in over a decade. = tool for researchers, providing generalized estimates of pathobiology for wild avian families, knowledge gap?

Epitopes in the HA and NA of H5 and H7 avian influenza viruses that are important for antigenic drift
Epic review of the epitopes in the HA and NA of H5 and H7 avian influenza viruses that are important for antigenic drift

Evidence of reassortment of avian influenza A (H2) viruses in Brazilian shorebirds
Great to see more data on LPAI in shorebirds from South America. Looong branch lengths in the trees demonstrate clear lack of sampling/sequencing. Similar to both N. and S. American segments – long distance movement?

DNA Vaccine Encoding a Modified Hemagglutinin Trimer of Avian Influenza A Virus H5N8 Protects Mice from Viral Challenge
pVAX-H5 DNA vaccine encoding a modified trimer of AIV H5N8 hemagglutinin. In BALB/c mice. high level of neutralizing antibodies and T-cell response. Both liquid and lyophilized forms provided 100% protection of immunized mice.

Infectivity of Wild-Bird Origin Influenza A Viruses in Minnesota Wetlands across Seasons
How long to avian influenza viruses survive in the environment? limited evidence for the extended persistence of IAVs held in mesocosms in the field (in contrast to temperature controlled water in the lab). Context important for environmental studies

Structural and functional characterization of avian influenza H9N2 virus neuraminidase with a combination of five novel mutations
Combo of 5 novel amino acid substitutions in the NA, near the sialic acid binding site  = ????substrate binding and altered surface characteristics to LPAI H9N2.

Nucleotide sequence as key determinant driving insertions at influenza A virus hemagglutinin cleavage sites
Another banger from the Erasmus crew and Im fairly sure this is the final published version of a preprint I shared in the past. How are aa’s acquired when LPAI->HPAI. Nucleotide sequence is a key determinant of insertions in the HA CS. Indels readily detected in a consensus H5 LPAI CS at low frequency (but not for other LPAI). Great mechanism paper.

Structures of H5N1 influenza polymerase with ANP32B reveal mechanisms of genome replication and host adaptation

Antibodies to Influenza A(H5N1) Virus in Hunting Dogs Retrieving Wild Fowl, Washington, USA
Antibodies to H5N1 in 4/194 (2%) dogs from Washington, USA, that hunted wild birds. Historical data provided by dog owners showed seropositive dogs had high levels of exposure to waterfowl.

Iceland: an underestimated hub for the spread of high-pathogenicity avian influenza viruses in the North Atlantic
Given 2 jumps of HPAI over Atlantic Ocean, role of Iceland important to be clarified. Diversity of HPAI in 2022 & 2023, incld novel introduction in 2023. Bridge for intercontinental introduction. 

Pigs are highly susceptible to but do not transmit mink-derived highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 clade
Nice follow-up to better understand transmission potential of HPAI H5N1 detected in mink farm, speculated to have been transmitting mammal-to-mammal. PIgs highly susceptible. Mammalian adaptive mutations PB2-E627K + HA-Q222L emerged at low frequencies. No transmission between pigs.

A multi-species, multi-pathogen avian viral disease outbreak event: Investigating potential for virus transmission at the wild bird – poultry interface
Nice case study demonstrating how HPAI can go from infected poultry property into wild birds (here predators and scavenging birds). Also compound an HPAI outbreak with detection of paramyxovirus wild birds. 

Update of the target list of wild bird species for passive surveillance of H5 HPAI viruses in the EU
Report from Sovon outlining target list of bird species for passive surveillance in EU. It would be good for us to develop something like this actually – ensure that jurisdictions are focussing on waterbirds/waterfowl/seabirds/shorebirds and raptors.

Novel Genotype of HA Clade H5N8 Subtype High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Virus Emerged at a Wintering Site of Migratory Birds in Japan, 2021/22 Winter
Detection of HPAI H5N8 in Japan 2021/22 winter. 6/8 genes closely related to H5N8 in G2a group = was responsible for outbreaks in poultry farms in November 2021 in Japan. 2 segments from LPAI. Infectivity of this virus different from G2a H5N8.

Spatio-temporal dynamics and drivers of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 in Chile
Using data from only 1 database in Chile, 7 significant clusters. H5N1 correlated w bird richness, human pop, distance to SAG’s office, and mean diurnal range. Negative correlation to a few metrics (isothermality, temperature annual range, precipitation of the warmest quarter, and coldest quarter). Take with grain of salt due to use of only 1 database, and not sure this is super appropriate in an active outbreak setting. 

Avian Influenza Virus Infections in Felines: A Systematic Review of Two Decades of Literature
Rather timely review of HPAI in cats. cat-to-cat transmission has been demonstrated experimentally, and real-world outbreaks have been reported. Detections in cats have occurred for as long as HPAI H5 has been circulating.

Novel Avian Influenza A(H5N6) in Wild Birds, South Korea, 2023
Novel H5N6 viruses emeged in Korea. all 8 genes shared highest nucleotide identity (99.77%–100%) w H5N6 in peregrine falcon in Japan. N6 similar to H5N6 found in humans and poultry in China. 

Concurrent Infection with Clade Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N6 and H5N1 Viruses, South Korea, 2023
https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/30/6/24-0194_article H5N6 and H5N1 simultaneously introduced into S. Korea at end of 2023, w broiler farm co-infected. Emerged H5N6 viruses spread coincidently throughout  winter in East Asia

Mapping Genetic Markers Associated with Antigenicity and Host Range in H9N2 Influenza A Viruses Infecting Poultry in Pakistan
Can’t access full article.

Blowflies are potential vector for avian influenza virus at enzootic area in Japan
Blowflies are attracted to decaying animals and feces, and migrate to lowland areas of Japan from northern regions in early winter, coinciding with HPAI season. 2.2% prevalence, w highest occurrence near a crane colony (14.9%). Indicator, or transmitter?

Viral Pathogen Detection in U.S. Game-Farm Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) Flags Spillover Risk to Wild Birds
Accepted, but no pdf available yet. 

Seabird and sea duck mortalities were lower during the second breeding season in eastern Canada following the introduction of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A H5Nx viruses
In Canada, mortalities due to HPAI in 2023 were 93% lower vs 2022 (v positive news!) but encompassed a more taxonomically diverse array of species. Winter = waterfowl, summer = seabirds. 3 notable mortality events in 2023 (eg 1,646 Greater Snow Geese)

Joint FAO/WHO/WOAH preliminary assessment of recent influenza A(H5N1) viruses
“Individuals with activities that involve exposure to infected animals and/or contaminated environments are at higher risk and should take necessary precautions to prevent infection.18 At the present time, based on available information, WHO assesses the overall public health risk posed by A(H5N1) to be low, and for those with exposure to infected birds or animals or contaminated environments, the risk of infection is considered low-to-moderate”

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Clade Virus Infection in Domestic Dairy Cattle and Cats, United States, 2024
Infected cattle experienced nonspecific illness, reduced feed intake and rumination, and an abrupt drop in milk production, but fatal systemic influenza infection developed in domestic cats fed raw (unpasteurized) colostrum and milk from affected cows.

Emergence and interstate spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) in dairy cattle
Great to see the analysis by the USDA and folks involved in the cattle outbreaks. Genomic analysis and epidemiological investigation showed a reassortment event in wild bird populations preceded a single wild bird-to-cattle transmission episode.. 

What is the pandemic potential of avian influenza A(H5N1)?
“Although sequencing of viruses from the patient and cattle in Texas did not ring alarm bells regarding the potential of HPAI A(H5N1) clade for sustained human transmission, the next flu pandemic—whether caused by an avian influenza A(H5N1) virus or otherwise—seems inevitable. The threat of a pandemic remains high, and we urge international leaders to reach an agreement on a pandemic accord before it is too late”

Evolutionary dynamics and comparative pathogenicity of clade H5 subtype avian influenza viruses, China, 2021–2022
Mostly in China, include N1, N6, N8, but all likely evolved from H5N8. H5N1 have higher evolutionary rate 2021-22, more positive selected sites 2015-22. H5N1 antigenically distinct from H5N8/N6. Heterogeneous virulence in mammals.

Pathogen Surveillance in Swallows (family Hirundinidae): Investigation into Role as Avian Influenza Vector in Eastern Canada Agricultural Landscapes
Swallows, abundant in agricultural ecosystems, have been proposed as possible (bridge) species for HPAI transmission between wild and domestic birds. All tested swallows negative for both HPAI and LPAI.

Phylogeography and gene pool analysis of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 viruses reported in India from 2006 to 2021
Co-circulation of many clades of HPAI H5N1 in India. 5 separate introductions of HPAI:  via Indonesia or Korea (2002), Bangladesh (2009), Bhutan (2010), and China (2013, 2018), with 8 reassortant genotypes.

Cross-species spill-over potential of the H9N2 bat influenza A virus
Some issue on the page, so no summary

Surveillance for highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) in a raptor rehabilitation center—2022
At a raptor centre in 2022, 996 birds acros 20 different species were tested for HPAI, and 213 birds were confirmed HPAI positive. contributed 75% of the HPAI positive raptor detections within the state of Minnesota. 

Detection of hemagglutinin H5 influenza A virus sequence in municipal wastewater solids at wastewater treatment plants with increases in influenza A in spring, 2024
Wastewater monitoring may be useful for HPAI monitoring. In USA, substantial increase in H5 detections. At 2 wastewater plants industrial discharges containing animal waste, including milk byproducts, were permitted to discharge into sewers.

Factors affecting highly pathogenic avian influenza vaccination practices at poultry farms in Tra Vinh, Vietnam
166 poultry farms with 14894 poultry in VietNam to determine socioeconomic and production characteristics to understand effect on HPAI vaccination practices. <50% of farms vaccinate.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus infections in pinnipeds and seabirds in Uruguay: implications for bird-mammal transmission in South America
Good to see this published. HPAI viruses from Uruaguay suggest pinnipeds ancestral to birds. Viruses in South America may have spread from mammals to mammals and seabirds, revealing a new transmission route. Big implications!

Development and evaluation of a multiplex real-time RT-PCR assay for simultaneous detection of H5, H7, and H9 subtype avian influenza viruses
Multiplex H5/7/9 rRT-PCR assay optimized to simultaneously detect H5, H7, and H9.

Epidemiological characteristics of human infections with avian influenza A(H5N6) virus, China and Laos: A multiple case descriptive analysis, February 2014–June 2023
From 2014-2023, 85 human cases with HPAI H5N6. Case fatality rate: 39%. increased frequency from 2021 to present day. 84% reported contact with birds prior to illness onset.

Modeling the transmission dynamics of H9N2 avian influenza viruses in a live bird market
Great to see this modelling study of H9N2 in LBM. Many supplied birds arrive already exposed to H9N2, indigenous backyard chickens entering with pre-existing immunity. Susceptible chickens infected within one day at the market.

Repeatability and reproducibility of hunter-harvest sampling for avian influenza virus surveillance in Great Britain
Application of rapid diagnostics for samples collected from hunter-harvested waterfowl offers potential as an early warning system for HPAI.

Mapping the interaction sites of human and avian influenza A viruses and complement factor H
human FH can bind directly to IAVs of both human and avian origin, and the interaction is mediated via the HA. Interaction overlapped with the receptor binding site. Important for understanding mechanisms of infection and protection.

Sequence-based epitope mapping of High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza H5 clade in Latin America Unraveling Molecular and Antigenic Profile of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5 in Latin America
No access yet.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus : Identification of Human Infection and Recommendations for Investigations and Response

First human case of avian influenza A (H10N3) in Southwest China
Case report of first human case of H10N3. H10 seems to infect a broad host range. Patient w severe pneumonia, type I respiratory failure, complications w fungi & bacteria. four mutations potentially hazardous to human health.

Human infection caused by avian influenza A (H10N5) virus
Case report of human infection with H10N5. Patient co-infected with human H3N2. female farmer aged over 60, with underlying comorbidities, who experienced symptoms of cough, sore throat. The patient had a history of exposure to live poultry

Genetic drift and purifying selection shape within-host influenza A virus populations during natural swine infections
Important not to forget pigs are important hosts for influenza (implicated in H1N1 pandemic). Similarities in patterns of genetic diversity and evolution b/w humans and pigs, including the role of stochastic processes in shaping within-host IAV dynamics.

Timor Leste has reported HPAI. It seems the diagnostics was done by ACDP 01/09/2022. 4 domestic birds. No lineage information.

Structures of H5N1 influenza polymerase with ANP32B reveal mechanisms of genome replication and host adaptation
Replication of avian influenza in mammalian cells is hindered by variation in ANP32. Cryo-electron microscopy of avian H5N1 FluPolA with human ANP32B =enhance understanding of molecular processes underpinning mammalian adaptations to avian influenza

Reply to León et al. (2024): Interpretation and Use of In-Field Diagnostics for High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza (HPAI) in Antarctica– A Cautionary Tale
We wrote a response to a recent preprint which claimed HPAI in apparently healthy penguins in Antarctica. Turns out they used an H5 assay which detects both LPAI and HPAI, so unclear what they found exactly. 

Molecular characterization of the whole genome of H9N2 avian influenza virus isolated from Egyptian poultry farms
H9N2 endemic in poultry, cause sporradic human cases. Common in Egypt. Virus from 2021: G1 sublineage of the Eurasian lineage, internals similar to Egyptian viruses. Subs in HA (191H and 234L) = predilection for attaching to human-like receptors

Evolution and Antigenic Differentiation of Avian Influenza A(H7N9) Virus, China
Vaccination of birds against HPAI can help us tremendously, but if done improperly, may drive virus evolution. Here a detailed look at H7N9, and the conclusion that vaccination may be preventing reassortment. Understanding vaccine effects critical.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus in a common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in Florida
In 2022, a stranded bottle-nosed dolphin in Florida tested positive for HPAI. Largest amount of virus in the brain (qPCR), neuronal necrosis and inflammation of the brain and meninges. S246N NA sub = ???? inhibition by oseltamivir.

Isolation and genetic characterization of multiple genotypes of both H5 and H7 avian influenza viruses from environmental water in the Izumi plain, Kagoshima prefecture, Japan during the 2021/22 winter season
While samples from birds are critical for HPAI, environmental samples can provide additional data. Both H5Nx and H7 detected in environment water in Japan during the 2021/22 winter season when HPAI prev high.

Molecular Characterization of Non-H5 and Non-H7 Avian Influenza Viruses from Non-Mallard Migratory Waterbirds of the North American Flyways, 2006–2011
Most avian influenza surveillnce systems focussed on Mallard. What is going on in other species? 1158 samples, 2006 & 2011 in USA, 87 LPAI. blue-winged teal, American wigeon, and American black duck species key players. 

Contrasting dynamics of two incursions of low pathogenicity avian influenza virus into Australia
Our study looking at recent virus incursions into Australia – H4 viruses found in shorebirds, seemed to stay in shorebirds and H10 viruses which appeared across australia pretty rapidly, and infected a large diversity of different hosts. Hopefully shed a bit more light on the process of virus entry, relevant for HPAI planning…

Bat-borne H9N2 influenza virus evades MxA restriction and exhibits efficient replication and transmission in ferrets
​A highly divergent bat H9 influenza (similar to avian H9) was described in 2017. Bat H9N2: high replication + transmission potential in ferrets, infects human lung explant cultures, is able to evade antiviral inhibition by MxA in transgenic B6 mice

Vaccination of poultry against highly pathogenic avian influenza – Part 2. Surveillance and mitigation measures
And related is Vaccination of poultry against highly pathogenic avian influenza – part 1. Available vaccines and vaccination strategies

Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a multivalent herpesvirus vectored vaccine against H9N2 low pathogenic avian influenza in chicken
Building better vaccines for avian influenza: herpes vectored H9 & NDV vaccine. Vaccine elicited systemic NDV F- and AIV H9-specific antibodies but also local antibodies in eye wash fluid and oropharyngeal swabs. ???? viral load, doesn’t block infection

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5 Clade Virus Infection in Birds and Mammals
Review of HPAI. Includes details on outcomes of many experimental studies which is useful. If comprehensive, demonstrates how few experimental studies on panzootic strain are available (although probably in the works). 

Rapid mortality in captive bush dogs (Speothos venaticus) caused by influenza A of avian origin (H5N1) at a wildlife collection in the United Kingdom
In 2022, an unusual mortality event of captive bush dogs with HPAI. Enclosure of 15 bush dogs, 10 died in 9 days w some dogs exhibiting neurological disease. Ingestion of infected meat.

Evaluating the epizootic and zoonotic threat of an H7N9 low pathogenicity avian influenza virus (LPAIV) variant associated with enhanced pathogenicity in turkeys
Despite poultry vaccination, H7N9 has not been eradicated. HA Q217 is now dominant in China following vaccination, has affected antigenicitiy = can generate novel variants with increased risk via altered pathogenicity and potential HA antigenic escape.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus infections of dairy cattle and livestock handlers in the United States of America
Editorial summary of events. 

The infectious disease trap of animal agriculture
Its really critical for us to reflect upon the role of animal agriculture in emerging infection diseases and zoonotic diseases. Current HPAI panzootic result of endemicity of disease in poultry systems for decades.

Confirmation of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 Associated with an Unexpected Mortality Event in South Polar Skuas (Stercorarius maccormicki) during 2023-2024 Surveillance Activities in Antarctica
First mortality event in Antarctica (south of 60°S) by HPAI H5N1 was South polar skuas, 28 Feb 2024, James Ross Island. Would be great to see future sequencing results from this. 

Sero-epidemiology of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza viruses among wild birds in subarctic intercontinental transition zones
Seroprevalence study for HPAI in Alaska, Iceland – important stepping stones to North America. Samples from 2010–2019, wild migratory seabirds & waterfowl. seroprev of HPAI = 7.3%, variability per year, more in Alaska vs Iceland.

Proteomics analysis of duck lung tissues in response to highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
In duck lungs, infection by HPAI (old 2011 strain), 2028 proteins differentially expressed. Activation of RIG-I-like receptor and Jak-STAT signaling pathways = induction of interferon stimulated gene  expression = protective antiviral immune response

High-pathogenicity avian influenza in wildlife: a changing disease dynamic that is expanding in wild birds and having an increasing impact on a growing number of mammals
Review of HPAI with a nice overview of what is happening mammals, including diversity affected, and disease signs outlined.

The virus is out of the barn: the emergence of HPAI as a pathogen of avian and mammalian wildlife around the globe
Review on emergence of HPAI affecting avian and mammalian wildlife around the globe. 

Genetic and virological characteristics of a reassortant avian influenza A H6N1 virus isolated from wild birds at a live-bird market in Egypt
H6N1 caused human infection in Taiwan in 2013. Surveillance in Egyptian live bird markets, detected H6N1= replicated efficiently in mice w/o prior adaptation, + grew faster w higher titers tvs the ancestral strain. 

Abundant Intra-Subtype Reassortment Revealed in H13N8 Influenza Viruses
Lovely to see more H13 data, here from Republic of Buryatia. Viruses have no host data (but likely to be gulls), and have extensive reassortment, which aligns with work I did in 2011.

Influenza at the human-animal interface

Avian Influenza Virus and Avian Paramyxoviruses in Wild Waterfowl of the Western Coast of the Caspian Sea (2017–2020)
Outcome of influenza and paramyxo surveillance from western coast of Caspian Sea, 2017 to 2020. 1438 individuals of 26 species collected. 21 AIV strains, but no HPAI. 12 avian paramyxoviruses incl AMPV-1, AMPV-4, APMV-6.

Isolation and genetic characteristics of Novel H4N1 Avian Influenza viruses in ChongQing, China
Hgh AIV prevalence in poultry market in China, with isolation of H4N1. Genome signs of reassortment between wild and domesticated waterfowl, multiple mutations and demonstrates potential for host transfer.

Stranding and Mass Mortality in Humboldt Penguins (Spheniscus humboldti), Associated to HPAIV H5N1 Outbreak in Chile.
January and August 2023, 2,788 Humbolt Penguins stranded/died = increase in mortality coinciding w introduction of HPAIV H5N1 in Chile. 2 sequences generated, do not belong to the same subcluster = evidencing independent introductions

Emerging Threats: Is Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) in Dairy Herds a Prelude to a New Pandemic?
This paper was written entirely independently from the people doing the work. Its always disappointing to see things like this in the literature. 

Detection of clade highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus in New York City
HPAI is truly affecting animals everywhere. Surveillance in the urban environs of NY city, over 1700 samples collected and virus detected in 4 different bird species. Viruses w different genotypes. Important for risk, response, biosecurity

In Ovo Models to Predict Virulence of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5-Viruses for Chickens and Ducks
The development of in ovo models to understand virulence of HPAI decreases time requried and cost (compared to IVPI). Remarkable differences in virulence  observed bw poultry species, differences in replication rate, systemic virus dissemination

Drivers for a pandemic due to avian influenza and options for One Health mitigation measures
New from EFSA: guidance for public health authorities in EU/EEA countries on how to interpret the current situation of HPAI outbreaks in animals, includes mitigation measures. Useful guidance document.

Hemagglutinin and neuraminidase of an H7N7 non-pathogenic avian influenza virus coevolved during the acquisition of intranasal pathogenicity in chickens
To better be able to predict the emergence of HPAI, we need to clarify the steps in the process of LPAI to HPAI. Here, a low path virus with a polybasic cleavage site passaged to reveal required adaptations

Long-term co-circulation of multiple influenza A viruses in pigs, Guangxi, China
Surveillance of pigs in 12 cities in China = 192 positive samples, 19 genomes. Eurasian avian-like H1N1 swIAVs (G4) still remained predominant in pig populations, and multiple novel H3N2 genotypes from N. A. triple reassotant present w matrix of H9N2. Somewhat concerning. 

High pathogenic avian influenza A(H5) viruses of clade in Europe – why trends of virus evolution are more difficult to predict
Incredible overview of HPAI in Europe. 1956 genomes, spatial temporal patterns of diffusion, reassortment galore, emergence of gull genotype, adaptive mutations. Tour de force!

Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Outbreak 2024 in Cambodia: Worries Over the Possible Spread of the Virus to Other Asian Nations and the Strategic Outlook for its Control
Another paper wherein no one from Cambodia who is doing the work has been cited. 

Evolution of H6N6 viruses in China between 2014 and 2019 involves multiple reassortment events
H6 one of the most common LPAI subtypes in birds. From 2014-2019 168 viruses, 98 genotypes H6N6 in China, and isolates reassorted with six subtype viruses: H6N2, H5N6, H7N9, H5N2, H4N2, and H6N8, resulting in nine novel H6N6 reassortment events.

Avian influenza outbreaks in domestic cats: another reason to consider slaughter-free cell-cultured poultry?
This article debates that technology allowing the production of slaughter-free meat, including poultry, from cell and tissue cultures could be considered as a part of a mitigation strategy to decrease the overall burden and threat of adaptation of avian influenza viruses to human hosts

Naturally occurring highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 clade infection in three domestic cats in North America during 2023
Cats, like most predators/scavengers, have been repeatedly affected by HPAI. Here, three cats with neurological abnormalities. Pulmonary congestion + oedema, and cerebrocortical malacia w haemorrhage. 1 cat survived 10 days after onset of encephalitis. 

Mammalian Adaptation Risk in HPAI H5N8: A Comprehensive Model Bridging Experimental Data with Mathematical Insights
Here, mathematical models used to evaluate the growth, selection, and RNA load of eight recombinant viruses with mammalian adaptive markers + interplay. Revealed risk from adaptive markers of HPAI H5N8 in mammals. 

Field and laboratory investigation of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N6 and H5N8 in Quang Ninh province, Vietnam, 2020 to 2021
In Viet Nam, 38 cases H5N6 clade viruses and 3H5N8 clade viruses. Raising poultry in uncovered ponds, poultry traders visiting the farm, farms with 50 – >2000 birds associated with HPAI outbreaks.

Surveillance and Genetic Analysis of Low-Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Viruses Isolated from Feces of Wild Birds in Mongolia, 2021 to 2023
Intro of HPAI in Korea linked to reassortment in bird breeding areas. Here, 10,149 samples from wild birds in Mongolia, = 1.01% prevalence, 77 isolated strains. No HPAI, but link bw Mongolia and Korea. Great collab and big picture thinking!

Generation and characterization of a nanobody against the avian influenza virus H7 subtype
A neutralising antibody with high HAI activity was enhanced via antiviral activity through oligomerization, = potential for developing effective agents for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of H7.

Evolutional dynamics of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 genotypes in wintering bird habitats: Insights from South Korea’s 2020–2021 season
>7000 samples collected from S. Korea 2020-21, of which 5% positive for H5N8, predominantly from bird carcasses. Reassortment at play, with emergence of “G2” genotype. S. Korea a high density wintering area, a hot spot for potentially virus evolution.

Following outbreak of HPAI in Gannet colonies in Newfoundland: reproductive success 17% = adults abandoning nests, many dying. Birds also had extremely long foraging trips, and inter-colony movement. In addition to HPAI, marine heatwave also occuring.

Wildlife under threat as avian influenza reaches Antarctica

Evolutionary Events Promoted Polymerase Activity of H13N8 Avian Influenza Virus
H13’s are pretty weird, and almost exclusively found in gulls. Experimental reassortment of H13N8 with H9N2 viruses results in viruses with enhanced capacity for mammalian adaptations. Paper is a bit sensationalist, and I wonder about the ethics of the experiments performed.

Association of biosecurity and hygiene practices with avian influenza A/H5 and A/H9 virus infections in turkey farms
24.68% of turkey samples in Bangladesh positive for AIV (5.95% H5, 6.81% H9). Presence of footbaths, absence of nearby poultry farms, concrete flooring, and avoidance of mixing newly purchased turkeys with existing stock reduce the risk.

TRIM21 Promotes Oxidative Stress and Ferroptosis through the SQSTM1-NRF2-KEAP1 Axis to Increase the Titers of H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus
TRIM21 is involved in signal transduction and antiviral responses, and is upregulated during H5N1 infection in A549 cells, which alleviates oxidative stress and ferroptosis.

Avian influenza virus cross-infections as test case for pandemic preparedness: From epidemiological hazard models to sequence-based early viral warning systems
What can we learn from human infections with avian influenza for pandemic preparedness? CDC IRAT and WHO TIPRA risk models for risk prediction, and genomic sequence data useful. Mink farms and animal markets concerning. I actually struggled to find the point of this paper

Host proteins interact with viral elements and affect the life cycle of highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus H7N9
Twelve host proteins have intricate interactions with viral proteins to modulate HPAI H7N9, including 6 which appear unique to H7N9 (relative to other influenzas). Important in understand infections and outcomes.

Seroprevalence of Avian Influenza A(H5N6) Virus Infection, Guangdong Province, China, 2022
While HPAI H5N1 is problematic globally, China struggled with H5N6: 86 human cases. Serology study in humans Jan-March 2022: 1 of >6000 humans positive, BUT poultry workers excluded. Low risk of human infection in general population, in alignment w WHO.

Upper Respiratory Tract Disease in a Dog Infected by a Highly Pathogenic Avian A/H5N1 Virus
Remember the HPAI outbreak in cats in Poland in 2023? Well, a dog was also infected. Respiratory disease signs consistent with “kennel cough” –  dog did not respond to initial treatment with antibiotics, later fluA test result positive.

Genetic Diversity of Avian Influenza Viruses Detected in Waterbirds in Northeast Italy Using Two Different Sampling Strategies
In Italy, across 2 sites, Aug 2021-April 2022: LPAI H5N3, H1N1, H9N2 detected, related to viruses in Black Sea/Mediterranean migratory flyway. No HPAI detected

A Phase 2 Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Safety, Reactogenicity, and Immunogenicity of Different Prime-Boost Vaccination Schedules of 2013 and 2017 A(H7N9) Inactivated Influenza Virus Vaccines Administered with and without AS03 Adjuvant in Healthy US Adults

Lack of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 in the South Shetland Islands in Antarctica, Early 2023
Great to see the publication of more HPAI surveillance in the Antarctic. Surveillance efforts in the South Shetland Islands in January 2023 all negative, consistent with observations that HPAI likely didnt reach the peninsula until later in the season.

Index case of H5N1 clade highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in wild birds, South Korea, November 2023
No pdf yet.

Comparison of the Clinical Manifestation of HPAI H5Nx in Different Poultry Types in the Netherlands, 2014–2022
Important to remember that HPAI has different impacts on different poultry types, and that different clades have also had different impacts. Here, a careful comparison of H5N1, H5N8, H5N6, b/w 2014, 2018,  2020, 2022 for different poultry types and ages

Experimental Evaluation for the Dual Infection of Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza virus H9N2 and Escherichia Coli in H9N2 Immunized and Non-immunized Broiler Chickens
Significant mortality in chickens co-infected w H9N2 and E.coli (50-90% deaths) and severe clinical illness compared to influenza alone. Use of H9N2 vaccines can protect broilers from mortality + minimize shedding post-challenge.

Long-Distance Avian Migrants Fail to Bring HPAI H5N1 Into Australia for a Second Year in a Row
Summary of our “enhanced surveillance” activities in 2023. 

Avian influenza overview December 2023 – March 2024
Updated EFSA

Highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus of clade isolated from a human case in Chile causes fatal disease and transmits between co-housed ferrets
Human case of HPAI in Chile tested in ferrets to understand infection in mammals, and possibility of transmission. Virus transmitted to naïve contacts via direct contact but NOT via respiratory droplets or fomite transmission models. So, virus can transmit in “unnatural” setting, but cant transmit via airbourne transmission which is needed for effective mammal-to-mammal transmission.

Divergent Pathogenesis and Transmission of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) in Swine
Assessment of susceptibility of pigs to avian and mammalian HPAI H5N1 All strains replicated in the lung of pigs w lesions consistent with influenza. But, viral replication in the nose + transmission only observed when using mammalian viruses.

Amino acids in the polymerase complex of shorebird-isolated H1N1 influenza virus impact replication and host-virus interactions in mammalian models
Diversity of LPAI in wild birds, zoonotic risk mostly uknown. H1N1 viruses in birds in US assessed. Viruses with key subs in the PB2 ????replication kinetics, ???? infectivity, ????polymerase complexes, ????replication kinetics. Pathogenicity in the mouse????.

Host proteins interact with viral elements and affect the life cycle of highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus H7N9

Avian Influenza in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs): Outbreaks, Vaccination Challenges and Economic Impact

Role of the World Organisation for Animal Health in global wildlife disease surveillance
Overview of the role of WOAH, and surveillance data being shared. E.g. b/w 2019–2023, 154 countries reported 68862973 cases for 84 diseases. 150 countries reported 68672115 cases in domestic animals and 95 countries reported 190858 cases in wild animals.

Genetic and biological properties of H9N2 avian influenza viruses isolated in central China from 2020 to 2022
H9N2 is most common subtype in poultry in China; is zoonotic. In Shanxi Province, across 14 viruses, 7 genotypes, 2 antigenic clusters? High transmission efficiency & diverse replication ability in chickens. Viruses replicate efficiently in mice lungs.

Natural Infection with H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Influenza (HPAI) Virus in 5- and 10-Day-Old Commercial Pekin Ducklings (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus)
No access

Assessment of Knowledge and Biosecurity Practices Related to Avian Influenza Among Poultry Workers in a District of South India
No access

Complex N-glycans are important for interspecies transmission of H7 influenza A viruses
HAs bind to glycan receptors with terminal sialic acids, which are either NeuAc or NeuGc (mainly found in horses and pigs but not in birds and humans). NeuGc-adapting mutations in avian H7 IAVs in vitro and in vivo. Affect viral replication in chicken cells, not duck cells, positively affect replication in horse cells. Mutations reduce virus virulence and mortality in chickens.

Control of highly pathogenic avian influenza through vaccination
China been using vaccines to control HPAI H5 since 2004, with more than 300 billion doses used by 2022. Paper outlines suggestions regarding requirements for vaccine selection and effectiveness. Should be taken with consideration, and some studies have conflicting conclusions with regards to effect of vaccines on virus evolution.

Recent H9N2 avian influenza virus lost hemagglutination activity due to a K141N substitution in hemagglutinin
Increasingly, H9N2 strains have a loss of hemagglutination activity at 37°C, = challenges for detection & monitoring = K141N in HA. N141K mutation impedes H9N2 ability to bind to receptors, enhances viral thermostability, reduces plaque size on MDCK

MDCK-Adaptive Mutation of A169S Changes Glycosylation Pattern of Hemagglutinin and Enhances MDCK-Based H7N9 Vaccine Virus Production without Loss of Antigenicity and Immunogenicity
Adaptation of egg-derived H7N9 CVV in mammalian cell line is an approach to make high-growth virus for mass production of vaccine manufacturing. Investigation of mutations that arise in the process and impact on replication and vaccine responses.

Surveillance for highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) in a raptor rehabilitation center — 2022
No full text access

H5N1 high pathogenicity avian influenza virus in migratory birds exhibiting low pathogenicity in mallards increases its risk of transmission and spread in poultry
HPAI virus from crane in china: highly pathogenic to chickens, moderately pathogenic to BALB/c mice, highly infectious but not lethal to mallards. Minor antigenic drift compared with the H5-Re14 vaccine strain (used in China).

Pacific and Atlantic sea lion mortality caused by highly pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) in South America
Good to see this pre-print now published. Excellent description of HPAI spread in sea lions of south america – down the pacific coast, and back up the Atlantic coast. Huge impact on these animals.

Genomic epidemiology of highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) virus in wild birds in South Korea during 2021–2022: Changes in viral epidemic patterns

H5N1 high pathogenicity avian influenza virus in migratory birds exhibiting low pathogenicity in mallards increases its risk of transmission and spread in poultry
2021–2022, 1 H5N8 + 43 H5N1 HPAI viruses in wild birds in South Korea. 5 genotypes. Wild birds play a vital role in viral transmission and long-term maintenance

Rapid adaptive substitution of L226Q in HA protein increases the pathogenicity of H9N2 viruses in mice
More than 100 human cases due to H9N2 – all cases from China assayed in mice: low or no pathogenicity in mice, L226Q in HA rapidly emerged which was responsible for severe infections/fatalities. 226Q = a competitive advantage in mice.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Suspected in penguins and shags on the Antarctic Peninsula and West Antarctic Coast
Suspected HPAI in Adélie penguins and Antarctic shags. Detections at 2/13 sites; limited to Antarctic Peninsula.

Analysis of H5N8 influenza virus infection in chicken with mApple reporter genes in vivo and in vitro
Labelled H5N8 viruses used to infect monocytes/macrophages in PBMCs – detected the mApple in 55.1%-80.4%, = chicken primary monocytic/macrophages are important target cells for avian influenza. Found in chicken lung CD45+ cells, CD4 + CD8 T cells.

Phylogeographic Dynamics of H9N2 Avian Influenza Viruses in Tunisia
No access beyond pubmed?

Long distance avian migrants fail to bring HPAI H5N1 into Australia for a second year in a row
The summary of our enhanced surveillance program, targeted to incoming migratory birds to Australia is now out. We sampled ~ 1000 birds, with no indication of HPAI. Oceania last continent free from HPAI

Molecular characterization of avian influenza viruses (H5N2, H5N8, H5Nx and H9N2) isolated from chickens and ducks in the South of Egypt 2020 –  2021
143 samples from chicken and duck farms in Egypt, 2020 w H5N2, H5N8, H5Nx, H9N2. clade with close relation to H5N8 isolates from Egypt in 2021 and Kazakhstan in 2020.

Molecular detection of highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N8) virus isolated from domestic ducks and chickens in Egypt across 2018-2021
Vaccinated duck and chicken flocks in 2018-2021 from different provinces, Egypt. Flocks with respiratory, nervous signs, with 90% mortality. Egyptian H5N8 viruses clustered in group B Russian like reassortant H5N8 viruses of clade

H5N1 high pathogenicity avian influenza virus in migratory birds exhibiting low pathogenicity in mallards increases its risk of transmission and spread in poultry
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0378113524000609 in Grey Crane in China, w some segments similar to human cases. Substitutions for enhanced replication & mammalian pathogenicity. Highly pathogenic to chickens, moderately pathogenic to BALB/c mice, and infectious but not lethal to mallards. Some drift from current vaccine

Wild Bird-Origin H6N2 Influenza Virus Acquires Enhanced Pathogenicity after Single Passage in Mice
H6 is very common in wild birds. Here a virus from a wild bird in China passaged in mice. Initially replication poor, but upon second passage 2 mutations. Retained the α-2, 3-linked sialic acid binding property and failed to transmit in guinea pigs. PB2 E627K enhanced polymerase activity and HA A110V decreased the pH of HA activation

Genetics of H5N1 and H5N8 High-Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Viruses Isolated in Japan in Winter 2021–2022
In 2021–2022, H5N1 + H5N8 HPAI caused serious outbreaks in Japan: 25 at poultry farms + 107 in wild birds/environment. Three genetic groups, but at different locations/time. Strong links bw viruses in Japan and Siberia. 

Monitoring avian influenza in mammals with real-time data
Open access database https://github.com/fbranda/avian-mammals and a corresponding visualization https://tinyurl.com/avianflu-mammals-map designed to more easily monitor reported cases in mammals across various countries. Essentially just WAHIS data, but they are trying to make it easier to access. 

The H9N2 avian influenza virus increases APEC adhesion to oviduct epithelia by viral NS1 protein-mediated activation of the TGF-β pathway
H9N2 viruses enhance secondary APEC [E.coli] infection in chickens via enhancing fibronectin, which promotes bacterial adhesion. Viral NS1 transforms growth factor beta (TGF-β) signalling pathway.

Avian H6 Influenza Viruses in Vietnamese Live Bird Markets during 2018–2021
Plenty of H6 viruses found in Vietnamese live bird markets. Most viruses highly similar, but reassortment present. Amino acid motif in HA confers binding to both avian- and human-type receptors on host cells

Genetic evolution analysis of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes of H9N2 avian influenza virus in external environment of some areas of Yunnan Province, China from 2020 to 2023
HA and NA of H9N2 in Yunnan Province evolved continuously, but still Y280 clade. Ability to bind to the mammalian sialic acid α-2,6 sialic acid receptor. Small and descriptive study.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Viruses from Multispecies Outbreak, Argentina, August 2023.
HPAI from birds and marine mammals in Argentina: not related to first cases in Argentina, seperate introduction? 9 mutations in marine mammals viruses w Q591K and D701N in PB2 = mammalian adaptation mutations. pinniped-to-pinniped transmission?

Descriptive Epidemiology and Phylodynamics of the “First Wave” of an Outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1 Clade in British Columbia and the Yukon, Canada, April to September 2022
Since November 2021, Canada experienced its longest and largest outbreak of HPAI in history. 21 wild bird species, 2 mammalian species, 4 commercial + 12 domestic small flocks. 5 genetic clusters, Eurasian+NAmerican segments

PB2 residue 473 contributes to the mammalian virulence of H7N9 avian influenza virus by modulating viral polymerase activity via ANP32A
H7N9 caused >1000 human infections since 2013. Mutation at 473 and 627 in PB2 critical, but species-specific usage of ANP32A host factor affected mammalian adaption of AIV polymerase. PB2 473 novel viral host range determinant.

H7N6 highly pathogenic avian influenza in Mozambique, 2023
H7N6 avian influenza outbreak in commercial layers in Mozambique. HPAI cleavage site PEPPKGPRFRR/GLF. Similar to viruses from South Africa in May 2023. Spread of HPAI viruses from South Africa, or an independant event in Mozambique?

Transmission restriction and genomic evolution co-shape the genetic diversity patterns of influenza A virus
New tool to describe genotypes of influenza A viruses (all influenza A’s). Interpretation of results show lack of domain expertise, so wouldnt read into it too much. 

Avian influenza virus circulation and immunity in a wild urban duck population prior to and during a highly pathogenic H5N1 outbreak
Sero-study of ducks in Newfoundland, demonstrating infection events across population in 2021 & 2022. Demonstrates clear power of serology in studying outbreaks, and that HPAI clearly spread through 100% of the ducks, twice = limited long term immunity?

Species-specific emergence of H7 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus is driven by intrahost selection differences between chickens and ducks
Co-innoculating HPAI and LPAI H7 in chickens and ducks leads to differential outcomes. HPAI selected for in chickens, LPAI selected in ducks. =HPAI selected intrahost, w species specific differences in tropism. Why HPAI H5 still selected in wildbirds?

N-Glycan Profiles of Neuraminidase from Avian Influenza Viruses
Characterisation of N-glycans. 

An algorithm for the characterization of influenza A viruses from various host species and environments
You have an influenza outbreak. Now what? Herein, a framework for influenza testing across environment, wildlife, livestock, humans.

Comparative examination of a rapid immunocytochemical test for the detection of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in domestic birds, in field outbreaks.
Diagnosing avian influenza using smears analysed with immunohistochemistry can be a useful, rapid approach when PCR diagnostics not available, but basic veterinary labs are. 

Enhanced Downstream Processing for a Cell-Based Avian Influenza (H5N1) Vaccine
There are still few approved HPAI vaccines on the market. Here, a two step downstream process as an efficient and cost-effective platform technology for cell-based H5N1 vaccines

Development of Virus-like Particle Plant-Based Vaccines against Avian H5 and H9 Influenza A Viruses
Virus like particle vaccine for H5 and H9 developed. In mice, H5 VLP elicit robust antibody and Tcell response. Single dose of H5 VLP in chickens stimulated antibody response to neutralise virus infectivity. 

Association of biosecurity and hygiene practices with Avian Influenza A/H5 and A/H9 virus infections in turkey farms
No full text available yet.

Genetic insights of H9N2 avian influenza viruses circulating in Mali and phylogeographic patterns in Northern and Western Africa
H9N2 in Mali – G1 lineage similar to viruses in W & N Africa. Multiple molecular markers associated with an increased potential for zoonotic transmission and virulence, RSNR cleavage site. Likely arrived in Africa in 2015 via single introduction. 

Pathological investigation of high pathogenicity avian influenza H5N8 in captive houbara bustards (Chlamydotis undulata), the United Arab Emirates 2020
Outbreak of H5N8 in captive Houbara Bustards in UAE in 2020. Detailed pathology reveals hyperacute/acute forms exhibiting marked pantropism, endotheliotropism and neurotropism

Cross-Species Transmission Potential of H4 Avian Influenza Viruses in China: Epidemiological and Evolutionary Study
H4s are one of the most common subtypes in wild birds. Over ~13 years, 31 isolates in Chinese poultry markets. Lots of genetic diversity , and some mutation of interest. Important not to lose sight of subtypes other than H5/H7/H9

Rapid loss of maternal immunity and increase in environmentally mediated antibody generation in urban gulls
Antibodies across life stages: avian influenza antibodies present widely across all live stages of gulls, but maternal antibodies declined exponentially after hatching, but differences in nestling antibody levels due to parental effects.

Evaluation of different transport media for survival of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus.
Sample collection methods have big impacts on laboratory analysis. Herein, various media tested for HPAI collection. They find that VTM not that great, but dont specify which VTM they used and how it was stored in the field. Also, stored at 37C before testing, which probably explains why VTM didnt do so well. 

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Clade in Domestic Ducks, Indonesia, 2022
preprint now published – first report of in Indonesian domestic ducks. 4430/5770 (76.8%) ducks died. From 2022-23, molecular surveillance didnt detect it further. As our nearest neighbour, high relevance to Australia.

Characterization of a human H3N8 influenza virus
Characterisating of 2022 strain of H3N8 found in humans. Minor weight loss in ferrets, replicated efficiently in upper resp tract. Transmission via droplets occurred. SNPs in HA affecting receptor specificity. Antibodies found in some human sera

Caught Right on the Spot: Isolation and Characterization of Clade H5N8 High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Virus from a Common Pochard (Aythya ferina) Being Attacked by a Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) 
No access

Spatio-temporal Dynamics and Risk Cluster Analysis of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza HPAI (H5N1) in Poultry: Advancing Outbreak Management through Customized Regional Strategies in Egypt
H5N1 is endemic in Egypt, detailed studies show shifting epidemiology. Menofia, important in early poultry impacts, but initial outbreaks didn’t originate there. Predominant hot spot region in rural villages, w fewer outbreaks in urbanized areas

An overlooked poultry trade network of the smallholder farms in the border provinces of Thailand, 2021: implications for avian influenza surveillance
To understand virus transmission, we need to understand poultry movements. Here >300 poultry farmers and traders interviewed in Thailand. 99 subdistricts and 181 trade links with different in-degree and out-degree centralities

A new chromosome-scale duck genome shows a major histocompatibility complex with several expanded multigene families
We still have a long way to go to understand the duck immune response. Here, a chromosome scale duck genome assembly, with a complete genomic map of MHC. Gene arrangement primordial, but some expansions. Useful resource!

First confirmed cases of HPAI on the Antarctic Peninsula

A pan-influenza monoclonal antibody neutralizes H5 strains and prophylactically protects through intranasal administration
Human therapuetics in case widespread HPAI in humans. An epitope on stem domain of H5 HA is highly conserved and  the human monoclonal antibody CR9114 potently neutralizes all H5 viruses, even in the rare case of substitutions in its epitope.

Spatiotemporal genotype replacement of H5N8 avian influenza viruses contributed to H5N1 emergence in 2021/2022 panzootic
The dominant genotype replacement of the H5N8 viruses in 2020 contributed to the H5N1 outbreak in the 2021/2022 wave. Temporal–spatial coincidence bw the outbreak of H5N8 G1 virus and autumn migration may have expanded the H5 viral spread

Applied Research Note: Development and Validation of a Highly Specific Polyclonal Antibody Targeting Neuraminidase of Novel H3N8 Avian Influenza Virus

Are all avian influenza outbreaks in poultry the same? The predicted impact of poultry species and virus subtype
Are all influenza outbreaks on poultry farms the same?Simulations predicted large differences in the duration and severity of outbreaks, depending on the virus subtypes (only H7 and H7), outbreaks of HPAI shorter duration than LPAI

High pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) in the UK and Europe

Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 clade from Peru forms a monophyletic group with Chilean isolates in South America
More work to understand HPAI introduction and spread in South America. Critically, more evidence that events in Chile and Peru were due to same virus, falling to a monophyletic clade.

Protection conferred by an H5 DNA vaccine against highly pathogenic avian influenza in chickens: The effect of vaccination schedules
DNA vaccine with A/gyrfalcon( showed good protection in chickens infected with with or without adjuvant, but with 2 doses. Also, good humoral immunity in birds 18 – 25 weeks old. 

Genetic insertion of mouse Myxovirus-resistance gene 1 increases innate resistance against both high and low pathogenic avian influenza virus by significantly decreasing replication in chicken DF1 cell line
Introduction of mouse Mx (which has strong antiviral acivity) to chicken cells efficiently reduced avian influenza infection load and less CPE. Foundation for gene editing of chickens to help resist HPAI?

Recent Changes in Patterns of Mammal Infection with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Worldwide
Excellent overview of impacts of HPAI on mammals. Big skew towards carnivores & scavengers (not surprising if we imagine lots of bird carcasses in the environment). SeaLions and Elephant Seals really raise questions of mammal-to-mammal transmission.

Genetic Characterization and Phylogeographic Analysis of the First H13N6 Avian Influenza Virus Isolated from Vega Gull in South Korea
Another H13 genome, this time from a gull in South Korea. Sequences largely fall into gull-associated lineages, and phylogeographic origin is largely Eurasian, but with some exceptions. Certainly more work to do in gulls. 

Genome sequences of hemagglutinin cleavage site predict the pathogenicity phenotype of avian influenza virus: statistically validated data for facilitating rapid declarations and reducing reliance on in vivo testing
Whether an avian influenza virus is HPAI or LPAI is usually confirmed using IVPI ($$, ethics, time). New study shows statistically robust association with cleavage site sequence and pathogenicity. Great resource!

Avian Influenza: a major threat to our struggling seabirds
The data is horrific. 25% decline in Gannets (at least half of all NOrthern Gannets are found in the UK). 76% decline of breeding numbers of Great Skua in Scotland (60% of all great skuas are found in scotland)

Synchrony of Bird Migration with Global Dispersal of Avian Influenza Reveals Exposed Bird Orders
Great to see this published. How has spread amongst different region and species (in Eurasia): synchrony b/w bird migration and virus lineage movement, and differing bird orders at origins and destinations, including accipitriformes.

Novel H10N3 avian influenza viruses: a potential threat to public health
H10 viruses, particularly in Asia, remain concerning. H10N3 found in 41 year old man in China. These H10 viruses also found in poultry markets (2020-22). Human & poultry viruses bind sialic acid-α-2,6-galactose receptors, poultry viruses lethal to mice

HPAIV outbreak triggers short-term colony connectivity in a seabird metapopulation
Now published. During HPAI outbreaks in gannet colonies, GPS tracked individuals nstigated long-distance movements beyond well-documented previous ranges and prospected other colonies. Facilitated spread?

A systematic review of influenza virus in water environments across human, poultry, and wild bird habitats
Meta-analysis assess influenza in the environment including waste water. Features influenza A and B, and LPAI and HPAI. Really lacking any details that would make it useful.

Detection of clade highly pathogenic avian influenza H5 viruses in healthy wild birds in the Hadeji-Nguru wetland, Nigeria 2022
Diversity of influenza viruses in wild birds in Nigeria in 2022, including in clinically healthy wild birds (from Jacanas to nighjars to ducks). E627K is present in some., but different from HPAI in Nigerian poultry in 2021.

Recombinant parainfluenza virus 5 expressing clade H5 hemagglutinin protein confers broad protection against H5Ny influenza viruses
Interrogation of potential HPAI vaccine – parainfluenza virus 5 -based vaccine candidate expressing H5 HA. Intranasal immunization in ferrets stimulated antibody responses in mice, provide sterile immunity in mice and ferrets

High pathogenicity avian influenza A (H5N1) clade virus infection in a captive Tibetan black bear (Ursus thibetanus): investigations based on paraffin-embedded tissues, France, 2022
November 2022, HPAI caused an outbreak in a zoological park in the south of France, with the death of a Tibetan black bear and several bird species. PB2 E627K mutation in minute quantities in the gull, whereas it predominated in the bear

Incursion of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Clade Virus, Brazil, 2023
HPAI in Royal terns and Cabot’s terns in Brazil, June 2023. Phylodynamics suggests incursion from Chile, although noting long branch lengths (missings sequences)

Comparative analysis and prediction of avian influenza in Shangrao city, China from 2016 to 2022
Relationship between vaccination, COVID-19 pandemic, and bird migration on avian influenza in Shangrao City. Of concern is highly prevant H9, and increase of H5. Migratory birds and the COVID-19 pandemic have led to an increase in H9 subtype positivity. Take with a grain of salt.

Immunogenic and Protective Properties of Recombinant Hemagglutinin of Influenza A (H5N8) Virus
Recombinant HA (H5N8) protein may be a useful antigen candidate for developing subunit vaccines against HPAI with suitable immunogenicity and protective efficacy.

A highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 clade detected in Samara Oblast, Russian Federation
Good to see some data from Russia, an important breeding area for migratory birds across Eurasia and Africa. A virus found in a teal in Samara Oblast was related to field isolates from Russia, Nigeria, Bangladesh, and Benin

Bivalent Hemagglutinin Cleavage-Site Peptide Vaccines Protect Chickens from Lethal Infections with Highly Pathogenic H5N1 and H5N6 Avian Influenza Viruses
Bivalent peptide vaccines containing H5 cleavage sites of viruses from both H5N6 and clade 1 H5N1 designed to protect chickens from both H5N1 and H5N6 avian influenza viruses. immunised chickens were protected with no shedding in OP or C.

Guidance for reporting 2023 laboratory data on avian influenza

Enzootic Circulation, Massive Gull Mortality and Poultry Outbreaks during the 2022/2023 High-Pathogenicity Avian Influenza H5N1 Season in the Czech Republic
Massive gull mortality and poultry outbreaks in Czech Republic 2022/23. Almost 1 million birds culled. Four HPAI genotypes, with BB mainly in gulls, and in turkey outbreak.

Avian ANP32A incorporated in avian influenza A virions promotes interspecies transmission by priming early viral replication in mammals
Species-specific differences in the host factor ANP32A determine the restriction of avian-signature polymerase in mammalian cells. ANP32 proteins incorporated into viral particles through combo w polymerase>transferred to cells> support replication. vian ANP32A (avANP32A) delivered by avian influenza A virions primes early viral replication in mammalian cells, thereby favoring the downstream interspecies transmission event by increasing the total amount of virus carrying adaptive mutations.

Genetic and Biological Characteristics of Duck-Origin H4N6 Avian Influenza Virus Isolated in China in 2022
In 2022, samples from duck farms at Poyang Lake, China, with 3 H4N6 viruses isolated. Dual receptor binding properties and replicate efficiently not only in avian cells but also in mammalian cells. Viruses could infect mice without prior adaptation.

Emergence of a Novel Reassortant H5N6 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus of Clade from domestic poultry in China
Detection of clade H5N6 virus in China, against expectation of Result of complex pattern of reassortment among clade and clade H5 and H6N6.

In turkeys, unlike chickens, the non-structural NS1 protein does not play a significant role in the replication and tissue tropism of the H7N1 avian influenza virus
NS1 does not play a role in the virulence or replication of HPAIV H7N1 in turkeys, illustrating genetic determinants of HPAIV between turkeys and chickens.

Host determination role of some amino acid sequences in the receptor-binding site and phylogenetic analysis of a high pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1) viruses isolated from Northern Turkey
Retrospective study of HPAI in Turkey in 2006. Clade 2.2 and clade 2.2.1 and were closely related to European and Asian isolates

Detection of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 clade in great skuas in Great Britain
Great summary of pathology of Great Skuas which died due to HPAI in Scotland.

Considerations for emergency vaccination of wild birds against high pathogenicity avian influenza in specific situations

Transient RNA structures underlie highly pathogenic avian influenza virus genesis

The contribution of individual characteristics of Anas and Aythya individuals to their susceptibility to low‐pathogenic avian influenza viruses in the south of Western Siberia

“Smart markets”: harnessing the potential of new technologies for endemic and emerging infectious disease surveillance in traditional food markets

Veterinarians’ knowledge and experience of avian influenza and perspectives on control measures in the UK

Genetic properties and pathogenicity of a novel reassortant H10N5 influenza virus from wild birds

Transmission dynamics and pathogenesis differ between pheasants and partridges infected with clade H5N8 and H5N1 high-pathogenicity avian influenza viruses

Complete Genome Sequence of an H10N5 Avian Influenza Virus Isolated from Pigs in Central China

New Patterns for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza and Adjustment of Prevention, Control and Surveillance Strategies: The Example of France

Targeted genomic sequencing of avian influenza viruses in wetland sediment from wild bird habitats

Markets as drivers of selection for highly virulent poultry pathogens

Molecular evolution of avian influenza A (H9N2) virus in external environment in Anhui, 2019-2021

Public Health Implications of Antimicrobial Resistance in Wildlife at the One Health Interface

Differing Expression and Potential Immunological Role of C-Type Lectin Receptors of Two Different Chicken Breeds against Low Pathogenic H9N2 Avian Influenza Virus

Detection of Influenza A viruses and Avian H5 Subtype using a triplex qRT-PCR assay on the ABI Quantstudio 7 PCR system

Multifaceted analysis of temporal and spatial distribution and risk factors of global poultry HPAI-H5N1, 2005-2023

Farm biosecurity practices affecting avian influenza virus circulation in commercial chicken farms in Bangladesh

Genetic Analysis of H5N1 High-Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Virus following a Mass Mortality Event in Wild Geese on the Solway Firth

Avian influenza virus cross-infections as test case for pandemic preparedness: From epidemiological hazard models to sequence-based early viral warning systems

Emergence of a triple reassortment avian influenza virus (A/H5N6) from wild birds

Differential Protection of Chickens against Highly Pathogenic H5 Avian Influenza Virus Using Polybasic Amino Acids with H5 Cleavage Peptide

Geographic, ecological, and temporal patterns of seabird mortality during the 2022 HPAI H5N1 outbreak on the island of Newfoundland

Transboundary Determinants of Avian Zoonotic Infectious Diseases: Challenges for Strengthening Research Capacity and Connecting Surveillance Networks

The risks and consequences of a high pathogenicity avian influenza outbreak in Aotearoa New Zealand

A Comprehensive Analysis of H5N1 Evolution: Phylogenetic Insights and Emerging Mutations in Turkey’s Avian Influenza Landscape

Running the gauntlet; flyway-wide patterns of pollutant exposure in blood of migratory shorebirds

Lesions and viral antigen distribution in bald eagles, red-tailed hawks, and great horned owls naturally infected with H5N1 clade highly pathogenic avian influenza virus

A case-control study of the infection risk of H5N8 highly pathogenic avian influenza in Japan during the winter of 2020–2021

Wild bird mass mortalities in eastern Canada associated with the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) virus, 2022

Efficacy of an inactivated influenza vaccine adjuvanted with Toll-like receptor ligands against transmission of H9N2 avian influenza virus in chickens

Simultaneous Differential Detection of H5, H7, H9 and Nine NA Subtypes of Avian Influenza Viruses via a GeXP Assay

Evolution and Spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Clade Virus in Wild Birds, South Korea, 2022-2023.

HA N193D substitution in the HPAI H5N1 virus alters receptor binding affinity and enhances virulence in mammalian hosts

Catastrophic mortality of southern elephant seals caused by H5N1 avian influenza

Wild bird mass mortalities in eastern Canada associated with the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) virus, 2022

Evolution and biological characteristics of the circulated H8N4 avian influenza viruses

Meta-analysis of RNA Seq Datasets in Duck Lungs Infected with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses

Comprehensive genome‑wide analysis of the chicken heat shock protein family: identification, genomic organization, and expression profiles in indigenous chicken with highly pathogenic avian influenza infection

Expression of influenza A virus glycan receptor candidates in mallard, chicken, and tufted duck 

Mortality in Sea Lions is associated with the introduction of the H5N1 clade virus in Brazil, October 2023: Whole genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis

Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Neuraminidase Inhibition Antibodies in Healthy Adults after Exposure to Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09

Neu5Gc binding loss of subtype H7 influenza A virus facilitates adaptation to gallinaceous poultry following transmission from waterbirds but restricts spillback

H5N1 avian influenza virus PB2 antagonizes duck IFN-β signaling pathway by targeting mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein

The role of PB1-F2 in adaptation of high pathogenicity avian influenza virus H7N7 in chickens

Identification of specific neutralising antibodies for highly pathogenic avian influenza H5 clades to facilitate vaccine design and therapeutics

Human behaviors driving disease emergence

A recent sovon report indicates that high path. avian #influenza has killed a high percentage of some bird populations in the #Netherlands. Sandwich tern, summer 2022: up to 56% estimated mortality. Peregrine falcon, winter 2021/2022: up to 56% estimated mortality.https://x.com/thijskuiken/status/1742922644864000491?s=20

Expression of influenza A virus glycan receptor candidates in mallard, chicken, and tufted duck

Highly pathogenic H5n1 avian influenza in free-living griffon vultures

Trends and Spatiotemporal Patterns of Avian Influenza Outbreaks in Italy: A Data-Driven Approach

Association of poultry vaccination with the interspecies transmission and molecular evolution of H5 subtype avian influenza virus

Avian influenza overview September–December 2023

Antigenic Architecture of the H7N2 Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin Belonging to the North American Lineage

Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 infection in skua and gulls in the United Kingdom, 2022

The risk of highly pathogenic avian influenza in the Southern Ocean: a practical guide for operators and scientists interacting with wildlife

Continued expansion of high pathogenicity avian influenza H5 in wildlife in South America and incursion into the Antarctic region

Active surveillance for influenza virus and coronavirus infection in Antarctic birds and mammals in environmental fecal samples, South Shetland Islands

Detection and Phylogenetic Analysis of Contemporary H14N2 Avian Influenza A Virus in Domestic Ducks in Southeast Asia (Cambodia) 

Environmental Surveillance and Detection of Infectious Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus in Iowa Wetlands 

A naturally occurring HA-stabilizing amino acid (HA1-Y17) in an A(H9N2) low-pathogenic influenza virus contributes to airborne transmission 

Development and application of a triplex real-time PCR assay for the detection of H3, H4, and H5 subtypes of avian influenza virus 

Phosphorylation of PB2 at serine 181 restricts viral replication and virulence of the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus in mice 

Efficacy of recombinant H5 vaccines delivered in ovo or day of age in commercial broilers against the 2015 U.S. H5N2 clade highly pathogenic avian Influenza virus 

Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus infection of companion animals

Virulence and transmission characteristics of clade H5N6 subtype avian influenza viruses possessing different internal gene constellations

Characterization of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Viruses isolated from Cats in South Korea, 2023

Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza H9N2 Viruses in Morocco: Antigenic and Molecular Evolution from 2021 to 2023

Genetically Related Avian Influenza H7N9 Viruses Exhibit Different Pathogenicity in Mice

First Report of Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza Subtype H9N2 in African Houbara Bustards (Chlamydotis undulata undulata) and Gamebirds in Morocco: Clinico-Pathological Findings, Molecular Characterization, and Associated Coinfections

Highly pathogenic avian influenza: Unprecedented outbreaks in Canadian wildlife and domestic poultry

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza and its Complex Patterns of Reassortment

Responding to avian influenza A H5N1 detection on a hospital property in Maine—An interdisciplinary approach

Author response: Global mapping of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 and H5Nx clade viruses with spatial cross-validation

Molecular modeling and phylogenetic analyses highlight the role of amino acid 347 of the N1 subtype neuraminidase in influenza virus host range and interspecies adaptation

Mapping genetic markers associated with antigenicity and host range in H9N2 Influenza A viruses infecting poultry in Pakistan 

Avian influenza viruses in wild birds in Canada following incursions of highly pathogenic H5N1 virus from Eurasia in 2021/2022

Detection of Clade Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5 Viruses in Healthy Wild Birds in the Hadeji-Nguru Wetland, Nigeria, 2022

Comparative evolution of influenza A virus H1 and H3 head and stalk domains across host species

Baloxavir marboxil use for critical human infection of avian influenza A H5N6 virus

H7 influenza A viruses bind sialyl-LewisX, a potential intermediate receptor between species

Connectivity of marine predators over the Patagonian Shelf during the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreak

A broad antibody class engages the influenza virus hemagglutinin head at its stem interface

Rapid detection of H5 subtype avian influenza virus using CRISPR Cas13a based-lateral flow dipstick

Recombinant A(H6N1)-H274Y avian influenza virus with dual drug resistance does not require permissive mutations to retain the replicative fitness in vitro and in ovo

Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza H9N2 Viruses in Morocco: Antigenic and Molecular Evolution from 2021 to 2023

Effect of 2020–21 and 2021–22 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5 Epidemics on Wild Birds, the Netherlands

Native and invasive bird interactions increase the spread of Newcastle disease in urban environments

Epidemiological Disclosing and Molecular Subtyping for the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses H5N8 in Commercial Broilers and Layer Chickens in some Egyptian Governorates

Utility of Feathers for Avian Influenza Virus Detection in Commercial Poultry

Effect of avian influenza scare on transmission of zoonotic avian influenza: A case study of influenza A (H7N9)

Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus infection of companion animals

Metagenomic and Molecular Detection of Novel Fecal Viruses in Free-Ranging Agile Wallabies

Different routes of infection of H5N1 lead to changes in infecting time

A multiplex qRT-PCR assay for detection of Influenza A and H5 subtype targeting new SNPs present in high pathogenicity avian influenza Canadian 2022 outbreak strains

Phosphorylation of PB2 at serine 181 restricts viral replication and virulence of the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus in mice

Pigs are highly susceptible to but do not transmit mink-derived highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 clade

Efficacy of recombinant H5 vaccines delivered in ovo or day of age in commercial broilers against the 2015 U.S. H5N2 clade highly pathogenic avian Influenza virus

Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus infections in pinnipeds and seabirds in Uruguay: a paradigm shift to virus transmission in South America

Annual report on surveillance for avian influenza in poultry and wild birds in Member States of the European Union in 2022

Has avian influenza virus H9 originated from a bat source?

Unraveling molecular basis for reduced neuraminidase inhibitors susceptibility in highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) viruses isolated from chickens in India

Survey of exposure to stranded dolphins in Japan to investigate an outbreak of suspected infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) clade in humans

Identification of Pre-Emptive Biosecurity Zone Areas for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Based on Machine Learning-Driven Risk Analysis
How do we reduce unnecessary culling of poultry after HPAI incursion into farms? Here a data-driven method to generate rule tables and risk scores for individual farms, with an accuracy of 84%.

Genetically Related Avian Influenza H7N9 Viruses Exhibit Different Pathogenicity in Mice
Revisiting the surge of human cases of H7N9. Viruses found in poultry had ability to bind mammalian receptors, had PB2-627K marker, and were pathogenic in mice. Monitoring of viruses in poultry is critical. Not particularly novel, I think this was pretty well established. 

Influenza virus immune imprinting dictates the clinical outcomes in ferrets challenged with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1
Full version not yet available. “Ferrets were imprinted following H1N1 and H2N3 virus infections were completely protected against lethal H5N1 influenza virus challenge (100% survival) with little to no clinical symptoms” suggesting human influenza infection with H1N1 could be protective for humans (but not H3N2)

Effect of 2020–21 and 2021–22 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5 Epidemics on Wild Birds, the Netherlands
HPAI detected in 51 bird species in the Netherlands, alone. In 2020/21 mostly in Anatidae, and in 2021/22 mostly seabirds. Challenge in predicting future trends, so monitoring critical.

Analysis of miRNA expression in the trachea of Ri chicken infected with the highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus
miRNA expression patterns of tracheal tissues from H5N1-infected Ri chickens showed differential expression in transforming growth factor-beta, mitogen-activated protein kinase, and Toll-like receptor signaling pathways.

Detection and spread of high pathogenicity avian influenza virus H5N1 in the Antarctic Region
Analysis of genomes from South Georgia and the Falklands. They are unlinked, so 2 independent incursions into the region.

Pathogenicity in Chickens and Turkeys of a 2021 United States H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Clade Wild Bird Virus Compared to Two Previous H5N8 Clade Viruses
In comparing H5N1 to previous HPAI viruses, there are key differences in clinical signs, mean death times, and virus transmissibility bw chickens and turkeys

The role of vaccination and environmental factors on outbreaks of high pathogenicity avian influenza H5N1 in Bangladesh
Vaccination against HPAI in Bangladesh resulted in a ten-fold ⬇️ in outbreak risk. Increase in outbreak rate were low ambient temperatures, literacy rate, chicken density, crop density, and presence of highways.

Outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus H5N1 in Seals in the St. Lawrence Estuary, Quebec, Canada
Outbreak of HPAI in in Harbour and Grey Seals in the St. Lawrence estuary. Infection likely due to presence of large numbers of bird carcasses infected with H5N1 at haul-out sites.

Avian influenza viruses in wild birds in Canada following incursions of highly  pathogenic H5N1 virus from Eurasia in 2021/2022
In Canada, 6,246 sick/dead wild birds across 12 taxonomic orders and 80 species tested for HPAI = 27.4% HPAI positive. A further 11,295 asymptomatic harvested/live captured wild birds tested = 5.2% HPAI +ve. Huge and comprehensive effort!

Challenges for Precise Subtyping and Sequencing of a H5N1 Clade Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Isolated in Japan in the 2022–2023 Season Using Classical Serological and Molecular Methods
The continuous evolution of HPAI means that diagnostics need to be constantly evaluated for sensitivity against new strains. Comprehensive overview using case study in Japan.

Risk for waterborne transmission and environmental persistence of avian influenza virus in a wildlife/domestic interface in Mexico
Many questions still unanswered around survival/transmissibility of AIV in the environment. Water a key factor. e.g all poultry farms evidence a moderate or high risk of waterborne transmission especially farms close to water bodies

Genotype Diversity, Wild Bird-to-Poultry Transmissions, and Farm-to-Farm Carryover during the Spread of the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 in the Czech Republic in 2021/2022
Close relationships between H5N1 genomes from poultry and wild birds and secondary transmission in commercial geese in Czech Republic, and six different HPAI genotypes and reassortment with LPAI viruses. 

Optimizing environmental viral surveillance: bovine serum albumin increases RT-qPCR sensitivity for high pathogenicity avian influenza H5Nx virus detection from dust samples
Environmental sampling for HPAI, especially dust a useful sample type: cheap, non-invasive for animals, simpler, and quicker to carry out. BUT, high amounts of organic substances that can inhibit RT-qPCR reactions. Bovine serum albumin may be useful.

Factors influencing highly pathogenic avian influenza preventive behavior among live poultry market vendors
Preventive behaviour of live bird market vendors is essential in blocking the transmission of HPAI and reducing occupational exposure. Perceived severity and perceived benefits positively influenced the vendors’ ability to adopt preventive behavior

Identification of key residues of B cell epitopes in hemagglutinin of H6 influenza A virus
Antigenic sites of some HA subtypes (H1, H3, H5, H9), characterized, but H6, one of the most common in birds, is poorly understood. Here, key residues of antigenic epitopes in H6 mapped through escape mutants using a panel of MAbs.

Weathering the Storm of High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza in Waterbirds
Review of HPAI

A single immunization with H5N1 virus-like particle vaccine protects chickens against divergent H5N1 influenza viruses and vaccine efficacy is determined by adjuvant and dosage
H5N1 virus-like particle vaccine based using insect cell-baculovirus expression system induced high levels of HI antibody titers and provided effective protection against homologous virus hallenge comparable to the commercial inactivated vaccine

Emergence of novel reassortant H3N3 avian influenza viruses with increased pathogenicity in chickens in 2023
H3 is a pretty common subtype of influenza in wild birds, generally causing no disease in waterfowl. Morbidity issues in several large-scale egg farms in Jiangsu province, due to H3 infections. HA sequences similar to human H3N8 cases.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Clade Infections in Wild Terrestrial Mammals, United States, 2022
HPAI in 67 wild terrestrial mammals in the USA. Infected mammals showed primarily neurologic signs – Necrotizing meningoencephalitis, interstitial pneumonia, and myocardial necrosis were the most common lesions. Viruses genetically similar to birds.

Neurotropic Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus in Red Foxes, Northern Germany
A 1-year survey in northern Germany, found 5/110 foxes were infected with HPAI, w a cluster from Jan‒March 2023. Encephalitis and strong cerebral virus replication. Pb2 E627K mutations sporadic.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) from Wild Birds, Poultry, and Mammals, Peru
HPAI in wild birds, poultry, and a lion in Peru from November 2022–February 2023. Markers associated with transmission adaptation and antiviral drug resistance detected.

Recombinant duck enteritis virus bearing the hemagglutinin genes of H5 and H7 influenza viruses is an ideal multivalent live vaccine in ducks
Farmed ducks play a key role in HPAI transmission. Here a recombinant duck enteritis virus H5/H7 vaccine designed for ducks, specifically. Induced long-lasting HI antibodies against H5 & H7 viruses and provided complete protection against challenge

Environmental Surveillance and Detection of Infectious Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus in Iowa Wetlands
How long does HPAI last in the environment? Virus isolated from wetlands near HPAI outbreaks. One month later, no detection: increased water temperatures, precipitation, biotic and abiotic factors may have played a role.

Spillover of an endemic avian Influenza H6N2 chicken lineage to ostriches and reassortment with clade H5N1 high pathogenicity viruses in chickens
First detection of reassortant viruses: H6N2 chicken-adapted viruses and HPAI H5N1. These reassortant viruses caused an outbreak in ostriches in South Africa

Evolution and biological characterization of H5N1 influenza viruses bearing the clade hemagglutinin gene
HPAI viruses in China, 2017-2020. Subclades to detected, with 58 reassortant genotypes. Viruses were antigenically well-matched with the H5-Re12 vaccine strain used in China

Amplification of avian influenza viruses along poultry marketing chains in Bangladesh: a controlled field experiment
Live bird markets are a hotspot for HPAI. New study investigates AIV infections during marketing chains, and with testing during transport/trade, intervention group had lower shedding once arrived at LBM.

Pathogen-prey-predator relations of avian raptors during epizootics of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus HPAIV H5N1 (clade in Germany
Raptors are important indicators of HPAIV and its genetic diversity, but sadly are victims in this panzootic. Serosurvey found of 5.0-7.9% HPAI antibodies among White tailed sea eagle nestlings. However, breeding success seems stable. Long term effects?

Mutations in HA and PA affect the transmissibility of H7N9 avian influenza virus in chickens
Detailed interrogation of H7N9 viruses show that mutations in the HA and PA protein reduced the viral transmissibility in chickens, decreasing the threat for poultry.

Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of highly pathogenic H5N1 clade virus in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Detailed interrogation of HPAI in Mute Swan in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Similar to other European sequences. Mutations in HA (N110S and T139P) and NA genes (H155Y) facilitate host specificity shift and resistance to some antiviral drugs.

Mutational antigenic landscape of prevailing H9N2 influenza virus hemagglutinin spectrum
Sharp increase in human cases of H9N2 in 2021/22. R164Q, I220T mutations increase viral replication in avian and mammalian cells. T150A, I220T mutations enhance viral replication in mice

Key Amino Acid Residues That Determine the Antigenic Properties of Highly Pathogenic H5 Influenza Viruses Bearing the Clade Hemagglutinin Gene
Amino acid changes at position 120, 126, 141, 156, 185, or 189 (H5 numbering) may be important in antigenic changes within Amino acids at 126, 156, and 189 acted as immunodominant epitopes of H5 viruses.

Hooded Vultures Necrosyrtes monachus scavenge on a mass wreckage of large terns in a major HPAI outbreak in The Gambia: a photo report of scraper-feeder type damage to carcasses
Hooded Vultures scavenging on tern carcasses following HPAI outbreak in The Gambia. 10,000 dead terns along entire coastline, with vultures focussing on the cervical vertebrae and tempero-mandibular areas of dead terns.

Global Prevalence and Hemagglutinin Evolution of H7N9 Avian Influenza Viruses from 2013 to 2022
Summary of H7N9 sequences since 2013, which includes pre and post vaccination periods in China.

Hemagglutinin affects replication, stability and airborne transmission of the H9N2 subtype avian influenza virus
The “internal genes” of H9N2 played a key role in zoonotic spillover events of other avian influenzas. This study shows the key role of PA, and importantly HA, for replication, stability, and airborne transmission of H9N2 viruses between poultry.

Genetic and Biological Properties of H10Nx influenza viruses in China
H10 avian influenzas have a broad host range, infecting not only all kinds of birds, but also mammals and humans. Detailed analysis of H10N3 isolate from poultry in China replicated efficiently in mice lungs and nasal turbinates without prior adaptation

Clade H5 chimeric cold-adapted attenuated influenza vaccines induced cross-reactive protection in mice and ferrets
Human cases of H5N6 continue to tick along in China. Here, a cold-adapted attenuated influenza vaccine induces humoral antibody response, mucosal immune response, and cellular immune response in mice models. Also good protective immunity in ferrets.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1) in humans after the emergence of clade in 2020.
Summary of human cases.

Molecular detection and characterization of highly pathogenic H5N1 clade avian influenza viruses among hunter-harvested wild birds provides evidence for three independent introductions into Alaska
Two independant incursions over the Atlantic, now a new study shows 3 independant incursions via Alaska. Lots of HPAI moving around the globe. More evidence that if it arrives here, its unlikely to arrive just once…

Antibodies elicited by Newcastle disease virus-vectored H7N9 avian influenza vaccine are functional in activating the complement system
NDV vectored avian influenza vaccines result in undetectable H7N9-specific HI, but high IgG antibodies in chickens. Study clarifies role of complement in protection.

Prevalence of Avian Influenza Virus in Synanthropic Birds Associated with an Outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Strain EA/AM H5N1
Prevalence of HPAI in synanthropic birds (Columbiformes, Galliformes, and Passeriformes), but higher in raptors. Consumption of infected carcasses is a key pathway. Small study of cases in North America. 

Molecular diagnosis and identification of avian influenza H5N8 in Pekin ducks
A six-weeks-old flock of Pekin ducks showed sudden mortality without any signs, and birds that survived had depression, repository and/or nervous signs. HPAI detected, and similar to sequences from Egypt and Asia.

Pacific and Atlantic Sea Lion Mortality Caused by Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5n1) in South America
Incredible overview of sealion outbreaks due to HPAI in South America. More than 24,000 died in Peru, Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay bw Jan- Sept 2023. Route of infection likely eating infected birds.

Mass Mortality of Sea Lions Caused by Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus
Detailed summary of sea lion outbreaks in Peru. 5224 animals died, coinciding with breeding aggregation. Clinical signs of agonal individuals were mainly neurologic (tremors, convulsions, paralysis) and respiratory. Article includes some videos showing disease signs.

Factors influencing highly pathogenic avian influenza preventive behavior among live poultry market vendors
Perceived severity and perceived benefits positively influenced the bird market vendors ability to adopt preventive behavior while perceived barriers negatively affected self-efficacy. Timely HPAI information really important!

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus-Induced Mass Death of Wild Birds, Caspian Sea, Russia, 2022
In May 2022, 25,157 Great black-headed gulls, 3,507 Caspian gulls, 5,641 Caspian terns, and 14 Dalmatian pelicans died due to HPAI in the Caspian Sea ?. Nearly all chicks died.

Rapid Detection of H5 Subtype Avian Influenza Virus Using CRISPR Cas13a Based-Lateral Flow Dipstick
full article isn’t available yet.

Serological exposure to influenza A in cats from an area with wild birds positive for avian influenza
Seroprevalence of HPAI in stray cats in Spain is ~2.19%. Not all mammals munching infected birds are dying. Sadly, they left out the Polish cat outbreaks in their overview.

Isolation and Identification of Novel Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus (H5N8) Subclade from Geese in Northeastern China
An old paper I think I missed. In January 2021, a novel HPAI strain A/goose/China/1/2021(H5N8) was detected. This is prior to the start of the panzootic, and it was a virus.

High pathogenicity avian influenza (H5N1) in Northern Gannets (Morus bassanus): Global spread, clinical signs and demographic consequences
A previously featured preprint now published in Ibis – amazing summary of HPAI in Northern Gannets in 2022. Affected almost all colonies in the north Atlantic, devastating effects on Bass Rocks, and that some birds survive (with changed eye colour)

Identification of Pre-emptive Biosecurity Zone Areas for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Based on Machine Learning-Driven Risk Analysis
Mass culling for HPAI has welfare and food security implications. Here a data driven model to enhance preventative measures and should help to select farms for monitoring and management of HPAI.

Lessons for cross-species viral transmission surveillance from highly pathogenic avian influenza Korean cat shelter outbreaks

High number of HPAI H5 virus infections and antibodies in wild carnivores in the Netherlands, 2020–2022
Seroprevalence of HPAI is strikingly high in carnivores – serological evidence for infection was 20% ? in the Netherlands from 2020-2022. Virology high too, with 9.9% infection in 2022.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus infection in foxes with PB2-M535I identified as a novel mammalian adaptation, Northern Ireland, July 202
Two foxes and two gulls found in Ireland positive for HPAI. Viruses closely related (=common infection source), but mutations at three locations were unique to the fox sequences including PB2 mutations.

Characterization of high pathogenicity avian influenza H5Nx viruses from a wild harbor seal and red foxes in Denmark, 2021 and 2022
Five mammals tested positive for clade H5Nx HPAIVs in Denmark in 2021-22. Virus from the cubs and the adult fox belonged to two different genotypes, and virus from seal similar to virus from German seal sequence. PB2-E627K in seal & 1 fox cub

The episodic resurgence of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5 virus
The story of HPAI H5 since the beginning, leading us to how we got here. Multiple waves, genetic changes, and importantly, a big shift in the epicentre of activity. 

Avian influenza A viruses exhibit plasticity in sialylglycoconjugate receptor usage in human lung cells
Avian influenza virus strains utilize a broader repertoire and can use less prevalent glycoconjugates, for host cell infection vs human influenza A strains. Both infect human lung via N-glycans, O-glycans, and glycolipids.

Analysis of avian influenza A (H3N8) viruses in poultry and their zoonotic potential, China, September 2021 to May 2022
H3N8 viruses in Chinese duck farms, poultry markets, 2021-22. Internal genes shared with H9N2 viruses. Viruses have residues that may favour binding to human-type receptors + replication in mammals. Viruses replicate in mice, but are not lethal.

Dissection of key factors correlating with H5N1 avian influenza virus driven inflammatory lung injury of chicken identified by single-cell analysis
Transcriptome of 16 cell types in lung tissue of chickens infected with HPAIV and H9N2 LPAI. Infiltrating inflammatory macrophages w massive viral replication, pro-inflammatory cytokines and interaction of various cell populations = poor outcomes

Creating resistance to avian influenza infection through genome editing of the ANP32 gene family
Gene edited chickens may lead to influenza resistant chickens via host protein ANP32A. After influenza infection challenge, 9/10 edited chickens remain uninfected. But, virus was quick to evolve to instead use ANP32 proteins, chicken ANP32B and ANP32E.

Establishment of two assays based on reverse transcription recombinase-aided amplification technology for rapid detection of H5 subtype avian influenza virus
New tools for rapid detection of HPAI: real-time fluorescence and reverse transcription recombinase-aided amplification (RF-RT-RAA) and reverse transcription recombinase-aided amplification combined lateral flow dipstick (RT-RAA-LFD). Results in 30min.

Avian influenza overview June–September 2023
Another update from EFSA: June-Sept 2023. High activity continues, particularly in colony breeding seabirds. Fewer detections in poultry. Be sure to read thoroughly for a comprehensive update!

Antigenic mapping of the hemagglutinin of the H9 subtype influenza A viruses using sera from Japanese quail (Coturnix c. japonica)
Antigenic mapping is a really useful tool to ensure vaccines appropriately match circulating strains. Here, extensive work done on H9 viruses, useing quail sera. Substitutions at 149, 150, and 180 were impactful, with E180A, R131K/E180A critical.

Genetic characteristics of the first human infection with the G4 genotype eurasian avian-like H1N1 swine influenza virus in Shaanxi Province,China
Not avian influenza, but perhaps of interest. Couldn’t seem to manage to access the paper itself.

Predominance of low pathogenic avian influenza virus H9N2 in the respiratory co-infections in broilers in Tunisia: a longitudinal field study, 2018–2020
Predominance of low pathogenic avian influenza virus H9N2, Northern and Western African GI lineage strains in particular, in respiratory co-infections in broilers in Tunisia.

High pathogenicity avian influenza A (H5N1) clade virus infection in a captive Tibetan black bear (Ursus thibetanus): investigations based on paraffin-embedded tissues, France, 2022
In November 2022, HPAI caused an outbreak in a zoological park in S France = dead Tibetan black bear, captive and wild birds. Virus recovered from formalin fixed tissues. Bear and gull sequences shared 99.998% and PB2 E627K mutation.

A systematic review of mechanistic models used to study avian influenza virus transmission and control
What can mechanistic models tell us about avian influenza transmission and control? Optimal control strategies varied between subtypes and local conditions, and depended on the overall objective

Influenza from a One Health Perspective: Infection by a Highly Versatile Virus
hefty book chapter. 

Prevention of zoonotic spillover: From relying on response to reducing the risk at source

No evidence for highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 (clade in the Antarctic region during the austral summer 2022/23
We pulled together all testing and observational survey data for HPAI in Antarctica during the austral summer 2022/23. No evidence of any HPAI last year – the virus has, however, arrived this year.

Discovery of Influenza A (H7N2) in a Cat After Admission to an Animal Shelter : A Case Report
Discovery of Influenza A (H7N2) in a Cat After Admission to an Animal Shelter. Cat was found 1 block from a live bird market (in the USA), however H7 has not been detected in the market since 2006. 

Investigation of H9N2 avian influenza immune escape mutant that lacks haemagglutination activity

An immune H9N2 escape mutate, with a G149E mutation in the HA, lost hte ability to agglutinate chicken erythrocytes, while still maintaining replication comparable to the wild-type virus in chicken embryos and cells.

Vaccination of poultry against highly pathogenic avian influenza – part 1. Available vaccines and vaccination strategies
Comprehensive review of avian influenza vaccines available, efficacy and strategies in this EFSA report. An incredible resource worth a detailed read.

Determinants for the presence of avian influenza virus in live bird markets in Bangladesh: Towards an easy fix of a looming one health issue
Avian influenza is extremely common in live bird markets in Bangladesh, with 49% of stalls selling infected poultry. Biosecurity practices, however, heavily influence the circulation of these viruses in markets.

Genetic characterization of a novel H5N6 subtype highly pathogenic avian influenza virus from goose in China
HPAI H5N6 virus from a goose similar to that reported from a farmed dog in China. Many mutations that could enhance virus replication or increase virulence in mammals were also identified in the goose virus.

Evolutionary history of human infections with highly pathogenic H5 avian influenza a virus: a new front-line global health threat established in South America
More information pertaining to the human case of HPAI in Ecuador. Genetically, virus similar to what was circulating in poultry.

Characterization of highly pathogenic clade H5N1 mink influenza viruses
HPAI from spanish mink outbreak tested for pathogenicity & transmission potential. Viruses highly virulent in mice. High titres in resp organs, brain, elsewhere. In mink, exposed animals infected but did not transmit (contact animals did not seroconvert)

Low Level of Concern Among European Society About Zoonotic Diseases
Recent survey of public opinion in six European countries (n = 2415 participants) suggests a low concern among Europeans about the risk associated with zoonotic emerging diseases.

Exploring the alternative virulence determinants PB2 S155N and PA S49Y/D347G that promote mammalian adaptation of the H9N2 avian influenza virus in mice
Are mutations other than PB2 627K, 701N important in mammalian adaptation? PB2 + PA mutations ⬆️ pol activity, viral transcription and replication in mammalian cells, severe interstitial pneumonia, excessive inflammatory cellular infiltration in mice

Study of the Interface between Wild Bird Populations and Poultry and Their Potential Role in the Spread of Avian Influenza
A census of wild birds around poultry farms (2019, Italy) show that waterfowl arent often near/on poultry farms, but species like magpies, blackbirds, egrets, doves are. More data on bridge hosts required!

Sequence Analysis of the Malaysian Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Strain H5N2 from Duck
Distinct characteristics of the Malaysian LPAI H5N2, compared to HPAI H5N2 or H5N1 from ducks or chickens

Many potential pathways to future pandemic influenza
Concern about an H5N1 avian influenza pandemic has caused alarm since 1997, but there are many other possible routes to pandemic influenza

Vaccination and Antiviral Treatment against Avian Influenza H5Nx Viruses: A Harbinger of Virus Control or Evolution
Review of avian influenza in Egypt, including discussion on implementation of prophylactic and therapeutic control strategies, leading to continuous flock outbreaks with remarkable virus evolution scenarios

Improved Resolution of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Haemagglutinin Cleavage Site Using Oxford Nanopore R10 Sequencing Chemistry
Nanopore R9 had limitations in resolving low-complexity regions e.g. hemagglutinin cleavage site. R10.4.1 = increased data output, higher average quality ,lower minor pop insertion & deletion freq. For the cleavage site, R10.4.1 90% resolved.

Antiviral Susceptibility of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Viruses Circulating Globally in 2022–2023
Phenotypic testing of and HPAI viruses revealed broad susceptibility to NAIs and baloxavir = viruses remain susceptible to key human antivirals. Novel NA mutations caused reduced zanamivir and peramivir inhibition.

Avian Sarcoma/Leukosis Virus (RCAS)-mediated Over-expression of IFITM3 Protects Chicks from Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Subtype H5N1
Over-expression of the interferon-stimulated gene IFITM3 protects chicks from HPAI clade Is the future virus-resistant chickens?

Modeling long-distance airborne transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza carried by dust particles

What is the role of long distance airbourne transmission of HPAI? Overall, via modelling, concentrations of airborne AI, deposited AI, and combined AI transmitted to other farms were lower than the minimal infective dose for poultry. Validation?

Limited Outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Influenza A(H5N1) in Herring Gull Colony, Canada, 2022
Limited outbreak of HPAI in Herring Gulls in Canada, summer 2022 – less than 10% of the colony affected.

FLIGHT RISKS – Migratory birds efficiently ferry pathogens around the world. As a warming climate reshapes their journeys, infectious disease experts are on guard for new threats to humans

HPAI reports in waders from IWSG2023

Genetic and antigenic analyses of H5N8 and H5N1 subtypes high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses isolated from wild birds and poultry farms in Japan in the winter of 2021–2022
Three HPAI genome constellations circulating in Japan 2021/22 (H5N8 and H5N1). Multiple H5 HPAI and LPAIVs disseminate to Japan via transboundary winter migration of wild birds

Environmental transmission of influenza A virus in mallards
Detailed studies of LPAI transmission indicate that viral load in water was the strongest predictor of transmission. Also, highly dependant on point of infection course in individual (before or after peak levels) whether it is able to transmit.

Mass Mortality Event in South American Sea Lions (Otaria flavescens) Correlated to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 Outbreak in Chile.
Overview of sea lion strandings in Chile since 2009, featuring the current HPAI mass mortalities. Strong correlations between widespread mortality of South Americans sea lions and the occurrences of HPAI in wild birds.

Ecological characterization of 175 low-pathogenicity avian influenza viruses isolated from wild birds in Mongolia, 2009–2013 and 2016–2018
Surveillance in Mongolia [2009–2013, 2016–2018] demonstrates substantial diversity of avian influenzas. Mongolia is situated as a crossroad of multiple migratory flyways

Deadly avian flu reaches Galápagos Islands Concerns rise for boobies, finches, and other endemic species

Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Infections in 2 Free-Ranging Black Bears (Ursus americanus), Quebec, Canada
HPAI in black bear mother and cub in Canada. Virus detected by immunohistochemistry in brain and liver. Both had PB2 D701N mutation. Viruses similar to Newfoundland H5N1 (2021).

Transmission dynamics and pathogenesis differ between pheasants and partridges infected with clade H5N8 and H5N1 high-pathogenicity avian influenza viruses
Outbreak of HPAI in pheasant farms, but partridges unaffected. High does of H5N1 required for transmission, and partridges infected with H5N8 failed to shed or transmit. Fewer mortalities when experimentally infected

Emergence of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5N8) Clade Viruses in Grebes in Inner Mongolia and Ningxia, China, 2021
Outbreak of HPAI in black-necked grebes in 2021, Inner Mongolia, China. Fecal environmental samples from Eurasian spoonbills. HPAI H5N8 detected, and share a common ancestor with sequences in China in 2020

Evolution and Current Status of Influenza A Virus in Chile: A Review
Substantial overview of avian influenza virus in Chile, since ~2002 and featuring HPAI. Would note that the authors currently publishing on HPAI in Chile seem to be absent from this review.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) strongly impacts wild birds in Peru
In only a few months H5N1 killed >100,000 birds of 24 different species in protected areas of Peru, with huge impacts on boobies, cormorants and pelicans. Virus has severely affected bird populations and the ecosystem services they provide. Peer-reviewed paper of pre-print already shared

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Clade Virus in Wild Birds, Chile
Detection and genome sequencing of HPAI from Chile show that sequences from Chile and Peru were closely related to a recent ancestor from North America that was detected during October–November 2022. Suggest multiple incursions. Peer-reviewed paper of pre-print already shared

Can Citizen Science Contribute to Avian Influenza Surveillance?
Mortality databases allowing for the public to report sick and dead birds is extremely useful to the HPAI response. Here, results show that HPAI outbreaks officially reported by WOAH overlapped with sudden increases in records of sick/dead birds. I would want highlight the mortality reporting database they are using: Observation.org

High pathogenicity avian influenza (H5N1) in Northern Gannets: Global spread, clinical signs, and demographic consequences
Great summary of HPAI outbreaks in Northern Gannets in 2022: Unusually high mortality was recorded at 75% of global total colonies. Adult survival substantially lower than the preceding 10-year average. Description of black irises in survivors. Peer-reviewed paper of pre-print already shared

Looking beyond the H5 avian influenza viruses
Great overview of avian influenza H3, which is being overshadowed by the H5N1 panzootic. Importantly, avian H3’s have caused 3 human cases, and transmits between ferrets (measurement of mammal-to-mammal transmission ability).

Comparative analysis of PB2 residue 627E/K/V in H5 subtypes of avian influenza viruses isolated from birds and mammals
Few PB2 mutations found in LPAI H5, but an increased prevalence of E627K in avian HPAI H5 sequences, and also more mammalian cases. ~40% conversion of E -> K in human sequences of H5

Using surveillance data for early warning modelling of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Europe reveals a seasonal shift in transmission, 2016–2022
Analysis of publicly available surveillance data for HPAI integrated into time-series models may help to predict HPAI in different countries . Also shows substantial shift in seasonality in 2021-22

Distribution and risks of the infections of humans and other mammals with H5 subtype highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in 2020–2023
A small anaysis of mammalian cases of HPAI reported to WOAH. 285 outbreaks, most of which occurred in Europe/Americas (sampling bias?). Sadly shows limitations of WOAH data as 20,000 dead S. american sealions not highlighted here.

Detection of H5N1 High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Viruses in Four Raptors and Two Geese in Japan in the Fall of 2022
In 2022, HPAI arrived early in Japan, with outbreaks in geese and raptors. Genetically, viruses were similar to those found in Japan in 2021, but likely reintroduction from Asia/Siberia via early waterfowl migration

Investigation of risk factors for introduction of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus onto table egg farms in the United States, 2022: a case–control study
Factors relevant to HPAI outbreaks in egg farms: wild waterfowl presence, wild bird access to feed, existing control zones, moving vegetation less than 4 times per month, off side method of daily mortality disposal. Lots of protective effects as well.

A Fatal A/H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus Infection in a Cat in Poland
A fatal HPAI infection in a cat in Poland: outdoor cat, fed a diet of raw chicken meat. Respiratory distress and neurological signs. Perivascular infiltration of lymphocytes and histiocytes into brain, with neuronal necrosis

Different Outcomes of Chicken Infection with UK-Origin H5N1-2020 and H5N8-2020 High-Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Viruses (Clade
Direct inoculation of layer chickens with HPAI showed that H5N8-2020 was more infectious than H5N1-2020, death time was longer for H5N8. Tranmission to contact chickens inefficient. More abundant histological lesions and viral antigens for H5N1.

Strong breeding colony fidelity in northern gannets following high pathogenicity avian influenza virus (HPAIV) outbreak
HPAIV killed at least 50 % of northern gannets, with presence antibodies in juveniles. GPS-tracked adults remained faithful to their breeding sites despite outbreak – no prospecting other colonies

Spreading of the High-Pathogenicity Avian Influenza (H5N1) Virus of Clade into Uruguay
Great to see more data from South America -this time from Uruguay! The viruses shared a common ancestor with viruses detected in Chile/Peru and likely introduced from Argentina

HVT-vectored H7 vaccine protects chickens from lethal infection with the highly pathogenic H7N9 Avian influenza virus
Novel H7 vaccine, using recombinant turkey herpesvirus vector, rHVT-H7HA, that expresses the HA glycoprotein of HPAIV H7N9. Immunization of chickens with the rHVT-H7HA significantly reduces viral load.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus (HPAIV) H5N1 infection in two European grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) with encephalitis
HPAI in grey seals from coastal waters of Netherlands and Germany in Dec 2022 / Feb 2023. Brain and lung tested positive = encephalitis in the absence of a systemic infection. PB2-E627K mutation

Spatio-temporal distribution & seasonality of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 & H5N8 outbreaks in India, 2006-2021
Analysis of HPAI data from FAO (EMPRES?), shows 284 outbreaks since 2006, with large surge in 2021. Outbreaks occuring post monsoon until pre summer (Oct – March), with peak in January. 

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) infection in crows through ingestion of infected crow carcasses
Experimental infection of House Crows with HPAI shows neurological signs. Infected carcasses were eaten by other crows = transmission confirmed

Detection of H5N1 High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Viruses in Four Raptors and Two Geese in Japan in the Fall of 2022
In 2022, HPAI arrived early in Japan, with outbreaks in geese and raptors. Genetically, viruses were similar to those found in Japan in 2021, but likely reintroduction from Asia/Siberia via early waterfowl migration

Distribution and risks of the infections of humans and other mammals with H5 subtype highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in 2020–2023
A small anaysis of mammalian cases of HPAI reported to WOAH. 285 outbreaks, most of which occured in Europe/Americas (sampling bias?). Sadly shows limitations of WOAH data as 20,000 dead S. american sealions not highlighted here

Highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) in marine mammals and seabirds in Peru
Comprehensive overview of HPAI in Peru, including overview of clinical signs. Genetic analysis confirms viruses are Eurasian-N.American reassortants, & Peru-Chile clade descend from single viral introduction ~ October 2022. PB2 D701N in sea lions.

The neuropathogenesis of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5Nx viruses in mammalian species including humans
Comprehensive review outlining neuropathogenic features in humans and mammals, due to neuroinvasive and neurotropic potential of HPAI, with viruses able to replicate in various CNS cell types.

Refined semi-lethal aerosol H5N1 influenza model in cynomolgus macaques for evaluation of medical countermeasures
Model for humans. 

Baloxavir marboxil use for critical human infection of avian influenza A H5N6 virus
When delayed oseltamivir showed poor effects on high respiratory viral load, baloxavir was prescribed and viral load had a rapid reduction

Asymptomatic infection with clade highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) in carnivore pets, Italy, April 2023
HPAI in 1 domestic dog and 5 cats living on a rural backyard poultry farm. Poultry infected with BB genotype that was characterised by the presence of a PB2 mutation related to mammalian adaptation

Virulence and transmission characteristics of clade H5N6 subtype avian influenza viruses possessing different internal gene constellations
Genome constellations have differential outcomes of HPAI. H5N6 in China, with two genome constellations: constellation w H9 PB2 & PB1 genes on H5 backbone better infect mice, mammalian cells but worse in avian cells, bird transmission.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza affects vultures’ movements and breeding output
Satellite tracked Griffon Vultures in Europe display inferred sickness behaviour via immobility during HPAI infection. Most chicks died but most adults recovered. Great to see integration of movement data to HPAI studies.

Recurring Trans-Atlantic Incursion of Clade H5N1 Viruses by Long Distance Migratory Birds from Northern Europe to Canada in 2022/2023
Evidence for yet another viral incursion into North America, likely via the Atlantic between Dec2022-Jan2023. Brings us to 3 incursion events into North America

Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of human infections with avian influenza A (H7N9) and A (H5N6) viruses in Guangdong province, 2013-2018
Summary of epidemiological and clinical characteristics of human infections with avian influenza H7N9 (n=259, CFR 38%)) and H5N6 (n=8, CFR 62%) viruses in Guangdong province, 2013-2018. (In Chinese, unsure how to access)

Surveillance of environmental avian influenza virus in Fujian province, 2017-2021
4214 samples collected from Fujian province (2017-2021). 2.5% H5, 1.16% H7, 23.16 H9. AIV prevalence highest n urban and rural live poultry markets – cage srufaces, cleaning poultry sewage and chopping boards (In Chinese, unsure how to access)

Epidemiological investigation of the first confirmed human case of avian influenza A(H5N6) virus infection in Beijing
Human infection of H5N6 – patient cooked frozen chicken from a market. Sample from patient bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and frozen poultry samples were highly similar. (In Chinese, unsure how to access)

Interpretation of molecular detection of avian influenza A virus in respiratory specimens collected from live bird market workers in Dhaka, Bangladesh: Infection or contamination?
In 1,273 influenza-like illness cases in Banglaesh, 34 (2.6%) had H5, 56 (4%) had H9 by qPCR. Of 192 asymptomatic workers, H5 was detected in 8 (4%). Of 28 ILI cases with H5 or H9 detected, no seroconversion. Infection or environmental contamination?

Advocating a watch-and-prepare approach with avian influenza
short note, with a strong focus on human infections and barriers to human infections. Key messages: (1) “H5 HPAIV remains unlikely to acquire the ability to infect and stably circulate among the human population” (2) “The impact of the current outbreak on livestock industries and wild animal populations is immense and demands intervention”

Will climate change amplify epidemics and give rise to pandemics?

Key amino acid position 272 in neuraminidase determines the replication and virulence of H5N6 avian influenza virus in mammals
Most human HPAI cases are due to H5N6. Since 2015, an increase in the NA-D272N mutation in wild birds, which is associated with increased replication and virulence in mice and induced higher levels of inflammatory cytokines in human cells.

Severe pigeon paramyxovirus 1 infection in a human case with probable post-COVID-19 condition
Not influenza, but probably of importance. Recent case of pigeon paramyxovirus (a genotype of avian paramyxovirus 1) in humans in China. The infected person had long COVID – so likely immunocompromised.

Chicken miR-26a-5p modulates MDA5 during highly pathogenic avian influenza virus infection
Downregulation in gga-miR-26a [chicken microRNA] in lung of chickens during HPAI infection. Findings suggest that this microRNA serves as an important regulator in the MDA5 signaling pathway and therefore in antiviral response

Immunogenicity and Cross-Protective Efficacy Induced by an Inactivated Recombinant Avian Influenza A/H5N1 (Clade Vaccine against Co-Circulating Influenza A/H5Nx Viruses
Multiple strains of HPAI circulating in Egypt and vaccine mismatch reported. Here, 3 reverse-genetics H5Nx vaccines generated. Superior immunogenicity and cross-protective efficacy of the rgH5N1_2.3.4.4 in comparison to rgH5N8_2.3.4.4 and rgH5N1_2.2.1.2

Emergence and Persistent Circulation of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus A(H5N8) in Kosovo, May 2021–May 2022
Three outbreaks of HPAI in Kosovo: May–June 2021, September–November 2021, and January–May 2022 with 32 backyard+10 commercial poutry houses affected = 179,198 poultry. H5N8 clade viruses implicated.

Praemonitus praemunitus: can we forecast and prepare for future viral disease outbreaks? 
“future viral epidemics are unavoidable, but that their societal impacts can be minimized by strategic investment into basic virology research, epidemiological studies of neglected viral diseases, and antiviral drug discovery”. Would add surveillance!

Emergence of a new genotype of clade H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza A viruses in Bangladesh
Novel clade H5N1 virus from ducks in free-range farms in Bangladesh. Similar to viruses first detected in October 2020 in The Netherlands but with a different PB2

Pilot of asymptomatic swabbing of humans following exposures to confirmed avian influenza A(H5) in avian species in England, 2021/2022
1617 human exposures to HPAI in England. Asymptomatic swabbing of humans revealed 1 detection. Human surveillance (at human: poultry interface) critical for ongoing HPAI monitoring!

Innate immune control of influenza virus interspecies adaptation
IFITM3 [host antiviral factor] deficiency in humans due to SNPs, with 20% of some human pops homozyg for deficient gene. IFITM3 facilitates zoonotic influenza infects & adaptation. IFITM3 deficiencies = vulnerability for emergence of new pandemic viruses

Exploring the responses of smallscale poultry keepers to avian influenza regulations and guidance in the United Kingdom, with recommendations for improved biosecurity messaging
Regulations only work if understood and accepted. Survey of small scale poultry keepers in UK in 2021/22. Need for guidance tailored to smallscale poultry keepers including clear action points w simple, practical, affordable and sustainable suggestions

Functional traits explain waterbirds’ host status, subtype richness, and community-level infection risk for avian influenza
The host range of HPAI has expanded dramatically, although many species likely just dead-end spill over hosts. New study shows the key role of functional traits in explaining HPAI infection risk: functional diversity can reduce infection risk

no access ☹

Infection and tissue distribution of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A type H5N1 (clade in Red Fox kits (Vulpes vulpes)
Fox kits infected with HPAI have severe neurological signs and brain (and lung) tissue lesions. Labelled showed infection was clustered and overlapped the brain lesions, neurons, and grey matter. V292I mutation in PB2.

Human infection with avian-origin H5N6 influenza a virus after exposure to slaughtered poultry
Human case of HPAI H5N6 virus in China after exposure to freshly slaughtered chicken (not live birds). Q226 & G228 mutation in HA – affect binding affinity of α-2,6-linked sialic acid receptor. No PB2 mutation. Viruses related to those in poultry market.

Clinical features of the first critical case of acute encephalitis caused by the avian influenza A (H5N6) virus
Acute encephalitis with mild pneumonia in a child in China caused by the H5N6 virus. HPAI found in patient’s serum, CSF, and tracheal aspirate specimens. Virus similar virus in human infection and in ducks in China.

Emergence of a new designated clade 16 with significant antigenic drift in hemagglutinin gene of H9N2 subtype avian influenza virus in eastern China
Major switches to antigenic properties in novel H9N2 lineage, potentially having ramifications for H9 vaccination in China. There is a history of vaccine effectiveness against H9 being persistently challenged with the evolution of new lineages.

Identification of catalytically active domain epitopes in neuraminidase protein of H9N2 subtype of avian influenza virus
Rather than focus on only the HA, the authors argue that the NA should also be considered in vaccine design for H9N2. Slower antigenic drift in NA compared to HA, and identified epitopes are highly conserved.

Evolution of prevalent H9N2 subtype of avian influenza virus during 2019 to 2022 for the development of a control strategy in China
Current circling H9N2 viruses in China have diversified into h9.4.2.5 subclade, which is genetically distant from commonly used commercial vaccine strains. Development of novel recombinant vaccine with new strain outperformed existing vaccine in trials.

Avian influenza A(H5N1) and the continuing outbreak
From the National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health (Canada)

Assessment of contaminants, health and survival of migratory shorebirds in natural versus artificial wetlands – The potential of wastewater treatment plants as alternative habitats
New paper by Marcel’s PhD student Toby, investigating pollutants and links to waste water treatment sites and disease burden in wild birds.

Scottish wild bird highly pathogenic avian influenza response plan
Compliments sections in the UK response plan and also provides sections on “HPAI in wild birds – research and monitoring” and Advice for Rehab organisations”

The plight and role of wild birds in the current bird flu panzootic
We outline the plight of wild birds in the HPAI panzootic, and our concerns around the severe discrepancy in reporting of mortality data.

‘One Health’ Genomic Surveillance of Avian and Human Influenza A Viruses Through Environmental Wastewater Monitoring
Wastewater has been useful for virus detection from humans. Water treatment plants are extremely important environments for birds, and so an intersting environmental sample type for detection of HPAI

Research Note: A Recombinant Duck-derived H6N2 Subtype Avian Influenza Virus can Replicate and Shed in Young Chickens and Cause Disease
H6 avian influenza causing high morbidity in poultry in China. In challenge, caused morbidity in chickens but not ducks. PB1 most similar to that of an H5N6 virus.

The first known human death after infection with the avian influenza (A/H3N8) virus: Guangdong Province, China, March 2023
Case report of human cause of H3N8 in an immunocompromised patient causing mortality in China. No mammalian adaptations. Testing of local market environment had evidence of H3 in cutting tools, feeding trough and sinks

Alteration of the chicken upper respiratory microbiota, following H9N2 avian influenza virus infection
AIV infection has ramifications for the microbiomes of birds. H9 lowers alpha diversity in the upper resp tract in chickens, with enrichment of Lactobacillis. Also, microbial community didn’t return to normal after infection.

Comparative analysis of PB2 residue 627E/K/V in H5 subtypes of avian influenza viruses isolated in birds and mammals
ahead of print, no details yet.

Diagnostic Detection of H7N3 Low Pathogenicity Avian Influenza in a Commercial Game Bird Flock
no access ?

The emergence of new antigen branches of H9N2 avian influenza virus in China due to antigenic drift on hemagglutinin through antibody escape at immunodominant sites
Detailed mapping of resides important for antigenic drift (away from vaccine strains) in china. Nice to see structural mapping in addition to sequence analysis.

Enhanced Thermostability and Provides Effective Immune Protection against Lethal H7N9 Virus Challenge in Chickens
Adding a T169A mutation to the HA of H7 increased therostability, and vaccinating chickens with this strain also increases cross reactivity and cytokine secretion. In challenge trials, 90% of chickens had no viral shedding.

Pathogenicity of H5N8 avian influenza virus in chickens and in duck breeds and the role of MX1 and IFN-α in infection outcome and transmission to contact birds
A duck is not a duck is not a duck. Differential disease outcomes when comparing Muscovy, Pekin and Mallard ducks infected with HPAI H5N8. No Mallards died, and had highest Mx and INF expression and highest shedding.

Host gene expression is associated with viral shedding magnitude in blue-winged teals (Spatula discors) infected with low-path avian influenza virus
Old paper that I had missed. Nice to see infection experience of species other than mallards for once. And they used RNASeq as well. Outcomes are prtty much as expected. Lots happening in the illum. Lots of the innate immne genes upregulated. 

Novel Reassortant Avian Influenza A(H5N6) Virus, China, 2021
Description of clade HPAI H5N6 in China. These viruses havestrong immune-escape capacity and complex genetic reassortment, suggesting further transmission risk

H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza clade in wild and domestic birds: Introductions into the United States and reassortments, December 2021–April 2022
Huge study of HPAI genetics in the USA. THREE!! distinct HPAI viruses (3 introductions?), local reassortment with LP viruses, and complex patterns of spatial diffusion

Prediction of highly pathogenic avian influenza vaccine efficacy in chickens by comparison of in vitro and in vivo data: A meta-analysis and systematic review
Huge evaluation of vaccines for HPAI. HI titers when using the challenge virus as antigen = good predictor of vaccine efficacy. HA1 relatedness has limitations when predicting efficacy for rHVT-vector and RP vaccines. Lots of good stuff

Influenza A Virus in Pigs in Senegal and Risk Assessment of Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) Emergence and Transmission to Human
In a survey of pigs in Senegal, avian influenza H5, H7, H9 antibodies found in pigs (although more typical H1 and H3 swine and human lineages found via virology).

Outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) clade virus in cats, Poland, June to July 2023
Detailed report on 25 of the Polish cats, interrogation of 19 full HPAI genomes. No clustering based on geography. To date, are the only sequences with dual PB2 526R/627K mutations for mammalian infection

Emergence and potential transmission route of avian influenza A (H5N1) virus in domestic cats in Poland, June 2023
A nice summary of the cluster of HPAI cases in Polish cats (at least 89!), including indoor cats. Genomes from all cats identical, including 2 PB2 mutations (PB2-E627K and PB2-K526R). HPAI detected in frozen chicken meat – infected via food.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus infection on multiple fur farms in the South and Central Ostrobothnia regions of Finland, July 2023
From 14-27 July, 20 fur farms affected by HPAI, Finland. (There are 500 in Finland). Animal in cages, with a roof, but no walls. Genome sequence similar to gulls and birds have access to the houses. PB2 mutations detected. Animals will be culled.

Characterization of the haemagglutinin properties of the H5N1 avian influenza virus that caused human infections in Cambodia
Detailed work on the HPAI viruses [] that infected people in Cambodia shows similar profiles to old strains with no evidence of improved binding to humans but improved acid and thermal stability. Virus poses limited zoonotic risk.

Waterfowl show spatiotemporal trends in influenza A H5 and H7 infections but limited taxonomic variation
Detailed interrogation of the drivers affecting prevalence of (low path) H5 and H7 in the US. H5 viruses in late autumn and H7 viruses in spring. Large differences in trends over all influenzas, but few differences for these subtypes.

Evolution and Reassortment of H6 Subtype Avian Influenza Viruses
Report of H6 viruses from poultry and wild birds in China, collected since 2001. Viruses common in ducks – reflecting results from elsewhere.

Continued Circulation of Highly Pathogenic H5 Influenza Viruses in Vietnamese Live Bird Markets in 2018–2021
Between 2018-2021 (prior to the start of the panzootic), and H5N6 dominated in live bird markets of Vietnam. In 2016-17, also present.

Evolution of Prevalent H9N2 Subtype of Avian Influenza Virus during 2019-2022 for the Development of a Control Strategy in China
H9N2 viruses in China diversified into h9.4.2.5, which was genetically distant from commonly used commercial vaccine strains. A new vaccine generated showed improved outcomes (due to a better match).

The Feather Epithelium Contributes to the Dissemination and Ecology of clade H5 High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Virus in Ducks
We know that you can detect AI on bird feathers, and this may play a role in transmission. In HPAI outbreaks, viruses exhibited persistent and marked feather epitheliotropism in infected commercial ducks = source of environmental infectious material.

Emergence of a novel reassortant H5N6 subtype highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in farmed dogs in China
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0163445323003869 HPAI H5N6 found in the spleen of a farmed dog in China.

Characterization of avian influenza A (H4N2) viruses isolated from wild birds in Shanghai during 2019-2021
H4 LPAI viruses are some of the most common in duck surveillance systems. Additional sequences from China, although H4N2 rather than H4N6. Most internal genes were LPAI, but the PB1 of one virus most similar to a HPAI H5N8 virus

Susceptibility of common dabbling and diving duck species to clade H5N1 high pathogenicity avian influenza virus: an experimental infection study
Observations from previous outbreaks have suggested that diving ducks are hard hit when infected with HPAI. Experimental infections (with confirm this, with higher titres and mortality in Tufted ducks compared to wigeons mallards and pintails.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Clade Virus in Wild Birds, Chile
Ahead of print, so can’t get to the pdf to read it yet.

Mortality in Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) Associated with Natural Infection with H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus (HPAIV) Subclade
No access ☹

Epidemiology and phylodynamics of multiple clades of H5N1 circulating in domestic duck farms in different production systems in Bangladesh
More data from Bangladesh, wherein there is co-circulating lineages of HPAI H5, as well as H9 and others. ducks from nomadic farms, juvenile, and sick ducks had a higher risk of AIV

Genetic and Biological Characterization of H3N2 Avian Influenza Viruses Isolated from Poultry Farms in China between 2019 and 2021
Large diversity of AIVs, but also isolated H3N2 in poultry in China. Since some of the H3N2 viruses replicated without preadaptation and caused body weight loss in mice (due to a PB2 E627K) Note. They also detected H14!!

Early-life prophylactic antibiotic treatment disturbs the stability of the gut microbiota and increases susceptibility to H9N2 AIV in chicks
Using antibiotic to promote poultry growth makes chicks more susceptible to H9N2! More studies linking the gut microbiome with influenza virus susceptibility!

Antiviral susceptibility of clade highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses isolated from birds and mammals in the United States, 2022
Sporadic drug resistance in HPAI viruses in the USA: three adamantane-resistant (M2-V27A), four oseltamivir-resistant (NA-H275Y), and one baloxavir-resistant (PA-I38T)

 The SUMO-interacting motif in NS2 promotes adaptation of avian influenza virus to mammals
HPAI is still an avian virus, and often requires adaptive mutations to allow for infection in mammals. In H9N2, they found that the NS2 protein can also help overcome mammalian restriction to the avian polymerase. Good explanation twitter thread here: https://twitter.com/ejustin46/status/1684198237547245569?s=20

Phylogenetic and Pathogenicity Comparison of Three H5N6 Avian Influenza Viruses in Chickens, Ducks and Mice
HPAI H5N6 causes numerous human cases in China. Comparison of 3 strains from birds shows Mutations with cross-species transmission and enhanced pathogenicity found. Differences in infection outcomes in chickens, ducks and mice

Connect to Protect: Dynamics and Genetic Connections of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Outbreaks in Poultry from 2016 to 2021 in Germany
Old one, but shows how poultry clusters are connected. Wild bird-mediated entries into backyard holdings, several clusters of poultry holdings, local virus circulation, farm-to-farm transmission and spill-over into the wild bird populations

Loss of amino acids 67-76 in the neuraminidase protein under antibody selection pressure alters the tropism, transmissibility and innate immune response of H9N2 avian influenza virus in chickens
Minor changes to the neuraminidase alters the tropism and host immune response against H9N2 in poultry. These changes have been identified in nature, and antibody selection plays role in evolution of H9N2

Highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus in a common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in Florida
Case report of HPAI in a bottle nosed dolphin in Florida. Neuronal necrosis, inflammation of the brain, highest viral load in brain. S246N neuraminidase substitution = reduced inhibition by the neuraminidase inhibitor oseltamivir

Quail Rearing Practices and Potential for Avian Influenza Virus Transmission, Bangladesh
Survey of people who have Quail, all respondents (67) reported keeping quail with other birds in cages, feeding quail, cleaning feeding pots, removing quail faeces, slaughtering sick quail, and discarding dead quail. Children played with quail and assisted in slaughtering of quail. Most respondents (94%) reported rinsing hands with water only after slaughtering and disposing of wastes and dead quail. No personal protective equipment was used during any activities.

Impact of palmiped farm density on the resilience of the poultry sector to highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 in France
Palmiped = web footed
Decreasing density of ducks/geese in the areas of highest density substantially decreases Ro in HPAI outbreaks. Much higher benefit compared to reducing chicken densities. Great study from France.

Investigation of risk factors for introduction of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus onto table egg farms in the United States, 2022: a case-control study
Final version not yet available.

Safety and Immunogenicity of a Delayed Heterologous Avian Influenza A(H7N9) Vaccine Boost Following Different Priming Regimens: A Randomized Clinical Trial
In a randomised controlled study, humans that received an H7N9 vaccine with an adjuvant, and a prime and boost regime had the best serological response.

Art of the Kill: Designing and Testing Viral Inactivation Procedures for Highly Pathogenic Negative Sense RNA Viruses
Chemical inactivation works well. Heat does so, when done properly. Some SOPs provided also.

Avian Influenza: A Potential Threat to Human Health
book chapter

Mink farming poses risks for future viral pandemics
Great summary from @PeacockFlu and Wendy Barclay on risk of minks (and other fur farmed species) play in viral pandemics, including HPAI. And see this great Twitter thread by Tom Peacock: https://twitter.com/PeacockFlu/status/1682696057744916480?s=20

Evaluation of the Effect of Pb Pollution on Avian Influenza Virus-Specific Antibody Production in Black-Headed Gulls (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)
Increased blood lead (Pb) levels in Black-headed gulls associated with a significant decrease in avian influenza antibody titre. Wonder if its a factor in the current black-headed gull HPAI outbreaks?

Annual trading patterns and risk factors of avian influenza A/H5 and A/H9 virus circulation in turkey birds (Meleagris gallopavo) at live bird markets in Dhaka city, Bangladesh
H5 and H9 found in turkeys in Bangladesh. Turkeys traded ~180km. AIV increases in retail vendor business and the bird’s health status is sick or dead. Seasonality also at play.

Subtype specific virus enrichement with immunomagnetic separation method followed by NGS unravels the mixture of H5 and H9 avian influenza virus
Sequencing samples co-infected with avian influenza is challenging (which segment belongs to which virus?). Here, an immunomagnetic separation method is proposed, prior to NGS sequencing.

Cross-species infection potential of avian influenza H13 viruses isolated from wild aquatic birds to poultry and mammals
H13 is host restricted to gulls with few detections in other avian taxa. Infection experiments show they can replicate in chicken (but not quail or turkey) and mammalian cells lines. Serology screening showed 4.6-10% antibody positive in farm animals!


A Dutch highly pathogenic H5N6 avian influenza virus showed remarkable tropism for extra-respiratory organs and caused severe disease but was not transmissible via air in the ferret model
Also, the mammalian mutation D701N was positively selected for.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus clade in domestic ducks, Indonesia, 2022
HPAI was detected in Indonesia in April 2022 for the first time (other lineages do circulate in Indonesia). In a clade of viruses in Asia, including China and Japan in 2021/2022. Results important for understanding risk to Australia

Comparative Investigation of Coincident Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Underlying Avian Influenza Viruses in Chickens and Ducks
co SNPS on AIV-related differentially expressed genes and effects that occur in both the duck and chicken genomes help reveal shared immune pathways in these species

Relationship between some H5 commercial vaccines and the highly pathogenic H5N8 avian influenza virus that is recently circulating in Egypt
I cant figure out how to access the article yet as its ahead of print, so I will just flag this as something that is likely to be interesting to read once its out.

Development and Validation of Competitive ELISA for Detection of H5 Hemagglutinin Antibodies
Development of cELISA that detects H5 antibodies (including HPAI and LPAI H5) in wild bird and poultry.

Cross-species transmission and PB2 mammalian adaptations of highly pathogenic avian influenza A/H5N1 viruses in Chile
23 avian and 3 mammal orders were tested for HPAI in Chile, with sequences now from 77 birds and 8 mammals. Sequences cluster monophyletically with viruses from Peru = single introduction from NAmerica. 3 scenarios for spread of mammalian mutation D701N

The synergistic effect of residues 32T and 550L in the PA protein of H5 subtype avian influenza virus contributes to viral pathogenicity in mice
H5 subtype AIV PA protein strongly suppresses host antiviral defense in mammals, specifically 2 mutations inhibit the IFN-mediated immune response.

Animal Markets and Zoonotic Disease in the United States
A report commissioned to understand the zoonotic risk from mass produced animals.

Summary of Influenza Risk Assessment Tool (IRAT) Results (4 July 2023)
CDC has updated the risk assessment of HPAI, taking into consideration the viruses from the mink farm outbreak. The newer virus from the minks scored higher than the earlier duck virus on 6 of the 10 risk elements, which included antiviral treatment options, disease severity and pathogenesis, genomic analysis, human infections, infections in animals, and transmission in animal models.

Genetic characteristics of waterfowl-origin H5N6 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses and their pathogenesis in ducks and chickens
Since 2013 HPAI found in ducks in China. Experimental infections show ducks survive, and some have mild clinical infections but chickens have severe disease

Biological features of human influenza A(H3N8) viruses in China
More work on those human H3N8 viruses. Human H3N8 exhibited dual receptor binding profiles (avian H3N8 viruses bound to only avian type). All H3N8 viruses were sensitive to the antiviral drug oseltamivir

Investigating the Genetic Diversity of H5 Avian Influenza Viruses in the United Kingdom from 2020–2022
Virus genomic data from the UK eloquently demonstrate the shift to H5N1 at the end of 2021 from H5Nx the previous year. Large diveresity of reassortants.

Continuous surveillance of potentially zoonotic avian pathogens detects contemporaneous occurrence of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIV H5) and flaviviruses (USUV, WNV) in several wild and captive birds
Literature review to reveal overlap in host range for orthomyxos (HPAI) and flavis (West Nile, Usutu) in Europe to better understand role of wild birds in maintenance of zoonotic viruses.

Estimated mortality of the highly pathogenic avian influenza pandemic on northern gannets (Morus bassanus) in southwest Ireland
Given limits in collection of wild bird mortality data during HPAI, authors attempted to estimate mortality of Northern Gannets in SW Ireland: the estimated minimum local population mortality was 3126 birds.

Vogelgriep panzoötie leidt tot massastrandingen van Jan-van-genten Morus bassanus in Nederland, april-oktober 2022 [In Dutch]
Summary of HPAI leading to mass strandings of wild birds in the Netherlands (April – Oct 2022) [In Dutch].

A Comparison of Host Responses to Infection with Wild-Type Avian Influenza Viruses in Chickens and Tufted Ducks
Differences in immune responses of tufted ducks and chicken to LPAI from Mallards – reveals immune responses in the event of cross species transmission events.

Detection of intercontinental reassortant H6 avian influenza viruses from wild birds in South Korea, 2015 and 2017
Studies of LPAI have been key to helping us how viruses cross geographic boundaries (Antlantic/Pacific Ocean). Recent study finds H6 viruses with combination of genes from America (NP, NS) and Eurasia. Phenomenon usually limited to gulls and HPAI

The Evolution of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5) in Poultry in Nigeria, 2021–2022
467 outbreaks of HPAI in Nigeria from 2021-22, in backyard, semi intensive and intensive operations with mix of chickens and ducks. Two HA clades -Nigerian/European H5N1/N2 & Nigerian/Europe/Asian H5N8. Novel genome constellation in H5N2 fro H5N1+H9N2

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Clade Virus in Domestic Cat, France, 2022
Case report of HPAI in a domestic cat in France. Cat lived with family next to duck farm, on which HPAI was confirmed and 8375 ducks culled. Neurologic and respiratory (dyspnea) symptoms in cat. Genetically same virus as ducks.

BTN3A3 evasion promotes the zoonotic potential of influenza A viruses
Despite plenty of exposure, why are there so few human cases of HPAI? New study shows importance of a human gene BTN3A3 as an inhibitor of avian influenza, but not human influenza. Lots of great threads on this article, including this one: https://twitter.com/SpyrosLytras/status/1674339262894948353?s=20

Flu hits breeding rate of UK’s largest bird of prey

Healthy adults possess cross-reactive neuraminidase inhibition antibodies to an A(H5N1) clade avian influenza virus A/Black Faced Spoonbill/Hong Kong/AFCD-HKU-22-21429-01012/2022
Cross reactive NA antibodies against HPAI found in 63 humans in Hong Kong, but no cross reactive HA antibodies. These NA antibodies likely from exposure to human H1N1. Partial protection from season influenza against avian influenza?

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1) in Humans after the emergence of clade in 2020
List of H5N1 cases. Doesn’t delineate bona fide infection from those “Environmental carriers”.

Influenza A in Shorebirds in the Tropical Landscape of Guatemala
Only 1 seropositive shorebirds, not qPCR positive shorebirds – LPAI

The UK joint Human Animal Infections and Risk Surveillance (HAIRS) group have published a risk assessment
Assessment of the risk of infection in the UK
General UK population: Very Low
The probability of infection would be considered Low for those exposed to infected live or dead non-avian wildlife.
The impact on the general UK population would be considered Very Low, while it would be considered Low for high risk groups (for example individuals with occupational exposure to infected wildlife and/or immunocompromised or paediatric cases).
Level of confidence in assessment of risk

Newly emerged genotypes of highly pathogenic H5N8 avian influenza viruses in Kagoshima prefecture, Japan during winter 2020/21
Study from Japan addresses HPAI H5N8 in 2020/21, prior to the dominance of H5N1. Detection of G1 in the winter, and G2 only in late winter, suggestion more than one introduction. Lots of evidence for reassortment with locally circulating LPAI.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1) Clade Introduced by Wild Birds, China, 2021
HPAI viruses isolated in China 2021, belonged to G07 (originated E. Asia), and G10(originated Russia) lineage. Viruses were moderately pathogenic in mice but were highly lethal in ducks. Fall in the same antigenic cluster as H5 vaccine used in China.

Genetic Characterization and Pathogenesis of H5N1 High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Virus Isolated in South Korea during 2021–2022
HPAI caused 47 outbreaks in poultry farms, S. Korea 2021-22, phylogenetically similar to viruses in Europe. When inoculated chickens showed virulent pathogenicity & high mortality. In ducks no mortality, high transmission rates & long viral shedding

Low Susceptibility of Pigs against Experimental Infection with HPAI Virus H5N1 Clade
Despite the assertion that pigs are “mixing vessels”, and that historically avian lineages circulate in pigs, they arent very susceptible to HPAI. After experimental innoc, only 1 pig seroconverted.

The importance of rapid and robust availability of epidemiological data for real-time mapping of the risk of avian influenza a (H5N1) spread
Data accessibility and sharing critical in our response to HPAI. Here a collation of HPAI data from various sources, and easily machine readable. Less comprehensive than WAHIS, but data easier to access (and likely, analyze).

Validation of an RNAscope assay for the detection of avian influenza A virus
New approach to detecting avian influenza from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues: RNAScope. Substantially higher sensitivity of detection within positive tissues, but challenging to differential nucleus vs cytoplasmic positives.

Mammalian infections with highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses renew concerns of pandemic potential
Mammalian infections with HPAI renews concerns of pandemic potential. Infection of mammals increases the opportunity for the virus to acquire mutations that enhance efficient infection, replication, and spread in mammals

Diverse infectivity, transmissibility, and pathobiology of clade H5Nx highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in chickens
Comparative pathology of seven HPAI lineages in chickens. Clade viruses showed 100% mortality, but no transmission to co-housed chickens. All the infected chickens died showing systemic infection, irrespective of subgroup.

 The first case of human infection with H5N1 avian influenza a virus in Chile
More information about the human HPAI case in Chile. > patient’s residence is located one block from the seashore where seabirds infected with H5N1 viruses had previously been detected. Sequence similar to wild bird viruses in Chile.

Evaluating Effects of AIV Infection Status on Ducks Using a Flow Cytometry-Based Differential Blood Count
Despite work on immune systems of chickens, our understanding of the immune response of ducks is poor. A new flow cytometry-based duck WBC differential for quantification of mallard immune cells including B cells, CD4+ T cells, CD8+ cytotoxic T cells

Genetic characterization of a new candidate hemagglutinin subtype of influenza A viruses
A new HA sutbype found in birds, related to H9, but only ~60% similar.

Multiple infections with H5N8 subtype high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses in a feral mallard
Case report of a duck in Asia co-infected with two different genome constellations of HPAI. Of course not surprising, this is a key requirement for reassortment to occur.

Seroconversion of a Swine Herd in a Free-Range Rural Multi-Species Farm against HPAI H5N1 Clade Virus
Majority of pigs tested, which were in contact with infected birds, were serologically positive for the hemagglutination inhibition test and microneutralization assay.

Efficient and Informative Laboratory Testing for Rapid Confirmation of H5N1 (Clade High-Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Outbreaks in the United Kingdom
APHA have published a new qPCR based assay for confirmation of HPAI.

The Molecular Epidemiology of Clade H5N1 High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza in Southern Africa, 2021–2022
Great summary of HPAI in Southern Africa since 2021. clade H5N1 first found in ZA poultry in April 2021. 7 constellations in initial outbreaks, but by 2022 only 2 remained. 83% poultry outbreaks linked to wild birds

Ecogeographic Drivers of the Spatial Spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Outbreaks in Europe and the United States, 2016–Early 2022
Once introduced North America, HPAI spread more rapidly (compared to within Europe). Geographic proximity is a key predictor of virus spread = long distance transport rare. An increase in temperature was predictive of reduced spread.

Rapid evolution of A(H5N1) influenza viruses after intercontinental spread to North America
Shows the different phenotypic properties of the many HPAI reassortants in North America. Lots of work in ferrets here.

The first meeting of the Standing Group of Experts on HPAI for Europe
> Conclusions and recommendations (draft)
5. Members’ Veterinary Authorities and WOAH Reference Laboratories for avian influenza exchange information related to the development, testing and use of vaccines against HPAI and modelling activities that inform collective assessment of possible vaccination strategies and policy contributing to ensure that proper vaccination is implemented avoiding use of unreliable vaccines or wrong vaccination strategies ensuring also that surveillance in vaccinated populations is robust and capable of detecting infection with wild-type viruses.
6. Members encourage research institutions and vaccine manufacturers to invest and collaborate on research and development of effective and safe HPAI vaccines adapted to different species of poultry in accordance with the standards in the Terrestrial Manual;

US will vaccinate birds against avian flu for first time — what researchers think
Vaccination has been approved for California Condors, comprising the first approval for HPAI vaccines in the US. It took 20 years to help the species recover, the 21 dead birds found has been highly concerning. First trials occurring in Black Vultures.

Avian influenza overview March – April 2023
update from EFSA: 106 domestic and 613 wild bird outbreaks across 24 countries. On going outbreaks in Black-headed Gulls

High number of HPAI H5 Virus Infections and Antibodies in Wild Carnivores in the Netherlands, 2020-2022
Testing of 500 dead mammals in the Netherlands: virological evidence for HPAI infection in 0.8% (2020), 1.4%(2021), 9.9% (2022). highest prevalence in foxes, polecats and stone martens. 20% seropositive. PB2 mutations found in viral genomes.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza causes mass mortality in Sandwich tern (Thalasseus sandvicensis) breeding colonies across northwestern Europe
Sandwich Terns in Europe absolutely devastated by HPAI last year, with most colonies affected. “20,531 adult Sandwich terns were found dead, which is >17% of the total northwestern European breeding population. Inside the colonies almost all chicks died”

Multiple introductions of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 clade into South America
More evidence of at least 4 incursions into South America.

Novel Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Clade Virus in Wild Birds, South Korea
Additional diversity in genome constellations found in wild birds in South Korea in 2022, with some evidence of similarity to the “G10” constellation [reassortant of HPAI and PB2 LPAI) found in China in 2022/23

Extensive Diversity and Evolution of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5) in Poultry in Nigeria, 2021-2022
Between 2021-22, 467 outbreaks of HPAI detected in Nigeria. Widespread distribution of the H5Nx clade and similarity with the HPAI H5Nx viruses detected in Europe since late 2020. Detection of reassortant with H9N2.

Novel Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1) Clade Reassortants in Migratory Birds, China
HPAI viruses from swans in China in 2021 fall into clade, and have unique genome constellations. Spread analysis suggests internal segments originally from Africa, via Europe to China.

Spatio-temporal analysis of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza HPAI (H5N1) in poultry in Menofia governorate, Egypt
Tracking of HPAI in Egypt from 2006-2017 demonstrates 6 waves through poultry. Includes clade, Rural districts and villages key hotspots. Challenging to get data due to lack of notification, effects of vaccination, compensation issues.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N8 Outbreak in Backyard Chickens in Serbia
Outbreak report of HPAI H5N8 in 2016, and recently H5N1 in Serbia in 2021/22. Following outbreaks, strict control measures were implemented on farms and backyard holdings to prevent the occurrence and spread of the disease.

Surveillance of avian influenzas viruses from 2014 to 2018 in South Korea
Study on LPAI in Korea between 2014-2018. Apparently not HPAI detected at all.

An amplicon-based nanopore sequencing workflow for rapid tracking of avian 2 influenza outbreaks, France, 2020-2022
Real time, field based protocol for rapid HPAI sequencing in the field. Probably very useful for us to have in the back pocket.

Culture-Independent Workflow for Nanopore MinION-Based Sequencing of Influenza A Virus
Real time, field based protocol for rapid HPAI sequencing in the field. Looks like it can work for more than just H5N1 though.

A real-time colorimetric reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal 2 amplification (RT-LAMP) assay for the rapid detection of highly pathogenic H5 3 clade avian influenza viruses
Rapid detection of HPAI with LAMP. “specific detection of HPAIV H5Nx clade within 30 minutes with a sensitivity of 86.11%” .

Avian influenza, new aspects of an old threat
“To tackle the threat of avian influenza, a One Health approach is needed through rapid sharing of information about outbreaks, provision of sequence data and reference viruses, and close collaboration between the different sectors locally and globally.”

Epidemiology and molecular characterization of avian influenza A viruses H5N1 and H3N8 subtypes in poultry farms and live bird markets in Bangladesh
Avian influenza prevalence in LBMs in Bangladesh comprising 40.20% – 52.38% in chicken, 46.96% in waterfowl, 31.1% in turkey. H5 comprised the highest prevalence: clade (circulating since 2015). H3N8 viruses similar to those in China.

Epidemiological Distribution of respiratory viral pathogens in marketable vaccinated broiler chickens in six governorates in the Nile Delta, Egypt, January to October 2022
In 2022, 293/359 poultry flocks tested positive for respiratory viruses in Egypt. NDV found to be the most common, followed by IBV, H9 and H5. Lots of co-infections.

High proportion of H3 avian influenza virus circulating in chickens-an increasing threat to public health
Reanalysis of H3N8 show human and poultry cases in China form a monophyletic clade. Surveillance data for the past three years: H3 widely distributed in many provinces of China, with prevalence of ~60% in chickens, 31% in ducks, 7% in pigeons.

Synchrony of Bird Migration with Avian Influenza Global Spread; 2 Implications for Vulnerable Bird Orders
Seasonal bird migration can explain salient features of the global dispersal of – differing vulnerable bird orders at geographical origins and destinations of HPAIV H5 lineage movements – role of Suliformes and Ciconiformes

Mixed selling of different poultry species facilitates emergence of public-health-threating avian influenza viruses
“mixed poultry selling at retail live poultry markets has increased the genetic diversity of AIVs, which might facilitate the emergence of novel viruses that threaten public health”

Antigenic mapping of the hemagglutinin of the H9 subtype influenza A viruses using sera 2 from Japanese quail (Coturnix c. japonica).
Vaccination against H9 is widely employed in the MiddleEast/Asia. New antigenic maps have now been produced, with important implications for understanding antigenic drift and improving vaccine development and use.

The bat-borne influenza A virus H9N2 exhibits a set of unexpected pre-pandemic features
H9N2 influenza A virus in Egyptian bat exhibits high replication and transmission potential in ferrets, efficient infection of human lung cultures and escape from the antiviral activity of MxA. = criteria for pre-pandemic virus.

High pathogenicity avian influenza (H5N1) in Northern Gannets: Global spread, clinical signs, and demographic consequences
In 2022, unusually high mortality was detected in 75% of Northern Gannet colonies, globally, with HPAI confirmed in 58% of cases. Decreased adult survival and breeding success. Some birds survived – with black irises.

Remote Sensing and Ecological Variables Related to Influenza a Prevalence and Subtype Diversity in Wild Birds in the Lluta Wetland of Northern Chile
AIV prevalence is dictacted by numerous factors. New study from Chile show diversity of LPAI in the Lluta River wetland, and that prevalence correspond to Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, abundance of migratory birds

Circulation of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 clade in highly diverse wild bird species from Peru
More HPAI data from Peru. Viral isolates and sequences from pelicans, gulls, cormorants, penguins, and an array of raptors. Viruses similar to those from Chile.

Development of a nucleoside-modified mRNA vaccine against clade H5 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
Development of an mRNA vaccine against HPAI, although targetted towards mammals, with the vaccine immunogenic in mice and ferrets and prevents morbidity and mortality of ferrets following challenge.

Wild birds’ plight and role in the current bird flu panzootic

Influenza A viruses in gulls in landfills and freshwater habitats in Minnesota, United States
Nice study on H13, including AIV work and tracking and migration stuff.

HPAIV outbreak triggers long-distance movements in breeding Northern gannets — implications for disease spread

Environmental Samples Test Negative for Avian Influenza Virus H5N1 Four Months after Mass Mortality at A Seabird Colony
At Foula, Shetland, 1500 breeding adult great skuas Stercorarius skua, totalling about two tonnes of decomposing virus-laden material, died at the colony in May−July 2022… No viral genetic material was detected four months after the mortality, suggesting a low risk of seabird infection from the local environment when the seabirds would return the next breeding season
This is in contrast to studies of LPAI that found infectious virus for almost a year!
For example: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7542776/

Viruses: How avian influenza viruses spill over to mammals
Lovely summary of the recent canine influenza paper, relevant in demonstrating that avian viruses may emerge and adapt to mammals.

Detection and Genomic Characterization of an Avian Influenza Virus Subtype H5N1 (Clade Strain Isolated from a Pelican in Peru
Short note about the sequencing of a single viral isolate using nanopore.

Comprehensive analysis of the key amino acid substitutions in the polymerase and NP of avian influenza virus that enhance polymerase activity and affect adaptation to mammalian hosts
More efforts to map mutations required for avian influenza viruses to infect mammals, focussing on genetic screens of internal segments and experiments with H7. Mutations other than PB2 E627K at play.

Highly Pathogenic H5 Influenza Viruses Isolated between 2016 and 2017 in Vietnamese Live Bird Markets
# 2344f. 2344g and 2321c

Potential Effects of Habitat Change on Migratory Bird Movements and Avian Influenza Transmission in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway
Modelling and telemetry shows that minor changes in land-use in China may have large ramifications for stopover sites, and thus HPAI risk.

Seroconversion of a Swine Herd in a Free-Range Rural Multi-Species Farm against HPAI H5N1 Clade Virus
Pigs reared on same property as infected birds showed extensive seroconversion to 61% positive using HI and of 9 tested using MN, all positive?. Raises questions about whether all pigs exposed to infected birds/dust/particles or transmission?

Transmission of lethal H5N1 clade avian influenza in ferrets
Here we show that multiple naturally circulating H5N1 viruses can replicate in primary human airway epithelial cells and cause lethal disease in multiple mammalian species. One isolate, A/Red Tailed Hawk/ON/FAV-0473-4/2022, efficiently transmitted by direct contact between ferrets, resulting in lethal outcomes…. uncharacterized, genetic signatures may be important determinants of mammalian adaptation and pathogenicity of these viruses

Replication of Novel Zoonotic-Like Influenza A(H3N8) Virus in Ex Vivo Human Bronchus and Lung
Virus has affinity for both α-2,3 and α-2,6, but inefficient replication in human bronchial tissues and has limited efficiency for human-to-human transmission

Risk for Infection in Humans after Exposure to Birds Infected with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus, United States, 2022
Of 4,000 persons exposed to HPAI H5N1–infected birds, only 1 has ever had qPCR confirmed case. This person was unlikely actually infected, but rather was a case of putative environmental contamination.

Identification of a duck H9N2 influenza virus possessing tri-basic hemagglutinin cleavage sites genetically close to the human H9N2 isolates in China, 2022
Detection of an H9N2 virus in ducks in China, linked to ongoing human cases, and with a tribasic PSRSRR/GLF motif and shows a preference for binding to α-2,6 human-like receptors

Spatio-temporal dynamics and drivers of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 in Chile
Since 7 Dec 2022, Chile has reported 197 HPAI outbreaks, with 478 individual cases in birds, and 14 statistically significant clusters including a poultry production centre, and Tocopilla (human case here). Wave-like spread from north to south.

Phylogenetic analysis reveals that the H5N1 avian influenza A outbreak in poultry in Ecuador in November 2022 is associated to the highly pathogenic clade
In Nov 2022, HPAI was first detected in Ecuador. By Feb 2023 1.1 million poultry were culled. Virus similar to those from Peru and Chile and closely related to sequences from Venezuelan pelicans.

Interventions to Reduce Risk for Pathogen Spillover and Early Disease Spread to Prevent Outbreaks, Epidemics, and Pandemics

PAHO seeks to strengthen regional avian influenza surveillance and response [16 Mar 2023] PAHO = The Pan American Health Organization

HPAI in Great Britain: evaluation and future actions | Gov.uk 30 March 2023
“The HPAIG [Scientific Advisory Group in highly pathogenic avian influenza] was tasked with addressing four key issues with regards to the current epidemic of HPAI in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales)
– the host range of the current virus and their potential roles
– the possibility of interventions to reduce impact on wild birds
– the potential to supplement current approaches to control with vaccination
– the potential to model the expected future trajectory of the outbreak

Evolution of Avian Influenza Virus (H3) with Spillover into Humans, China

Human Infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus in Chile
## this is an addendum to a technical report: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/spotlights/2022-2023/h5n1-technical-report.htm

NatureScot Scientific Advisory Committee Sub-Group on Avian Influenza Report on the H5N1 outbreak in wild birds 2020-2023

Bayesian phylodynamics reveals the transmission dynamics of avian influenza A(H7N9) virus at the human–live bird market interface in China

Efficacy of multivalent recombinant herpesvirus of turkey vaccines against high pathogenicity avian influenza, infectious bursal disease, and Newcastle disease viruses

Emergence and rapid dissemination of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 clade in wild birds, Chile

Mass mortality among colony-breeding seabirds in the German Wadden Sea in 2022 due to distinct genotypes of HPAIV H5N1 clade

Targeted genomic sequencing of avian influenza viruses in wetlands sediment from wild bird habitats

The pathogenesis of a 2022 North American highly pathogenic clade H5N1 avian influenza virus in mallards (Anas platyrhynchos)

Using integrated wildlife monitoring to prevent future pandemics through one health approach

41% of Pelicans in Peru now dead due to HPAI

Prevalence, evolution, replication and transmission of H3N8 avian influenza viruses isolated from migratory birds in eastern China from 2017 to 2021
## highly relevant given the recent human case of avian H3

H9N2 avian influenza virus dispersal along Bangladeshi poultry trading networks

Human influenza A virus H1N1 in marine mammals in California, 2019

Gradual adaptation of animal influenza A viruses to human-type sialic acid receptors

The role of airborne particles in the epidemiology of clade H5N1 high pathogenicity avian influenza virus in commercial poultry production units

Avian influenza H5N1 in a great white pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus), Mauritania 2022

Welcome on EURL Avian Flu Data Portal

The changing dynamics of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1: Next steps for management & science in North America

Active wild bird surveillance of avian influenza viruses, a report
It outlines active surveillance designs, movement informed site selections, integration and analyses of ornithological data, practicalities of field sampling, virus informed epidemiology, climate and bird migration data etc. Obviously from a European lens, but Im sure there are still lots of good lessons tucked in here.

H7N9 influenza A virus transmission in a multispecies barnyard model

Protective efficacy of a bivalent H5 influenza vaccine candidate against both clades and high pathogenic avian influenza viruses in SPF chickens

How human ecology landscapes shape the circulation of H5N1 avian influenza: A case study in Indonesia

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI A H5N1) outbreak in Spain: its mitigation through the One Health approach – a short communication

A protective measles virus-derived vaccine inducing long-lasting immune responses against influenza A virus H7N9

Statistical Analysis of the Performance of Local Veterinary Laboratories in Molecular Detection (rRT-PCR) of Avian Influenza Virus via National Proficiency Testing Performed during 2020–2022

Letter to the editor: Highly pathogenic influenza A(H5N1) viruses in farmed mink outbreak contain a disrupted second sialic acid binding site in neuraminidase, similar to human influenza A viruses
This is a response to the original mink paper.. there appears to be some discussion happening about what all the mutations they found mean.

Characterization of an H7N9 Influenza Virus Isolated from Camels in Inner Mongolia, China

Whole-genome sequence and genesis of an avian influenza virus H5N1 isolated from a healthy chicken in a live bird market in Indonesia: accumulation of mammalian adaptation markers in avian hosts

Influenza A(H5N1) detection in two asymptomatic poultry farm workers in Spain, September to October 2022: suspected environmental contamination

Letter to the Editor: Knowledge gap in assessing the risk of a human pandemic via mammals’ infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1)

Characterization of neurotropic HPAI H5N1 viruses with novel genome constellations and mammalian adaptive mutations in free-living mesocarnivores in Canada

Infection of wild rats with H5N6 subtype highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in China

First case of human infection with highly pathogenic H5 avian influenza a virus in South America: a new zoonotic pandemic threat for 2023?

Being ready for the next influenza pandemic?

Virological and Genetic Characterization of the Unusual Avian Influenza H14Nx Viruses in the Northern Asia
The H14 story continues, with detections in Russian waterfowl.
Reasons for low prevalence? Perhaps waterfowl detections are only spillovers from other bird groups, not included in AIV surveillance?

Evolution of highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza A virus in the central nervous system of ferrets
Given most mammals infected with HPAI are showing neurological signs, this study is timely in showing that HPAI can enter the CNS of mammals and undergo positive selection while there

Infection of wild rats with H5N6 subtype highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in China
via metagenomics HPAI H5N6 found in rats in China. Rats may have been exposed from local poultry market. SNPs for mammalian infection detected.
Bona fide infection, or detection of HPAI in diet following eating infected poultry scraps?

First case of human infection with highly pathogenic H5 avian Influenza A virus in South America: A new zoonotic pandemic threat for 2023?
More details now available pertaining to human case of HPAI in Ecuador in Dec 2022. Girl was in contact with sick and dead backyard poultry. Unfortunately no genome sequences generated and there was limited surveillance in humans or birds at the time

Characterization of neurotropic HPAI H5N1 viruses with novel genome constellations and mammalian adaptive mutations in free-living mesocarnivores in Canada
Summary of mammalian cases of HPAI in Canada.
-Mammals were infected with wholly Eurasian viruses, but also EU-NA reassorted viruses.
-17% had PB2 mutation, other mammalian adapted mutations also found.
-Some Red Foxes survived infection.

Whole-genome sequence and genesis of an avian influenza virus H5N1 isolated from a healthy chicken in a live bird market in Indonesia: accumulation of mammalian adaptation markers in avian hosts
Great to see some HPAI genomes from Indonesia, albeit lineage, and not the same as Reassortment between, and H3 virus, and an H5N1 Indonesian endemic virus

Characterization of an H7N9 Influenza Virus Isolated from Camels in Inner Mongolia, China
New report of H7N9 avian influenza in camels. Other than humans (2013-2017), H7N9 has never caused mammalian infections (that we know of). The virus had mammalian adaptations (e.g. PB2 mutation), higher SA-α2 binding and mammalian cell replication.

Comparative Analysis of Different Inbred Chicken Lines Highlights How a Hereditary Inflammatory State Affects Susceptibility to Avian Influenza Virus
Chickens in industrial poultry farming are highly inbred.
Different chicken lines, respond differently to avian influenza infection. Useful to understand immunity. Also, we should better consider infection resistance in selecting/breeding chicken lines.

Pathology of natural infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (H5N1) clade in wild terrestrial mammals in the United States in 2022
Great summary outlining pathological findings of 62 dead mammals infected with HPAI.
“Infected mammals primarily exhibited neurological signs. Necrotizing meningoencephalitis, interstitial pneumonia, and myocardial necrosis were the most common lesions”

Highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) virus infections in wild carnivores connected to mass mortalities of pheasants in Finland
Great study linking mammalian cases of HPAI in Finland to an outbreak in farmed and released pheasants.
“avian influenza cases in mammals were spatially and temporally connected with avian mass mortalities”

Highly pathogenic avian influenza in wild birds in the United Kingdom in 2022: impacts, planning for future outbreaks, and conservation and research priorities.
Report on virtual workshops held in November 2022
Great resource from the BTO on impacts, planning for future outbreaks, and conservation and research priorities in regards to HPAI

Bird flu can jump to mammals – should we worry?

Avian influenza spread and seabird movements between colonies
How does avian influenza spread within and between seabird colonies? Seabird movements such as dispersal, prospecting, foraging and migration in addition to direct contact certainly at play

Descriptive Epidemiology of and Response to the High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza (H5N8) Epidemic in South African Coastal Seabirds, 2018
Unlike the Northern Hem which experienced large scale outbreaks of HPAI in seabirds in 2022 for the first time, S. African seabirds have experienced re-occuring outbreaks for many years now. Many lessons we can learn from their experiences.

Influenza A(H5N1) detection in two asymptomatic poultry farm workers in Spain, September to October 2022: suspected environmental contamination
The scale of HPAI outbreaks is huge.
This figure demonstrates the number of outbreaks in Spain alone, including wild birds, poultry, mink, and most recently 2 putative human cases (although the latter may be environmental contamination…)

Blue-Winged Teals in Guatemala and Their Potential Role in the Ecology of H14 Subtype Influenza a Viruses
The cool story of H14 (a relatively rare influenza subtype) in teals of Guatemala continues.
The high level of H14 in Guatemala may be due to epizootic events from a single introduction, followed by local clonal expansion followed by maintenance

Dynamic Evolution of Avian RNA Virus Sensors: Repeated Loss of RIG-I and RIPLET
RIG-I is part of the first line of defense against avian influenza infection, and while present in ducks is missing in chickens. A screen of the avian tree of life indicates absence in other avian families too (penguins, shearwaters)

Pathology of naturally acquired high pathogenicity avian influenza virus H5N1 infection in seabirds
Pathology studies of HPAI in seabirds. “Across the birds, epitheliotropism was evident… This was, in contrast, not observed in the 2021 summer mortality event in great skuas and may be significant for the disease epidemiology observed in 2022”

Waterfowl recently infected with low pathogenic avian influenza exhibit reduced local movement and delayed migration
Revisiting the cost of infection of low path influenza – affect of infection on migration.
Telemetry of 165 individuals of 4 species of duck. Antibody pos NOPI = 12 days stopovers. PCR pos Canvasback delayed migration 28 days.

Wild Bird Densities and Landscape Variables Predict Spatial Patterns in HPAI Outbreak Risk across The Netherlands
What predicts when and where HPAI outbreaks will occur?
Wild bird densities and landscape variables (which generally correlate with higher bird densities such as rivers) are key.

Experimental and natural infections of white-tailed sea eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) with high pathogenicity avian influenza virus of H5 subtype
In addition to reservoirs (like ducks), raptors are also suffering wide-spread mortality due to HPAI (likely from eating infected ducks). This study further shows the capacity for transmission between raptors of

Zoonotic Mutation of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Virus Identified in the Brain of Multiple Wild Carnivore Species
Zoonotic mutation PB2-E627K of HPAI H5N1 identified in the brain of multiple wild carnivore species: fox, polecat, otter, and badger

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Virus Infections in Wild Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) Show Neurotropism and Adaptive Virus Mutations
Continued concern about mammalian adaption in HPAI (given ? mammalian cases and Spanish mink). An interrogation of viruses found in foxes in the NL – presence of E627K PB2 mutation. Genomic surveillance of HPAI in mammals continues to be very important

First Mass Mortality of Marine Mammals Caused by Highly Pathogenic Influenza Virus (H5N1) in South America
Lots of HPAI activity in S America, with >50,000 wild birds dead, a human case, and now a mass mortality event in sea lions (634 animals)
Extremely concerning, demonstrates the potential scale of outbreaks that may occur if this virus enters Australia

Clade H5N1 high pathogenicity avian influenza virus (HPAIV) from the 2021/22 epizootic is highly duck adapted and poorly adapted to chickens
Lots of questions abt why we have seen explode in birds since 2021.
This study argues that virus is highly duck adapted (?transmission & environ contamin) and poorly chicken adapted. Evidence to the idea that wild birds are now a reservoir.

Statement on avian influenza and mammals
The World Organisation for Animal Health have released a statement on avian influenza.
In short: surveillance, prevention, control, protection, monitoring, reporting and SHARING genetic sequence (hopefully in a timely manner).

No evidence for HPAI H5N1 incursion into Australia in 2022
The highest risk period for HPAI incursion into Australia is when the migratory birds arrive in the spring. Here
we report the results of our surveillance of migratory birds from Sept-Dec 2022. No HPAI detected.

An Evaluation of Avian Influenza Virus Whole Genome Sequencing Approaches Using Nanopore Technology
Great to see further development of Nanopore sequencing for HPAI.
Unlike SARS-CoV-2, influenza is segmented, so a slightly different approach is warranted.

Consequences and global risks of highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks in poultry in the United Kingdom
Consequences of HPAI infection in the UK
– higher risk of human infections
– 4.6 million birds culled 1 Oct – 13 Jan 2023
– egg shortage + ? egg $
– end of free range?

Detection and Phylogenetic Analysis of Highly Pathogenic A/H5N1 Avian Influenza Clade Virus in Chile, 2022
Increased viral prevalence of avian influenza in Chile corresponded with the arrival of migratory birds at the end of 2022, and HPAI was detected in seabirds: Pelicans, gulls, terns and skimmers. Genomes similar to poultry & wild bird viruses in S. Am.

Homo- and Heterosubtypic Immunity to Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Mitigates the Clinical Outcome of Infection with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N8 Clade in Captive Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos)
Why do some ducks have asymptomatic infections with HPAI H5? Pre-exposure to LPAI H5!
“The mallards pre-exposed to LPAIV H5N1 .. were asymptomatic and showed a significant reduction of viral RNA shedding, .. no disease.. antigen not detected in organs”

Bidirectional Movement of Emerging H5N8 Avian Influenza Viruses Between Europe and Asia via Migratory Birds Since Early 2020
Lovely analysis demonstrating bidirectional movement of HPAI H5N8 avian influenza viruses between Europe and Asia. Specifically that temporal estimates from virology data match bird migration timing

Avian influenza leads to mass mortality of adult Great Skuas in Foula in summer 2022
Summary of mass mortality event of Great Skuas on Foula in summer 2022 due to avian influenza.
“a decline in the order of magnitude of 60–70% in occupied territories is more likely”

Migratory patterns of two major influenza virus host species on tropical islands
Interrogating how avian influenza is maintained and transmitted between Indian ocean islands. Also reinforces the role of Noddies as hosts for AIV.
Combines bird tracking data and influenza data.

Avian flu threatens Neotropical birds
– HPAIv killed more than 22,000 wild birds in just 4 weeks in 2022 in Peru
– December 2022, the virus had been found in birds in Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, and Chile

In Vitro and In Vivo Characterization of H5N8 High-Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Virus Neurotropism in Ducks and Chickens
Why are there differences in disease between chickens and ducks infected with HPAI?
Ducks better control replication in their lungs, so limited respiratory signs & eventual neurological signs. Chickens succumbed to initial resp infections.

Strong host phylogenetic and ecological effects on host competency for avian influenza in Australian wild birds
Our latest study showing the role of host phylogeny (and ecological effects as previously shown) on host competency for avian influenza is finally out
Culmination of MANY years of sampling to reveal avian influenza dynamics in Australia

Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus outbreak among Cape cormorants (Phalacrocorax capensis) in Namibia, 2022
In January 2022, more than 6500 Cape cormorants died due to HPAI on Bird Island, Walvis Bay. Phylogenetics indicate clade, and highly similar to H5N1 in chickens in Lesotho in May 2021 and poultry and wild birds in Botswana in June 2021

Detection of Clade Avian Influenza A(H5N8) Virus in Cambodia, 2021
Avian influenza H5 viruses have been routinely detected in Cambodia for a number of years, particularly since 2014. Here was first detected in late 2021.

Emergence of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A Virus (H5N1) of Clade in Egypt, 2021–2022
Overview of avian influenza H5N1 in Egypt. Overall, the Egyptian strains shared genetic traits, markers associated with mammalian adaption, and virulence traits similar to those found in HPAI H5N1 strains detected in Europe and Africa

Bald eagle mortality and nest failure due to clade highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza a virus
Avian influenza having considerable effects on wild birds beyond waterfowl.
“infection manifested beyond the scale of individual eagles, and directly affected population recruitment dynamics through elevated rates of reproductive failures.”

Pathogenicity of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 subtype for herring gulls (Larus argentatus): impact of homo- and heterosubtypic immunity on the outcome of infection
Gulls are highly susceptible to HPAI, although birds with previous exposure to LPAI H5 fared considerably better than naive birds. Birds previously exposed to H13 (gull specific influenza) faired almost as well as those pre-exposed to LPAI H5

Iceland as Stepping Stone for Spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus between Europe and North America
Another paper interrogating the introduction of HPAI from Europe into N.America – this one with data from Iceland.

Rapid evolution of A(H5N1) influenza viruses after intercontinental spread to North America
Different genotypes of H5N1 isolated in North America are phenotypically diverse, with many causing severe disease with dramatic neurologic involvement, in mammals. Reassortment following introduction to N. Am a key driver of genetic change.

Great Skuas and Northern Gannets on Foula, summer 2022 – an unprecedented, H5N1 related massacre
1501 Great Skuas found dead on Foula (Scotland). This outbreak likely has pop & species level effects with <10% of the population of Scotland affected. This is following substantial outbreaks in 2021 in this species.

Mass Mortality Caused by Highly Pathogenic Influenza A(H5N1) Virus in Sandwich Terns, the Netherlands, 2022
A summary of the tern outbreaks in the Netherlands out today.
“…out of a total of 18,151 breeding pairs, 8,001 adult Sandwich terns were found dead, and only a few chicks fledged”
Phylogenetic analysis demonstrates two different sublineages of

The impact of avian influenza 2022 on Dalmatian pelicans was the worst ever wildlife disaster in Greece
Probably one of the most poignant paper titles. 2286 pelicans died in Greece due to HPAI, comprising 40% of the SE European pop, and 10% of the global pop.

Calls grow for global avian flu jabs
with some good quotes from Les Simms and David Swayne at the @WOAH_Global in Paris, out in Vet Record

H6N8 avian influenza virus in Antarctic seabirds demonstrates connectivity between South America and Antarctica
Very cool study interrogating an H6N8 avian influenza virus found in penguins and skuas in Antarctica, and through phylogeny, demonstrating viral introduction most likely from South America

Global dissemination of influenza A virus is driven by wild bird migration through arctic and subarctic zones
Detailed study of influenza movement with wild birds, particularly revisiting the recent introduction into North America via the Atlantic shows the importance of bird migration via the arctic and subarctic.

Shift in HPAI infection dynamics causes significant losses in seabird populations across Great Britain
Shift in HPAI infection dynamics causes significant losses in seabird populations, here with data from Great Britain. 1454 positive wild birds across 61 species (Although numbers of infected birds expected to be much higher in reality)

Most avian influenza news is coming out of Europe and North America, but it’s a global problem. Emergence of a Reassortant Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus Containing H9N2 PA Gene in Burkina Faso, West Africa, in 2021
New paper from Burkina Faso, with H5N1 viruses detected in clade, closely related to HPAI H5N1 viruses identified in Nigeria and Niger, and H9N2

Long-Term Protective Effect of Serial Infections with H5N8 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus in Wild Ducks
What is the impact of repeated waves of HPAI H5 on wild bird populations? Experimental infections show protective immunity of 2014 H5N8 virus in ducks when later exposed to 2016 H5N6. May explain how virus is maintained in wild bird populations

Has Epizootic Become Enzootic? Evidence for a Fundamental Change in the Infection Dynamics of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Europe, 2021
Huge question: Has Epizootic HPAI H5 Become Enzootic? Importantly, it is likely that we now have continuous circulation in wild birds (genetic drift of circulating viruses) and novel introductions in N Europe. Implications for both prevent and control.

Host diversity and behavior determine patterns of interspecies transmission and geographic diffusion of avian influenza A subtypes among North American wild reservoir species
A more host specific analysis was recently done in another recent paper, showing lots of transitions within avian orders, but fewer transitions between them. And that transition influenced by breeding habitat range overlap, and not host genetic distance

Maintenance and dissemination of avian-origin influenza A virus within the northern Atlantic Flyway of North America
How are avian influenza viruses maintained in multi-species wild bird populations? Complex patterns of virus dissemination between different host groups across many flyways are implicated. Important for surveillance to go beyond Anas ducks.

Disentangling the role of poultry farms and wild birds in the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in Europe
Key question in HPAI is the role of wild birds vs poultry. In 2016, HPAI was likely introduced to farms from wild birds, but in many countries epidemic was dominated by farm-to-farm transmission. Key data for prevention, mitigation and control in future

Avian Influenza NS1 Proteins Inhibit Human, but Not Duck, RIG-I Ubiquitination and Interferon Signaling
How does influenza by-pass the host immune response? Here, NS1 from both LPAI and HPAI was shown to inhibit human RIG-I but not duck RIG-I. Differences by NS1 may contribute to the unique disease resistance by avian influenza characteristic of mallards

Avian influenza antibody prevalence increases with mercury contamination in wild waterfowl
What modulates the susceptibility of birds to avian influenza infection? Heavy metals, like mercury, play play a key role and explain why we see prevalence differences in closely related species

Influenza A(H11N2) Virus Detection in Fecal Samples from Adélie (Pygoscelis adeliae) and Chinstrap (Pygoscelis antarcticus) Penguins, Penguin Island, Antarctica
H11N2 avian influenza viruses have been found again in the Antarctic Peninsula area. Repeat detections over a few years tell us these viruses are endemic. Of interest is that there has been no reassortment with other influenza viruses between years.

Evolutionary features of a prolific subtype of avian influenza A virus in European waterfowl
We wanted to understand what features of influenza allow it to reinfect a population of Mallards year after year.
Lineage replacement and reassortment are key features

A threat from both sides: Multiple introductions of genetically distinct H5 HPAI viruses into Canada via both East Asia-Australasia/Pacific and Atlantic flyways
In more #HPAI news, it looks like H5N1 entered North America more than once in 2022. The Atlantic Route being described in Caliendo et al, but recent analysis shows that a secondary incursion also occurred, perhaps over the pacific.

Want to understand how #HPAI is being transmitted? Key paper shows the role of wild bird vs farm-farm transmission in Europe 2016-17
Disentangling the Role of Poultry Farms and Wild Birds in the Spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus in Europe

Highly pathogenic avian influenza is an emerging disease threat to wild birds in North America
For wild birds, lineage H5Nx has been devastating, with thousands dying in mortality events. For example, in early 2021, approximately 10% of Barnacle Geese that breed in Svalbard died due to this disease